
Chapter 3 New recruit!

4 months passed and the baby stage I that didn't evolved are now evolving, my group has grown stronger 'not much' but a progress nonetheless because baby stage II which i think is still weak considering this world and its dangers

After they evolved we grouped up and celebrated by just playing and eating (They ate either plants here and there or small bugs that was in the tree's or mud's) my groups zurumon's evolved to Pagumon and my dokimon's evolved to bibimon, pagumons are beast type which meanss smell power! And coordination TSEK! Bibimon is a lightning based attacker which means destruction type? And maybe a flying type? because of storm or something like that Hopefully...

Flying type is a must in this world that is full of danger!! I ask the other baby stage II if we could stay here for an indefinite time and they said we can't even if we want too, if we don't move out of here by the other 6 months we will be transported to other places which i considered scary

Because we might get transported to a war of some sort and be the only baby stage in the place SCARY I TELL YOU, after I talked to other leaders I thanked them and be on my way to my groups place which by the way a little bit far than the others… we were shunned!! But we didn't care... OKAY.. maybe a little

I discussed with the others (my members) what we were about to do and decided that we will train until we digivolve to child stage which i could do now but i suppressed it to train some more

The reason for that is to think some more ways to attack that i could use and be prepared for any unfavorable situation and besides i feel that its easier if i train in this stage than to train in my child stage… even though I don't know what that feels

3 months passed and the same old training routine same old day routine, we were about to go to our training place just at the back of the giant tree

"Same old day same old training huh pagumon?"


"Hey pagu"

"Yeah boss?"

"I'm not seeing things right?"

"What about boss?"

"A group of digimon is going to this place, where the scary yarmon resides"

"HAHAHAHA that's still funny boss, even now! haha but You are not seeing things boss"

"hey you shouldn't laugh at me! Anyway this guys are weird huh"

"Sure is… sure is boss"

"Call Pagu and the bibimons"

"On it boss"

The group of digimon was standing/ staring right in front of me and I was just waiting what they were about to say but it was already 2 minutes of just looking at them! And not any freaking response!

"Okay okay lets just stop with the looking okay? What do you want?"

"Uhm we.. want to join you" the popomon requested to me

"We we want to join you in your training too!" The other popomon shouted

"Because we only have uhm 3 months and and we are still in baby stage!" another popomon said

"Oookay? What about the other groups? They are training also right?"

"They do, but it isn't really training because they play at the same time"

"We also do that though"

"But yours is.. yours is different! We don't know what's different but they are different from yours!"

"Boss the others are here now"

"Yo boss tsi tsi what's the call for? Tsi tsi tsi"

"Sup boss! What the talk about?"

"Hm hm" the other agreed

"They want us to train them"

"But the other groups are training aren't they?"

"They said that ours feel different"

"Huh wonder bout that"

"So?? Would you accept them boss"

"I don't really know but sure they could train with us"

"Bu bu but we want to join your group"

"Hmm, well ill think about it after 2 months"


The group that joined me was 3 baby stage I popomon's that were probably part of the late digimons that hatch, we trained their basics such as attacks and their stamina everyday, the few weeks was a bit rough on them but after a month they got the hang of it which was really amazing anyway, My baby stage II group was considered bigger than the other groups which they considered scary but we didn't really care since we don't have the time to worry about it, We shrugged it after the fiasco

Now 2 months passed and we accepted the Popomons! They were our little troopers and mostly because they were so cute, hahaha you can say anything but i don't care! anyway we played, ate and planned since we only have a month on this place

We started to gather stuff that we could use on our adventure, such as wood that are slightly bigger that will be something to the future and rocks that we don't know what will function when we are out of here