
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasi
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62 Chs

Natural energies

Lawrence starts to clean the glade. He separates the fallen leaves from the branches, vines, roots, trunks, and fallen trees he might potentially use later.

" *Sigh*" lawrence sigh

I'm the king of the elves *cough* I mean the hope of an entire species but I'm doing all this work by myself.

I should have asked the chieftess to look for some elves to help me do all this work. It's not like I can approach some elves and tell her to become my servant.

My wife? No way, she will need her stamina for our nightly activities *cough* I mean she looks so delicate it's best not to bother her.

This is for your kingdom Lawrence, this is for your kingdom. Lawrence thought

After some time, Lawrence finally finished cleaning the glade.

Damn, that's some hard work, this glade is huge but thankfully it's all covered by the shade of these huge trees if not I'll probably pass out for heat.

Now that I think about it I even dragged away some small trees earlier, but I don't feel tired at all. My former self would have long been exhausted by now. Is it because of this elven body? Oh, wait I've been eating red echina since yesterday not to mention the fruit of the world tree. Is it because of it? I'll need to get some test subjects tomorrow *cough* I mean trainees.

A lone elf surrounded by thousands of beauties but not a single one accompanies him. These elves need some spanking.

I'll first drink some water before continuing to build my training area

Lawrence first starts to heal some minor scratches on his body. He then starts to meditate.

Hmm, out of my eight cores, the gold one is the only one shining. Is it because I used it before unlike the other ones so it still absorbs energy without me meditating? Damn, mages. Aura users like the former me need to meditate to fill up their core. No wonder mages can fight continuously without meditating

But the stronger the spell used the greater the energy consumption is. I need to focus on the cores I can use for fighting first, gold core is good but it's only for healing why heal myself if I can kill them without being injured right?

Look for the blue core then let mana flow in it. Focus, focus.

A few moments later, the blue core started to shine

Finally, water energy started to flow into it, now I wonder what will happen. I'll start to focus my water energy on my palm first, will it burst out of my palm?

Damn, water is coming out of my palm. But what the hell is this? I pee more than this sh*t. Let alone burst, it's like my hand is just drooling.


I'll just wash my face and freshen up a little then drink some water. Beggars can't be choosers it's not like I'm the strongest human mage before. I was just a meatshield *cough* an ordinary soldier after all.

After some time

"Ugh! That feels nice" Lawrence exclaimed

I feel so refreshed now. Now it is time for me to focus on the natural energy I can use for slaughtering men *cough* I mean protecting the village

Now the question is which natural energy should I focus on first? I need to focus on the natural energy that can protect me in a short time

Fire? No way, I'm surrounded by trees and dead leaves. I ain't planning on setting fire to my backyard.

Lighting? I don't think so. These trees will block all of those. I'm not strong enough to obliterate a tree to hit my target

Water? Yeah, not a bad idea especially if a fire broke out. But it's mainly for support and defence or if I want to slice someone in two, but It will take some time for me to do it.

Wind? Hmm not a bad idea but it's mainly used for boosting the power of long-range weapons like arrows. I only use sword before I don't know how to use long-ranged weapons, at least not right now.

Light? It's mainly for healing but I'll explore its other uses at a later date

Dark blue? That's kinda cool like freezing someone where they stand. Might be worth considering.

Earth? Now we are talking, making some pitfall and burying them alive doesn't sound like a bad idea

On that note

Nature? Nature or the green core has the power to manipulate trees and plants. And I'm surrounded by them. The ancient book even says that the dyads who are the only known users who can control the trees and move them as they please they can even summon trees from the ground.

Ok, let's focus on nature core first.

Lawrence starts to meditate.

I found the green core now let's use it to absorb natural energy. Focus, focus

A few moments later.

Finally, it's flowing. damn my body is starting to feel heavy. Is this because I activated three of my cores now? Damn, I probably shouldn't have activated my water core and focused on nature energy first. Looks like three cores is my limit for now. I don't think this weak ass body can handle it if I active another one of my core

Now how should try summoning a tree? Should I bite my thumb and place it on the ground? *cough* I don't think biting will be necessary. I'll just try to put my palm on the ground and release my nature energy it might be enough to summon something.

Lawrence places his hand on the ground and starts channeling nature energy

"Hmm, what the hell is this? A tree sprout? My d*ck is longer than this sh*t!" Lawrence exclaimed

Never mind that I'll try to move this sprout first and see if I can control this. Hm? It's moving. Now we are talking, dance for me little sprout *cough* I mean this should be enough for now.

I'll go ahead and start trying if I can move some small trees.

Lawrence walks towards the smallest tree he can find.

"I can try it on this one"

Lawrence put his palm on the tree trunk and used his nature energy

Hmm, it shook a little. Well not bad, my core is still in its beginning phase. I'm sure I'll be able to cotrol this tree and even summon trees to attack some orcs *cough* I mean to protect myself once my nature core expands after repeatedly using it.

Lawrence felt something flowing out of his nose.

What's this hot liquid flowing out of my nose? Blood? Damn, I must have oven-done it huh?. My mental strength and my body are still too weak. I should head home for now and rest

Lawrence starts to head home. Along the way he found a water well and wash himself.

Thank you everyone for the support!

I appreciate all the views, comments, collections, and power stones. You guys are my inspiration to continue this novel.

Also special thanks to shyfix291 for the novel review.

*Spoiler: The next chapter will be an R18+ Mother's Day special *

Please continue to support me, everyone! ^_^

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