
Digital Conversion System

Felix Hammer was an average college student here on earth, but one day, while walking home, he got into an accident because of a drunk driver. Before he knew it, he got reincarnated into a cultivation world in the body of a mortal. Luckily, his phone before he died fused with him, turning into a Digital conversion system that will allow him to convert everything he owns. Will the knowledge of average modern man alongside the system suffice to beat the treacherous and greedy cultivators surrounding him?

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10 Chs


Edward Rad is the assigned leader to preside over the researchers of the Rad family, their main task is to find where did the mysterious level 9 mana gathering realm cultivator go.

Last night, while he was still aslept on the fiery inn after a sensual night, the sent servants of the higher ups of the Rad family told him the said incident of the guard, and ordered him to lead the researchers with plethora of objectives.

Edward immediately met with the researchers and walked towards the said incident.

After a short walk, they immediately arrived at the alley.

"Sir Edward, the guard said that he didn't hear any footsteps while he was begging, they just disappeared." His right hand man whispered to his right ear.

Edward raised his eyebrows and further strengthened his belief that it's definitely a level 9 mana gathering realm cultivator.

Also, they found out that there are no traces of explosives or any high end weapon used.

Edward didn't respond, and just looked at the found fist mark from afar and then touched and patted all the three walls, testing their hardness.

Edward then turned his gaze at the researchers and then said, "Move away!"

The researchers immediately moved away in panic.

Edward is a level 5 mana gathering realm cultivator, a rare talent of the Rad Family.

They kind of already know what Edward wanted to do.

They retreated on the the sides and saw Edward retreating 5 meters away from the wall and suddenly flickered towards the wall.

For their eyes, Edward teleported, but the truth is Edward just sprinted very fast.


A loud explosion sounded.


Many onlookers screamed.

Before they can look on what had already occured, their ears already started ringing.

After the explosive sound, they opened their eyes and saw that Edward managed to make a small hole that can fit a human head.

"As expected of master!" The right hand man of Edward screamed, eyes twinkling, which encouraged the other onlookers to also cheer for him.

Edward didn't care for their cheers, and looked towards the hole he had just made.

He compared it with the hole that the said level 9 mana gathering realm expert made, and shook his head.

Not even close!

The hole of the first hole is approximately three meters in diameter, the second is two meters, and the third is one meter.

If he can't even make a hole half as big as it, then it's not even close.

According to the guard, he only heard the loud explosive sound once, and immediately ran towards it to investigate.

That means that the said expert only punched it once!

With that information, he ordered the researchers to look for the said expert, while going towards the Rad Family discussion hall.

One of the objectives given to him by the higher ups is to invite the level 9 mana gathering cultivator.

If he can hook in such a powerful expert for his family, he will be greatly rewarded!

It's very likely that he will be promoted to an even higher rank in the family!

Felix and Ron had already left the roof of the building because Ron was already hungry, which was expected because they didn't eat for a day. But Felix didn't feel a single sign of hunger, he just thought that it's one of the effect of breaking through 9 levels in a single night.

That's right! In a single night, they continuously heard popping sounds near Felix's chest, and was also testified by the system's notification.

His strength is incomparable from last night as a level 5!

They are heading towards the Dale forest found at the back of the Fal and Rad family. Since they have no bronze coins at the moment to buy street foods, they plan to hunt beast on the forest to earn coins.

Felix and Ron are walking towards the forest on the large road that seperates the Rad and Fal family.

Felix is sighing while looking at the streets, he can see that the life in the Relyc city is difficult, he can see a few beggars just like him, asking the food stalls for food or coins.

The way people live here is very different from Earth. Instead of using electricity, they use mana orbs to power their homes. These orbs are bought from cultivators that expel mana from their body and quickly enclosing it in a spherical container. The higher the quality of the mana, the longer it will last.

Most people only buy mana orbs from level 3 mana gathering cultivators. With their mana used for mana orbs, they can power an average sized house for a year.

While they are walking, they noticed a lot of mobs gathering and talking about something.

With Felix's enchanced hearing from having a high cultivation, he can easily hear what they're talking about.

According to what he gathered, the Rad family officialy declared that the rumors about a level 9 mana gathering realm cultivator appearing in their city is true.

With this knowledge, he just sneered. He knows what a level 9 mana gathering cultivator is capable of, he had read bunch of books back then, books that exaggeratedly explained the capabilities of family masters.

Based on what he read, none of them can exert the power he showed last night as level 5 cultivator of mana gathering realm.

Even if those textbooks are already exaggerated to further praise their family masters, they still can't surpass his strength last night.

Now that he is an actual level 9 mana gathering realm, who has the power in the city to beat him?

Even if all 8 of their experts shows up, he can easily beat them.

Actually, he can just beat the two of the experts of the Rad family now and gain power, but he decided against it.

He wanted to build a good reputation in the country of Pollux first, but he will definitely take a revenge against the Rad family.

After 3 hours of slow running while carrying the sleeping Ron on his back, they arrived at the entrance/ exit of the Relyc city.

Although it took 3 hours, if Felix wanted, he can just run for 5 minutes, but he is carrying Ron and he will also gather unnecessary attention.

He can see a lot of people going in and out through a long queue, while exactly 300 guards with bows in their hands are overseeing the entrance, most are situated on top of the city walls, while some guards are situated at the road near the entrance.

All four corners of the city has an entrance/ exit similar to this, because the city is divided by an intersection of a large road at the center of the city that extends all the way to the four entrances. Due to this, the four families are also divided.

After seeing the line for the entrance, they immediately stood at the line, waiting for their turn to exit the city.

Fortunately, they got out of the city without any obstructions.

After exiting, the road still continues all the way towards the Dale forest.

Dale forest is an extremely large forest, so far no one in the city had fully traveled there, therefore, its size was unknown.

After getting close enough to the forest by running, they can see hundreds of tents there.

In Relyc city, most food are exported from the Dale forest, since it's very abundant. The only problem is that it's heavily taxed.

Some carts are also travelling while carrying plethora of fruits and animals, some carts are being pushed by humans, but most of the carts are being pulled by different variations of domesticated animals.

There are giant dogs and cats, their paws are the size of a human head.

Felix and Ron are not surprised, they always see one in the city.

They entered the forest after a while. After walking for a while and deviating from other Dale forest gatherers and hunters, Felix sprinted very fast, travelling for about 100 meters per second!

Although it is not even half his max speed, it's still very fast for Ron, and he just doesn't want him to fall from his back.

"So fast!" Ron screamed because he almost lost his grip! Almost fainting from the speed!

Because of this, Felix slightly slowed down, enough for Ron to regain his grip.

Not long after he detected with his sense of smell a pack of wolves attacking a giant wild pig 5 kilometers away.

Felix turned his head in the detected location and stealthily ran towards it.

Not long after, he saw 20 wolves attacking the giant wild pig that is slightly bigger than a battle tank in his previous life.

Ron then shook his head and said, "Brother, let's just leave them, they are just hunting for food."

But Felix is unfazed and replied with, "But we need to do it."

The meat of those wolves are very delicious, it was one of his favorite food when he was still in the Rad family.

Even their pelt is expensive, the pelt of an adult wolf can be sold up to 50 silver coins.

Twently adult wolves means up to 10 gold coins!

In Pollux country, 1 silver coin is 100 bronze coins, while 1 gold coin is 100 silver coins.

With 10 gold coins, a family of 5 can live extravagantly for years!

As for the giant wild pig, its tusks are 5 gold coins each!

Felix slowly walked towards the battlefield after hiding Ron on top of a tree branch.

The pack of wolves immediately smelled him and growled at him, trying to prevent him from moving any further.

Felix didn't care and just continued walking.

Three of wolves that are attacking the rear of the wild pig got angry and directly pounced at him, temporarily giving the wild pig more chance at fighting the wolves.

Felix saw those wolves moving in slow motion and shook his head.

'Too slow!' Felix thought.

He 'walked' towards the three wolves that are still on the air and performed a trephination on the first wolf using his finger.

Felix continued to do this for the second and third wolves and returned to his initial position.

'Did I properly do what anime characters do?' Felix thought, but forgot that he doesn't have a sword.

Thud Thud Thud

Ron just saw that the wolves just immediately fell down without his brother doing anything, while a hole just formed on their skull.

'So cool!' Ron thought, praising his brother.

The 17 wolves didn't care for the human at first, but after seeing it taking down their 3 members, they immediately got angry and attacked Felix simultaneously in all direction!

This gave enough time for the wounded giant wild pig to escape.

One of the wolves is the largest, about three times as big as the other wolves, and also about five times faster than the rest.

Felix knew that it was the alpha.

Although it was so fast for Ron that he can only see the after image of the alpha, Felix can still see the motion of the alpha wolf easily.

Felix sighed and just waited for the alpha to get near him.

As the wolf get closer towards Felix, it opened its mouth wide, intending to swallow Felix's head in a single bite.

Felix just raised his two arms and burst opened the alpha's mouth in its stead, 180 degrees!

Reverse bear trap!

It immediately made a cracking sound.


After falling to the ground violently while its mouth was opened 180 degrees, Felix and Ron saw it writhe in pain, it can't even close its mouth back!

The other wolves got scared after seeing their alpha fell down easily, but they are wolves, they are not going to give up pretty easily.

All the remaining wolves howled at Felix, and with their intelligence, they planned to take down Felix in one fell swoop!

They all lunged at the same time towards Felix, with their mouths wide open! Similar to their alpha's final attack.

'Very intelligent. It seems like they did it out of respect on their alpha.' Felix thought while looking at their nasty mouth and their sharp canine fangs.

Felix then didn't want to do any tyrannical action anymore and just slapped all of them to death, including the writhing alpha, ending it's suffering.

Pak! Pak! Pak!..

A series of slaps rang in the forest!


Ron thought, bewildered by his brother's action.