
Different country different rules? JJK x SL

A 20 year old man got tranmigrated into jjk world after he died drowning in sea. His new name Osutin Hikari, turned out he started his journey form jjk plasma vessel arc as Riko childhood friends. watch no... let read his journey together.. Anime world 1. jujutsu Kaisen 2. Solo leveling two for now you can recommend but not on big scale anime just some slice of Life anime...

Abyss_Light · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter-18 — Initiate the fight


1600 words

Any unsatisfied people?


Realizing the urgency of their situation, Sumiko proposed a change in strategy to Hikari. "Shouldn't we find the cursed spirit first?" she suggested. "If we keep searching for an exit and let this thing grow even more, we might not make it before backup arrives."

Recognizing the logic in her reasoning, Hikari nodded in agreement. "You're right," he conceded. "Let's focus on finding the source of this domain."

With renewed determination, they retraced their steps to the area where Hikari had previously sensed a significant gathering of cursed energy. It seemed like the most likely place to find the cursed spirit responsible for the domain's creation. As they approached the ominous location, a sense of foreboding washed over them, but they pushed aside their fear, knowing that their only hope of escape lay in confronting the cursed spirit head-on.

As they approached the temple statue, dread clutched at Hikari and Sumiko's hearts like icy fingers. What they found there was beyond their worst nightmares—a horrific scene unfolding before their eyes. Where once stood the serene figure of the monk, now lay a grotesque amalgamation of tiger and man, its monstrous form feasting on the remnants of the monk's spirit.

Sumiko's breath caught in her throat as she took in the grisly sight. "This... this is the cursed spirit responsible for the domain," she whispered, her voice trembling with horror and revulsion.

Hikari's jaw tightened with resolve as he surveyed the scene before them. The cursed spirit, its tiger head twisted in a rictus of hunger, tore into the monk's ethereal form with savage ferocity. The air was thick with the stench of decay as weaker spirits lay scattered around, their twisted forms serving as grisly offerings to the monstrous creature.

We have to stop it," Sumiko said grimly, her gaze locked on the cursed spirit. "Before it devours everything in its path."

As they approached the temple, dread gripped Hikari and Sumiko. What they found was horrifying—a cursed spirit devouring a monk's essence. The creature, a grotesque amalgamation, feasted on the monk's ethereal form while weaker spirits littered the surroundings. Determined to stop it, Hikari and Sumiko braced for battle. Though selfishly motivated to survive, Hikari couldn't abandon Sumiko, who sought to protect others. Despite his fears, he stood by her side, ready to confront the monstrous threat.

With a quick decision, Sumiko unleashed her limitless gravity compress technique, attempting to squeeze the cursed spirit with immense force.

As Sumiko's gravity compress failed to deter the cursed spirit, it merely paused its feast to regard them with an unsettling gaze. Undeterred, Sumiko unleashed her push technique, propelling every nearby object towards the creature with desperate force. Sharp wood, twisted metal, and needles infused with curse energy converged on the cursed spirit, yet it remained unscathed, its monstrous form towering over them.

Despite the initial shock of their failed attacks, Hikari and Sumiko refused to succumb to despair. They exchanged a determined glance, silently reaffirming their resolve to confront the formidable foe before them. With a shared understanding, they braced themselves for whatever came next, knowing that retreat was not an option.

As the smoke from the chaotic onslaught settled, revealing the towering silhouette of the cursed spirit, Hikari and Sumiko felt a sense of unease wash over them. The creature, now ten feet tall, loomed above them with an air of distant menace, its eyes fixated on its prey with chilling intensity.

As the smoke cleared, revealing the towering titan before them, Hikari turned to Sumiko with a sense of urgency. "Do you have anything up your sleeve?" he asked, hoping for a solution to their predicament.

Sumiko's expression tightened with worry as she shook her head. "Not much that can defeat him," she admitted ruefully. "And I'm not like my brother—I can't use my technique continuously. It wears me off." Despite her apprehension, she steeled herself for the challenge ahead, determined to give it her all in their fight against the formidable foe.

Hikari chuckled bitterly, his laughter laced with sarcasm. "Well, aren't we just in a lovely situation, sensei?" he remarked, his tone dripping with irony.

Sumiko's expression remained grim as she responded, "I don't know if we can hold out until reinforcements arrive. The agent outside should have noticed what's happening here by now." Despite the uncertainty of their situation, she remained determined to persevere, clinging to the hope that help would arrive in time.

Sumiko's resolve hardened as she thought about her desire to prove herself. "I refuse to die here without showing everyone that I'm just as capable as my brother," she declared, her voice tinged with determination. She refused to let fear or doubt cloud her mind, focusing instead on the task at hand and the opportunity to demonstrate her worth in the face of adversity.

As they braced themselves to face the towering figure, the lion-faced creature suddenly smiled, sending goosebumps down their spines. Realizing something was wrong, Sumiko glanced down. The temple floor was transforming into a swamp, swallowing everything slowly.

"What is this?" Sumiko exclaimed, trying to lift her feet but finding them stuck in the rapidly forming mire.

Hikari's eyes widened in panic as he struggled to keep his balance. "It's turning the entire place into a trap!"

The creature's grin widened, its eyes gleaming with malevolent delight. The swampy floor rose higher, ensnaring their legs and pulling them down.

As they were trying to understand the situation, only seconds passed before the cursed spirit was suddenly standing next to Sumiko. She turned around, realizing too late that taking her eyes off the spirit was a grave mistake. The cursed spirit gave her a powerful kick that sent her flying. Hikari activated his barrier to surround her and brace the impact, but she still received a massive blow to her stomach.

The cursed spirit, observing them, concluded that Sumiko was the stronger one. It wanted to take down the stronger opponent first; killing a weaker being would hurt its pride.

Sumiko struggled to her feet, clutching her stomach in pain. "Hikari, this thing is smarter than we thought," she gasped.

Hikari nodded, fear gripping him. "We need to come up with a plan, fast."

The cursed spirit advanced on them, its eyes gleaming with malice. Hikari and Sumiko knew they had to work together, using every bit of their strength and cunning to survive. The odds were against them, but the had no choice but to fight.

As Sumiko was sent flying by the spirit, she managed to get out of the swamp, albeit damaged. Utilizing her gravity technique, she floated in the air, looking down at the creature. Meanwhile, Hikari was ignored by the cursed spirit and found himself halfway submerged in the swamp. To keep his clothes clean, he used his barrier to surround himself.

Seeing Sumiko struggling, Hikari activated his Althing skill, which acted like a domain, significantly boosting Sumiko's abilities while hindering the cursed spirit. However, as he activated it, he realized something alarming. Althing could absorb cursed energy from the surroundings, but so could the creature. It was absorbing cursed energy not only from the environment but also from Sumiko's techniques.

With each exchange, Sumiko kept getting weaker while the cursed spirit grew stronger, even with the boost from Althing. Hikari realized he had to join the fight more actively to support her.

Summoning his energy, he used his Black Fist technique, though incomplete, it still managed to land a solid hit on the spirit. Unfortunately, the cursed spirit barely seemed fazed. Hikari's heart sank—he could only use Black Fist once a day.

Despite his efforts, Sumiko's energy continued to deplete rapidly. The cursed spirit, growing bolder, launched a ferocious kick that sent Sumiko sprawling. Hikari, his barrier still surrounding him, absorbed most of the impact, but the barrier dissipated momentarily, leaving him vulnerable.

Sumiko, struggling to her feet, yelled, "Hikari, we need another plan! This isn't working!"

Hikari, wiping blood from his face after taking a punch, nodded grimly. "I know! But we need to keep it distracted somehow. If it keeps absorbing our energy, we're done for."

They exchanged a glance, a silent agreement forming between them. Despite their differences, they had to work together seamlessly to stand any chance of survival.

With a renewed sense of urgency, Hikari focused on using his barrier more strategically, trying to protect Sumiko while she attacked. Sumiko, though weakened, gathered her remaining strength to use her gravity manipulation to push and pull the cursed spirit, trying to keep it off balance.

As they fought, Hikari couldn't help but admire Sumiko's determination and skill. Despite their earlier tensions, he knew they had to rely on each other completely now. He shouted, "Sumiko, I'll cover you! Just focus on hitting it where it hurts!"

Sumiko, sweat dripping down her face, nodded. "Got it! Let's give it everything we've got!"

Together, they launched a coordinated attack, Hikari using his barrier to deflect the spirit's blows while Sumiko targeted its weak points with precise, gravity-enhanced strikes. The battle was far from over, but for the first time, they felt a glimmer of hope.

