
Diamond no ace world new life

Sunny_Singh_2695 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

chapter 4

the Japan pro baseball system in this world was way simple . there were a total of 12 club teams that would play 140 games each during season . season started in first week of April and ended in mid October. the 140 games were played in that time frame . pro team games would be hosted 6 days in a week except Monday which was a holiday. most of the games were held at night time .

the top 2 teams who won most of the games after 140 games ended , would play a best of five short tournament. the first team to win 3 matches would be the win the Japan championship league . the rest of the year was divided into training camps , off season exhibition matches , tryouts etc .

every year university or high school graduates would get drafted by the pro league . there was a small test too before choosing the players but the rankings were decided by the achievements in school or university tournaments mainly . based on rankings , the draft contract money was decided and lower ranking ones that barely passed the test got the lowest amount .

my ranking was the first as I wanted and money was 100 million yen . miyuki was third and money was 70 million yen . the new players were either sent to the 2nd string team or 1st string by the decision of head manager of the team that was the head coach .

I accepted the contract with Tokyo giants for various reasons. first being that my annual contract amount was 50 million yen with them . second being that I liked the head coach Sato because of his aggressive signs during the games . third was simple , miyuki was there and the homeground was located in Tokyo. I liked Tokyo city very much as it had everything and was the most modern and populated . I didn't know any pros in this world as I didn't watch their matches and didnt care about them . I would only care for teammates that contribute in games most or had the most potential .

miyuki was in the 2nd string because of team roster . there were already 3 catchers in the bench members so another one was difficult. there are many players like this who dont even get the chance to play in the games of 1st string ( major ) before they retire as pros .

March 2 evening

( my graduation is over now . so I'm eating in a small restaurant that is managed by a single mother and her daughter hikari . to tell you the truth I love hikari and dine here everyday just to see her . but food is simple and delicious just the way I like it . )

Ken- obachan , today the food is also great like usual.

obachan - thank you ken chan . now you're going to be a pro huh .. time files fast . I remember the first day you came here and asked my daughter out shamelessly even though I was standing in the kitchen .

Ken- obachan sigh... you dont get it . I liked her so I just proposed her .. hmm... she is so cute .. if I didnt do that she will now be roaming here and there with her boyfriend . ah .. I love her so obachan you are family too . if there is any problem tell me . you look worried about something these days ..

obachan - sigh .. I cant hide anything from Ken. you see the owner of this shop needs money so he is going to sell it . he asked me to move out in a week . sigh.. now where will I find new shop , expenses etc... in modern Tokyo there are not many good places with such cheap rent now ..

Ken- hmm... obachan . how much is he selling for ? .

obachan - hmm. .. 20 million yen I think.. it's really cheap as according to me the market price will be about 30 million or more ... sigh .. ito San really needs money urgently for his wife's operation fees.. I'm now really worried.. sigh ... ken chan whose call was it ?

Ken - oh .. nothing I just called uncle ito and bought the building from him . hehehe.. now I cant let my family in pinch can i ..

obachan - sigh .. you what ?

Ken- like I said , I just bought the whole building so dont worry and manage the restaurant. where will I eat food if it closes .. hehehe...

hikari - ( tears ) Ken..

Ken- oye ... hikari chan . hahaha.. dont cry now . like I said you are my future wife so its natural for me to ...

( I was interrupted as hikari closed my lips with hers .. taste is great.. )

hikari - mom .. I am going to marry him so please take care of him ...

so that small incident happened and I got the heart of my wife .. ah .. the building had 3 floors and 1st and 2nd floor were free so I just sold my mansion for 70 million yen and made the building my home.. in the end the deal was somehow profitable for me ..

next day , miyuki voluntarily retired as a pro which shocked me . but I couldn't stop him as he decided to manage his dad's factory with him . well it was a wise decision as miyuki would not many chances to play in major games anyway .. the club would have canceled the contract with him as they could not afford to pay 35 million yen to a player who didnt even contribute in season games .

he was in need of capital for the factory so I just lent him 20 million yen forcefully as he was not willing to accept it . well I may have a cold personality but I would help my friends with anything even if they didnt ask for my help . well my only friends were miyuki and shirasu though . shirasu enrolled in an American university with sports scholarship . our seido high school had good relationship with the university so one student enrolled there every one or 2 years from our baseball team .