
30 Summary After The War

Leona Bell's spiritual link can not only transmit information in real time and is not afraid of electromagnetic interference; it can also share vision, which is most suitable for command.

So when it came time to choose a commander, she was unanimously elected and became the team's commander.

Snake Eyes' X Ability has thermal vision and can see through heat sources in buildings, even without interference from insulation materials.

The detection effect is stronger than that of infrared imaging equipment.


The pupils of Snake Eyes turned into vertical ones, the field of view changed, the cold buildings blurred into the background, a human-shaped heat source appeared, and the sentry, both overt and covert, was nowhere to be seen.

Then Snake Eyes directly shared his vision with Leona.

Based on the previously formulated plan and Snake Eyes' investigation results, Leona commanded:

"Banshee, the two secret whistles in the grass are left to you, deal with them as quietly as possible!..."

Post-war summary meeting!

The members of the Nova Team all looked ugly and no longer as high-spirited as before.

Especially the eight people in charge of the battle were all in disgrace, and even the blood on their clothes had not dried yet.

They opened their mouths to say something, but in the end they stopped talking!


"It's post-war summary time. Don't you have anything to say?... If you have any, just say it boldly. Don't feel embarrassed!" Raven broke the silence.

There was no subjective emotion in her tone, and there was no blame in her words.

But the banshee admitted her mistake first when she opened her mouth: "I was careless, and I was not careful enough when handling the secret whistle, so I alerted the snake!"

In fact, when the banshee killed the dark whistle, she didn't make any noise.

But when the battlefield was finally being cleaned, it was discovered that one of the secret sentries was equipped with a pacemaker, and there was a signal transmitter on the pacemaker.

It was precisely because of the death of this secret sentry that they alerted the enemy, which ultimately caused their plan to take a turn for the worse.

Strictly speaking, this mistake is indeed avoidable.

Banshee's X Ability is sound waves. Not only can she control sound waves, but the sound waves she emits also have certain Mind Control effects.

You can use control methods to deal with hidden whistles, rather than necessarily killing them.

"I was also at fault for not discovering the hidden bomb in advance!" Snake Eyes immediately admitted his mistake.

The moment they eliminated the sentries outside and entered the abandoned factory, remote-controlled bombs hidden throughout the factory were suddenly detonated.

The eight people who entered the factory were caught off guard and did not respond in time, resulting in injuries to all of them.

Banshee and Snake Eyes, who were the first to go in, were the most seriously injured. Their limbs were shattered and they almost lost their fighting ability.

Fortunately, there is Self-healing potion, otherwise even if he does not die, he will still have serious side effects.

The remaining six people took a step slower and were slightly farther away from the center of the explosion.


This gave Magneto a little reaction time and controlled most of the shrapnel. The six people were only slightly injured and did not affect their combat effectiveness.

At the same time, more than ten gangsters were directly killed in the factory.

If it weren't for these gangsters, the team members would not be defenseless against the explosion.

This group of people was far more cruel and ruthless than anyone imagined. They actually ignored the lives of their own people and directly blew up their own people together.

So Snake Eyes is not actually to blame for this. It is normal for the thermal vision not to notice the hidden bomb. After all, the bomb is well camouflaged and is not a heat source until it explodes.

Moreover, after the operation was over, it was repeatedly confirmed that in the thermal vision, there was nothing unusual about the gangsters at that time. It can be seen that the explosion was a decision made by the gang leader alone.

"I also have a responsibility..." Qi Guang's face also looked ugly.

This time his duty was to control the field, but he failed to control it from the beginning. No matter what the reason was, it cannot be used as an excuse for failing in his duty.

"As the on-site commander, I failed to respond in time, which resulted in injuries to the team members and the target to escape. I have the greatest responsibility!" Leona was hit the hardest.

It is acceptable for team members to be injured. After all, it is normal to encounter accidents in this kind of action.

But twelve people surrounded and suppressed six people. Even if two people were seriously injured, they still had an overwhelming advantage.

As a result, the two leaders escaped!

Leona couldn't accept this result!

Just as Leona finished speaking, others also spoke and began to take responsibility.

Raven was more pleased that although these children made some small mistakes, no one shied away from responsibility.


But she interrupted them: "This is a summary meeting, not an accountability meeting. The point is not what mistakes you made, but what you learned from them!"

Norton, who watched the summary meeting remotely, was also very satisfied with the performance of the Nova Team.

As a novice, it is normal to make some common novice mistakes. The most important thing is attitude.

The members of the Nova Team are all from Mutant Academy. They have received at least more than ten years of education from the academy to cultivate such a positive outlook on life.

This is why Norton doesn't want adult Mutants, but only children.

Seeing this, Norton turned to look at Yuna: "I just said Raven is the best candidate. What's the result?"

"Raven's method looks good, but it's also very dangerous. Aren't you afraid of losing it?" Yuna said while calling up the injury reports of several team members.

All eight people who entered the factory were able to attend the summary meeting, all thanks to their combat uniforms.

If it weren't for the powerful defensive effect of the combat uniforms on fatal parts, they might have suffered combat attrition!

"Aren't they okay?" Norton didn't read the injury reports. "Their combat uniforms were specially chosen by Raven!"

With the material technology of Carnegie Alloy Company, it is completely possible to provide the Nova Team with all-round defense combat uniforms, making it easy for them to survive the explosion unscathed.

Even the combat uniform woven with the most advanced alloy threads has a defensive power comparable to that of the King of Wakanda's Black Panther suit!

This kind of top-notch equipment has finished products in stock, but it is not equipped for the Nova Team.

Equipment that is too powerful is not conducive to their growth.