
  Chapter 35 Okay, shut up!

 Fire oil is indeed a magic material. After being ignited, the fire is very strong, and the flames are more than one meter high!

  In just a few seconds, Wei Yuan felt the heat baking his face and quickly took a few steps back.

  An area of ​​hundreds of square meters in front of Wei Yuan is on fire. Although a barrel of oil is not enough to cover such a large area, Wei Yuan does not need to cover it all. He only needs to keep every area within the range of the flames. .

  "Wei Yuan, there's something moving over there!" Chicken Leg suddenly shouted.

  Wei Yuan turned his head and saw that the ground there, which was normally normal, was squirming a little! You must know that there was nothing strange there before, and even the weeds on the land had no trace of being touched.

  I could see the squirming area moving around, but the places around it a few steps away were on fire, and there was no place to break out, front, rear, left, or right.

  After a stalemate for three to five seconds, the ground suddenly exploded and a black shadow rushed out!

  The monster pounced at an astonishing speed, so violently that Wei Yuan actually didn't even see what it was even though he was mentally prepared!

  "Damn! So fast!" Wei Yuan gripped the ghost gold stick tightly and prepared to fight.

  Although Wei Yuan did not see clearly the appearance of the corpse lying on the ground, Chicken Legs was a cat monster, and his dynamic vision and reflex nerves were not comparable to that of a human with fish lips like Wei Yuan. It sees clearly.

  Just as it guessed, this corpse was ugly and ferocious! As for the smell, the fire was so intense that only the smell of burning was left.

  The corpse on the ground seemed to have a dark red skin film on its surface. Originally, there should be some mucus outside the skin film to facilitate its sneaking underground. It's just that it has been burned dry by the fire, and even the membrane has begun to dry and crack in some places, and green smoke is already rising.

  This monster is the size of an adult, but it is lying on the ground with all four limbs stretched out, like some kind of frog, lizard or insect, and it looks very low.

  The swollen muscles under the dark red skin on the body surface can be clearly seen. The entire forelimbs are disproportionately huge claws. The claws are at least fifteen centimeters long and it looks like they should be good at climbing.

  The mouth occupies one-half of the head, and the gaping mouth almost reaches the ears. There are neat fangs, each five centimeters long. Because there are no lips at all, it is particularly ferocious.

  It has no ears and no eyes, and its entire head is like an irregular ball of flesh with a huge bloody mouth.

  The chicken leg also saw its long tongue that was constantly stretching and shaking!

  The lying corpse was forced out of the earth by the fierce fire, and Wei Yuan's presence was immediately noticed.

  Although the first attack with all-round sneak attacks was used to escape the fire, it still rushed towards Wei Yuan without hesitation.

  The monster was on all fours, with its two hind legs spread apart to both sides. Every time it kicked the ground, it was extremely powerful and very fast. It was more than 20 meters away and rushed in front of Wei Yuan in two seconds.

  But since the most threatening sneak attack had been eliminated and Wei Yuan was prepared, how could he be afraid of it?

  Wei Yuan instantly raised his left hand, and the two big eyes of the pea hand cannon, which had been ready to go, stared fiercely, very ferociously!


  The huge braking force caused by the shotgun spray from close range suddenly knocked the lying corpse in the air to the ground!

  Wei Yuan took the opportunity to raise his hand and hit the giant claws raised by the lying corpse hard. The cold attribute of the Ghost Golden Rod was triggered, and cyan frost marks spread along the claws towards the arms, instantly making the corpse's movements stiffen.

  The effect of the shotgun was good, and there were at least twenty bloody holes as thick as a little finger on the prone body. The thick black blood almost sprayed into blood mist.

  However, for an undead monster, regardless of pain and injury, it will not stop as long as it cannot be beaten to death.

  The corpse turned over very flexibly, but the arm that was hit was a little stiff and not flexible.

  At this time, Wei Yuan had already run more than ten steps!

  Wei Yuan: Run~~~

  "Ang~~~" The corpse on the ground roared, the long tongue in his mouth trembled wildly, and he actually shot out with a "poof"!

  "Be careful!" Chicken Legs warned quickly.

  Wei Yuan had never completely turned his back on the corpse, so naturally he saw it and hurriedly rolled sideways to avoid the entanglement of the slippery and long tongue.

  The long tongue of the corpse lying on the ground failed to do anything, and he immediately ran wildly and rushed towards Wei Yuan again.

  At this time, Wei Yuan had already arrived in the prepared trap, and shouted with a ferocious smile: "Come on, you ugly toad!" The

  lying corpse didn't care, chased and beat him, and plunged into Wei Yuan. Among the traps it prepares.

  This is a large "rebar fence" with more than twenty steel bars inserted into the ground. However, it is naturally impossible to rely on one person to widen the gap in the iron fence to tie up this lying corpse. But the steel bars inserted like those in the forest can limit the attack and charging movements of the lying corpse.

  As for the pair of big claws of the lying corpse, they are really powerful when swung, but they cannot be used inside the steel fence.

  This lying corpse has strong limbs and can bounce and move very quickly. If it is not restricted, Wei Yuan will be very passive.

  Seeing the lying corpse diving into the trap, he waved his claws to catch Wei Yuan who was just around the corner. With a "bang" sound, the corpse's arm hit the steel bar, and the entire movement of the claws was deformed.

  Wei Yuan raised the ghost gold stick with both hands over his head and smashed it straight up and down.

  Those steel bars were made straight up and down by Wei Yuan into the concrete floor under his feet. Sweeping movements would be blocked, but there would be no hindrance if they were smashed vertically!

  So, Wei Yuan raised the ghost gold stick in his hand and smashed it down, raised it up and smashed it down... and practiced the New Year's greeting stick technique!

  Four or five heavy blows only caused the corpse lying on the ground to have its head bruised and bleeding. It looked like the injury was serious, but it was actually innocuous!

  The corpse lying on the ground was thinking hard, and its claws were still waving wildly, trying to catch up with Wei Yuan in the gaps between the steel bars, hitting the steel bars with a diameter of three centimeters and making them tremble.

  Wei Yuan knew that he was no match. This corpse on the ground was worthy of being recognized as a monster at the beginning of the second level. Wei Yuan's Katu, who was at the beginning of the second level, was no match at all.

  Its strength was at least 17 or 18 points. It waved its claws and clashed head-on with Wei Yuan's ghost gold rod, causing Wei Yuan's hand to go numb!

  While Wei Yuan was walking in circles in the steel jungle, he shouted: "Chicken legs! I can't hold on anymore~"

  Suddenly, an orange shadow, while the lying corpse stretched out its claws to scratch Wei Yuan, passed over its back like the wind. Legs and ankles.

  "Bah~" There was a soft sound, and a stream of black blood spurted out from the heel of the corpse lying on the ground!

  The chicken legs are already very fast, but they usually try not to move as much as possible, as if they are taking root and sprouting. But once they move, they are much faster than the rabbit!

  And now it has been blessed by Guan Erye and its strength has increased by 10 points. Originally, because it was too small and lacked strength, it was difficult to cause effective damage to the prone corpse with a layer of tough skin, but now its weakness has been completely made up for.

  Now it is an orange killer cat (pig?)!

  The chicken legs never stopped taking advantage, and started a "siege" around the lying corpse in a daze!

  The jungle of steel fences can get in the way of wombs, but it's not a problem for the tiny drumsticks. It even moved with the help of steel bars, bouncing around in that steel jungle.

  In just three to five seconds, at least seven or eight long and deep gashes appeared on the prone body, and black blood spread on the ground like asphalt.

  The lying corpse roared repeatedly, but in this steel fence, its movement and movement were restricted. How could it keep up with the speed of the chicken legs?

  Completely passive beating!

  The chicken legs were covered with hair, and the two tails were swinging like propellers. The whole thing looked like it could fly. It used its feet on the steel bars without touching the ground, bouncing back and forth, and kept cutting them apart with its ten centimeter-long sharp claws. The flesh and blood of a corpse lying on the ground.

  However, the chicken legs are too small after all, and the claws are already very long at ten centimeters, but they are still not deadly enough for adult-sized undead monsters.

  On the contrary, he was rubbed twice by the claws of the corpse lying on the ground, and he fell to the ground several times!

  Fortunately, it is a monster and is more resistant to beatings.

  Wei Yuan knew that he couldn't defeat Fu Di Zhi alone with chicken legs, so he kept looking for opportunities nearby.

  Taking advantage of the corpse's back to him, he suddenly rushed forward and stretched out a steel bar in his hand. He saw that the steel bar softened and bent instantly like noodles, and under the control of Wei Yuan, it wrapped around one of the corpse's body. paw!

  "Come on, you!"

  Wei Yuan yanked the steel bar in his hand, and then casually pressed it on the steel fence standing next to him, directly fusing the two steel bars together.

  When the lying corpse wanted to wave its claws, it was discovered that the big claws had been locked by a circle of steel bars at some point!

  "Ang~" it roared with all its strength, but if it wanted to break the two-finger-thick steel bar, wouldn't that be a dream?

  If you want to break such thick rebar, you need 30 points of strength, right?

  Just as the corpse was scratching in vain at the rebar locking its claws, another rebar hook had silently trapped its foot!

  "Pour it down!"

  Wei Yuan yanked hard, causing the corpse to stagger. The steel bar in his hand had already merged with another steel fence!

  Now it's better. One of the feet of the lying corpse is independent, one hand is locked, and the whole thing is pulled by the steel bar, and it is somewhat unable to move. He could only wave the remaining big claw in vain.

  Wei Yuan called for stability. Another threaded steel hook was used to cover the remaining claw and lock it. The corpse was completely out of luck.

  When Wei Yuan came closer, the corpse lying on the ground opened its terrifying mouth to nearly 180 degrees and roared. Wei Yuan even saw its small black tongue!

  A fishy smell hit his nose, and Wei Yuan turned his head instinctively, just in time to avoid the whip-like tongue of the lying corpse.

  He forgot that this guy also had a tongue, and he almost got slapped in the face by this slimy long object!

  Seeing that Fu Di Zhi was about to retract his tongue and try again, Wei Yuan shouted loudly: "Shut up!" Then he held the ghost gold stick upside down with both hands and slammed it into Fu Di Zhi's foul-smelling mouth.



  I also temporarily remembered that the refining of all things can be used in this way, can you believe it?

  Comprehension: The position is perfected!

   There will be no recommendations tomorrow, I will run naked next week. And it's estimated that there won't be any recommendation spots for a long time.

    Please give me your support. In the new book issue, I still want to struggle to see if I can get close to the top ten.

    Please, please vote!

  (End of chapter)