
22 High-Dimensional Information 1

Raven is not here, but Norton believes that he would not refuse without her. The temptation of traveling through time and space is still great.

Sure enough, Raven received Norton's invitation and only thought about it for three seconds before agreeing to Norton's invitation: "I'm more than happy to do it!"

Returning to New York again, Norton had someone buy the house next door to Peter Parker as a place to travel through time and space.

At the same time, two Mutants were also found to control sound and light to cover up any movement that might occur during the time travel. Norton was not sure if there was any movement during the time travel.

Norton chose the time to travel at night.

Peter Parker's hair slowly decomposes, genetic information is revealed bit by bit, and the passage of time appears before Norton's eyes again.

What he saw this time was much clearer, especially the tributary of the Spider-man world, which Norton could clearly sense.

Peter Parker's genetic information was thrown into the tributary, and a large amount of energy was instantly consumed in the elemental furnace, followed by a colorful passage being opened up.

"Let's go!" Norton immediately pulled Raven into the colorful passage.

This colorful passage looks very long, but in fact Norton only took two steps, one step in and one step out.

The space channel disappeared, and Norton and Raven appeared in the Spider-man world without feeling any discomfort during the whole process.

It was also night, but the location where Norton and the others appeared was not the house they passed through, but an unknown alley.


Norton immediately checked the equipment he was carrying, and the result was not good. All the equipment with a little technical content were completely scrapped.

Norton didn't know what caused these devices to be scrapped silently, but what was certain was that the space channel was definitely not as stable as it appeared.

While Norton was thinking, Raven had already changed his face, and there was an identical corpse lying on the ground. His appearance did not look like a good person.

"This guy is a gangster. He has a house in Queens, which happens to be not far from Peter's house. We can stay at his house temporarily!" Raven kicked the body on the ground and said.

"That's fine!" Norton waved his hand, and the corpse on the ground decomposed into dust.

Since he was going to borrow his house, it was not convenient to leave the body behind.

Norton and Raven did not act in a hurry. They spent the whole night making sure that the crossing process had no negative impact on them.

Norton only started making arrangements the next day: "Raven, today you go collect information about the Osborn Group, and I'll go see Peter Parker!"

This step was originally planned to be completed using electronic equipment. Unfortunately, the electronic equipment was too complex and difficult to repair. Norton gave up after trying it.

Manipulating atoms to synthesize molecules and then synthesize complex electronic components is not only extremely energy-consuming, but also very slow.

Fortunately, Raven is professional when it comes to gathering intelligence.

When Norton came near Peter Parker's house, he happened to see Peter going out to school.

Two plot lines appear in Norton's eyes, one is relatively clear and the other is vaguely visible.


"Two plots?" Norton was slightly stunned. This situation was a bit beyond his expectation.

By the time Norton came to his senses, Peter Parker had already boarded the bus.

Recall Peter's outfit just now. He had a camera hanging around his neck. This should be the beginning of the plot. Peter was bitten by a spider today.

So Norton first went to the university where Peter and the others visited, found the spiders that synthesized the genes, and then waited for Peter and the others to arrive.

There is nothing strange about the spiders in the box, only the spider that ran out has a hint of the plot.

Norton didn't want to interfere with the plot, so he didn't catch it in advance.

Based on his understanding of the inertia of the world, even if this super spider is collected in advance, Peter Parker's outcome will not change.

When Peter and the others arrived, Norton looked at Peter Parker again, this time using his time and space vision.

Two plot lines emerged, and then a river appeared in Norton's eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the time branch of the Spider-man world!

It's just that at the very beginning, this small river divided into two parallel tributaries that were very close to each other.

This means that there are two Spider-man worlds and two plot lines.

"The current world should be the original Spider-man world, and the other plot line of Peter Parker is probably the world of the extraordinary Spider-man." Norton analyzed in his mind,


"Gene implantation technology should be used in the extraordinary Spider-man world, but the super spiders in this world also have certain research value!"

After Peter was successfully bitten, Norton quietly caught the super spider, and at the same time, two super spiders that had not escaped also took away the two.

Not only spiders, Norton also hacked into the server of Columbia University Academy of Sciences and took away all experimental materials related to super spiders.

In the evening, Raven returned successfully.

"This is the information you want!" Raven threw a hard drive to Norton, which contained not only ordinary information about the Osborn Group, but also confidential information.

What makes Norton more disappointed is that the Osborn Group's technology, except for the Green Goblin-related technology, is of little value, which is a bit disappointing for the role of the villain!

Not getting what he wanted in this Spider-man world, Norton decided to check out the extraordinary Spider-man world next door.

These two parallel worlds belong to different river channels of the same time tributary. It is much easier and less dangerous to cross each other, but there is no need for an overly complicated preparation process.

After deducing it in his mind and confirming that there was no problem, Norton opened the space-time channel and stepped into the channel.

At this moment, Norton suddenly received some obscure information, which was something he had never encountered before during the time travel.

This incident stopped Norton in his tracks.

Traveling through time and space is an extremely dangerous thing, and any unexpected situation deserves great attention.

Anyway, there was not much time left, so Norton decided to study it carefully first.