
Diary of the Former World’s #1 Raising a Minor Character to the Peak

He never performed well in either middle nor high school, and even after becoming an adult, he never worked. Be it morning, noon or night, he only played an online game. For him, being the world’s number one rank, playing that online game, was his very reason for living. One day, his account was hacked and his character deleted. Restoration was impossible. Nothing that could be done. The number 1 rank that he literally spent his life to attain and to defend was now lost. Filled with despair he was given another chance When he opened his eyes again, there was the online game. No, the world itself looked similar to the game. He had been reborn as the extra character of the premium avatar he created in the past, but left untouched. The former world’s top, was reborn in a world that looked like that online game. That was the beginning of his extraordinary legend.

Manoftrueculture · Fantasi
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161 Chs

130 Blooming feelings when kindly admonished

"Master, I don't want to question you too much, but...didn't you say it was a man?"

 As soon as I got home, Yukari asked me a question in a cold tone.

 Come to think of it, I had described Framboise I to everyone as "a man who should've been dead".

 However, now there was no longer even a shadow of that man. The masculine bald old man, Fran, had transformed into the model-like, beautiful girl, Ras. Yeah, she was so pretty to the point that Yukari was jealous of her.

 That said, I don't intend to explain from the ground up what he's like on the inside, or how stuff was in my previous life. Therefore, I guess I will be a little pushy here.

"He had some sort of sex change."

"How dare you lie so brazenly...?"

 I was yelled at. However, I was not really lying...

"Don't be mad. I was just pretending to be a man. Senpai isn't at fault here."

"...Is that so?"

 As expected of Ras' super air-reading abilities.

 This guy has always been quite quick-witted. That is also part of why I liked him in the past and often chose to work together.

"You call him senpai? U-umu, I have been wondering this so far but, what exactly is the kind of relationship between you two?"

 After thinking I managed to fool them for now, Silvia asked a straight-to-the-point question. Well, that's one of the things I like about her.


"W-We went to junior high together!"

 As I was at loss for words, Ras was quick to follow up with me. Seems like it's better to leave everything to her for now.

"Junior high? What is that? Is it something shady?"

"It's not! It's nothing like that! Junior high is, uhmm, it's that, like a school for children in their early teens."

"School? I see. Then, that means...Second-dono attended a school?"

"Hey, what does that mean?"

 Silvia muttered with a look of disbelief. This girl really thinks I'm an idiot, doesn't she? Damn, it hurts the most the fact that I can't deny it.

"――Excuse us."

 While I was feeling like shit, Cubero and Besaid entered the room.

 The two of them bowed politely towards me, then towards the others, and finally turned their attention to Renko.

"Young mistress, are you safe...!?"

"Young mistress! I am so happy to see you again. But more than that, I'm glad you're in good health!"

 These three are the only survivors of the R6 righteous bandits. Even after Windfield spent a long time investigating, she could only find Renko, so they could hardly expect to find any more. Knowing this, they were quite happy from the bottom of their hearts to see Renko again.

 Renko must've felt the same way. But for some reason, she looked dissatisfied.

"...I see you guys now have someone to bow your head before me."

 Even here she's excessively rash.

"I understand if it's that guy, but am I even lower than the maids now?"

 She pointed at me while saying "that guy". The maids she's referring to are Yukari, Silvia, and Eko, I guess?

 Certainly, if so she might feel like she's treated lower than a servant. And Yukari is a dark elf, so I guess she's not thought to have a very high social status according to the common sense of this world. Well, to be honest, her status in the mansion is so high that sometimes I feel as if she's higher than me, the owner...


 Cubero was unusually silent.

 I guess she can't just get angry. Renko now has a respectable occupation. So she probably doesn't think it's a good idea to get this done in the style of the righteous bandits. That said, she has not entered the Firstest household. So, because of the ambiguity of her position, she's unable to yell at him as a righteous bandit, and she can't make a careless remark since she's mostly a stranger to the location, either.

"Hey, can I say something?

 As I silently wondered what to do, Ras whispered in my ear.

 ...Yeah, that would be great, to be honest, so I nodded to her as if saying "I leave it to you".



"Stop trying to test them."


 She went right to the heart of the matter, causing Renko to widen her eyes.

"If you keep wandering between who you are now and who you were in the past, just because you don't see the value in your existence, you'll lose sight of what's important. Right now, there are a lot of people who are willing to help you no matter what you blurt back at them. But you never know what it'll be like after another year."

"...No, I was…"

"You have to live by yourself. If you hang on to what others give you, you won't be able to get up for the rest of your life. You'll just keep on falling over and over."

"Is that...me?"

"Do you understand? If you knew what you were doing, well...you'll be beyond saving."


 How nostalgic. The value of your existence. I too have thought about this and that when I was young.

 In Renko's case, she's probably torn between her identity as the daughter of Rimusuma, the boss of the great bandits R6, and her identity as the only lady-in-waiting of the saint.

 Even though she became stronger with the knowledge given to her by Ras, she somehow understood that it was only temporary, so it didn't feel quite right as an identity. In addition, the assassination of the Pope failed. That being the case, the only value that remained for her was her brand as the boss' daughter.

 While clinging to her past self, she had difficulty letting her present self go, all the while wandering aimlessly. She eventually became an adolescent girl with only a superior outer shell while having no substance inside.

"The only reason you are so arrogant is because of others. Does it feel good to be bowed down like that? Well, it must feel good, just for that moment. But afterward, you feel empty, right? If you really want to be recognized, you first need the proper attire. Don't be so reliant on your parents. If you want to fight, do it with your own garments, not with the ones inherited from your father. Don't you wish you could do everything by yourself? So, why don't you get some respect on your own? Wouldn't it feel good if you did?" 


 Ras spoke gently while admonishing Renko, who simply listened with a downcast expression.

 This totally looks like a lecture from a teacher to a high school girl.

"I like that kind of thing. On the other hand, I dislike those who deny others by bringing in things they have pulled from somewhere else and talking about them as if they were their own. You have to think for yourself before giving your opinion. Don't brag about your own power if you've not fought for it yourself, okay?"

 Ahh, I understand it all too well. I used to hate when other people spoke about "common sense".

 I suppose this was something Ras heard people say over and over again――"common sense says it's not right to dress up as a woman".

 And for me, it would be something like "It's stupid to bet your life on a game, that's not common sense".

 Do not don the mask of common sense as if you're the representative of the general public. Simply express your opinion fairly and honestly. Isn't that right?

 Ras' admonishment is a reflection of her past life. 

"She's very kind, isn't she?"

 As Ras continued to preach, Cubero whispered nearby, as if talking to me. I totally agree.

 As Renko said before down in the prison cell, Ras probably felt she had some debt to pay. And that was why she was gently lecturing her. As a senior in life, she was teaching hear from one to ten.

 Renko's life-long desire for friendship and affection had already been greatly nurtured in Ras.

 ...I feel like I understood a bit more why Ras wanted to bring Renko along.

"Now then, everyone, let's talk about Renko's good points so that she can see herself in a better light!"

 And so, while listening to it for a while, it suddenly took a weird turn. Aren't you being too nice, Ras-san?

"I'll start, I like Renko's persistence. How about you, Senpai?"

"Why me? Uhh...I think she has more guts than most people. Silvia next."

"What? Uhmm, although it hurts to admit it, but you're quite beautiful. Yukari."

"...Well, I think you have good style. Eko."

"Eko what!?"

"Eko, you weren't listening, were you?"

"Not at all!!"

 You're well and good.

"Cubero then."

"Me too? Hmm, the young mistress is single-minded and compassionate, and, eh... Besaid."

"Oh boss, please spare me...ehhh, the young mistress is very active, I think she's suited for physical activities."

"And, since it has circled back to me, then. Renko is――"

"Okay! Enough! That is enough!"

 Afterward, everyone chatted for a while around Renko, who had turned as red as a tomato.

 Well, it looks like everything will be fine.

"Ahh, I forgot to thank Margrave Steam."

 Just before noon.

 My tension skyrocketed when Yukari told me that today I'll have "steamed meat buns with a lot of secret ingredients" for lunch. Ras reacted by saying "pork buns" in her Kansai dialect, and then after some time arguing about the proper name of the meat buns, I suddenly remember something.

"I'll be back in a bit."

 I told that to everybody while using "Monster Summoning" to call for Anko. Such a convenient world, or should I say a convenient messenger? Since she can go to a distant frontier fortress and return in "just a bit".

 Using "Darkness Transfer" and "Darkness Summon", she searched for the shadow of Margrave Steam Bitter-Valley.

 And she quickly found what she was looking for.

"I knew you'd be here soon."

 Steam greeted me while sitting on the chair of his main office with a reproachful look on his face. Even though we took the time to transfer outside of his office, it seemed to be an unnecessary concern.

"We're speaking about Lord Second after all. You've already taken care of the whole mess this morning, but I bet you forgot all about me and just remembered now, didn't you?"

"You're amazing, right on the money."

"Yeah, after all, I'm a man who rose to the rank of Margrave at this young age.  But still, you don't seem to take offense."

 I could say the same thing in return.

"Well, I do have a number of questions I want to ask, but for now, just two...First one."

"What is it?"

"How did you successfully pull the revolution?"

 ...This guy.

"Who knows? Maybe some divine wind blew in."

"How can you lie so brazenly?"

 I feel like someone just said the exact same thing to me not long ago.

"I'm sorry, but I'm always brazen. Be it when I'm lying or when I'm telling the truth."

"Alright, let's forget about that. Now, for the second question. Just now, the imperial army of Marubell has invaded a small country west of the Sacred Country of Kamel. Did you know this?"

 Are you serious?

"I didn't know. On the contrary, I now want to ask a question."

"Please do."

"How do you know this has just happened?"

"Team-limited communication. You're using it too, aren't you?"

 Oh, come on!

"Are you sure it's okay to tell me this kind of classified information? Maybe you haven't even told this to Maine."

"I've decided that it is better not to hide anything from you. I would rather reveal everything than lose your trust."

"You always know what to say, don't you?"

 He's a terribly talented one, I'll give him that.

 Then, let's hear what he says about that.

"Hey, want to chew on a piece of Caramelia?"

"No way! That thing is harmful in its current form. The Sacred Country mishandled it. It should only be used as an analgesic."


"Wait a moment, I thought that only the Saint who had Compounding could make it...Is the saint with you? Or, haven't you heard about this matter yet?"

"The latter. As for the former, yeah, let's just say a friend asked me to protect her."

"Then, you should go back and ask her about it. As for the protection, yeah, that would be good. You are the center of attention. I know you won't let idiots mislead you, but be very careful of the clever ones."

"Quite the pungent comment."

"I don't really like spicy things. By the way, I also don't drink."

"Then, let's go for a drink next time. There's a curry restaurant in the capital called Karai."

"Didn't you hear what I said? Or actually, are you even listening to me...?"

 Turning my back on Steam, who has an exasperated expression, I ask Anko to transfer me.

 At the very end, just before the transfer, I turned around and opened my mouth.

"Thank you."

 And then transferred without waiting for a response.

 The bewildered look on Steam's face was a sight to behold.


 I asked Yukari to summon our master strategist.

"Hey, Windfield. Sorry to interrupt you at lunchtime. But I have an urgent question."

"It's fine, Second-san. What is it?"

"Fu~ei fuo fuahi fun houho fu hihyeeo nah hehiiamuaa."

"Can't say I expected you to put a steamed bun in your mouth and try talking..."

 Windfield laughed troubledly.

 My principle is to eat whenever I want to eat. I was about to start talking with I saw a steamed bun that looked so delicious that I thought "Oh God," and I just had to put it in my mouth, that's all.

"Uhm, what was it? Did you hear about the Empire invading the small country of Shizun?"

 She understood it all!

"It's all right, don't worry."


"Yeah. After all, sooner or later, the Empire will fall, right?"


 Ohh, yeah, that's right.

"It's fine then!"

"It's fine."

 We laughed with each other.

 That is not a laughing matter...I thought I heard Silvia say something like that, but I'm sure I was imagining it.

"Ah, that's right. Raspberry Bell-san, may I have a word?"

"Me? sure."

 She was still trying to convince people of why it should be called pork bun while having a meat bun in her hand...She seriously is a hardcore member of the pork bun faction.

"Caramelia addiction treatment. I wondered what you thought about that?"

"...Ohh, it's a serious talk. I need to be serious."

 The pork bun extremist placed the steamed bun on her plate, forgetting about the meat bun vs pork bun discussion for a moment, her expression turning serious.

"It's true that Caramelia was made by me. But, it's an opioid, which is essentially a painkiller. If used correctly, it's a safe and revolutionary drug. However, I haven't been able to confirm the effects in the case of abuse, so I don't know what happens to those who abuse it. But I know it's a bad thing..."

 After all, it can be said she was locked up and forced to make it by the Pope.

 But still, the root of all this is the spread of the Caramelia drug in this world.

 If it had been thoroughly controlled it wouldn't have been abused. But that's like defying Pope Black under those circumstances.

"There is, one person in this household. A patient with addiction."

 Windfield mentioned. She should be referring to the Chef, Sovra.

"...Understood. I'll go meet them."

 Ras nodded, quietly making up her mind while putting a bun in her mouth.

Hello everyone I hope you are loving the story so far. I am doing all the translations myself so I would love your support on patreon. The more you support the faster I can translate :)


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