
Dictator with a Badass System

Have you ever thought about having a cool system at your disposal? What would you do if you were a Dictator who suddenly transmigrated to a completely new world with a system? Would you use the system to take over the new world or destroy the world altogether to get stronger? This is a story of the most powerful and ruthless Dictator on earth who took over the body of a young noble who died humiliated, betrayed, and broken. If you are expecting a harem, beta MC who has a soft spot for young ladies, please turn back. This is not for you. But if you crave something new, something fresh and not a cliché young master but an Alpha MC who wouldn't blink an eye to kill anyone regardless of their gender and age, you won’t regret reading the novel. Join the journey of Hunter from being the Dictator to the most feared Crime Lord in a fantasy world!!! WELCOME TO THE CRIMINAL EMPIRE BUILDING CLASS Schedule : Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

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Completing the quest

Hunter and Kolvar rode their horses back to Bellburn city after completing the quest of eliminating the goblin nest. It was well past midnight when they arrived, and the city was eerily quiet. The guards at the main gate were roused from their slumber by the sound of galloping hooves. One of the guards called out to them, "Halt! What brings you here at this time of night?"

Hunter replied, "We are adventurers and have just returned from a quest. Here's our temporary adventure pass,"

The guard scrutinized the pass and then nodded, "Very well, you may proceed. But be mindful of the curfew and keep the noise down,"

Hunter and Kolvar nodded in agreement and rode into the city, making their way toward the nearest inn to rest for the night.

As they made their way through the silent city streets, the only sounds were the soft clopping of their horses' hooves and the occasional hooting of an owl in the distance. The city was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the soft glow of oil lamps and luminescent stones lining the streets.

The dark streets of Bellburn city were eerily quiet as Kolvar and Hunter made their way through. The flickering glow of torches and lamps could be seen in the distance, casting long shadows on the buildings' walls. In this magical world where there was no electricity, lamps filled with oil were the primary source of light for the common folk. The wealthy cities, however, used luminescent stones to illuminate their streets, casting a soft and eerie glow that made the city look otherworldly.

The sound of the horses' hooves echoed eerily in the empty streets of Bellburn city as Hunter and Kolvar made their way towards the adventurers guild. The once-bustling street was now devoid of life and looked like a ghost town. The shops and stalls that were open during the day were now locked up tightly, and the only signs of life were the occasional patrolling guards.

Hunter and Kolvar dismounted their horses with practiced ease, their movements graceful and fluid despite the fatigue of their long journey. Hunter's fingers brushed against the rough wooden pole as he deftly tied the reins, the sounds of the night barely audible over the beating of his heart. The anticipation of what lay ahead made him quicken his pace, the sack of valuables bouncing gently against his back as he hoisted it over his shoulder. The weight of it was a reminder of the risks they had taken, and the rewards they had earned.

As night fell, the Adventurers Guild took on a different character. The marble building that had been so striking in the daylight now seemed almost ethereal. Its snowy exterior glowed faintly in the light of the oil lamps that hung on either side of the entrance stairs, casting a warm and inviting glow on the burnished golden doors.

The elf stationed outside the entrance wore a crimson and gold uniform, which seemed to shimmer in the dim light. He carried a lamp made from a luminescent stone, its soft blue glow adding to the overall magical atmosphere.

When Hunter and Kolvar approached the golden doors, the elf stationed there greeted them with a nod, his luminescent lamp casting a soft glow on their faces.

As they approached the entrance, the stillness of the night enveloped them, the soft flicker of a nearby lamp casting long, flickering shadows on the ground. The distant hooting of an owl echoed through the night, a lonesome sound that only emphasized the silence.

But Hunter and Kolvar were no strangers to this eerie quietness, and they pushed forward with a sense of purpose. Hunter's grip on the sack tightened, as if he was trying to anchor it to his body. The thought of losing their hard-earned spoils to a thief was too much to bear. They stepped inside the guild, their senses on high alert, ready to collect their well-deserved payment after a long and grueling day of fighting goblins.

Hunter and Kolvar stepped through the guild's imposing doors, and their eyes were immediately drawn to the grandeur of the interior. The polished white marble floor stretched out before them, reflecting the warm light of the chandeliers above. The chandeliers, hanging from the ceiling at different heights, were crafted from shimmering gold and studded with luminescent stones that cast a warm and inviting glow over the otherwise empty guild.

As they made their way through the empty space, they were struck by the portraits of various people lining the walls. Each portrait seemed to exude a sense of importance and accomplishment, hinting at the brave and legendary feats that these adventurers had accomplished during their time in the guild.

Despite the emptiness of the guild at night, Hunter and Kolvar could still sense the energy and excitement that must have filled the space during the day when adventurers returned from their quests, swapping stories and boasting about their accomplishments.

Upon entering the guild, the first thing that caught their attention was the sight of Brianna, the elf receptionist, behind the counter. To their surprise, there wasn't a shred of sleepiness in her eyes despite the late hour. Instead, her gaze was sharp and focused, and her slender fingers were tapping away at a ledger. Her pointed ears, a common trait of her elven heritage, were twitching as if picking up every sound in the room. She looked up at the sound of the door opening and gave the adventurers a nod of acknowledgment before returning her attention to her work. The quiet rustling of paper filled the room as she continued to write down notes, her expression never wavering from its determined focus. It was clear that the elf took her job seriously, and nothing, not even the late hour, could deter her from fulfilling her duties.

"Welcome back, Hunter. You sure took your time," Brianna's voice rang out through the empty guild hall as she greeted Hunter and Kolvar upon their return. Despite the late hour, the elf's eyes seemed to sparkle with an inner light that belied any sign of sleepiness. Her face was a picture of beauty, illuminated by the flickering glow of a solitary candle on the counter in front of her. A warm smile graced her lips as she welcomed them back to the guild, her friendly demeanor a welcome relief after the long and tiring journey they had just completed.

Brianna's eyes scanned over Hunter's arm where a cloth was tightly wrapped around to stop the bleeding. She also noticed the bruises on Kolvar's face. "I see the goblins did some damage," she remarked with concern.

"Just a few cuts," Hunter replied, trying to downplay their injuries. "Nothing we can't handle." He then pulled out the pouch filled with goblin ears from his bag and placed it on the counter, a sense of satisfaction spreading across his face.

Brianna deftly untied the pouch and opened it, revealing the grisly contents within. Hunter and Kolvar watched as she reached in and pulled out one of the small, shriveled ears. They braced themselves for a look of disgust or horror, but to their surprise, Brianna regarded the ear with a neutral expression, as if it were nothing more than a coin.

She continued to count each ear methodically, her brow furrowing slightly as she came across the charred remains of a few goblin ears. Hunter wondered if she would question them about the damage, but Brianna didn't say anything, simply nodding once she had finished her count.

Hunter couldn't help but feel a little unnerved by Brianna's detached demeanor, but he knew that in the adventurers' world, such things were commonplace.

"Congratulations on finishing your first quest. If you please wait here, I will bring your adventurer pass and fee for finishing the quest," Brianna congratulated Hunter and Kolvar on completing their first quest and asked them to wait while she fetched their adventurer pass and reward for completing the quest.

Hunter and Kolvar leaned against the counter while they waited for Brianna to return with their adventurer pass and payment. The room was silent except for the sound of Brianna shuffling through papers in the back. Kolvar's eyes were fixed on the ground, brows creased with concern.

"We should seek out a skilled healer in the city to tend to our wounds when the sun rises. We cannot let these injuries go untreated," he said, looking up at Hunter with a worried expression.

Hunter nodded in agreement, but before he could respond, Kolvar's expression grew even more somber.

"And I have a feeling we might start seeing the aftermath of killing the students of Arcanum academy," Kolvar whispered, leaning in close to Hunter so only he could hear.

Hunter's eyes widened in shock. "What are you talking about?" he asked, feigning innocence.

Kolvar's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but Brianna returned with their payment and adventurer pass before he could reply.

As Brianna retrieved their rewards, she meticulously counted out five small astral coins and placed them on the counter, where they shimmered in the dim light with a soft crimson-red glow. The coins were unadorned, but their magical properties were evident in the way they glimmered and flickered in the shadows.

Along with the coins, Brianna also placed two copper cards on the table, each bearing the name of the adventurer it belonged to, their cultivation level if applicable, and the number of quests completed. The cards were small, but sturdy, with delicate engraving that glinted in the light.

Hunter eagerly reached out to take his adventurers pass, studying it carefully as he admired the intricate detailing. The card felt cool and smooth in his hand, and he could feel the power emanating from it. He turned to Kolvar, who was equally impressed, as they exchanged a nod of satisfaction.

Brianna directed her gaze at Hunter and Kolvar, "Do you plan to take on any other quest or return to your rooms?"

Hunter shook his head, "No, we're good for now. We'll probably head to our rooms,"

Suddenly, Brianna's expression changed as if she had just remembered something.

"Wait, there were three of you, wasn't there? Where is the other one?"

Hunter hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. Brianna's inquisitive gaze made him feel uneasy. "Well, he couldn't handle the heat, I guess," he finally said with a shrug, hoping to divert her attention.

Brianna raised an eyebrow. "The heat?"

Hunter nodded, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, the adventure life can be tough. Not everyone can handle it."

Brianna studied Hunter for a moment as if trying to read his thoughts.

"I see," she finally said, her tone implying that she wasn't entirely convinced. Hunter concealed the truth from the elf as he didn't want to disclose the grisly reality - Thrud's throat was brutally slit by the students of Arcanum Academy. This was because Thrud was part of a bandit group that Hunter intended to lead, and he didn't want to risk revealing this information to Brianna.

Brianna raised an eyebrow in suspicion but didn't push the matter further. Instead, she handed over their adventurer passes and the payment for their completed quest.

After leaving the guild, Hunter and Kolvar rode their horses toward the Bored Hamster tavern through the deserted streets, and they couldn't help but notice its unwelcoming appearance. The building's rough exterior seemed to loom menacingly in the darkness, casting deep shadows that stretched out into the street.

The wooden logs and planks that made up the tavern's structure were weathered and worn, giving the impression that it had been standing for centuries. The windows were grimy and uninviting, and the faint flicker of candlelight only served to enhance the building's eerie aura.

The two adventurers dismounted their horses and tied them to a nearby post. As they approached the door, they noticed the strong smell of stale ale and damp wood that emanated from within. The door creaked ominously as they pushed it open, revealing a dimly lit room with only a few tables and chairs scattered around.

The silence was almost palpable, broken only by the occasional creak of a floorboard or the soft rustle of wind outside. The atmosphere was heavy with a sense of foreboding, and it seemed as though the slightest sound might shatter the fragile peace of the Bored Hamster.

"Let's turn ourselves in for the night," said Hunter.

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Check out my new stories connected to the DBS universe; Anti Hero With a Legendary System and Hitman with a Badass System. The links are in the synopsis.

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