

A little boy who appeared to be no older than 9 years old woke up with a frown on his face. The little man was extremely neat, with fine facial features. Even though, he was frowning at the moment, it didn't diminish his charm in the slightest.

One could even go as far as to argue, this little boy once grown up would be ranked among the most handsome people in the country. After all, he not just only has good features, but carries a certain elegance, that makes him more pleasing to the eye.

Though, this boy wasn't your random person, he was the youngest son of the Marquise Lion, Raj Lion. He was born to nobility and inherited his mother's beauty and father's composure and talent, making him stand out from his peers.

Raj was a prodigy since birth, just like everyone in his family, he was blessed with magic, a rare talent that separates nobility from commoners.

In this era, magic is hard to find among commoners, while every member of the noble families can wield this mysterious power.

Although saying magic is what seperates the nobility from commoners isn't exactly accurate but, the truth isn't too far from it. Maybe how every noble son or daughter only marries someone who posses magic might play a role in it, but theirs no evidence to back this theory. It's just a speculation that maybe, the ability to wield magic is inherited from the parents.

But, then again there has been commoners who had children with potential to use magic despite the parents having no such ability. So you could say it's a superstition, but definitely a popular believed opinion.

Going back to the previous matters, the little man, who just had a frown on his picturesque face which showed deep emotion, as if that person has been through a lot which shouldn't have been the case in normal circumstance, but fortunately or unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Raj had a mysterious dream, he was a bystander as he watched the life of a person who was pretty similar to himself. It felt like he was the person in the dream but at the same time he couldn't control any of his actions, it was almost like pretty written play.

At the start the things felt familiar, he could feel a familiarity with the person in the dream. But as time went on, the dream felt a little bit too realistic, and the familiar feeling turned into confidence that the person he was dreaming on was himself.

Upon arriving at this realisation, the play seed to suddenly come to a halt, and along came extreme pain, the pain he felt wasn't physical, it was more of a torment to his soul itself. Yet, he seemed to manage to keep his conscious till the end, watching the remaining play.

Once the whole play ended, rather than finding himself in the forest lying alone in a puddle of blood after being chased by some unknown figures, he found himself in a familiar surrounding, with the familiar softness and warmth of his own bed.

A sane person might have passed all of this as a nightmare, a religious person may have seen it as a holy oracle by the gods, even Raj would have done the same, except, the things were a bit too realistic to be passed off as a nightmare.

After all, normally you wouldn't remember a dream in such details, as if you have lived those experiences once, and they have been imprinted in your soul itself. Just a off chance that it wasn't a dream, he definitely didn't want to take the risk, since the play was a bit too miserable for him.

Being born in the nobility, especially as the son of a Marquis, he had been adored by everyone, and adding to the fact that he was a prodigy among his peers, he was extremely popular.

He got his hands on anything he wished for, he never had to care about wealth growing up and due to his charm, women would fall left and right for him, turning him to a famous womeniser where he won hearts of many maidens and indulged himself in their love.

Everything was going extremely smooth for him, till he met the ' Hero ' , a being born just like any other person, yet way different than everyone else. He defied the common sense and his popularity rose tremendously with each coming year.

The hero entered the most prestigious academy of Kingdom, where even the sons and daughters of the Royal Family and many high ranking noble families went to, to complete their studies and learn more about the world.

Due to a series of incidents, where one thing led to another, Raj became enemies with this ' Hero ' , relying on his talent to prove himself he was better but, the hero indeed defied the laws of the world, and humiliated Raj.

The Raj in the play wasn't mature enough to let the grudges go, and use some methods which made him the enemy of the public. And that was the deciding point of his life, from where, everything started going downhil and living a miserable life of running and hiding but, ultimately dying in the woods at the hands of some of his hunters.

If, what if, the play he saw in his dreams wasn't a dream, but instead the future that awaits him or maybe even his past life? He wouldn't want to risk living that kind of life again.

With the determination to uncover the secrets behind this mysterious dream, his strang