
Chapter 174: Hospital


"I'm mortified." I covered my face with my hands. "This is so embarrassing."

Dr. Pickler, the hospital's obstetrics attending, glanced up from his tablet. "Get used to it. Pregnancy and childbirth are one long exercise in losing your dignity."

"Thanks for that word of encouragement." I was grateful for my good sense in having chosen Maggie Corning as my midwife. This guy had no bedside manner whatsoever.

Before he could open his mouth and stick his foot in it again, the door to my room flew open, and Noah burst in.

"Alison." His face was red, and he was breathing hard, as though he'd been running. "Thank God. They wouldn't tell me where you were, and I had to call Emma to get her to talk to the nurse so I could get in here-" He sucked in one deep breath and let it out. "Are you-how are you? What's going on?"