
9 Gene Suppression

Although it is only preliminary results, it is enough!

When Rakshasa completed the last theory, Norton's X genetics naturally reached LV5.

[law vision]

Ability born from Level 5 X genetics.

Not only can it observe its own condensed law runes in more detail, but it can also directly observe external laws.

What a mess, no clue!

This was Norton's feeling when he first observed the law of the outside world.

External laws are mixed, and countless laws are blended together, making it impossible to distinguish a single law.

The only clear feeling is that of 'active'!

The law on the earth is extremely active, but the energy is extremely silent, so that it is easier to pry the law than to control the energy.

The law of leveraging is an accidental factor, and most of it cannot be copied. Only by controlling energy can it be universal.

'No wonder so many superheroes and super villains are born! '

Norton quickly turned his attention back to his body and carefully observed his law runes.

In the past, in Norton's perception, the composition of the law rune was personal will and X Ability.

Now under Law's vision, Norton finally figured out: X Ability is a mixture of information and energy!

'No wonder Naughty is able to absorb and use other people's X Abilities! '

There is no need to add anything else, you only need to separate the law information and the law energy, which are the two basic points.


Coupled with personal will, a stable triangle structure is formed.

As soon as the triangular structure is formed, the law rune becomes stable instantly.

[Elemental Master LV4 (99)] also naturally becomes [Elemental Master LV5 (1)].

It seems that it has only improved a little, but there is a qualitative difference between Level 5 X and Level 4.

Both the control strength and the control range have been upgraded to a new level.

In addition, the fifth-level elemental master has also derived a new ability: [Elemental Furnace]

This Ability is very simple and crude.

Elements with lower proton numbers than iron can directly synthesize iron through complete fusion reactions and release massive amounts of energy.

Elements with a higher number of protons than iron can directly generate iron through complete fission and release a corresponding amount of energy.

Really rub a nuclear bomb with your hands!

Definitely, this is just the most basic. Synthesizing other elements is also not a problem. Turning stone into gold and water into oil is no longer a fantasy.

Norton reached out, grabbed a ball of water, and decomposed it into atomic groups composed of hydrogen, oxygen and other elements.

Then the energy is released and the atomic cluster turns into an iron bead.

Iron beads energy absorb and turn into pure silver; continue energy absorbing and turn into pure gold...

Norton cannot directly control the energy released in nuclear reactions, but it can limit it within a certain range.

This range should be within the so-called 'melting pot'!

Feeling the majestic energy in the elemental furnace, Norton couldn't help but think of:


"This elemental furnace can not only be used to create, but it can also be used to attack with destructive power that can destroy the world!"

The lethality of high-energy particles is not small!

"Yuna please call!"

A prompt sounded suddenly, interrupting Norton's thoughts.


Yuna's holographic projection appears next to Norton.

"Yuna, what big thing happened today?" Norton asked.

Normally, Yuna would not directly call the laboratory to disturb him.

"Norton, look at this news!" Yuna gave Norton a TV channel.

"Okay!" Norton plugged in the live news.

The content of the live broadcast was not earth-shattering news, but a press conference, at which the Worthing Laboratory announced that it had found a solution to the Mutant gene.

This live TV broadcast made Norton instantly recall the relevant plot: "Is the plot of X-Men3 about to begin?"

"Is Qin going to wake up soon?" Norton thought of Qin Gray sleeping in the lake.

Less than a year is far from enough time for the Phoenix force to completely Awakening. If Scott hadn't woken her up, she would have definitely continued to sleep.

However, even the Phoenix force that is not completely Awakening is enough to allow Jean Gray to exert her level 5 strength.

Moreover, the incompletely Awakening Phoenix force may explode at any time, and the fully exploded Phoenix force will definitely have the power to destroy the world.

Although in the original plot, the Phoenix force did not break out in the end, this may not be the case in reality!


Norton decided not to take the blame: "Let her be killed by the plot!"

Compared to Qin, Norton is more concerned about the little boy named Jimmy. He wants to know what is his principle of suppressing the X gene?

"Yuna, keep an eye on the Worthing Laboratory, I want to see their 'antidote'." Norton ordered Yuna.

"Any time!" Yuna replied.

Whether through the channels of the Carnegie family or arrangements by the action team, entering the Worthing Laboratory is a piece of cake.

"Don't be too showy!" Norton warned before hanging up the phone.

The experiment has been completed, X-Genetics and Elemental Mastery have both reached level five, and Norton just wants to go out for a walk.

But before leaving the laboratory, Norton was stopped by John again.

"¥..." John spoke so fast that he didn't know what he was talking about.

At the moment John was pale and had thick dark circles under his eyes. He had been awake for at least two days, but his expression was fanatical and his eyes were very energetic.

In this state, John only sees experiments, and it won't work for anyone.

Norton had no choice but to stop: "Okay! John, please speak slowly!"

"Okay!" John collected his thoughts and said:

"I found that Anna's X Ability is incomplete. It can only absorb and release law energy at the same time. It cannot store law energy and lacks a method to utilize law energy."

"I know that!" Norton nodded, waiting for John's next words.

John continued: "Then I searched all over the gene bank and finally found Mystique's gene.

Her X-gene Ability is simulation. It can not only simulate appearance, but also genes, including X-gene.