
Chapter 37 Lin Pingzhi

Chapter 37 Lin Pingzhi

"You are the only one left in the Lin family now."

The middle-aged man said to 'Pingzhi' earnestly and thoughtfully:

"You should find a way to get back the evil-repelling sword manual of the Lin family. Only in this way can you master the unparalleled magic and take revenge!"

Pingzhi, surnamed Lin.

He has a handsome appearance and is extremely handsome.

Naturally, he is the son of Lin Zhennan, the chief escort of Fuwei Escort Agency! Their family was ruined because of a sword manual to ward off evil spirits.

With the help of the player, Lin Pingzhi successfully arrived in Luoyang and survived here. At first, his uncle, grandfather and others were quite enthusiastic about him, but after realizing that he was of no use, they just like the player, and they abandoned him like a worn-out shoe.

After the player sent him to the Wang family, he originally expected to get good things. Unexpectedly, Wang Yuanba and others just gave the player some property and sent him away. The player sought explanation from Lin Pingzhi, and Lin Pingzhi was in trouble. After hearing this, the player was furious and broke up with Lin Pingzhi.

There is no help from the players, and he is disliked by his uncle, grandfather and others.

Lin Pingzhi held his breath in his heart. When he heard his uncle's words, he felt moved in his heart and said, "Uncle is right, I will go and ask now."

"What a great nephew!"

The uncle was Wang Zhongqiang, Wang Yuanba's youngest son. Hearing Lin Pingzhi's promise, he was overjoyed and said, "Go back quickly. I think Ji Shu is upright and elegant. Although he is cruel to You Xun and others, But he has done nothing wrong to us, so he must be a decent person. If you beg him hard and ask him to return you the sword manual to ward off evil, he will definitely feel sorry for you, and then you will be able to get your wish!"

Lin Pingzhi nodded on the surface, but felt miserable in his heart. He looked at Wang Yuanba and saw that his grandfather was also watching with cold eyes. He felt cold. He no longer had any hope for the Wang family. He turned around and bowed respectfully to Wang Yuanba and the others, then quickly turned around and ran away. The direction they were heading was exactly the direction Ji Shu and Yue Lingshan were walking.

"Dad. Do you think this bastard will return to our Wang family after getting the evil-proofing sword manual?"

"If he doesn't come back to us, where else can he go?"

Wang Yuanba's eyes flashed with uncertain light:


"He is now an orphan, helpless. Apart from us, does he have any other relatives in the world?"

"That's what dad said."

When Wang Zhongqiang thought about the scene where he would succeed in practicing and kill everyone after obtaining the evil sword manual, he couldn't help but feel excited and his body began to tremble slightly.

Wang Yuanba was a little confused. His own son would definitely not let them take risks. But with Lin Ping gone, taking risks is secondary. Will it make Ji Shu unhappy? He was a little unsure.

If it causes Ji Shu to have opinions about their Wang family. His previous Turtle Breathing Technique was not given away in vain.

Wang Yuanba was a little annoyed.

He gave him the Turtle Breathing Technique. Except for this secret technique, no one in the Wang family could learn it. Mainly because I want to sell well. Recognized by Ji Shu.

but now...

Ji Shu didn't know the changes in mentality of Wang Yuanba, Wang Zhongqiang and others. If not, there is a high probability that he would directly reward them with a sword.

What he hates most are ungrateful people!

After he and Yue Lingshan returned to the inn.

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong were still surprised:

"Why have you been gone so long?"

Speaking of this, Yue Lingshan couldn't help but get excited and told the whole story in a chatter.

Lu Dayou and others looked sideways and moved when they heard this, and saw that Ji Shu's expression was very subtle. There is admiration and adoration! If they are suddenly attacked and killed in the busy city, they will most likely die, but Ji Shu can easily counterattack and kill through the player organization!

In the Wang family, faced with the temptation of treasures, and the other party has no ability to fight back, they will most likely be fooled. But Ji Shu is extremely cautious!

After hearing this, Yue Buqun nodded repeatedly:

"Did you hear it? Walking around the world, murderous intent is everywhere. Even if you are a highly skilled martial artist like Ji Shu, you act so cautiously and calmly. You all have the skills of a three-legged cat, but you are careless and careless. Are you ashamed? Are you ashamed?! In the future! Learn more from Ji Shu!!"


Lu Dayou, Shi Daizi and others were ashamed and expressed that they would move closer to Ji Shu in the future!

Ning Zhong was pleased and said:

"It's best if you think so. I hope you can keep your word in the future. But having said that, are all player organizations so extreme? Will they be killed if they don't listen to orders?"

"Yes, mother. I had an idea at that time. After returning to the mountain gate, I would expel all the players from the mountain gate. Of course, the exception is Ji Shu. He is incompatible with the player organization."

"you are right."

Ning Zhong agreed.

Yue Buqun also nodded: "I will accept players. It is also because they are generous and sensible. Now since they want to kill me, the core figure of Flower Mountain Faction! This is unforgivable. When I return, I will expel Ji All players except Shu!"

Ji Shu's eyes are subtle. Yue Buqun, the so-called 'hypocrite', still sides with him. It is impossible to say that Ji Shu cannot be moved.

The human heart is made of flesh.

I have been with Yue Buqun for such a long time.

Anyway, Ji Shu didn't think Yue Buqun was hypocritical. Instead, he felt that compared to the Mobei Shuangxiong and others, Yue Buqun did deserve the title of Gentleman's Sword.

Thinking about Yue Buqun's "blackening" in the original work and TV series, Ji Shu can completely understand it. He was insulted over and over again, and even almost killed! Even a clay Bodhisattva can't bear it, let alone a human being?

As for Yue Buqun in this world, due to the addition of players and the addition of Ji Shu during this period, it is obvious that he has not gone dark yet, and is still an elegant gentleman with wisdom, foresight, and grace.


The group packed their bags and prepared to set off.

Just walked out of the inn.

Then I saw a person rushing out of the thorn, and with a plop, he knelt down in front of Ji Shu:

"Hero, please accept me as your disciple!"


He didn't wait for Ji Shu to speak. He started kowtowing loudly.

"Who are you?"

Ji Shu remembered the young man, but didn't know his name.

Yue Lingshan also remembered: "Isn't he from the Wang family?"

"My name is Lin Pingzhi."

Lin Pingzhi knelt on the ground and did not get up. He completely ignored the strange looks from the people coming and going. He looked at Ji Shu firmly and said:

"I am the young escort chief of Fuwei Escort Agency. I want to become your disciple and become a martial arts master!"

He continued to kowtow and said:

"As long as the heroes can accept me, I will do anything they ask me to do."

Ji Shu frowned.

He was targeted by a huge player organization, so why would he want to recruit a disciple?

But I think of the main mission of this world: unify the world! And if you want to unify, how can you not recruit a few more trustworthy people?

Thinking about Lin Pingzhi's character, Ji Shu thought for a while and said:

"I don't accept disciples, but I can teach you martial arts."

When Lin Pingzhi heard the first half of the sentence, his heart felt cold to the bone. He did not give up, and continued to kowtow, even though his forehead was bleeding.

But when he heard the second half of the sentence, he was overjoyed and looked at Ji Shu with his head slightly raised:

"Da, Da Xia, are you telling the truth?!"

His voice trembled with excitement.