
The Remedy 1-2

by lollipopslut©

It had been a full year since my husband passed away, leaving his estate and all of the wealth and staff that went with it to me. I continued to wear my mourning dress, as I dearly loved my late husband, and as a woman of fourty years, I had no prospects to consider. I spent my hours organizing the household, attending to social calls, and ensuring that my late husband's finances remained well in order.

Our only child, a son named Frederick just recently turned eighteen. Frederick had always been a sickly child, prone to fits and often confined to bed rest for weeks on end. Because of this the estate was left to me until the time he was able to take control of it or upon my own death. Frederick's health issues meant that his father and I had left his care up to a devoted nanny for most of his life.

Nanny was the epitome of a servant and practically irreplaceable in our family because of the special care she took of Frederick, so when she found out that her mother was ill, I immediately sent her off with her bags and a small sum of money to look after her. As she didn't know when she would return, and Frederick had been well of late, I decided not to hire a temporary girl to take her place but instead would let the other servants pick up work left from Nanny's absence.

We had a substantial staff after all, and he was eighteen and the indulgence of a favourite nanny was starting to tell on Frederick's sensibilities. I was beginning to fear for his marriage prospects, as he was physically weak and often complained profusely in a rather child-like manner. Luckily with our estate, eventually a girl would surely overlook having a sickly husband.

A few days after Nanny left to look after her ailing mother, one of the maids came to my room as I was reading abed one night. "Pardon the intrusion Madam, but Master Frederick is calling for you."

"Thank you Mary, I will attend to him." I replied and sent her off. I quickly pulled on my dressing gown over my night dress and made my way to my son's bed chambers, worried that his health had taken a sudden turn.

I knocked softly on his door then entered the dim room. Frederick was tucked in bed and I moved quickly to his bedside, where a chair was waiting. "Are you well, dear?" I inquired.

"I can't sleep Mama. I am out of sorts without Nanny to put me to bed and I do not trust the other servants to administer her remedy." He whined.

"Oh, Frederick, you are eighteen years old, surely you can overcome Nanny's absence. And what remedy do you speak of? I do not recall instructing Nanny to give you any tonics."

"Not a tonic Mama, Nanny uses her hands and mouth to relieve me of my weakness." With this Frederick pulled the sheets aside and his nightshirt was pulled up well above his waist. I caught a glimpse of his red-hued manhood, laying flat against his belly before I gasped and shielded my eyes.

"Frederick! Such indecency, and in front of your mother! Cover yourself this instant!" I scolded him, my eyes screwed shut and my hands covering my face.

"Please Mama," Frederick begged, tugging on the sleeve of my dressing gown, "it invigorates me and allows me to rest peacefully each night. I need it for my health. Nanny would tell you the very same, but she was in such a rush to leave to attend her mother."

"I have never heard of such a thing!" I replied with my eyes still covered.

"It is the finest of medicinals Mama, I assure you. If you will just administer Nanny's remedy nightly for me until she returns I will be forever grateful. If you do not I fear my health as of late will diminish with each passing day." Frederick implored, his warm hand gently pulling my hand away from my face.

I sighed deeply, feeling that it was my motherly duty to attend to the health of my only son, even if it was with a task I felt so improper. I lowered my hands to my lap and looked Frederick in the eyes. "What must I do?"

Frederick grinned up at me, "Oh thank you Mama! Just give me your hand." He said, and took my hand in his. I could hear the vigour in his voice even before this remedy had been administered.

He wrapped my hand around his thick manhood and it was warm and gently pulsing with his heartbeat. He guided my hand up and down along its length, making me squeeze it slightly as it grew harder and warmer in my palm. Frederick moaned slightly as he moved my hand quicker. "Yes Mama, stroke it just like that." He said as he put both his hands behind his head, leaving just my hand on his now very large and erect manhood.

I stroked its length, feeling its soft, velvety texture and marveling at its size. I tried to remember if my late husband's had been this big, but we had only had marital relations rarely and I had never deigned to look very closely at his member. But here, now, with my son's in my hand, I felt the urge to examine it in detail.

Frederick's penis was thick enough that my hand could not grip all the way around it, and was as long as the width of my hand doubled. The tip of it was red as though inflamed, and veins popped out along the length of it. His balls were large and pillowy, giving way when the strokes of my hand reached the base of his member.

While I had been examining him, Frederick had reached up to put his hand on the back of my nightcap clad head and was pushing my face toward his nether regions. "I need you to put it in your mouth now Mama. Suck on the end of it and soon my release will come."

I allowed my son to press my mouth down around the tip of his member, and it tasted slightly bitter and salty. Something about the taste, or the lewdness of the act made my own nethers tingle. I sucked gently, using my tongue to occasionally taste my son's manhood out of curiosity. "Oh yes Mama!" Frederick moaned, starting to thrust his hips up at me while pressing on my head. "Please stroke it faster Mama, it is nearly here!" Frederick groaned and I did as he requested.

Stroking my son's manhood faster as I sucked on its tip, Frederick was writhing on the bed. Suddenly he stiffened, and let out a long moan as a surprising squirt of fluid shot into my mouth. I tried to pull away but Frederick held me fast as spurt after spurt of the thick, salty liquid shot into my mouth and I eventually had no choice but to swallow it.

Frederick let out a deep, satisfied sigh as he released my head and his member began to shrink and soften. "Thank you Mama, your application of the remedy is just as good as Nanny's, I feel that sleep will come easily now, and my health will continue." He pulled the covers back over himself and settled back down to sleep. "Goodnight Mama, sleep well."

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and tucked some stray hairs back into my nightcap. "Goodnight Frederick." I replied, getting up and heading back to my room.

As I lay in my own bed, sleep did not come easily to me. I wondered if Nanny had done anything else with my son, or if this nightly release was the extent of it. I also wondered if the health benefits of such a thing were true, but it had certainly seemed to improve Frederick's outlook and allowed him to rest easily.

Above all though, I could not shake the tingling from between my legs. It was so distracting that I could not help but put a hand beneath my nightgown to investigate. To my shock my sex was dripping wet as I ran a finger between my warm nether lips. I could not pull my hand away, and continued to caress myself until a shudder of pleasure ran all the way through me.

I continued to administer the remedy to Frederick each night for the next few days, but each night too I had to touch myself before any sleep would come. Thoughts of my son's thick manhood played through my mind, and the taste of his fluids drove me wild. I began to consider taking my son as my lover, hoping that his inexperience with marital relations would leave him ignorant of the fact we were committing incest.

The next night, as I looked upon Frederick's hardening member, I knew I could not last one more day without having it inside of me. "Frederick, I have heard of a new kind of remedy that could prove even more effective than Nanny's version. Would you like to try it?"

"Yes, please Mama, I will try anything that will sufficiently relieve my weakness and allow me to regain my health."

"Excellent, dear, but I should warn you that this remedy will prove much more vigorous for you than the previous one."

"Well I am willing to try it Mama, and if it proves too much for me, we can always return to Nanny's method."

"Of course dear, now let us get started." I smiled gently at him before bending over to pull off his night shirt then removing my dressing gown.

"Why are you undressing Mama?" Frederick inquired.

"It is part of this new remedy, Frederick, so please just do as I say this time." I replied and Frederick nodded. I bent over him and stroked his manhood until it was fully erect. "Now, I need you to stand up for a moment so that I may get on the bed." I said and my obedient boy did as he was told. I got down on all fours, still in my nightdress and requested Frederick get on his knees behind me.

With my son kneeling naked behind me, I pulled my nightdress up over my rear, revealing my very wet and inflamed sex. I put a hand between my legs. "Give me your member, dear." I requested and Frederick placed his hard, warm manhood in my hand. I guided the tip toward my opening and slowly backed myself onto his length.

"Oh Mama, it's so warm!" Frederick exclaimed.

"Mmm yes dear." I moaned, feeling his thick member slide slowly inside me. "Now, I need you to put your hands on Mama's waist and move yourself in and out however it feels best." Frederick placed his hands on me and began to experiment with moving himself in and out.

"This feels great Mama!" He said as he slowly drew the length of himself in and out of my hot sex.

I moaned as I felt my cheeks grow red, and my son's manhood filled me right up inside. "Try it faster, Frederick, you won't hurt Mama." I said, dearly wishing he would thrust himself harder into me.

Frederick immediately doubled his speed, his hips meeting my buttocks and his balls slapping into me. "Yes, that's it Frederick, very good son!" I moaned.

"Oh Mama this is amazing, I feel the release coming already!" Frederick said, breathing hard.

"Ohhh hold on as long as you can dear, the remedy will work better the longer you can hold off on the release." I warned, wanting to get my pleasure before Frederick was spent for the night.

"Yes Mama, I'll try" he said, his fingers starting to dig into my flesh as he thrust himself into me harder.

"Good boy, that's a good boy Frederick." I moaned, feeling the waves of pleasure build up inside of me. "OHHH Frederick!" I practically shouted as my pleasure exploded and I felt my sex begin to milk my son's hard manhood. He must have felt it too because he let out a startled moan and collapsed over my back as his release came inside of me.

We were both breathing hard and eventually Frederick straightened up and let his manhood slip from me. "Oh Mama," he sighed "that was the best release I've ever felt. I'm sure that this method will prove much more effective than Nanny's!" Frederick exclaimed.

I replaced my nightdress and sat on the edge of the bed. "I think so too son, I think so too." I said, giving him a gentle kiss on the mouth before putting my dressing gown back on and returning back to my own bed to a restful sleep.

The Remedy Ch. 02

Two weeks had passed since Nanny left the household to look after her ailing mother. I had received no word yet on the improvement or decline of the illness, but that was to be expected, as the post from outlying villages was often notoriously slow. We did as always and made do without the trusted servant in hopes that she would return as promptly as circumstances allowed.

Frederick remained in good health and good spirits as long as I administered Nanny's remedy with my hands and mouth, or offered my own more vigorous form of release to my inexperienced eighteen year old boy. I visited his room nightly in my bedclothes, often returning to my own room with my nightcap askew and my dressing gown loose at my shoulders. I prayed nightly that no staff would see me in such an unseemly state.

These bedtime visits seemed, at first, enough to keep Frederick strengthened, but soon he was requiring more of my attention.

Frederick and I were sitting down to a light lunch one afternoon, side by side as to enjoy the view of the summer garden afforded by a large window, when my boy, quite suddenly, took my free hand from off my lap and placed it on a considerable bulge in his trousers. I swallowed hard and attempted to keep my composure. "Molly," I turned to the maid standing patiently in the corner, "you may go help Missus Cooper with her work. We will ring if we have need of you." I said as calmly as I was able.

"Yes Madam." Molly replied, dipping a small curtsy and quietly seeing herself out.

Frederick turned in his chair to face me, his legs spread, the swelling in his trousers stretching and testing the fabric in a most extraordinary way - perfectly outlining the shape of his manhood. Frederick looked up at me, his eyes wide and child-like. "Please Mama," he whined, "it has been like this since you came in the room."

"Oh Frederick, you are such a silly boy." I teased as I rubbed his stiff member through the fabric of his trousers, pressing it lightly into his thigh. "You need Mama's special attention, don't you dear?" Frederick nodded as he squirmed against my hand, letting out a sad and strained moan. Frederick's situation was having an effect on me as I felt the now all-too-familiar tingling between my legs. I wanted to tease him though, as he had been much too spoiled the past two weeks with my ardent attention. "You will have to ask Mama properly Frederick." I said sternly, removing my hand from his lap.

My now rather forlorn son knelt down before me, wrapped his arms around my legs and placed his head on my knees. "Please Mama, please give me the release? My manhood is so swollen with my weakness wanting to get out." Frederick practically whimpered.

I considered his plea for a moment before taking his head in my hands. "First you will need to do something for Mama." I said with a kind smile. I had been wondering since that very first night when I used my mouth and hands on my son what it would feel like to have him use those very personal tools on my own sensitive nether regions. I spread my legs underneath my skirts and moved forward to the very edge of the chair. "Lift my skirts please, dear." I requested and Frederick did as he was told. My various skirts and undergarments now piled up around my waist, only my split bloomers were left covering my soft thighs. My pink, wet sex with its crop of tightly curled hair was on full display to my son kneeling down between my legs.

My cheeks darkened as Frederick stared at my nether lips, unsure of how to proceed. "You must touch it Frederick, explore Mama and she will tell you when you are doing a good job." My son licked his lips as he placed one hand on my thigh and began to investigate my sex with the other. A thrill went through me the moment his fingers met my hot skin and a gasp escaped my lips.

I held my skirts out of the way as Frederick used his fingers on me. First he touched all around the outer lips, remarking how soft my pubic hair was before moving inward to my pink wetness. His fingers travelled all up and down my sex, spreading my wetness and increasing my pleasure. Soon he found the small protrusion that so often was the source of my personal releases and he rubbed it back and forth lightly, eliciting a moan from me. "Oh yes dear that spot especially feels very good for Mama. Why don't you stroke it and perhaps pinch it lightly?" I asked, starting to breathe heavily.

Frederick did as I requested and rubbed that spot with vigour. "Oh Frederick, yes!" I murmured, my breathing quick and my hips moving in tandem with my son's fingers. "Don't stop! Yes, oh yes!" I moaned loudly as pleasure washed over me and the wetness between my legs increased conspicuously.

"Mama you're dripping!" Frederick exclaimed as he scooped up some of my juices with a finger before taking in its odour and eventually licking his wet digit. He let out a brief "mmm," and then leaned in to take some straight from the source.

The feel of my son's tongue on my sex took me by surprise -- it was so warm and moist and explored me like some wriggling creature. I could barely contain my pleasure and gripped tightly to my skirts as Frederick enthusiastically licked between my legs like an over-zealous puppy for some time. "Ahh! Ohh! Good boy!" I gasped before gripping Frederick's hair and pulling his head away to catch my breath.

"Dear, that is very enjoyable, but I would like you to try something different now." Frederick did not respond, but licked his lips and looked up at me expectantly. I took his one hand in mine and guided two of his fingers into my dripping wet opening, moving them in and out while pressing them against the upper wall of my sex. "Now," I said, "keep doing that while you use your mouth on that spot from before." My son did as I said and started to lick and suck on that most wonderful spot while plunging his fingers in and out of me.

"Yes, Frederick. Oh, that's good!" I moaned as I held back my skirts and watched my son hard at work between my legs. "You're making Mama feel ... oh! ... you're making Mama feel so ... ah! .. so in -- INCREDIBLE!" I cried as a tremor of pleasure shook my entire body. "Oh Frederick! Oh goodness that was extraordinary." I sighed as I struggled to regain control over my breath and limbs.

"Stand up now dear." I instructed, and when Frederick rose, his bulging trousers were nearly at face level. A small, dark spot had appeared on his trouser leg. "Tsk, you have made a stain on your trousers you naughty boy." I scolded as I unclasped the slacks and pulled out his throbbing hard manhood. Frederick moaned as I held him and licked his member up and down before starting to suck gently on it.

"Please Mama, I want the other one today." Frederick begged, and I smiled up at him, feeling that he had waited long enough for his own release. I indicated my still lifted skirts and bare sex with a small nod and my son received the hint. "Oh thank you Mama!" he grinned.

Frederick eagerly entered my wet opening, his stiff manhood filling me up inside. I gasped as my son wrapped one arm tenderly around me, supporting me in a more horizontal position, while his other hand gripped the edge of the still laden table. His face came in so close to mine I could not help but kiss his sweet mouth. He returned the kiss with enthusiasm, our lips pressing eagerly against each other in an even more intimate display than we had ever engaged in.

My son broke our kiss and buried his face in the nape of my neck as he began to thrust his hips furiously between my legs. The china rattled on the table, glasses tipped their contents over the cloth, but Frederick and I were locked in our forbidden embrace.

His thick member pistoned in and out of me as he panted into my neck, "Oh Mama, Mama this is the remedy for me I just know it!"

"Yes, son, Mama will get you well again no matter how much work it takes!" I moaned as I wrapped my legs around Frederick, bringing him even deeper inside of me. "Give all of your weakness to Mama my precious boy, she can take it!" Frederick moaned and ground himself inside of me, rubbing against my insides in a wonderful way.

"Oh yes Mama!" he murmured, clutching me and pulling me into him as he began to pump himself in and out with renewed vigour. "Mama it's coming soon!" he whined.

"Not just yet dear!" I commanded, "Mama isn't done." I pushed Frederick off of me and back onto his own chair. His swollen manhood, sticking straight out of the opening in his trousers, was slick and shining with my juices. I kept my skirts hitched up and mounted Frederick's lap as if he were a stallion. I guided his member back inside of me and Frederick put his hands on my hips to steady me and help hold up my considerable skirts.

I sat on my sons lap for a moment, savouring the feeling of having his thick manhood inside of me. I grasped the back of the chair and leaned in to kiss him on the mouth. Our lips opened and we explored each other with our tongues in a deep and passionate kiss that no mother and son were meant to share. I felt Frederick's member throb inside of me as we kissed.

I moaned as I began to move up and down, setting the right pace for my own release, using my son's body for my pleasure. Frederick moaned and sighed as he stared up at me, visibly struggling to hold in his own release before I gave him permission to. "Just ... oh! A little longer dear. Hold on for Mama!" I breathed as I bounced in his lap with more force, as if I really were riding a stallion. "Good boy Frederick, so patient for Mama." I moaned and Frederick let out a long groan in response, gripping my hips tighter and burying his face in my chest. "Ohh go ahead." I whispered as I felt my body tighten up. "Now my good boy, do it now!" I shouted as my sex spasmed around my son's member. I looked into his eyes as his mouth gaped wide in a soundless moan and I felt his own release deep inside of me.

"Mama, Mama!" He eventually groaned, "that was the best yet. Nanny's remedy is good but yours is so much better." Frederick continued to hold my hips and raised his face to mine to give me another kiss on the mouth. "I will have to try this method with Nanny when she returns!" He grinned.

A spark of jealousy awoke inside of me and my mind worked quickly to come up with some way to dissuade Frederick from attempting something with another woman -- and a servant no less! I put my hand on Frederick's cheek and looked into his eyes, "Oh dear, didn't I tell you?" I said kindly, "This particular remedy only works with another member of your family, and works best with a very close blood relation. I'm afraid it would be ineffective with your dear Nanny."

"Oh." said Frederick, looking rather disappointed.

"Don't worry dear, Mama will work very hard to keep you healthy. You will be a good boy for me, won't you?"

"Of course Mama, I'm happy that you'll be giving me my release from now on." Frederick smiled and gave me another kiss.

"That's my good boy." I said as I removed myself from my son. We both did our best to tidy ourselves from our exertions, though the table was a sorry sight and beyond help. I rang the bell for a maid as Frederick and I made our exits back to our own tasks for the afternoon.