
Did I become an Elf?

Warning: Mature Audiences only 18+ A tragedy struck the elven race, The demon ambushed all the elven males at the shrine of the Goddess they were worshipping, except one Lawrence who was left to recuperate inside the elven village after being poisoned but died not long after. Now the goddess reincarnated Lawrence who was living 2 thousand years in future as a human and tasked him with the responsibility of populating the elven village. And prevent the future occurrence of the extermination of the elven race. This is about the journey and struggles of the last elven male who wants to turn his village into an empire.

ElvenHero · Fantasi
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62 Chs

Bigger core

"so what do we do now Lawrence?" the chieftess asked

"I don't know myself, chieftess, should we drink a drip of it and test it?" Lawrence askes

Damn I should have brought some elves as test subjects I mean to see its effect

"it looks no different from water. Let us both get a drop then drink it, I'm sure the world tree won't harm us," the chieftess said with a smile

Yeah you mean the one that kidnapped the elf over there that's still passed out right?

"Sure chieftess, let's do it" Lawrence said with a smile

I can't die inside the barrier anyways

Lawrence and the chieftess then used their palms to get some of the world trees' essence and then drank it

Both Lawrence and the chieftess started glowing green

The two looked at the chieftess's body and then at each other with wide eyes.

"Have you learned to activate your nature core chieftess? But I'm sure your core shouldn't be enough to supply your entire body with nature's energy" he asked in a surprised tone

"I-Idont know myself why I'm glowing green like you. I didn't do anything" the chieftess said while looking at her body, she's glowing green

That's weird even though she's a four-core one, her green core should still only be a little bigger than an eyeball, it should have taken her at least 1-2 months to start doing that

"Chieftess please meditate and look at your green core, tell me how big it is," Lawrence said

"ok" The chieftess then sat crosslegged and meditated

Lawrence also did the same but opened his eyes not long after

Nothing changed, my cores are still the same size as before but my green core seems darker for some reason. It became more resilient

While the chieftess is meditating, Lawrence is expanding his nature energy to see different parts of the underground cave

This place is huge even after expanding my nature energy 8 feet from me to different directions I still can't see the walls. The only thing I can see is the small light from the ceiling from where we came from

I'll bring some elves with moon crystal next time I visit this place

"l-Lawrence," the chieftess said in a surprised tone

"What's wrong chieftess," Lawrence asked slightly worried

"m-my green core, it bigger like this," the chieftess said then showed Lawrence her fists

"Congratulations chieftess" Lawrence then hugged her

Damn so now I can let some elves drink this then we can explore outside huh, this helps me save so much time

"We should let the others drink some of it too," the chieftess said with a smile

"I agree with you chieftess, let's head back and call the others, they also might be worried since we've been gone for a long time now," Lawrence said with a smile

Lawrence then used his nature energy and brought the two elves outside with him

"Chieftess!" "Chieftess what happened" the elves who went to the Glade asked with worried expressions

"Don't worry she's fine and just passed out, we shall head back to the glade, please wait here and make sure no ones go down this hole, It is an entrance to a cave and it's a long way down if you fall?" the chieftess said with a serious expression

"Don't worry chieftess we will stay here" "and ill bring her to healer Amelia" the elves said

Lawrence and the chieftess then flew up and headed to the Glade.

"do we tell about it to all the warriors there?" the chieftess asks Lawrence while looking at him

"yeah chieftess, we might get attacked anytime time by other races so it's better to be prepared plus we are all family so let's not keep a secret" Lawrence said with a smile

"we're family, huh, that's true," the chieftess said with a smile

By family, I meant all the elves here are my wives, all 4,500 of you are mine

Plus it's only useful for nature energy and mine is already at its last stage so it's useless to me. I'm sure the world tree can produce more anyway.

They arrived at the Glade not long after

"What happened chieftess and warrior Lawrence?" the elves waiting for them asked

"An elf fell in a hole near the world tree thankfully a dryad saved her," the chieftess said with a smile

Saved her? More like they kidnapped her and used the other elves as messengers to bring me to them

"Anyway that's not important, look" The chieftess then used her nature energy and started glowing green

"wow, chieftess!" "How did you do that?" "Brother you said you'll teach me too" "Teach it to me too!" the elves said cheerfully

The chieftess then looked at Lawrence, he nodded

"There is a hole below the world tree and it leads to a cave, inside the cave there is the essence of the world tree we can drink. It will help us to enlarge our green core and help us save a few months of training," the chieftess said with a smile

Damn, she told them everything huh.

"then let's drink it!" "yeah let's go right now!" the elves shouted cheerfully, some even raising one of their hand

The chieftess then looked at Lawrence, he smiled

"All right I'll bring you all down there but first we need moon crystals, and we need a lot of them, so please make sure that you have at least one with you" Lawrence said with a smile

"ok!" "You got it warrior Lawrence" "I'll bring 3" "I also have some" the elves said cheerfully

"then go home and bring your moon crystals, let's meet at the world tree," the chieftess said with a smile

The elves started running towards their houses not long after only Lawrence and the ones living with him were left at the Glade

"let's go and get our moon crystals too," Karina said with a smile

Lawrence and the ones living with him started walking towards their house while talking about the hole he and the chieftess found

Thank you for reading this Chapter! ^_^

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