
Diana Newbie

People usually have rotten luck. Some more than others. Unfortunately Diana falls into that category, she has gone through a lot in the past until she meets a young pastor, Josh. Josh believes that she is the one for him and is ready to venture into her world to bring him to hers. But her past is holding them back and it is looking like thier story might not be a fairy tale. Or would it?

Gaelly · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


In the back of an inconspicuous red van,(the vans are always red!), laid a young woman tied up on her stomach with her hair covering her face and her mouth gagged tightly. Diana woke up in this position, her expression one of mild shock and anger. The bandage covering her shoulder was bleeding out due to the extraneous position she was in. Diana was mostly angry at herself for letting her guard down which was definitely not like her, it seemed meeting Josh had turned on her mumu switch.

She twitched from side to side struggling to loosen her bonds as best as she could, her shoulder ached in the process.

" Don't bother". She glanced up alert at the woman's face pressed up on the windowsill, it was a plain one that infuriated her.

"let go of me!" she meant to say but it came out gargled and broken, Erica sighed opening the car door and sliding in. She was no longer in her nurse uniform and instead was sporting a black outfit complete with her black sunglasses. This exposed her subdued aura which spilled out now in waves filling the car, Diana's eyes narrowed immediately.

She seemed to be in the marine or military, so why was she doing this?

" ooh! From the expression of your face I guess you have figured out my rank in fighting. I am Erica Matthews, ex- marine agent of the USA. It's nice to meet you" she smiled from side to side, looking like the cat that got cheery.

She started the car swerving it forcefully making Diana to crash onto the floor hitting her head on the back of the chair,

" Oops! That was a mistake" she apologised insincerely, then proceeded to increase the speed of the car, tossing her from side to side. They drove around the hospital's lark like that for a while, it was quite deserted due to it being in the evening. Finally, Erica halted the car on a pathway. Diana laid on her face perceiving the acrid smell of dust and unwashed carpet.

Erica adjusted her rearview mirror properly, tilting it forward.

" It's nothing personal, Diana" she started, Diana blinked in shock at the use of her name by this lady she had never met. She had told the hospital that her name was Dina! Who really was this woman?

" Or maybe it is. Then again, I despise mercenaries like you. You took my father from me, because of you, I have to struggle to get money for his surgery. But not anymore now" she snickered hysterically.

"I am a good mercenary" Diana shot out weakly which also came out in gurgles. Erica laughed loudly almost she had heard what she said, which she didn't but she did that to spite an already nervous Diana.

"Enough" she yelled wiping off fake tears," It's time to get my money" she said starting the car again. Diana struggled cursing Erica deep in her heart for the tightly knit bonds which refused to loosen. Erica hummed the song playing from the radio enjoying a bit of old fashioned rock and roll.

They got to the tollgate and Erica reduced the volume winding up to greet the security officers since they knew her face, with her being a likeable girl and all.

The security man's face was beaming from under his cap, he was holding a baton in one hand.

" I am afraid to miss" he started pushing back his cap to reveal very familiar blue eyes and a grinning Josh. " I am afraid you might have to step out your car miss"

Erica's face darkened and she swerved past him but two other guys showed up from the area blocking the car. It was none other than a grinning Abby and the security man

Abby sauntered towards her car and breaking the car window, it splintered and cracked into pieces stunning everyone but Diana present.

"Going somewhere?" she sneered, grabbing a still shocked Eric by the collar and dragging her through the window. " Now let me tell you something" she said and proceeded to punch Erica in the face.