
Dez Bonez aren't for me [Another DROPPED fanfic]

Transmigrator from our earth, finds himself in Momonga's body. The night of the incident before he gets transfered. What does he do? What should he do? This has a simple answer, Pleasure dem bones or change them. This Is a fanfiction on the light novel series called overlord created and written by Kugane Maruyama. Licienced by AUS Madman Entertainment and NA/UK Funimation. He owns the rights to all characters, the world and cover picture. This is just an Alteration on how his character Momonga does things and thinks, due to an unforeseen mishap to a mortal soul. This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains some characters and/or concepts that derive from Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. I do not own these characters or concepts that are from Naruto. They are owned by their writer and illustrator Masashi Kishimoto and Published by Shueisha. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion into a diffrent world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. He owns the rights to all characters. [A/N This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains some characters and/or concepts that derive from Harry Potter series. I do not own these characters or concepts that are from Harry Potter series. They are owned by their creator J. K. Rowling and Published by Time Warner plus all the other publishers she has. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion into a diffrent world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. The writer and publisher owns the rights to all their respective characters/concepts.] I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works. Furthermore! I do not make money off of this, unlike some other authors on webnovel. I dont do this for popularity either just to better my writing and fun. I hope you enjoy. [A/N This will not be an omniversal travel novel.]

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10 Chs


Just like in the anime, my "Secret Identity" got found out by the association of Momon, being close to the name Momonga; that enri heard "me"(Pandoras actor) called once. The unique hat's were seen as the same but a different face. Additionally having trained him, was a close enough association; to figure it out. So the doppleganger played it off, as being a ability he was born with. Thus, securing Nferia in my debt.

Since their traveling back would take a week....I decided to use my espionage and spy network, I set up to gather me information; on the dwarven kingdom. But even after days there was nothing on it at all! So decided to take matters in my own hands. I figured using the mirror of remote viewing, to synch my memories of the kingdom from the light novel; to look inside it the mountain for the Named places. I could do so with intent based magic. It worked well as I was eventually able to see the rift, that led to their city; the only problem was securing their loyalty.

So I decided to grab Nova and Naberal Gamma to follow me on this mission. With her given appropriate knowledge through ligilemency ,that seemed to work still as she had a soul, I didn't know why or how; but I'm sure I'll experiment on her later. She was in disagreement with the acting she must do, but I had used my authority and Pandoras actor; to convince her. She is a doppleganger but she wasn't designed to be that way, Pandoras actor whom was made by me(momonga) knew the value it had; to infiltration. Eventually, I was ready to go and shake the war that they Dwarves were currently having ;with the Quoaga.

"Well off we go!" I said and cast "[Gate]" arriving right outside their city. We were currently right before the Great Rift. It referred to the huge chasm that ran along the western side of the Dwarven Capital, Feoh Gēr. It was a massive crevasse, over 60 km long and 120m across at its narrowest point. Its depth was unknown. Nobody knew what was waiting down there, and nobody had returned alive from the two expeditions that had been sent out to investigate it.

For the longest time, this natural barrier has protected Feoh Gēr from all manner of monstrous attacks. They could thwart any monsters from the west that tried to invade so long as they defended the suspension bridge which ran across the Great Rift.

"What's going on? Someone tell me exactly what is going on!"

That cry came from the commander-in-chief of the Dwarven Army, a veteran of over 10 years of service.

"The most recent information we have says, that there is a small flying creature and what looks like two humans; both in intimidating armour outside our city walls! They havent taken a step forward yet, as they seem to be waiting for a sign of approval. They also appeared out of what looked like a black hole of some sort; that apeared. We think it was an advanced teleportation spell of some sort!" one of the platoon commanders said, repeating a report from the walls.

News like that was earth shattering, moreso then their standard reports on the Quagoa attacks. They were the Dwarves mortal enemies, and they frequently attacked in groups of hundreds. There had been more attacks during the commander-in-chief's eight years of service than he could remember, but all of them had been turned away at the fortress or other city. None of them had managed to get close to the garrison, much less Feoh Gēr itself.....but these strangers just bypassed it!

"Don't tell me they are with the enemy?! Let the king know of them, while I go and ask for their purpose here. This could be a blessing or a curse." he asked,commanded then commeted while taking off. Heading to the outside of his office to the magic item, they use for communication.

The commander-in-chief's chief of staff watched him approach and whispered into his ear.

"Sir, they said they are here in peace and come baring gifts. T-they said they have lots of valuable ores sir. He even took some out of a small black hole, that appeared in the air and placed it on the ground."

The commander-in-chief pondered the other Dwarf's words.

"Did they say what they seek in return?"

The commander-in-chief noticed his chief of staff's expression. He had probably assumed what his chief's question would be and instantly replied.

"To make a deal, and learn our ways of Runecrafting." The dwarf said in disbelief at the last part.

"Let the small one in but the humans, must stay where they are." The chief said with eyes of greed as he looked at the gilded armor from afar. He nodded and spoke into the device.

"The small one may come but the humans must stay!"

"Excuse me! Although I appear to be human, I am not one. If you need proof then so be it." I said while taking out my fairy wings.

This caused them all to be stunned ,even the chief was stunned. As they knew he could just fly over and was only doing this out of respect. He then spoke next

"W-what is your race?"

"Fairy King, I am one of a kind as you can see, if you want i can transform into my smaller form. As for Narberal Gamma here, she is a doppleganger my subordinate; also it's wise to never insult a woman expecially her." I replied and he then spoke.

"I-I can't quite say i have heard of a Fairy king being a race, although your wings do resemble a fairies and you have brought one with you. Im shocked as they are just a legend but now...im not sure. How did you survive? The great spirit tree was corrupted and died long ago. But as for her, I could speak no wiser words then them, but we will need to confirm that she is no human." He replied skeptically looking at me then I decided to just transform and so did she. As we did so, the chief blinked as he squinted his eyes ;then grabbed binoculars.

"As you can see, he's indeed a fairy king. Also I am Narberal Gamma, a doppleganger from ***Ehem. An ancient kingdom that has risen again, due to ancient magic that has activated recently. We come from from far away, in Hope's for an exchange to learn the art of runecrafting. Also we have brought the best liquor ,you will ever taste in your life." Naberal Gamma said the lines, that I fed her through a telepathic link. She quickly noticed she couldn't say nazerick and remembered why.

This proclamation gained their full attention.

"Well why didnt you say so?! Your welcome to come in-" he was inturrupted by us teleporting over to him.

[Greater Teleportation]

"Barrel of Whiskey anyone?" I said while I took one out of my inventory. Time seemed to freeze in the city ,as the wind carried the scent of the liquor to their keen dwarven noses. This was done on purpose, as it was carried by the wind itself; since it followed my will. You could then see dwarves comming out of their houses, and their king with his guards rushing to our location.

Meanwhile, all the dwarfs on the wall started drinking from the barrel. One after another mug after mug. By the time the king arrived to the party, the whiskey was gone and all their men were drunk.

"What is the meaning of this?!" The king yelled he was very upset in his drunken guards. You could even see him trying to lick the spigot; of the barrel.

'Pfthaha hes only upset because they drank it on him! Clearly not the security risk or breach just booze.' I mused inwardly.

"R-relax -hic kingy, we only h-iccup a little bi-hic of booze." Said the chief as he then passed out while I laughed. "It seems your men here are a bit light ,on their drinks. But don't you worry I got more...-but I will only give one mug worth, as I want to make a deal with you." I said, while the king then eyes the mug; that I took from a small black fissure. That Apeared out of thin air.

Of course, I was in full size and not currently a tiny fairy right now. He immediately grabs it while his guards try and stop him "Wait it could be poison." They say but it was already done.

Narberal Gamma then looked at his guards menacingly "Y-you dare accuse Ainz-sama of poisoning a dwarfs most sacred drink! That's blasphemy! If he was the type to do that, do you think I would follow him from my homeland? And join him and his country?" Narberal said her lines as I gave her them mentally.

She noticed this seemed to work very well, as they seemed to tense less; when it came to the drinks. It was the wisest choice of manipulation she thought. She was outputting an aura focused on just the guards and that made the guards fall to the ground.

Meanwhile their king, was stunned by the drink he just had and was looking at my armour; not caring at all about his guards. But quickly got over it and said shocked.

"My god! What is that armour made of? Did you make it? This workmanship is impeccable! Even our best blacksmith ,couldnt make a speck of this armour; nevermind the whole thing!" This barrage of questions and praise caused her to stop her aura and I chuckled.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown the best drinker and god of Balance with some affinity to creation. So I guess you could call me the God of liquor! Haha, of course it was made by me. As for the material ore used, it was the second best of the best. Ethernite ore, which is rarer then Adamantine and Mythril combined! It's a combination of Ethereum,Electronite,Runite and Divinite ore. It only makes Legendary gear at best, but I don't wear my best gear unless for war. Very hard and tricky to make, you need a forge with hell flames ;just to melt the ores." I introduced myself then explained.

"A God! But like none seen before! I see you must be higher then them and only came out due to how things are." The king then said making me really love this helmet. It worked very well!

"Thats right,I am the ruler of Nazerick, don't try and say it's name as only I can. This is how we kept it hidden from the world so far. Anyways I was only supposed to appear ,when the world was in great distress or need. Least to say this world, over the thousands of year's, has gone bad like a stale Ale. I will soon to be Ruler of the Ouroboros kingdom, that I will be creating, but that's a secret; so dont tell anyone." I said. While the other king was bobing his head like a chicken ,as he knew the armour I was wearing; was godly like armour. And felt I was telling the truth, even his guards felt they weren't even our opponents.

The dwarf king could tell from the aura and the fact its said to be better then the best armour he has seen; normally he would even call it divine. If it wasnt for the fact, it was said to be the second best and even a god wouldn't be a fool; wearing battle armour it to negotiations. So it made sense he would wear something lesser ,but still deserving of his holyness. Expecially since he could be attacked ,so they needed something to last till then. This made alot of sense but his eyes buldged ,as I then took out various bars of diffrent ores and gave it to him.

All except the prysmatic ore ,of course, and these weren't all the ones that existed.

"You can keep these as a gift, maybe you will find a way to smelt it. I didnt include the prysmatic ore ,as thats very very special and exclusive. In fact I'm not sure if it could be found in this world." I said and their king bowed surprising the guards, as they finally recollected themselfs. These ores only went up to level 70 but it was enough to prove their worth.

"Guards we are going to the council, tell them to prepare a banquet for the god of Balance and Liquor. Oh don't forget his companions Narberal Gamma and....-" he looked at Nova and asked.

"Who are you, I didn't get your name?"

"He's Nova Driftvalley and before you misunderstand I am the god of Balance ;even life and death cant exist without." I said proudly and his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I decided to amuse him and cast [Create Greater Item] I created a chestplate out of thin air. It was a level 70 legendary chestplate to boot.

"Y-you created armour from nothing!!" They all exclaimed. While they exclaimed that, I mentally told Narberal her next line and what to do.

"That's not all!" I proclaimed while silently casting [Create Lesser Item], to make another mug of booze.

This caused Naberal to drop down and bow amongst the rest.

"You can create Booze!" dwarfs exclaimed.

While she said her line "I thought, I'd never see the day; when you create something truley divine! To see you create something alone like this, even I am not worthy." She said this while taking the cup then drinking it. Her eyes then widened.

"Nor am I" Nova Driftvalley caught onto this and did a mock bow while saying this.

"T-this! Is the best beer I ever tasted!" She said taking a drink of it, while she felt nothing from it, as she was a doppleganger meant for espionage; so having Poison immunity or high resistance is needed.

She also noticed these words seemed to shake the Dwarves to the core. 'Truley Ainz-sama never ceases to amaze me, he just met them but knew how to rule these worms ;by such deception that's on a godly level! We didn't even have to resort to plan B.' She thought a bit surprised.

Now even the guards looked at me in worship and took off to prepare for my arrival. We then were slowly led to the castle, I could hear in the distance; the running back and fourth of various dwarfs.

However, the Dwarves I encountered on the way all bowed, with some bold enough to ask about the armour. They were told to back off by the king as to make way, for 'the God of Liquors and Balance'. They did as the were told but this caused rumors throughout the city; to spread like wildfire. After a half an hour we finally arrived, at the two big doors to the castle. We then heard the announcers on the other side.

"Announcing the arrival of His Majesty, the Fairy king; God of Balance and Liquor 'creator of the divine liquor'. Let's also welcome the arrival of Fairy Nova Driftvalley and the lovely Narberal Gamma!"

When the door opened, we entered the chamber.

It looked like a meeting room, and there were eight Dwarves there. Incidentally, he had learned their names, their posts, their looks and features from the commander-in-chief. During the drinking party and conversations.

Even though ,most of which ;his speech was slurred.In this chamber there was the High Priest of Earth, who governed everything to do with magic. He held sway over divine magic casters and even arcane magic casters.

There was the Forgemaster, who controlled all production which derived from the forges.

There was the Director of Food Production, who managed food production and other industries which did not concern the forges.

There was the Cabinet Secretary, who was in charge of everything which fell outside the jurisdiction of the other leaders here.

There was the Brewmaster, who was on this Council because there had to be a leadership position for the Dwarven people's ;favorite pastime of alcohol.

There was the Master of Caves and Mines, who had a lot of power in this city, due to his influence over the sphere of mining and resource extraction.

Once, there had been an organization called the Merchant's Guild, but due to the lack of traders and trade in general, the title of Merchant's Guildmaster was now a hollow position; in charge of foreign affairs. Those were the eight of them.

I slowly swept my gaze across everyone. They were all bowing.

'Oi! I can't even tell them apart! Maybe some of them have shorter beards than the others, but aren't they all pretty much the same length? If it wasn't for their magical signatures ;even I wouldn't know.'

"You may rise. I am the ruler of the soon to be Ouroboros kingdom, God of Balance Ainz-Ooal-Gown you can call me Ainz-sama. This here is Narberal a Doppleganger of legends. Then finally Nova Driftvalley a Gravity fairy of old, who currently lives off my mana and a bit of my spiritual energy; as their is no Spirit Tree in this world currently." I announced

The Dwarves sprang into motion, as though they were reconnected to a power supply.

"We, we bid you welcome, sovereign of the Ouroboros kingdom, Your Holly Majesty Ainz-sama. May we offer you a seat? There are seats for your esteemed followers over there."

I shook my head no , then snapped my fingers and the earth made a chair for me. This surprised them but they knew ,the king wouldnt lie and call me a god for nothing.

They've heard legends of fairies, being one with nature and now they have seen it. So this was normal given the circumstances, I then cast [Create Greater Item] and make a chair fit for a member of nazerick for Narberal to be seated at. It was gilded silver and made of expensive cloths.

"Sit, I do prefer this seat as it's closer to nature." I said and she nodded although reluctantly. But she didn't want to look like a heretic subject of my supreme self. So she took the seat but not before saying "I am not worthy but if it is a command by yourself ,then I can only redouble my efforts in the future."

This got a round of applause by the high preist of earth, who is most surprised by this action. She didnt sense any magic involved so I must be a true god, even moreso then the ones of old. This was because it was an ability and not magix based.

"Amazing, I didn't even detect any magic being used! Truley your title is more deserving then the gods in the legends." after this the dwarve announcer continued.

"Then, we shall introduce ourselves. Firstly, I am this country's—"

And so, the Dwarves gave their names.

The opening seemed to have gone without a hitch....but just keeping their eight dwarven names in mind was already a bit bothersome. Nevermind having to associate each of those names and titles with a face, was proving to be a small challenge.

Although their dwarven names were eventually remembered by me , it was adding a title onto that made it a mental juggle. Things like whether it was Master of Caves and Mines or Master of Mines and Caves only made things worse. But with Occulemcy it was simple just foreign in nature , as their naming sense was weird.

"Please allow us to thank you on behalf of this country. As we are honored that you would grace us with your presence ,in our time of turmoil. Nevermind bring gifts to us, to which we have received and have cataloged it ,as new minerals we haven't seen before. To us dwarfs, it brings us great joy to discover new things ;such as you brought to our attention."

The members of the Council apparently took turns leading it, so the leader this time around was the Master of Caves and Mines.

"Pay it no heed. Saving a race undeserving of extinction, is only the right thing to do. I unlike almost everyone living in this planet ,have means to observe far away places. This is how, I found you and your situation. To think that you would have the FrostDragonking and the Quogoa allied as enemies. Well not really allies but more like greedy servants, that bring them gold in exchange for favors. Truley your only living on borrowed time before the ultimate favor is exchanged. " I said pointing out their dire situation and explaining it to them fully.

They all went white, as they realized eventually the Quogoa would be able to eradicate them. Taking a small pause I continued.

"But worry not, I have many spells, that could be used to kill them; all easily." I then added making them all sigh in relief.

"Your Majesty is a truly magnanimous person. We will surely aid you to the best of our ability if any trouble besets you. That said, I fear we cannot do much to aid you in learning runecrafting, as we only know the basics of runecrafting at most. It used to be a famous craft but due to the humans greed and closure to trade, we ended up being forced; to give up that art long ago. It became unwanted and didnt make much money. So alot of runesmiths, stopped teaching their young."

He said solemnly

"Worry not, I only require the basics and I shall figure it out from there! As I have a plethora of various runecrafted goods, to learn by example from. With the basics and my knowledge, I am confident I can figure it out from there." I proclaimed gaining smiles from the rest of the dwarfs. The king then snapped his fingers and the countries best runesmith, was brought inside the room.

"Good, Now for the initial deal of commerce and a nondisclosure contract."

I said snapping my fingers and countless magical contracts appeared.

"As you can see here, I like to keep my kingdom safe by all means necessary. Just keeping it hidden isn't enough, as a evil god might find out about it. As you all know 'A kingdom without proper impenetrable defences from both spys and outside enemy's; is awaiting death. The spys and enemies alone, can cause discord in a country; nevermind an evil God.' So I have made this contract for you to sign, If you wish to deal with us; it's only fair. As it's a kingdom protected by a God of Balance, a superior to a god of Death and Life afterall; or do you need more proof." I said while leaking a [Despair Aura] caused by my [Master of death] Class ,for a few seconds. This was just brief enough to ensure they didn't go completely insane.

"Y-Yes your Majesty!" They all bellowed out after feeling that aura of Death itself. A legendary Aura that could only be done by a god of death. I then quickly followed it up with My [Fairyking Aura] that I mixed with some natural and love emotions mixed with my magical aura. This made it feel the opposite one of Life the opposite of death. This was then further amplified by me Placing a Halo over my head, that was half Black and Half white. They canceled eachother out but added to the divine feeling.

"*Gasp!* He truley is a god..." Some of the guards and members that still had disbelief quickly changed their minds. As only one with high Karma or very low karma could have a Halo! Nevermind the fact my helmet helped convince nearly everyone in the first place.

"Bow to the Supreme One Ainz-sama!" Narberal commanded and did so herself with Nova. They all did as she said and I removed the halo.

"Now onto the next matter, I will offer you a chance to join my kingdom if you wish, you will receive a Unlocatable protection on this kingdom, a permanent Magical item that can open portals where you wish to go, a trade agreement and I will reclaim your capital. Read through the contract as you will notice, I won't be taking any of your positions, but when requested to aid us; you will do so. Also you will have citizens willing to work for me to do so, this will secure you a seat on a future committee of countries; that will soon follow In making the same decision. Also officially I will be a higher arching king but your king will keep his position. I'm sure everything is to your liking along with the others." I said conjuring another contract that me,Demiurge and Albedo went throughly for such occasions.

I then Created a small barrel of liquor to help with the negotiations and use magic to conjure the mugs, then had it float to them.

"This..." The dwarves said as they read it. While quickly grabbing the drinks to 'better think about it' which is a belief only a dwarf would believe in.

"Free access to full resources and tools of the kingdom in order to fill out duties assigned

....free room and board with food/drinks provided! With further ample payments to be discussed by means of reasources, untill the kingdoms economy is fully established." The Forgemaster said absolutely sold!

"I think I have seen enough to say he has my vote." The king who was still Reading, untill he heard that then said. As he knew this liquor would easily sell for hundreds, if not thousands of gold elsewhere; just for a cup!

"I agree." The Forgemaster then said and one after another they all agreed. Although they didn't like the idea of being taken over, the agreement was very kind and not demanding; much in the least! Infact, some felt even if it said, they would be slaves for such things; they would still agree! This Booze and the opportunity was just that good! Nevermind the fact that this would secure their races lifes, with an almost absolute guarantee, unless the gods fight they wouldn't need to worry!

"I implore to not hastily decide, as most would feel aversion for the type of kingdom; I am making. It will be one of all races that can be subdued, from such barbaric hostility under my rule. Including the undead as they would never disobey my command, even if I was worlds apart, as they are good for free cheap labor and are happy to do so. As masters of craft. The Dwarves, will hold more of a profession job; while the menial work can be done by undead. Unless you are adamant about doing certain things physically ,then it can be; negotiated." I then said shocking them a bit but nonetheless the trusted my control over the undead.

"Even though I believe your word more then my own wifes. May I please see such a demonstration of control? It would put the people at ease" The dwarf king then asked carfully.

"Certainly one second." I said then used gate to open a portal to the Forrest of Tob where the fake nazerick is being completed. I then used a mental link to a Deathknight there, to come to me.

"This is a midteir Undead called a deathknight, most mortals would consider it a kingdom crusher; as it is a level 55. This isn't the strongest undead I have but it is sufficient and will be used the most." I explained and conjured a large pure Iron reckingball for him to lift up.

"Ooh!" They were impressed and intrigued as they seen him lift it with ease and Boom. He dropped it like and idiot.But I quickly fixed the damage and controled the air around; to not leak out the sound.

"As you can see simple commands like, pick that up and drop it can be misinterpreted. So it would be best to say pick it up and drop it lightly. Now off you go, back to work." I said and he groaned then went back into the portal and I closed it.

"*Applause* That's plenty enough! Hahaha! I can imagine the faces on the Quogoa when they fight you!" The dwarf king laughed saying this joyfully.

"Now now, I will be subjugating ten thousand of them, as the rest would be not needed. Also they do deserve retribution for their actions. Of course, they will be signing a contract of loyalty to me and will be given a chance ;to regain their freedom. But the loyalty will be absolute, it's just then they will be paid and able to have more time off. As for the dragons, well I think two of them will do enough; for an endless supply of part's. My best healing spell will do them wonders, of course I will be nice and make it painless. The rest will be our pets." I pointed out then explained. This stunned them all but also made them laugh with joy!

"Hahahaha! Serves them right!" The king said laughing with others joining him.

"Oh has the tables turned! Cough Anyways, my country is indeed powerful in a military sense; compared to some if the human kingdoms. But there are some inadequacies ,when it comes to other fields. I would be very grateful, if you could provide help to me; in those aspects. We are currently very powerful in fighting and defending from our enemy. But in areas of food and agriculture we are sorely lacking. So this trade agreement will do us wonders, for this chance, my country-no your countries subsidiary candidate owes you ;a great service." The king said with the others nodding in agreement.

"Firstly, I would like to initiate friendly relations between our nations. Then, I would like to immediately engage in trade; before we make it official to the people."

"That sounds like a wise idea Supreme One." The king said using my subordinates words.

"For the trading it was only put vaguely in the contract but I have heard from one of your countrymen; that your staple foods are mushrooms and meat, am I wrong? I do also recall something about farms at the feet of the mountain which raise fresh vegetables, but apparently they are few in number and their variety is quite poor. My nation can supply fresh vegetables and the alcoholic spirits of human kingdoms and some of the Ouroboros Kingdom own. Does this hold any interest for you?" I then said.

The topic of alcohol made the Dwarves' eyes light up. That was a very frank reaction.

"I also hear that this country trades with the human nation to the east, but not to any great degree."

"Indeed. Our traffic is merely twenty dwarves' worth of merchandise. Currently, we are developing magic items; which can hold an unlimited supply of goods. So your portals will greatly help in this area." The king nodded in agreement and The Merchant's Guildmaster gave that reply.

"I see. Is it true that there are few Dwarven trade caravans due to the dangerous mountain roads?"

"That is indeed the case."

Another Dwarf supplied that answer.

"We cannot carry too many goods due to the steepness and danger of the mountain paths. In addition, moving in groups draws the monsters' attention. There are many monsters which will attack regardless of the numbers of their prey. In particular, aerial ambushes are hard to deal with."

It was true that conventional trading methods would require great effort. The Empire only engaged in limited trade with the Dwarves due to the lack of profit in doing so. However, it was precisely that reason which made them a very lucrative trading partner for the Ouroboros Kingdom.

"Well why not have a taste of what we have to offer first." [Create lesser Item] Out of nowhere apeared a Big 500 pound barrel of beer. It was laying sideways, on a platform to keep it up and had a spigot. I then took many plates and food from my inventory using space manipulation and magic ,making it seemingly appear on the table. It wasn't a full meal but tiny sample servings of various chef quality dishes ,not the divine quality that nazerick uses. This was apart of what I bought before coming to this world.

The first to try it out was the Brewmaster and his eyes widened.

"M-My God! You surely are the God of Liquor! To create so much and of such quality! I think we died and went to heaven!" He announced loudly causing everyone to forget about the matter at hand and begin eating and drinking. After having a mug each, I had the Barrel dissapear into my inventory.

"My god this food is simply divine! Are you sure your not the god of cooking too?!" The king said laughing boisterously. Untill the barrel disapeared.

"Nope ,I plan on still having a chat before you all get drunk on the liquor." I said while all of the dwarfs now looked downcasted. Then the king bowed followed by the rest.

Inwardly Narberal was laughing'PftKufufufu! Ainz-sama surley has secured not only their allegiance but loyalty too, using no mind control whatsoever! Amazing, he's even rubbing it in their faces; in a way they can't complain! The pathetic faces on these worms when they lost their keg of beer; Priceless!'

"If you treat your dwarfs well and they get access to these ores and booze every day, what will it take for us to join them Ainz-sama?" The king immediately says in a worship like tone.

"Well....only those who contribute their hard work and do tasks assigned will-" I was I inturrupted.


"What?!Really? Are you sure? The only way I'd be able to trust you of the bat to where the scientific experiments will be done, is a loyalty magical contract...." I said and the king immediately grabs into my leg "We will do it please let us follow you." He begs.

'I know dwarfs like liquor and smithing but this....I don't know what I will do with a hundred thousand dwarfs.' I thought while mentally telling Narberal to stand down. As she was about to cut off his head, for touching my illusion that I quickly casted; with my helmets ability. This was all under a second, to ensure the dwarf king didn't get killed by her.

"I can't fit that many dwarfs in my place yet, but we could establish a trading route by a gateway. So you could become apart of my soon to be kingdom; run by me. You will be allowed to rule as you are and only pay taxes ,that will be fair and agreed upon on a later date as stated ;in the previous contract. In return, you will receive this trade route with discounted Alcohol and access purchase some of the ores; you never seen before today. As most will be used for the experiments and making new equipment/inventions. I must warn you though ,those ores mostly can't be melted by your normal means. Well maybe the lowest quality metal but that's it." I said then conjuring the contract, the High Preist of earth payed attention; to the magic used this time. Using her ability to tell how powerful it was.

"Th-this has got to be 10th teir magic!!" he exclaimed now there wasnt a shred of doubt left that I wasn't a God in their eyes. Not that it wasn't anymore but it fully cemented it even more. Hell if I wanted anything from them, I could just demand it. Even a sneeze from me might be able to kill them. They thought this.

His statement met equal shocked reaction, but they soon collected themselfs; as they weren't surprised anymore. Nothing will be able to top this, he then looked over the contract and handed it to the rest. One by one they looked at it and agreed it was a fair deal. Their lips stay shut, with even magic guaranteeing it when they are drunk. With fair pay,trade and a solution of their invasion problem. Then they will be provided the means of trade, resources and knowlege. They all then quickly signed the agreement. The paper went on fire and a magical tattoo ,apeared on the back of their hands and disappeared.

"The tattoo will appear, when ever you add about to break the agreement or run mana through your hand. Also if you get lose lipped; it will temporarily make you mute for 2 hours. If you continue it will just keep doubling ,until its max of 1 day." I explained and they nodded.

"Well show me the direction of the dragons." I said and the Cheif of security walked inside the door ,with a massive hangover.

"I-Im sorry I am late, I got a bit too drunk. Hehe" He said shamelessly.

'Damn it's only been like a half an hour at most, dwarven liver recovery speed; is insane!' I thought, while the High Preist of earth spoke .

"Good, your here. We need you to take our new god and ruler, to take care of those dragons and Quagoa once and forall! He will take our capital back for us, if you don't beleive me ;you must know he can cast 10th teir magic!" The dwarf proclaimed ,while looking at me in worship. This caused the cheif to nod and have a big grin.

"Yes, Right away!" he said

"Then, we will place ourselves in your capable hands. To us Dwarves, being able to take back Feoh Berkanan is like a dream come true. I am certain the people will then rejoice, at Your Majesty's matchless might. Then begin praying towards you!" The priest said and the rest of the dwarves bowed.

"Very good. My people of Nazerick will be glad to hear it. I am currently trying to bring balance and peace to this world. Hopefully, it will last a long time, I just hope another god killing calamity ;doesn't occur on this world. I know i will be ready for it but it greatly depends on all reasources. Including this runesmithing. You have the gods blessing and thanks.Then, I shall be off I have some virmin to put in their place. If they aren't willing to serve and relocate they will only meet death." I said.

"[Natures Blessing]" I cast a 10th teir buff spell that will increase all their strength ,to at least level 60. No matter their prior level, however if they were strong before ;the added stats will make them even stronger. Potentially bringing them to level 63 in strength. This works differently then it did in the game.

"M-my god! T-this is incredible! I feel so strong I could punch a mountain into dust! Thank you Ainz-sama!" They all said together bowing to their new master.

'Note to self, buffs don't degrade in strength; based on their level in the new world.' I thought.

I was expecting some strength increase but not by this much.

"Off we go then." I said and they all nodded as we parted. With the cheif now looking up with newfound pride; comming from his new strength.

"Yes but due to my position in the city I think its best I stay and keep watch. I will however get you the best guide you could get! Gordo take him to the capital." He commanded.

"Aye, I will do my best." Gordo responded bowing towards me.

"Y-you, are there other fairies from where you hail?" Gordo then asked after calming himself down.

"Unfortunately not, it's only us two but I am sure we will be able to create a spirit tree in the future " I said in a unpleasant tone.

The reason they were surprised to see a fairy is because they're usually closely bound to their spirit tree. If it dies.....they die too unless they are within a highly mana concentrated place. So although they are immortal from aging ,its not even semi-imortality; more like false conditional immortality. Although the race of Fairy kings, are able to survive without a spirit tree and dense mana areas. It still takes away their immortality but they can still be immortal ;if they stay in High mana places. With a spirit tree a fairy king can be away for decades and still be immortal, but soon after they would need to revisit it; for a day. Since there is mana everywhere there is no worry of dying without. Even if I did go to another universe without, I would be able to replenish; through mana potions.

"Yes, now enough about that...we got a dragon nest to find." I said and he nodded.

"...You are not a warrior, as I can tell by the way you walk. Nor are you a magic caster, do you at least have a way to escape?" I asked him but already knew his answer.

"Yes, I am prepared to face any danger, and nobody will blame you if I perish. I have my father's invisibility cloak. That was also a reason why they chose me." He explained and I nodded. The cloak of invisibility lent a lot of weight to his argument.

"Do you need to verify if I've chased all the Quagoa out of the Royal Capital? If you die although I can revive you… Its against the natural order of things and would bring about unbalance. I'd much rather you stayed here, while someone of your same knowledge or close to it would guide me. I can protect you but if nature is against you there is not much I can do about fate....yet." I said and Gondo nodded in understanding.

"I thank you for your concern but if nature was to act against me. Then it's a fate that's worthy of a miner such as I." He said with pride, not afraid of dying by cave collapses.

"The Royal Capital has a vast treasury. If it hasn't been plundered yet, then it will contain many Dwarven treasures. There should also be some of my father's weapons and technical manuscripts from the royal family in there. Who knows, there might even be secret manuals left, behind by runesmiths of the past."

"That's promising…"

With that response, I indicated that Gondo should continue.

"I wish to secretly obtain them. ...While it seems rude to ask this of Your Majesty, may I please ask you to turn a blind eye to this ;when you retake the Capital?"

"...You can open it?" I retorted.

"No. However… I believe Your holiness should be able to do something about that, right?"

"So you want me to become an accomplice to a thief?" I asked with a quirked brow.

"I believe the correct explanation of what would happen, is that Your holiness wished to see if the Treasury had been burgled. Then opened it to check. Then, you were briefly distracted, for just long enough. I would be that petty thief, bearing no relation to Your Majesty." he said shamelessly.

"...I guess if asked, I could just say I took it as It was apart of our agreement. This is all assuming there is no ledger." I retorted.

"There is none and you are a god who is to deny you.." He replied.

"Lets at least make sure of that. I cannot approve of this otherwise. ...isnt this treason? Does it not shame you to steal it?"

Gondo laughed scornfully.

"Well, those manuals don't mean anything to a country that gave us and runecraft up, don't you think?"

"For a country of dwarfs to give up an art of a craft, truley they have fallen low. They should have at least kept records, for their future generations. To think dwarfs are consumed with greed like the humans can be." I said in disgust.

"Indeed, this be my thoughts too but if it was ever said I'd be dead." He said solemnly.

"...Indeed. There's no point in letting people who don't need it have it either. I do feel a bit dizzy, as if I might just close my eyes; at an in opportune moment. Fine I will agree but you need to sign a contract. [Fairy Creation Magic: Contract] ." Gondo immediately looked at it and raised a brow but signed it nonetheless.

He was concerned at having to take the blame for it ,If it might arise; but it did say I would protect him. Reason being he was one of the last of his craft and the god of smithing would retaliate full force. Its not like they lost much in the deal.

"Understood. I shall do as you say your holiness." He replied.

"Then, let's make haste.."

While they had walked some distance away to discuss this, in case someone with keen hearing might be eavesdropping on them.

"Then, let's change the topic. Tell me about the hazards we will face before reaching the Dwarven Capital. A basic outline is fine."

"A good question. All who wish to reach the Dwarven Capital must pass three trials."

"Summarize them."

"Mm, the first trial is the Great Rift. There is a slope ahead of the gate that leads to the fortress. After the fortress is the Great Rift that splits the earth. Now that the suspension bridge has been strung, it hardly qualifies as a trial. However, when crossing it, one must prepare oneself to receive concentrated attacks from the enemy."

"Do the Quagoa use ranged weapons?"

"Umu, I haven't heard of that before. However, it might be dangerous to assume they don't, right?"

"Then, the next trial is an area of flowing lava. Even the heated air alone can be fatal. One must cross it via a narrow path of trimmed rock. There have also been sightings of a huge monster there from time to time."

"A monster, you say? It matters not ,nature will move and heed my call." I said in a confident tone with no room for doubt.

'Come to think of it, Slimes and human society are quite closely linked. Is it the case in this country as well? If they have rare slimes here, I'd like to bring them home. I wonder if they have any clothes eating slimes, it would be nice gift for Shalltear.' I mused inwardly

Gondo felt my aura change and he could tell it was one of pure mischief, this made him feel uneasy as he heard of the legends of a fairies pranks.

"The final trial is the Maze of Death. It is a cave with countless branches, filled with poisonous vapors. If one inhales those vapors, their limbs will be paralyzed and their hearts will stop beating." Gondo at me wondering if I could just will it away.

"I could redirect the wind to move the poison to the dragons habitat. This will make them rue the day they went against the dwarfs kukuku." I said chuckling, as i knew it wont kill them but weaken them ever so slightly.

"And what is the right path through the caves?"

"Regretfully, I do not know. I looked through all my connections, but even the elders did not know. Neither did the members of the Council. Perhaps it might be recorded in an archive..."

"But you didn't find it either, did you? Well, I doubt you'd be able to easily locate a document, that was so critical to national security. Hah who am I kidding, I will just command a earth Sprite to lead the way." I said as it truley wasn't a concerning matter.

"Let's go, then."

The gentle tunnel which sloped down was broad and it had been levelled for easier passage.

"Halt! Whats your buis-oh it's you gondo, but who is that being with you?" The guard of the fortress said ,as we were approaching its gates at the end if the tunnel. He said this as I had my wings out.

"I am the god of balance and apparently as the king said god of liquor too. I have come to retake the dwarven capital. If you need proof I can just teleport the king here." I said while beginning a teir 10 spell for show.

"W-wait that wont be needed! We just need to do to confirm your words." the dwarf said hastily as he didnt want to be punished by the king. He also thought I was quite audacious, for just summoning the king like that without warning. I could have just used a official paper or something.

"This is indeed true, even though it's quite a unbelievable claim. Trust me when I say this his liquor is divine." gondo replied while I sweatdropped.

'Is that really how you prove my case....' I inwardly facepalm.

"Do you happen to have any you could spa-" He was inturrupted by gondo.

"You know your not allowed to drink, while on your post!" He yelled while shamelessly looking at me discreetly, for some sign of confirmation.

"Very well you may be on your way but I must warn you, they have been more active then ever before." He warned then we continued onward.

Once we passed through the opened doors into the fortress, we could then go beyond the fortress and cross the suspension bridge ahead. After travelling west from there for several days, we should be able to see the former Dwarven Capital.

After passing the bridge I got impatient and decided to speed things up.

"Gondo this is taking to long and I am getting inpatient. A fairy is never good when they are impatient. So hold onto my shoulder, I will be using a spell to make this faster." I told him and he slightly pales then nodded. He grabbed my shoulder and he asked "What does the spe-" He was cut off by me casting the spell.

It was a teir 9 Racial Transportation spell, "[Fairy Creation Magic: Earthen Transport]" This was a spell that fairies could use to transport thenselfs and others by becoming one with the earth.

While in this special state, the planets rotation doesn't effect you; so you can move at insane speeds. If its rotating in the other direction you still move as fast as a mount. So this could reduce the trip from 7 days to 2-3 days. However we were lucky and it was moving in the opposite direction, so we could move even faster. Although we couldn't attack in this state we also couldnt be attacked. However if we are stunned we will be ejected outside and dazed for 4 seconds.

In the game, this was too dangerous to use. So I didn't learn this racial spell but a diffrent one. But after learning the spells available in the library, I decided to learn this. With my new mana control, I can simply swap out a spell use a new one and still use my old one ;because I know how it works. This is diffrent then in the game and I was happy about that. Now I know all the spells that I can possible learn, so I am able to do this.

[Meanwhile at the Forgemasters workshop.]

The Forgemaster's workshop was huge, as befitted a man, who was responsible for the Dwarven nation's blacksmithing. In all likelihood, it was one of the biggest buildings in Feoh Gēr. It employed many Dwarven artisans and its heat — which could melt adamantite — and the pounding of its hammers on anvils had never stopped before.

However, it was silent today — an occurrence which made the Cabinet Secretary's hairs stand on end.

He was sure that the crucibles were lit. That was because the temperature went up as he neared them.In that case, what was the reason for this silence?

The Cabinet Secretary quickened his pace, as though impelled by the unease flowing out of him.He had come here before, so there was no hesitation as he plunged in towards the crucible; where the smiths should have been working.

He saw the blacksmiths, all of whom were familiar faces.

Unable to help himself, he sighed in relief. However, when he noticed the distraught looks on the blacksmith's faces and the direction where they were all looking, the unease which seized his heart seemed to come back to life.

"What's wrong?"

As he called out, the eyes of the blacksmiths lit up, as though their savior had arrived.

"He's locked himself in there and refuses to come out."

Apart from its gigantic crucibles, this foundry also contained a workshop for the personal use of the Forgemaster, although it was closer to a miniature foundry in its own right. The Forgemaster was a dedicated worker, and when handling important projects, he would often lock himself inside and not emerge for several days.

That was a fairly common occurrence. The Forgemaster's disciples and the other blacksmiths should not have had that distressed look on their faces.

"...It's not strange, is it?"

"It's true that he locks himself up fairly often… but there's no sound of hammering. And it's been half a day — no, almost an entire day. He went in there with the ores but never came out."

"...So maybe he's just drawing up the plans for the design?"

"That's never happened before."

The Cabinet Secretary stroked his beard.

He did not feel this was particularly surprising. However, if the forgemen all felt the same way, then it should probably be an emergency.

"Then why don't you open the door? Is it locked?"

"No, it's not locked. However, whenever the Forgemaster retreats to that room, he hates people opening that door."

"I see. ...So you want me to open it, am I right?"

It would be difficult for the Forgemaster's disciples. But someone of an equivalent rank, might have a better chance of not incurring the Forgemaster's wrath.

I drew the short straw. Well, it can't be helped.

"I understand. Then, let me do it. You lot should go first. Just take it as though I insisted on going in myself and you won't get involved."

After the smiths thanked him, the Cabinet Secretary stepped up and knocked on the door.

However, there was no response, no matter how many times he knocked. Fearing the worst, he flung the door open with all his might.

It was the same familiar room. Surprisingly, there was no heat, even though he was only a door removed from the huge crucible.

That was due to magical air conditioning. When he shifted his gaze, he saw a crimson flame blazing within the depths of the crucible.

And then, he saw someone facing the fire.

What, he's there, isn't he? Just as the Cabinet Secretary was about to sigh in relief, he once again held his breath.That was because he could sense something strange and inexplicable in the air. Why was the Forgemaster silent?

According to the smiths outside, he ought to have reacted immediately to the intrusion.


Those words were little more than an exhaled breath, but the man should have heard it. Yet there was no response from the Forgemaster.

The Cabinet was nervous now and he shouted, but as expected, the Forgemaster did not react.

Panting heavily, he advanced to the Forgemaster's side.



An answer at last. The Cabinet Secretary almost collapsed on account of the strength fleeing his limbs.

"What? What? Don't make me—"

The Cabinet Secretary's words trailed off.

Why had the Forgemaster not turned around to look at him?

Worried for his friend, the Cabinet Minister circled around to look at his face.

He looked different from usual — as though he were a hunted animal. More important than that, he had a ghastly expression on his face, as though he was ready to massacre his own people.

"...What happened?"

The Forgemaster's face finally moved in response to the words which had slipped out by themselves. No, only his eyeballs moved, turning to look at the Cabinet Secretary's face.

"What happened? What... happened? Hmph!"

The Forgemaster's hand moved. He picked up his tongs, plucked out the searing-hot metal ingot from the fires of the crucible, and then chucked it at the Cabinet Master.


The Cabinet Minister scrambled away desperately, and the ingot landed on the ground with a thud.

"You bastard! Are you trying to kill me?!"

He could not tolerate this, not even from a friend.However, the Forgemaster smiled coldly.

"Kill you? Well, you'd think that."

Then, he reached out and grabbed the ingot. Blacksmiths typically wore heat-resistant gloves, but the shocking thing was that the Forgemaster did not. Neither was he wearing any magic items that bestowed such an effect.

He had grabbed the heated metal ingot with his bare hand.

So reckless and ridiculous was that move that the Secretary imagined he could smell and hear the Forgemaster's flesh sizzling. The Forgemaster practically spat his words out at the wide-eyed Cabinet Secretary.

"It didn't heat up!"

"What, what did you say?"

"These damn ingots won't heat up at all!"

Before he knew it, the Cabinet Secretary had caught the ingot tossed his way. For a moment, he imagined that it was emitting a searing heat, but it was not hot at all. In fact, it was freezingly cold.

"Ahh damn that's cold! What is this?"

That was a pointless question. In all the Cabinet Secretary's knowledge, there was only one thing which corresponded to the description; of a metal that did not get hot even when heated. Thus, the question was merely a formality.

Indeed, the Forgemaster's next words confirmed his suspicions.

"It's the ingot the god of Liquor gave us! I've heated it for an entire day and it won't get hot! I've hammered it and it won't change shape! I can't even leave a mark on it! He told me to see, if I could make armour out of it. How the hell am I supposed to make armor with this?!"

"You, you don't think he gave you a metal even he couldn't work with?" He said in disgust as if it was blasphemy.

"Of course not! But look, there's a shortsword made of the same metal! I can mark the ingot with it! The hell do I prove myself as the 'most experienced craftsman of our mountain of dwarfs' If I cant forge it!?! Does my title mean anything?! I'm nothing more than an idiot ,who can only stare dumbly; at a hunk of unknown metal! I am unworthy of the Liquor gods praise! My life is meaningless!" He said then rushed to place his head in the forge, but was stopped by the Cabinet Secretary.

"Are you mad!? Why don't you just ask for his help or ask to have a better forge made, surley it's a metal from a god?!" The Cabinet Secretary berates him while holding him back and he then slumps to the ground and said "I-I Y-your right! I'm sorry, I'm just very tired and stressed from trying to prove myself." He said ashamed by his own actions.

The Cabinet Secretary struggled to think of how to comfort the high-strung Forgemaster.

"Maybe this is one of the ores that need hells flames to work?" He tried to cheer him up.

"N-no I already asked if any of these metal ingots required that. He said the only ore ,that requires a Black Forge is their Divinite ore. That's why I'm upset, as this is the weakest metal of the batch they gave us. He even casted a spell that melted it but.....the flames where white. Do you know any way to make white flames? Flames so bright that it burns your eyes even with our special goggles..." He said depressed.

"All you need to do is learn and improve then you will be then able to forge anything. I beleive in you." The secretary said while trying to cheer him up.

"It's fine. You're right. All I need to do is start learning again. Then, what are you doing here?"

"I am here to tell you that the god of smithing requests your presence tommorow. Also he....he wants you to bring the ingots or armour with you, then tell him felt when you smithed them." The Secretary said while wondering, if he should put him on suicide watch.

"I see. Well if that's all, I need time to think and collect myself. As I don't want to make a stupid decision again." He said while looking sad still.

"I see. Well I hope you get better in the future and dont let this one failure; change your life for the worse." He said and then left the forgemaster to think over things. Unlike in the story due to the loyalty contract, he won't be dissapearing the next day.

The next chapter will be mostly filler, but there will be some good inside of it. So you could consider it a chapter of little worth but the next will hold more weight.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts