
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

chapter 21— confession


1500 words


Feeling the comfort of sleeping in his arms, Sumiko dreamt of her past. She recalled the periods of struggle and the moments of finding companions. The warmth of Hikari's shoulder soothed her, and she drifted into a deeper sleep.

When she woke, she found her surroundings cloaked in darkness. Someone was hugging her tightly. Though she wanted to push away, she realized she didn't have the strength. Recollecting her memories, she realized it was Hikari holding her.

"I'm in his embrace," she thought, feeling a shy blush creeping up her cheeks. She tried to struggle out of shame, but he held her firmly.

Sensing her movement, Hikari whispered in her ear, "Don't move much. The area is cramped."

She asked, "What are we doing?"

In response, he said, "Nothing. We're hiding inside the swamp."

"Swamp? What about the cursed spirit? How many hours have passed?" she continued, her questions tumbling out.

Hikari flicked his finger on her forehead, gently admonishing, "Don't ask too many questions at once."

He continued, "The cursed spirit didn't chase us. I don't know why. As for how long we've been here, I don't know. I should have brought a watch."

Sumiko sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and relief. Hikari added, "Just rest. We'll stay like this for some more time until help arrives or the spirit comes back."

Despite the situation, the warmth of Hikari's embrace provided a strange sense of security. Sumiko closed her eyes, trusting him to keep them safe as they waited in the darkness.

Still with her eyes closed, Sumiko asked softly, "Do you have someone you like?"

The question hung in the air, and she quickly realized it was something out of the blue, prompted by the intimate atmosphere. When Hikari didn't reply immediately, a wave of fear washed over her. What if this damaged their relationship?

Scared, she hugged him tightly, afraid of the potential awkwardness. The silence stretched on, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She didn't want to ruin what they had, whatever it was.

After what felt like an eternity, Hikari finally spoke. "Why do you ask?" he said, his voice gentle but curious.

Sumiko bit her lip, unsure how to respond. She had asked impulsively, driven by emotions she didn't fully understand. "I don't know," she admitted. "I guess... I was just curious."

Hikari chuckled softly, a reassuring sound in the dark. "You really are something, Sumiko. I guess I'll keep you guessing for now."

Relieved by his response, Sumiko loosened her grip slightly but remained close. The fear subsided, replaced by a sense of calm. She didn't need an answer right now; she just needed to know that their bond was still intact.

As Sumiko didn't talk much, Hikari felt uncomfortable. Trying to lighten the mood, he said, "Hmm, where did the bossy Sumiko that hates me go?"

Sumiko, still in his embrace, looked up and replied, "I don't know... Do you think I hate you? Am I that bossy to you?" she asked calmly.

Her mind was in turmoil from her past memories and the recent life-and-death situation. Her emotions were intensified. She craved comfort and attention, and with Hikari being the only person around, he became her focus.

She wanted Hikari to at least praise her in this moment. With teary eyes and a hoarse voice, she asked, "Do you think I'm strong, Hikari? Do you think... I'm worth anything?"

Hikari was taken aback by her vulnerability. He gently wiped away her tears with his thumb, looking into her eyes. "Sumiko, you're one of the strongest people I know. You always fight with everything you've got. And... you're definitely worth more than you think."

Sumiko's tears flowed more freely at his words, but there was a small smile on her face. "Thank you," she whispered, feeling a bit more at ease. She clung to his words, letting them give her the strength she needed to face whatever came next.

With newfound clarity, Sumiko rested her head on Hikari's chest and began to speak. "You see, I used to think I was the happiest child when I was younger. Everyone loved me, and I got everything I wanted. But as I grew older, it turned out all those things were lies."

She paused, gathering her thoughts. "When I couldn't meet their expectations, they pushed me away. During those dark times, my mother was my only comfort. But she passed away."

Sumiko's voice wavered. "My father, the clan head, ignored me because of his duties. My brother didn't want to involve himself with me or the clan... but he did later saved me. He gave me hope to survive again by bringing me to Jujutsu Tech."

She looked up at Hikari, her eyes glistening. "There, I met you and others. I started to enjoy my life again."

Hikari didn't quite know how things were changing so dramatically, but he listened while hugging her and gently rubbing her back.

Feeling his hand, Sumiko smiled a little and continued, "When I first met you, you were annoying, calling a girl a guy." She pinched him lightly.

"Ouch," Hikari chuckled, feeling a bit ashamed of his previous actions. "Yeah, that wasn't my best moment."

Sumiko couldn't help but giggle softly. "You always found a way to get on my nerves, but... it made me feel alive, made me feel noticed."

Hikari smiled, the tension easing a bit. "I'm glad I could make you feel something, even if it was just irritation."

Sumiko nodded, her smile growing. "You've become more than just an annoyance. You've become someone I rely on, someone I... care about."

Hikari's heart skipped a beat at her words, and he tightened his embrace, knowing that whatever happened next.

She continued, "Day by day, your teasing became an addiction for me. I don't hate you that much, and I don't boss you around for nothing. I want you to keep teasing me.

It was fun every time I talked to you; I had butterflies in my stomach. Just not hearing your voice for a day made my heart ache.

I didn't understand this feeling until now, but I think I like you. I can't go on without you anymore."

With Sumiko's confession and the unexpected kiss, Hikari's mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts. "Sumiko confessed to me... Riko is waiting... I did talk about double dating... But isn't this moving too fast?" He wrestled with conflicting feelings. "I don't want to reject her, but I didn't plan to involve Riko like this."

As Hikari remained silent in response to Sumiko's confession, she felt a shiver run through her body. She tightened her hands around his neck, fearing that if she let go, she might never have this opportunity again. "Hikari, I know my past behavior might make you hesitant, but please, give me a chance."

Hikari, unsure of how to respond, unintentionally blurted out, "But Riko..." Realizing his mistake, he quickly covered his mouth, regretting his words.

But Sumiko heard it clearly. The mention of Riko's name brought a rush of conflicting emotions. She remembered her friend's feelings for Hikari before her own, and now, hearing Hikari speak of Riko, she couldn't shake the thought that he might have feelings for her too.

Feeling a desperate mix of longing for love and fear of losing their friendship, Sumiko blurted out, "I can be your second choice. If you give me enough attention, I'll be happy. But please, don't abandon me."

Tears welled up in Sumiko's eyes as she spoke. She felt vulnerable and uncertain, her heart exposed in the midst of this emotional turmoil. Hikari, realizing the impact of his words, felt a pang of guilt and regret. He wanted to explain himself but found it difficult to articulate his feelings clearly in the moment.

He whispered softly, "When did I reject you for you to come to such a conclusion? I know Riko likes me, and I didn't want to hurt her..."

Hearing his words, Sumiko couldn't hold back her tears, feeling as though Hikari had rejected her outright, even though she had reluctantly accepted being his second choice.

Gently wiping away Sumiko's tears, Hikari whispered softly," But that doesn't mean I don't care about you." His words were tender and reassuring, trying to soothe her wounded heart. " I also don't want to see you crying. I have feelings for both of you, whether it's love or not. I genuinely care about you, and I can't stand seeing you like this. I will blame myself if you keep crying."

Sumiko listened, her emotions still raw but comforted by his touch and his words. Deep down, she knew Hikari cared for her in his own way, even if the path forward seemed uncertain.

His comforting words and tender touch began to calm Sumiko down, the storm of emotions inside her slowly subsiding as she leaned into his embrace.

Then?" she asked uncertainly. In response, Hikari lifted her chin gently and kissed her passionately. With that kiss, she finally knew his answer, feeling a rush of happiness as she surrendered herself to the intoxicating moment of their embrace.


Is it romantic?

Or do you fell like eating dog food?

Advice me if you have any thoughts.
