
Different Shots

About a boy who found him self suspected to be a serial killer and then became a knight in other world?? The story is mystery with some comedy and drama and fantasy but without magic yup The story does not contain any inappropriate content so don't worry and give a small look~ "Do you think you live in a pink world where everything is colorful and bright?" "Do you think humans are dreamy nice beings?" ... The beginning of my cold day as usual, where I woke up to the sound of my alarm, i adjusted to my distress, opened my eyes curiously, and started staring at the ceiling of my pale gray room playing with my black hair strands in laziness thinking. "Why do I live with creatures like these?" "The world may be bright, but it is the humans who have made it very bright." "I hate this world I belong to." "Even though I'm one of them, but on the contrary, I'm not as hypocritical as they are." "I hate them all."

Hana_Tamer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 1

<p>Pink cherry blossoms fell on my head on my way to high school .. The warm sunlight foreshadows the coming of spring ... It is the beginning of any high school student, but the situation is different for me.<br/> I see myself as a special person as I am, and unlike all human beings, I do not believe in the existence of "feelings." It is not just deep words that I utter until I make myself a distinctive or beloved character - even though I am in reality - but rather the abstract truth.<br/> "What are the feelings?"<br/> A question that I always think about, as my view of people is somewhat different.<br/> "There are two kinds of people, a type that I hate, and a type that I don't hate, but I don't like him either."<br/> Whoever harasses me takes what he deserves, and is classified within the first group, and he who does not do it within the second.<br/> "It's simple, and complicated at the same time as me."<br/> Eight 8:00<br/> I arrived at the school building, and entered my class and sat on the first seat opposite the board, since my gaze was not very strong .. I put my bag, and came to me a group of girls looking at me with passion, one of them said, and she was with black hair tied behind her head, and hazel eyes She stared at me in curiosity: Welcome! My name is Megumi Rei, and these are my friends Sora, the short brown-haired, and the black-haired Azusa, the curly hair ... What about you, what's your name?<br/> I put a calm smile on my face and then said: Yo ... Kishimota Yu.<br/> Megumi, a big smile gripped her face: I hope it will be a good year for us together, and that we all become friends ... you know, I was sometimes subjected to ... harassment in middle school ... and then she put her finger near her mouth, And she said: I hope we will adapt together!<br/> Well ... but we will certainly need time.<br/> I smiled, and said interrupted.<br/> Then i looked at her eyes, making her stutter, and apologizing for the charges of leaving.<br/> Well, I made no mistake in urging her to leave, she is lying after all. She was trying to convey to me the idea that she was being bullied indirectly to get close to her or something like that, but it was clear that she was lying ... First of all, it is not normal. If a person does not hint about something like this to another person he does not know, then bullying is a stressful psychological experience .. Secondly, they put her hand close to her mouth, a well-known sign that the perpetrator is lying and doing it involuntarily.<br/> "Should i teach her a little lesson?"<br/> I smiled, then took a small camera from my bag, took a picture of her, and then ..<br/> "She stumbles and falls embarrassingly in the middle of the classroom."<br/> I wrote this phrase on the picture with a pen, and as I expected, what I wrote happened.<br/> Am I wrong? .. Of course, not.. one who makes a mistake is punished. We are all equal in this world, so why not make someone who lies to ... hypocrisy with me ... despises me, ignores me, bullying me, belittles me and all these!<br/> "Hurt"<br/> I felt someone put his hand on my shoulder, and said with a salute: Hey Yo! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you ?!<br/> I said in astonishment: Kir ?! What are you doing here? Were you not in America with your father?<br/> Painfully Care: Yes, but unfortunately my father died in the last year so I wanted to go back, and it took more than I thought.<br/> I said with regret: My deepest condolences to you, my friend, but with whom you are staying now, are you well alone or do you live with someone?<br/> Kir looked at the window: No, I live alone now .. Do not worry. My father left me some money so that I could finish my education with it .. But do you not see that our world is really strange. My father died, and I thought that I am now alone too My mom is still touched ..., but I think that meeting my best friend and even my dull childhood friend Yu means that luck has finally smiled at me. Then he laughed lightly.<br/> You are always the only one who can see through me, I said with annoyance.<br/> Kir sarcastically: Yes, and as I see, you are still the same, but I think that your psychological state is getting worse.<br/> "The sound of the bell heralds the start of a long day at school."<br/> 12:00 pm<br/> Lunch break date Finally I came down, and Kerr, who preceded me to buy some cafeteria food, so we could have lunch together as days ago.<br/> "you were mean to Megumi even though she just wanted to get close to you," Kir joked.<br/> I answered narrowly: But I hate lying.<br/> Kir with surrender: You will never change your temperament even if the sun rises in the west.<br/> I said, commenting: And you will still be a fool.<br/> Kir : Yeah, like someone too.<br/> Then we started laughing as we used to ... Maybe I do not believe in the existence of feelings or relationships between people, but Kerr is different. I feel that he really is ... my friend ... he accepts my truth, my strangeness.<br/> Kir interrupts my thoughts: I've been wanting to ask you a question.<br/> Curiously, I asked: What?<br/> Kerr stammered: About the ... the thing that you used ... a little while ago in the class ...<br/> About the camera<br/> I said with astonishment: Have you seen it ?!<br/> Kir merely answered me with a nod from his head to indicate approval, so I looked at the sky, sighed resignedly, and then said: It is the lens of truth.<br/> Kir asked: The lens of truth?<br/><br/> I answered him carelessly: I hate many things, and unfortunately I can see the truth of people, but this camera enables me to take revenge.<br/> "How do?" Kir asked in astonishment.<br/> I answered him, saying: You know that I like photography and using the camera like you. We have always entered into competitions together during middle school .. And I found a camera that was sent to my house, I thought you were the one who sent it, and on another day after your departure to America i was exposed to some bullies on the way They took the camera from me, but there was a police officer who witnessed what happened and was able to return it to me, but he insisted that i should take it. Then..There was a picture I took by mistake. I tried writing some phrases on it out of my anger, and ..<br/> Kir directly: And what you wrote actually happened?<br/> I answered with a nod from my head and then continued: Yes, and it was actually a big surprise to me, but now it is my best weapon. Then she smiled indifferently<br/> "Seven o'clock in the evening 7:00"<br/> After lunch was over, I always went back with Kerr to his apartment, and all the way we were talking about memories of the past, we ate outside and then now we got to the door of his apartment.<br/> "It was a fun day, thank you! .., but as you know, my apartment is kind of not ..." Kerr stammered, standing in front of the door, removing the keys from his inner jacket pocket.<br/> I said with understanding: It's okay. My apartment is usually in the same shape .. or rather, always.<br/> Then she laughed, followed by a discomfort that was evident in the air, and specifically in Kerr's face.<br/> Kir said, and he looked away: I trust you, and I know that you will not change your view of me after you see so ... Then pass the key through the lock, and pull the door that has caused a loud creaking sound due to opening it.<br/> I entered, and he was hurrying, even though it is spring, but the weather is cold at night, and the sun has been setting for a long time ... The place is dark, and suspiciously quiet, to send shudders in the souls.<br/> "I will turn on the light," Kir said in a whisper, in a way that made the subject becomes more suspicious, and as the lights was so bright, I covered my eyes with my hands in response automaticly. Then I could see what the apartment was in and I felt a quick shudder running through my body.<br/> "Wow, you shattered my extremes," I said in astonishment.<br/> Then Kir looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and soon he looked away from me to continue looking when he was in that room ... of the thing that made curiosity flow through my veins ... to those pictures.</p>