
Digital Contract

This is a world where the digital world and the human world are intertwined, and this is also a world where the human contract Digimon is. When a person reaches the age of 16, he can communicate with the digital world, awaken the digital soul, and sign a contract with a Digimon to become a beast trainer. He Zheng, reborn sixteen years ago, at the moment of awakening the digital soul, the system appeared... (I only translated and edited.) Author: 不闹不吵 Link for raw: https://wap.faloo.com/new_1015477.html I hope you enjoy it. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from this. All copyright goes to their original owners.

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75 Chs

Chapter 64: Spirit Monkeys Infecting Beasts

"Is this right here!" He Zheng frowned as he looked at the steel guardrail that had been smashed by such a thing with brute force.

"What should we do next?" Long Yingxue looked at her father and asked.

"You don't need to do anything, just follow me with the four of you!" Long Yue said with a smile.

"Okay!" He Zheng and the others nodded and responded.

Long Yue immediately took out some things from his backpack, then threw them directly on the ground, walking while throwing them, and soon both sides of the nearby highway were covered with this black powdery object.

"This is..." He Zheng was a little curious.

"This is animal trapping powder, which is usually the best tool to print out hidden infected beasts!" Ma Ling said.

"So that's it, that's really a good thing!" He Zheng's eyes lit up, and he also understood Long Yue's plan.

"Cut, bumpkin!" Long Yingxue on the side also murmured to herself.

After throwing away the things, Long Yue walked over quickly, and then took He Zheng and the others a little away from this place.

The four of them just hid behind a telegraph pole, waiting quietly.

"Hee hee! Hee hee!" Suddenly, not long after, a playful sound suddenly sounded.

Then, in the sight of everyone, a vigorous figure suddenly jumped out from under the expressway and landed on the ground. Immediately, it looked around, and when it noticed the black powder on both sides, it seemed to be Thinking of something, he immediately chose to leave quickly, but at this time, it was already too late.

"Kabuterimon, million shock waves!" Long Yue shouted directly.

Then, in the thick dark clouds above the expressway, a purple-blue electromagnetic gun also fell directly.

The speed was extremely fast, and it directly hit the infected beast on the highway at this time.

"Quack!" After being hit by the million shock waves, the infected beast lay limp on the ground, unable to move.

The next moment, the kabuterimon in the sky swooped down quickly, and then directly stepped on the infected beast with its own feet, without giving the opponent a chance to escape.

Seeing that the infected beast was subdued, Long Yue walked out with He Zheng and the others.

"Good job! Kabuterimon!" Walking to the side of the Kabuterimon, Long Yue praised the kabuterimon, and then looked at the infected beast who couldn't move at all under the kabuterimon. , after taking a closer look, Long Yue also smiled, and said, "What kind of guy am I talking about? It turns out to be a monkey-infected beast!"

"Spirit monkey infected beast!" He Zheng squinted his eyes behind Long Yue, and also took a look at the appearance of the infected beast that was stepped on by Long Yue's kabuterimon at this time. For a large-scale monkey, only half of its body is in a state of data, but it is a real entity, full of weirdness.

However, He Zheng naturally cared more about Long Yue's kabuterimon than this spirit monkey infection beast.

Kabuterimon is an insect-type mature Digimon that belongs to the vaccine species, and it is a Digimon that He Zheng has not yet been able to touch.

"The energy level of this spirit monkey infection beast is only 1500 points, no wonder it can only use such insidious tricks!" At this time, Long Yue took out another machine from his backpack and scanned the spirit monkey infection beast. After a while, the number '1479' popped up on it, obviously representing the energy level of this spirit monkey infection beast.

"What is this prop?" He Zheng asked.

"It's an energy level detector. When you graduate from high school, the school should give you one, but if you want it now, you need to buy it yourself. The energy level detectors on the market are not too expensive. They cost thousands of dollars. You can buy one similar to mine!" Hearing He Zheng's question, Long Yue replied with a smile.

"It's like this!" He Zheng nodded, feeling confident.

It seems that I really need to find some time to buy an energy level detector like this.

"Let's get rid of it! Kabuterimon!" Long Yue said to the Kabuterimon in front of him after collecting the information about the monkey-infected beast.

"Okay!" The kabuterimon responded, and then the strength on its feet gradually increased.

"Quack!!" Under the feet of the kabuterimon, the monkey-infected beast let out an extremely shrill scream.

Regarding this, Long Yingxue, Jiang Ying, and Ma Ling all lowered their heads subconsciously. Only He Zheng looked straight at the screaming monkey-infected beast, and there was no other emotion in his eyes at all.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the exaggerated strength of the Kabuterimon directly crushed the Spirit Monkey Infested Beast.

At the same time, the dead spirit monkey infection beast also turned into grains of data scattered in the air.

"Absorb it! Kabuterimon!" Long Yue said.

The kabuterimon nodded, didn't speak, and silently absorbed the data scattered around it quickly into its body, and then it seemed to squint its eyes very comfortably.