***Navi's current point of view in *Dream land*.
The creaking radio sounds transmitted into Navi's mind seems to come from a small black device in his alternate versions ear.
Speaking of his alternate version, Navi finally put some focus more attention on the guy after the creaking sound.
In this memory-dream scene, his alternate self is both older and taller than Navi is. The other guy looks eighteen with more mature features and a calmer, deeper and darker aura than the last scene. This is truly saying something considering the beautiful yet chilling murders Navi had witnessed in the last scene.
The other guys calm gaze seems to have gained something that was not in the previous scene and yet they seem to have lost something more fundamental in return.
Navi cannot quite ever understand the other guy even though he can feel almost every emotions that his alternate self feels. Just because Navi can feel them does not mean that he can interpret or relate to them.
More radio noises soon come in before Navi hears a familiar voice that once more speaks one more in a familiar yet strange language.
"Sorry about the delay. those people have special EMF's up and it took a while to get the right frequency.(Japanese)." – A voice sounds in Navi's ears but his alternate self dies not seem to be any bothered to respond to it.
"Ikita Shi do you copy?.(Japanese)", a familiar cold female's voice asks calmly with her voice reaching the other guys ears through a set of ear pods.
"Don't call me that.(Japanese)", Navi alternate self responds calmly yet coldly. No emotions are in his voice as he keeps observing the perimeter with his set of binoculars.
"Would you rather I say your name in English?(Japanese)." the woman's voice says with a bit of casual tease though this time she again gets no response as the young man keeps doing his job without any emotions rising or falling in him.
"OK.. OK. You can have your way with me tonight darling so I wouldn't call you that. So long as you complete the mission I wouldn't even mind calling you daddy over and over if it would put a smile on that stone face of yours.", The woman's voice says with obvious double-meanings over the radio channel but still there is no reaction from the young man.
The only change Navi can even so much as faintly pick up from Ikita Shi is a small spark of utter disgust amidst his calm.
"I'm going in.", Ikita Shi(Alternate Navi) says calmly as he does a free fall into the shadowy side of the building he has been sitting on.
Ikita Shi's attire comes in a shade of not black but darkness itself.
Completely unnoticeable in the shadows yet a shadow in the light. Ikita is completely geared up for battle. Pistols strapped to his thighs, grenades across his chest, daggers by his lower back, gloves made to kill, bulletproof pads all over his costume in the right order and of course.. a three foot long Claymore sword sheathed across his back with its 'T' shaped handle peaking out over his right shoulders.
Apart from the cold metal of Ikita Shi's(Alternate Navi's) sword handle, the only thing about him that is not completely one with the darkness is Ikita's pale face though that is about to change as he puts a full black mask on to completely disappear in the dark.
Immediately the mask came on, Navi senses a sudden and sharp change in Ikita Shi's emotions and mind-set. He has become sharper, darker and there is only one desire in his mind..
Wrath to those in his way!.
Ikita races through the shadows undetected by the watching cameras and patrolling guards. Around buildings, below cars, and past the fences.
Every shadow becomes his hiding spot and the light of the moon seemed to favour his quest to add some blood to the brilliance of the night.
He moves swiftly. Unseen and silent with the only thing ever evident to his presence being nothing but a cold gust of wind that cannot quite keep up with him. It only takes a minute before Ikita has bypassed it all and gotten as close as he can.
Hiding by the side of a building, Ikita looks towards a big rectangular building in the distance area which is completely surrounded by the military on patrol. Surveying the perimeter, Ikita mentally marks all the cameras around that has formed a spotless visual net.
Sounds of footsteps approaches from behind. Navi's point-of-view catches a soldier on patrol coming around the building with his barrel in his hands and pointed downwards.
Looking at the soldier for a second then looking back at Ikita Shi's position, Navi find his alternate self no longer on the ground but rather clinging on to the dark side of the building in a way that completely defies physics.
By now, Navi has learnt that supernatural powers are not considered normal as far as this setting is concerned so it is a little surprising seeing Ikita Shi scale the wall. A feat that Navi has not even experienced in his own world.
The approaching soldier stops by the buildings shadowy corner before looking left and right for inspection. During this moment, Ikita Shi who's as silent as the shadows themselves slides down the wall effortlessly before placing a small chip on the unsuspecting soldier's neck as he fades once more into the shadows.
Despite the always constant pain that assaults Navi during these scenes, Navi cannot help but put most of his attention on the beautiful and flawless movements of Ikita Shi while feelings more and more curious about the storyline and the truth that ties them together.
Right now, there's no time to ponder more on anything other than the current moment as Ikita Shi slides through the shadows once more while putting a small chip on specific cameras.
From the shadows, Ikita would flick his wrist while noiselessly shooting these small chips precisely at the cameras.
Fixing the last chip on a camera, a timer on Ikita's wrist ticks a *HUM!* sound as the clock hits exactly one minute since Ikita has put the tiny chip on the soldiers neck.
The ignorant soldier patrolling the front space of the building only feels a small sting on his neck. Slapping his hand against it, the soldiers seems to shrug it off as nothing but a mosquito bite but then the world starts to spin into a blur.
The soldier's gun drops down as he stumbles a bit while catching the attention of the other soldiers around who look at him with confusion as well as alertness.
"You okay man?.(German).", A soldier asks as he is careful to approach. Instead of a response, the dizzy soldier shakes his head rapidly as if trying to snap out of something.
His hands wonder shakily to his face as his legs struggled to keep him standing.
More soldiers look towards the soldiers with confusion and panic with some already pointing their gun barrels at the suspicious acting soldier and then finally, the man falls to his knees before slumping down unconscious.
While this is going on, Ikita Shi presses on a button. Specific Camera goes lights out one after the other with each lights out lasting only for half a second.
In the next five seconds of these faster than blink light-outs, Ikita has scaled his way straight to the darkest side of the so called 'secure building' that the soldiers are protecting.
Ikita has successfully done this without any alarms raised as he seals up his body from detection with the embrace of the building's shadow.
He already knows the basic blueprint of where he is going into and so he pulls out a tin can from his vest. Without rest in any of his actions, Ikita sprays a messy oval with the foamy contents of the can before bringing out a fire flare.
Looking towards the commotion of the dizzy soldier Im the distance, Ikita nonchalantly pushes another button and than..
Flames and heat go up with a violent sound.
A very explosive chain reaction happens by the other side of the building and at the same time.. Ikita Shi turns on his fire flare before lighting up the foam hae has sprayed on the wall.
Thus creates a smaller though more fiery explosion that gets completely covered up by the larger one.
The dogs are barking, the flames of the other explosion goes sky-high to a terrifying height and for a moment, the heat wave and shockwaves throws more than a few people off balance.
The Military units are immediately thrown into panic by the massive explosion though they are trained to handle panic as they immediately swing into action.
Alarms rang through out the grounds, Guns got raised, formations are immediately made as they not only approached the site of explosion but also spread around it to search for anything more that may be coming at them.
The military radios gets cracked down with exchanges of information in military style as the higher ups wants visuals on all that is happening cause some major cameras just happens to have been shut down from the explosion's heat wave.
The tension under the night is suffocating but while all this is happening, a masked Ikita Shi is staring coldly at a new hole in the formerly bulletproof walls. Ikita's mask seems locked with a dark and calm expression and his silent aura grows with the increase in tension.
The stage is now fully set with the only thing left being..
And a bit of þłøöđ!.
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