
Dez Bonez aren't for me [Another DROPPED fanfic]

Transmigrator from our earth, finds himself in Momonga's body. The night of the incident before he gets transfered. What does he do? What should he do? This has a simple answer, Pleasure dem bones or change them. This Is a fanfiction on the light novel series called overlord created and written by Kugane Maruyama. Licienced by AUS Madman Entertainment and NA/UK Funimation. He owns the rights to all characters, the world and cover picture. This is just an Alteration on how his character Momonga does things and thinks, due to an unforeseen mishap to a mortal soul. This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains some characters and/or concepts that derive from Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. I do not own these characters or concepts that are from Naruto. They are owned by their writer and illustrator Masashi Kishimoto and Published by Shueisha. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion into a diffrent world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. He owns the rights to all characters. [A/N This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains some characters and/or concepts that derive from Harry Potter series. I do not own these characters or concepts that are from Harry Potter series. They are owned by their creator J. K. Rowling and Published by Time Warner plus all the other publishers she has. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion into a diffrent world. If you wish to get an idea of the real characters, then check out the source. The writer and publisher owns the rights to all their respective characters/concepts.] I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works. Furthermore! I do not make money off of this, unlike some other authors on webnovel. I dont do this for popularity either just to better my writing and fun. I hope you enjoy. [A/N This will not be an omniversal travel novel.]

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10 Chs

Carne village part 2

[A/N I do not own this world or any characters depicted, they all belong to their corresponding owners.]

"Shall I prepare another cup full for you?" I said as I could see the cheifs expression ,after drinking the drink of gods.

"Oh, no, I'm not thirsty anymore. Please, don't trouble yourself. M-May I ask what the name of the beverage is called." The cheif said sheepishly.

"It's called eggnog, but don't tell anyone I told you of it. It's what I call the drink of gods, as most organic lifeforms will have liver problems; if they drink it too much. Expecially humans, luckily I'm not a human. The most advisable for a human to drink is a shot glass, used for strong alcohol. Also not every day, but it wouldn't effect you at all. Unless you drank it every day and didn't work it off. Even so ,after 20 years or so; of doing this. You would probably get liver problems." I said and he went from pale to more joyful.

"I see, truley nothing so good ;comes without its risks. It's like a non-alcoholic version of alchohol." He said laughing.

"You said Eggnog right? Is it made from eggs and milk?" He guessed by the consistency and taste.

"Yes but there is alot of egg in it plus cinnamon,nutmeg,vanilla extract, lots of sugar, it's also baked from what I remember. I don't know the exact process, but it tastes good

and that's what matters." I said and he quirked his brow at some of the unknown ingredients. He then laughed at the end "Hah it seems like it be a fools errand for a farmer to acquire."

"Yeah I'm not sure if the ingredients still exist in this world, but I guess there is only one way to find out. To go on an epic quest to find the ingredients and make the most delicious eggnog of course." I said laughing at the end and he joined me.

"Truley it be a sad day when your supplies runs dry. It was a pleasure to drink and the best drink I've had. Although it might not seem like much comming from me, I am including Mead ;so that should account for something. Haah" he said chuckling at the end.

"Indeed." I replied while putting the pitcher away.

The cheifs wife was no longer in the room, but outside — there were many things she had to help with. Only the Chief and I were in the house now.

I first asked about the neighboring countries, and the Chief responded with everything I already knew. The nearby countries were the Re-Estize Kingdom, the Baharuth Empire, and the Slaine Theocracy.

Firstly, there was the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Baharuth Empire. These countries were on different sides of a mountain range, and to the south of those mountains was a sprawling forest, and at the edge of that forest was this village, under the Re-Estize Kingdom, and the fortress city of E-Rantel.

Relations between the Kingdom and the Empire were bad, and they would fight a battle in the wilderness near E-Rantel almost every year.

To the south was the Slaine Theocracy. To the left was the Re-Estize Kingdom, to the right was the Baharuth Empire, and below them was the Slaine Theocracy. There were other countries, but the Chief only knew of these three.

The Chief was not sure where exactly this village was placed between the three of them.

I then sank into thought.

Was I the only one who had come to this world from my earth!? Not his pitiful futuristic disgusting smog covered earth. Impossible. It has all happened like the anime and novel so far, with slight alterations. Although there was no chance of players from Yggdrasil ,other then the God of death. There was still a chance of a person from my world or at least I hope not.

Was saving the village the right thing? Now will they come at me and if so, are they members of my guild or another. If they are from my earth and came here as I did.....this could get ugly.

'I just hope they aren't from nazerick ,as the NPCs loyalties are to their creators first; then nazerick. The only reason they're not showing is because their not present. Will they not expect me to be the main character? Should I then follow the story to a T.

I shook my head of these thoughts as if this is the case, I need to be prepared and not slow my progress. I need to be efficient and prepared for anything to come my way!

"Ainz-sama?" The cheif asked me as he seen me too quite.

"No, it's nothing. I simply spaced out because things were not as I expected. Right, can you tell me about something else now?"

"Ah, ah yes, I understand."

The Village Chief started talking about monsters next. The nearby forest was filled with monsters, and one of them was known as the "Wise King of the Forest." There were also Dwarves, all sorts of Elves, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and the like. Apparently there were no fairies at least that he heard of. Some of the demihumans had even built their own nation.

There were people called adventurers who drove off these monsters, and they counted many magic casters among their number. Apparently, these adventurers had guilds of their own in all the big cities. Apart from that, he also learned about the nearby fortress city of E-Rantel.

According to the Chief, E-Rantel was the biggest city in the area, this would be the best place to gather information. While the Chief's words were helpful, there were still many unclear details.

Finally, there was the matter of language. It was truly surprising that they understood Japanese and English in this new world. As a result, I looked carefully at the Village Chief's mouth, soon discovering that he was not, in fact, speaking Japanese or English.

The language of this world was translated before the other party heard it. As I knew their written language, I could speak it too albeit badly. In addition, the Village Chief did not find this strange. It seemed perfectly natural to him.

In other words, if your on this world it will happen to you. Then again it could be him equating anything abnormal with me to magic.

'…It would seem I will need to live in a city for a while. At least this is what I will tell them.' I mused inwardly.

As he thought about this, he heard footsteps from outside the flimsy wooden door. There was a large delay between the sounds of the footsteps, which meant that whoever it was, they were not advancing quickly. Those were the steady, plodding sounds of a grown man's footsteps.

A knocking came from the door just as I turned to it. The Chief could not help but look at my face. He dared not act of his own accord because he was still explaining things to his savior, as payment for saving him and everyone else in the village.

"Please, by all means. I was intending to take a break myself. I won't mind if you step outside."

"I'm very sorry about this," the Chief said as he nodded in apology. He headed to the door, and when he opened it, a villager appeared. He looked first to the Chief, then to me, and said:

"Chief, I'm sorry to interrupt you when you're talking to our guests, but they're ready for the burial…"


The Chief looked to me, his eyes begging for his approval.

"It's fine. There's no need to worry about me."

"Thank you. Then, tell the others that I will be there soon."


The burial ceremony was held in a nearby communal graveyard. I ofcourse offered to help, as it was simple to make good stone caskets; out of the earth. This got me more popular and favored by the villagers. You could say I skipped to the point ,where they were ready to praise me as their god. The graveyard was surrounded by a broken-down fence, and within were several circular stone slabs inscribed with people's names.

The Village Chief recited the verses to ease the spirits of the dead, and the words from his mouth appealed to a god that didnt exist in YGGDRASIL. It was a prayer that the spirits of the dead would find peace. It appeared that there were not enough hands ,to bury all the bodies at once; so when I offered they were elated!

I also spotted the sisters I saved among the other villagers — Enri Emmott and Nemu Emmott. Their parents' bodies were among those that would be buried today.

'If my senses are right they left the goblins in the forest untill she introduces them. Makes sense, as it's a bit leap of faith. Considering now all she'd have to say; is I gave her a magic item.'

As I watched the villagers from close by, I idly stroked a thirty centimeter long wand under my robe. The wand was made of ivory and capped with gold. There were runes over the grip and it radiated an aura of holiness.

It was a Wand of Resurrection. Just a zapp zapp pow and they'd all be alive....but their lips would be loose.

It was a magic item which could return the dead to life. Of course, I did not possess just one of these wands. I had enough to resurrect all the dead in the village, with room to spare.

According to the Village Chief, this world's magic did not have the power to raise the dead.

That being the case, I'd become their god if I did so. However, after the prayer finished, as the burial ceremony neared its end, I returned the wand to my inventory. In addition, the chances of the villagers keeping the secret would be very low, even if I ordered them not to talk about the resurrections. Zealots tend to be illogical.

As I was thinking about this, a pair of figures turned up beside him. One was Albedo, and the other was roughly humanoid, but resembled a spider dressed in a ninja uniform. Its eight legs were tipped with sharp blades.

"An Eight Edge Assassin? Albedo, this is…"

Albedo was one thing, but if the Eight Edge Assassins were not invisible right now. Chaos would ensue

"I brought him over because he wanted to pay his respects to you, Ainz-sama."

"Oh, how refreshed my soul is whenever I see Ainz-sa—"

"—Enough of that. Are you part of the support troops?" I was inwardly sweatdropping ,at such a cthulu esque creature say that to me. So instincts took over and I asked him a question in a commanding tone.

"Yes. There are four hundred vassals beside myself ,who stand ready to kill all those who dare invade your captured village Ainz-sama."

'How.....just how do they misinterpret, saving a village with capturing it; thus adding it to our kingdom.' I was ready to face fall, I was really beginning to contemplate; if Sebas is really bad at explaining things.

"…There's no need for going overboard, the problem's already been taken care of. Who's your commander?"

"That would be Aura-sama and Mare-sama. Demiurge-sama and Shalltear-sama remain in Nazarick on alert, while Cocytus-sama is supervising Nazarick's perimeter security."

"I see… well, everyone but Aura and Mare are to fall back. How many of you Eight Edge Assassins are there?"

"There are fifteen of us in total."

"Then you can stay with Aura and Mare."

After watching the Eight Edge Assassin nod in acknowledgement, I turned my eyes back to the burial. They were ready for me to fill in the graves, and the two girls were crying non-stop.


After I was done burning the dead they continued praying to their loved ones. I decided to not interrupt them and subtly teleport away while they didn't notice. I was currently walking with Albedo in tow.

I was just lost in thought thinking about today and the future. I was also admiring this world for its nature and good air quality. Even compared to my earth, it felt like a breath of air; gave you energy. I wondered if it was my race or if that was the case. As I knew my mind and body weren't human anymore so..... it was possible. I then felt like leaving but I sensed movement ,as I was connected to the nature. It told me there were troops heading in this direction, from two diffrent directions. I knew this would happen but I did feel like leaving as I felt out of place.

'Sigh I'm still not used to this, but this sensing ability is useful.Its just too bad this doesn't work past a mile, as it's quite a useful ability.' I mused.

"…Do you hate humans?" I decided to ask Albedo this question.

"I detest them. Humans are weak and inferior lifeforms. They would look so pretty if I squashed them like bugs… besides those girls. However, any humans that you have use for and help nazerick; are more bearable to look at." She commented at the end.

Albedo's words were as sweet as honey, yet their meaning was terribly cruel.

I felt that attitude and personality did not fit Albedo's benign, goddess-like beauty. Therefore, I said:

"I see… I understand how you feel. However, I hope you can control yourself for the time being, because we have to put on a show. All things take time."

To this Albedo nodded energetically, as she knew of my plan.

I decided find the now worried village cheif, he was currently speaking to villagers. He had a stern look on his face, but I could sense his worry.

"…What's wrong, Chief-dono?"

The Chief's face lit up, as though he had glimpsed a golden shiny wire of hope.

"Oh, Elf king Ainz-sama. It would seem there are some mounted people ,who look to be warriors approaching us…"

"I see so you don't know them, I thought they were reinforcements from your kingdom. Although ,if they are they arrived incredibly late. Considering if they are reinforcements, then this happened to more then just your village. If that's the case then either it's a trap or war has been declared." I said while the Chief and the other nearby citizens paled. Looking at me, with worried facial expressions.

I gently raised my hand as I saw this, which filled everyone with relief as I said:

"Leave it to me. Gather all of the survivors into the Village Chief's house right now. The Chief and I will remain here."

A bell rang, and the villagers gathered.

In order to dispel the Chief's unease, I cheerfully said:

"Please be at ease. I will make an exception and handle this for free. Consider it a job yet to be finished."As I said this the Chief no longer trembled, and smiled bitterly instead.

The horsemen slowly entered the square.

"…They aren't uniformly equipped, and each of them is outfitted differently… they are not regular troops, possibly emergency troops?" I mused ,as I observed the men and their wargear.

The knights from before had breastplates bearing the sigils of the Baharuth Empire, and they were heavily equipped, each in the same way. While these men were wearing armor as well, their gear varied from man to man. Some wore leather armor and some did not have their plate armor on, exposing the chainmail underneath. Some of them wore helmets, while some went bareheaded. About the only thing they had in common ,was that they each showed their faces. All of them had swords of similar make, but apart from that, they also carried bows, javelins, maces, and other backup weapons.

"They are not enemy's, at least that's what I observe; from inspecting them and their armour's. One of them is the strongest warrior of this country, at least that's what my greater inspection spell said." I explained and the cheif then said "Thank goodness." I held up my hand then said "I wouldn't be too sure, he's the reason they raided the village. See his sword, it's very valuable and considering his status. It was a trap from another country and I doubt those raiders were their trump card." I said making him pale....he then looked at Gazef in anger. He also sighed ,as he knew it wasn't entirely his fault but another countries greed.

"Y-your really smart, to be able to put that all together from the start. As expected of a Elven king such as you Ainz-sama!" the cheif praised me.

The riders finally entered the square. There were around twenty of them, and while they were wary of me, they formed up neatly before me and the Village Chief. A man stepped forward from the rest of the force.

He seemed to be the leader of the horsemen. He looked like the fiercest and most eye-catching one of his men. The leader's eyes rested briefly upon the Village Chief before lingering on the Albedo. He took a long time looking at her. However, once he satisfied himself that none of them were going to move, he immediately turned his keen gaze on me. He could instantly tell I was a king, he is very keen in his senses and seeing my posture along with my aura...He knew it had to be true. However, he also felt the same aura of a warrior out of me...but I looked like a magic caster. This confused him.

Once satisfied, the leader spoke in a grave tone:

"—I am the Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. By order of the King, I have been visiting each of the frontier villages to exterminate knights from enemy countries who have been making trouble here."

His even baritone echoed through the village square, and there was some commotion from the Chief's house behind Ainz.

"The Kingdom's Warrior-Captain…"

"…What sort of man is he?" I feigned ignorance, but the cheif took it as me wanting info.

"According to the traders, he was a man who claimed the championship of the martial arts tournament held before the King, and now he leads the elite warriors who are loyal to the King."

"Is the man before, is he..... a good man?"

"…I do not know. All I heard were stories."

I then looked closely, and saw that each of the horsemen had the same emblems on their chests, which resembled what the Chief had said about the Kingdom's emblems.

Gazef looked at the Chief and said, "You must be the Chief of this village. Can you tell me who is the Elven king beside you?" he said surprising his subordinates but they too could sense my aura.

I interrupted the Chief, who was about to answer, before nodding to Gazef and introducing himself.

"There is no need for that. Pleased to meet you, Warrior-Captain-dono of the Kingdom. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and I am the king of nazerick. I come from far but when this village was attacked by knights, I stepped in to rescue them. Although I may not look like much, I am a mage knight. So I can easily beat any ideas of attacking me, I will tell you I can cast at least 6th teir magic." I explained clearly not trusting his intentions with this village. He knew this was from a distrust of nobels ,as he heard rumors of the elf king's curruption; letting most his people starve. So this made sense to him, as I must have made a kingdom elsewhere. Most likely hidden by powerful magic. So in a sense ,although I am not the Elfking of their kingdom; I am still a Elf king.

"I see, worry not my men are honorable and don't rape and pillage our nations citizens." Gazef said trying to quell any distrust in me.

I was confused why he was replying this way, as this wasnt logical. Is this because we are in an anime, it makes them think in weird ways?! Am I being effected too ,if so is it on a 4th diemension point of view? I shook my head of these thoughts then spoke: " I see, well that's a relief, now before you ask for nazerick's location. Don't as I wont tell you, its national security and we move around with magic. Its location seems to be always changing in this case." I said and he quirked his brow but still nodded.

"I see, well that's good but what's your purpose of visiting here?" he asked

"Truth be told, since we have been sleeping Magically for a long time now. We are seeking knowledge from the most trusty people, A villager or how you'd put it commoner. The reason I believe this ,is they would know the type of living conditions ;of the area."

"I see, but you must know that I'm also from commoner decent; so I don't think that way." Gazef said.

'Is this a damn mind f**k, holy s**t is this an anime. This is totally not what I was trying to say and your misinterpreting my words exagerantly. This can't be a coincidence! Damn is this some sort of entertainment ,to the gods that brought me here. Was I always supposed to say this or am I under control!' I shook my head at these thoughts, as I cant do anything about it if it was true.

"Umu, Then we are at an impasse." I said making an awkward atmosphere.

Gazef immediately dismounted, his armor clattering loudly as he did. He bowed deeply once he was on the ground.

"Thank you for saving this village. I have no words that can adequately praise your kindness."

The air seemed to tremble. The Warrior-Captain was a man from a privileged class of society. It was quite shocking that such a man would bow, before anybody but his kings and nobels;expecially another king!

"…Please, do not stand on ceremony. In truth, I did this for payment, so no thanks is needed."

"Oh, a payment. Does this mean that you are an adventurer?"

"That is close enough to the truth but not exactly."

"Oh… I see. You must be an extraordinary adventurer, then. Although, forgive my ignorance, but I have not heard your mighty name before, Gown-dono."

"I was just beginning my travels, you see, and I just happened to pass by. I am nobody famous because I just started, as my strength would make it known ;as you say." I replied

"…Travelling, you say. Could you please tell me about the blackguards ,who attacked this village?"

"It would be my pleasure, Warrior-Captain-dono. Most of the knights who have attacked this village are already dead, so they will not be able to make trouble; for the time being. Shall I go on?" I elaborated

"…Already dead… Gown-dono, did you strike them down?"

"…Well, that is not entirely accurate as I told nature to do it." I said snapping my fingers and the ground turned into a throne. I then sat down.

Gazef widened his eyes at this, because it was unheard of to control nature this well. Either its magic on at least 5th teir level or I was an incarceration of mother nature. He wouldn't even call it a druid, as it was on a whole new level.

"I have a couple of questions… may I know what race she is?"

"Starting off by being racist ,isn't becoming of such a position."

Gazef was flabbergasted and hastily said "I-I didn't mean to sound that way, I am sorry if that's a touchy subject. Your right it doesnt matter, then… how about that top hat and eyepiece?" He asked.

I quirked my brow and said "Sounds like something a bandit would ask Hahahaha I'm just joking. It's a enchanted item, don't try to inspect it as it won't work. Need to ensure privacy of all items, you don't want them to tell a good item by just a look right?" I said and he could tell ,I'm toying with him using wordplay.

So he sighed then said "I see,you must be a very powerful individual, to wield such a high level Gear. I can tell just from looking at it." He elaborated still sounding bad....

"Oh, you inspected it?" I said and he waved his hands "No,No that's not it at all. I just could tell by the enigmatic design and material unknown." He said and I nodded.

'I see he could be a person from earth in disguise.....its to bad he will have to die. Unless he is a player and doesn't want to....no they would let it happen and let an ally resurrect them. It would be like faking his death, then he would be free to scheme later on. Or am I being paranoid..... Either way I could just atomize his body. However, it would be best if he became my subject.' I mused evily.

"Nazerick.....sleeping for how long?"Gazef said.

"Thousands of years but we woke up by the magic circle that waited , untill the elven race is endangered. It's up to me to investigate and possibly rebuild my nation." I said lying mixed in truths.

"I see so your on a quest to overthrow their king, I hope you try to not cause international discord." Gazef said sternly ,as it wouldn't end well for anyone. He still had a friendly tone, also he had a feeling it wouldn't end well ;to try and attack me. Although he found it weird there was no history of me or said nation. It could have been forgotten in history. I mean that is thousands of years! His comrades were confused by this and wondered why he didn't take him out. Before he can cause discord but one look at gazef's sweating forehead ,told them all they needed to know. They weren't my opponents, it would be a massacre and considering my saving the village; it makes sense now.

"I will try not too. Now, back to buisness I can detect; a squadron of troops from the Slane theacracy? Heading this way." I said while looking dumbly to space, gazef seemed to beleive it ;as I was supposedly a powerful magic caster.

"I see then what shall we do." Gazef said.

"Judging from the situation with what you said, your reputation and that special sword. I would say this is a trap and they have been baiting you to appear." I said and gazef's eyes widdened.

"I see so you will help no more." Gazef said solemnly.

"No, I didn't say that but this is your battle. If they make it through then I will deal with it, causing someone who trying to protect a village; to fight your own battles.....Well doesn't sound good. You bringing them inside instead of confronting them, would also put us at odds. You don't want that right?!" I said emphasizing Right at the end. I also had my halo of light and darkness show. This caused my allied(ie Albedo,nazerick forces nearby and the villagers to feel a calm comforting feeling. While the soilders all dropped to the ground frozen in fear, as they felt just with a thought; I could kill them. Their instincts agreed with this feeling , thus further amplifying it.

All knights including Gazef bowed before me, not in a knights before their king way.... but more like a person submitting to their executioner; sort of way.

"T-t-that is not what I intend to do Ainz-dono!" he barley managed to say loud enough ,I then removed my halo.

"Y-you are you an angel?" He couldn't help but ask and I laughed.

"No you can get a halo, from having a strong magical affinity to said attributes. Light and darkness, I have both and am very powerful in it so....." I replied and let him continue.

"So you are very powerful in life and death magic?! H-how is that possible, I've never heard of such a thing!" He exclaimed and his knights were shaking in fear.

"Unlike now adays back then, it was easier to get more powerful; without resurrecting the dead into undead. I can even vow on my magic and life ,that this next statement is true. I have never once turned dead humans or any other race into undead. Even though I can do so, doesn't mean I will. It just gives me more power by the access of this halo just by knowing off it." I said truthfully, as it was due to these classes and my race that I have it. This actually caused a magical contract to appear ,validating my statements.

"I see that's relieving, I thank you for clearing up that misconception." Gazef said now looking at me better then he was before.

"No problem anyways being a natural being, bringing back the dead any which way ;isnt natural. That's why I prefer undoing their fatal stat, by preventing it from happening. By using healing magic, knowing death helps healing considerably; I'll have you know." I said this to further relieve the doubts in the villagers.

"I see, Remarkably clever to use it like that.....truly we need to learn if the ways of old." Gazef said praising me.

"Before that, I have a request you might not like to hear. This village was recently attacked by knights of the Empire, and if you gentlemen brought your weapons in, it might trigger unpleasant memories in the villagers. May I ask you to place your weapons in a corner of the village square, to put the people at ease? Except you Gazef-dono, as you carry your nations weapon and it be rude to ask of you for that reason. They're still a bit ways off and your scout will tell us before they arrive ,right?" I said

"…It is as you say, Gown-dono. This sword was given to me by the King. I cannot set it down without his express permission. Also I'm sure my scout would find these troops ,as you say if they're close by." Gazef said ,while doubting a bit at my claim of knights nearby. As if that was so that would mean ,my detection skills are on a gods level!

"Is that so, Chief-dono…then I understand. ."

"I don't wish to be rude as you said too, Gown-dono. If this sword had not been personally awarded to me by the King, I would gladly lay it aside. Then, could we sit down and discuss the details. Also, the sky is growing dark, and we would like to rest in this village for the night…"

"I understand. Then, let us return to my home together—"

"Ahh there it is the scout." I said, cutting into the cheifs reply, while pointing in the direction of the scout.

In the middle of the Chief's reply, one of the horsemen ran into the square. He was panting heavily, and had an urgent report. In a high-pitched voice, the horseman said:

"Warrior-Captain! We've sighted a lot of people around the village! They've surrounded the village and they're closing in!"

Don don duh!


"I see… so there were people out there."

Gazef peeked out at the people surrounding the village from inside the darkened house.

He could see three people within his field of vision. They were slowly advancing on the village while maintaining an even separation from each other.

They were unarmed and were not wearing heavy armor. However, that did not mean that they were pushovers. Many magic casters disliked such equipment and preferred lighter gear. This suggested that they were magic casters. However, it was the winged monsters floating beside them which confirmed their vocations.


Angels were monsters summoned from another world, and many people — particularly, the citizens of the Slaine Theocracy — believed them to be messengers of the gods. However, the priests of the Kingdom ruled that these so-called angels were merely summoned monsters.

While these religious disputes were part of the reason why the countries were set against each other, Gazef felt that their status as divine messengers was secondary to their strength as monsters. To Gazef, angels and demons, their similarly-ranked counterparts, were stronger than many other monsters summoned using magic of a similar tier. Most of them had special abilities and some could even use magic. They were troublesome foes, in his reckoning.

Of course, that depended on the individual angel. Not all of them were difficult to beat.

However, the angels this time round, with their shining breastplates and flaming swords, were of a type that was unknown to him. I looked at me and mused, if I could control them with my halo. He immediately shook his head as he knew my reply. This was his fight not mine.

I was watching them with him from the side. I the asked Gazef, to gauge their strength:

"Who are these people? What do they want? I don't think there should be anything that valuable in this village… oh no wait there is. Perhaps a deal is in order."

"Gown-dono, you seek to actually help my fight?" Gazef said in a surprised voice.

"Of course, it comes with a cost some gold and silver ore of this kingdom will do. Surely such a small cost will be covered by the king. I consider it a good deal, one per every soldier that would die if I didnt help. Here look this is the size I mean and quality. This is what would happen '[Chrono Magic: Creation Magic: Causality Time Scrying.]'." I pulled out an ore and tried to create a new chronomancery magic spell...It worked as a ethereal mirror apeared in front of us. This spell was done silently. It displayed what would happen, if I didn't interfere.

"As you see I'm a chronomancer, I can use this spell to see into the future ;although if they were stronger enemies. It would probably only last a minute at best. This is the last spell of the sort I can use for today. Messing too much with time can destroy worlds you know. If innocents weren't at stake, I wouldn't even cast it.How much is your lives worth to the kingdom, surley to produce elites such as yourself is expensive. A good buisness deal no? Since I am benefitting off of others situations, I will of course return the benefits to those who helped. Considering the villages financial state, I find a 90/10 percent share more then fair ;as I'm sure the cheif will agree." I elaborated surprising them all. The cheif immediately went ecstatic and you could practically see money signs in his eyes. The villagers noticed this and felt even more respect towards me. As a normal noble would do no such thing ,never less a king to people; not of his own.

"I-I see your a man of honor! Truley it looks like I owe you our life's gratitude, considering this is such a big discussion; it must be agreed apon by us all. What say you men!"

"Uuraaah!" They all chimed in agreement I mean who would want to die. Some might say they are shameless, but I brought a good point. It would only benefit the kingdom more this way.

"There you have it we have a-" he seen my hand held up.

"On one condition, although I trust you and your honor and loyalty. It isn't to me but your king ,so how will I trust you keeping your silence ;about my prowess. Even if I fully trusted you and knew you wouldnt let information leak about my prowess. Its currupt nobels that are the problem

, plus loose lips during being drunk. Thus I can't let you view our battle. Although I will show you their heads and bodies when done, if that's good enough for you." I said

We then locked eyes, he nodded although reluctantly it was a reasonable request.

"Good consider the matter dealt with, just go inside with the rest of the villagers or anywhere your not on viewing distance. Trust me on this, I will know if your not. We will work out the more accurate amount later with the kingdoms elites.It would have to be agreed apon but of course I'd be wise, if they didnt try to vastly undersell your lives." I said and he nodded hastily, as he seen I was dead serious.

"Very well, we will take out leave immediately then you will intercept them." Gazef said seriously while inwardly happy, that we came to a mutual beneficial accord. As he had the feeling, that I was worse to deal with ;then the slane Theocracy. That was saying something. Also if what I said was true, about being asleep for that long then it was most likely so. A forgotten legend, that might compare to the six gods or greed kings might! This was concerning but as I said, it would just cause a multi-national turmoil if they knew; not that they would believe him. Although he will be sure to tell the king.

So he decided to talk to his men later about this, as he made sure they were loyal. He was sure they'd agree with him on the matter. So he walked with his men lead by the village cheif.

"I'll show you the way." The cheif offered and they were off.


As soon as they were far enough I used a simple illusion on us, to make it look like we were invisable. I then jogged at inhuman speeds to Niguns of the Slaine Theocracy's special operations unit's location. I was of course followed by albedo. During the jog when we got outside the village, I turned off the illusions. I then casted [Greater False Data] on us.

When we arrived Nigun looked at me with worry in his eyes. He and his men were pale when they seen our speed.

"Pleased to meet you, gentlemen of the Slaine Theocracy. I am Ainz Ooal Gown. I would be glad if you could call me Ainz."

He was some distance away from them, but the wind carried his voice over clearly. Nigun did not respond, and thus I continued:

"The person behind me is called Albedo. I would like to make a deal with you. Might I have a moment of your time?"

Nigun tried to attach some meaning to the name Ainz Ooal Gown, but it was no use. It might be an alias. Perhaps trying to glean some information from him would be more productive. With that, Nigun raised his chin, indicating that Ainz should continue.

"Wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. Then, I would like to start by making one thing clear to you gentlemen. There is only two options available to you. The first is to entertain me enough and be spared then sent to my kingdom. Or be killed but in the worst way possible, it will feel like all your pain receptors are active. It is said to be worse then a women giving birth. So please do call Dominion Authority from that crystal ,I sense on your neck." I said shocking them all , but I didn't wait for them to respond ;as I then took out three exp crystals. This would mitigate the xp cost of my second spell.

"Here is an example [Mind flay]." I pointed at one of their casters and he was then on the floor, writhing in pain while foaming from the mouth and bleeding from his orifices.

Immediately after I casted the first ever ,super teir custom spell. For this spell I used my gained knowledge of the hate , that I obtained by memory scanned from various weak NPCs of nazerick. This hate was combined with my knowledge of the worst aspects of a human. Even with fictional depictions of these hateful aspects of them. I then imagined the same undying loyalty of nazerick forces, plus the foxes first born loving nature towards his father. Also willingness to try and be understanding of what ever I say. I then combined, my reality bending with my creation of all things ability and Magic conjuration. I then casted my spell.

"[Creation of all things: Model Creation Magic: Create High Teir Being: Kyubi No Kitsune]" I said and altered the very reality in the area ,to allowing to happen. Unfortunately although it worked, it was a being created by natural and magical energy ;instead of chakra. Albedo was in defensive mode ,as she noticed that i was starting off ;with a super teir spell.

Thanks to my ring and the helmet I wore ,this was possible to be done ; in addition I had an illusion covering the magical array; it caused. This prevented them from running in fear ,of dying instantly when I was done.

"You asked for it! Now Behold! The glorious visage of the highest angel! Dominion Authority!" Nigun said ,as he felt great trepidation from my spell I was casting.

It was a mass of many shining wings, and among them were a pair of arms that held a scepter, symbolizing royal authority, but neither its head nor legs were visible. Though it looked quite disturbing, anyone could tell this was a sacred being. In the moment it appeared, the surrounding air turned bright and clear.

The advent of this supreme incarnation of goodness drew wild cheers from everyone who saw it. They were no longer scared and their blood boiled with excitement. Now, they could kill Ainz Ooal Gown. This time, he would be the one to be afraid. He would learn his foolishness before the power of the gods. In the face of their jubilance, I barely managed to get a sentence out without laughing.

"This… this is it? This is what you call getting serious…? This is your ace in the hole that you were planning to use on me?" I of course was stalling for time by taunting them, it was easy to control my mana for the spell and talk with my job Cosmic Mind.

As he saw my "shock", Nigun, who had been extremely uneasy, breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, his heart was filled with joy as he replied:

"Indeed! Your fear is only natural. After all, this is what an angel of the highest order looks like. While using it here seems like a bit of a waste, I have determined that you are worthy of it!"

"How could this be…"

To Nigun, my shout was one of despair, because it was a lifeless deadpanned tone.

"Ainz Ooal Gown. The truth is, you deserve respect for forcing me to summon this most exalted of angels. Be proud of your fearsome strength, magic caster!" Nigun nodded deeply, and continued:

"Personally speaking, I would like to bring you into our fold. If you are truly that powerful… however, I am not allowed to do so on this mission. At the very least, I shall remember you — the magic caster who made me decide to summon this mighty angel."

As soon as he finished that statement ,my spell was done! Boom! Right in front of us endless green whisps came from nature while a giant blue one ,came from me then rushed to the dead knights body. It then raised up into the air and slowly but surley the colors mixed then turned red! The body then bust into red guts spreading everywhere! This also caused shrapnel to hit some of his men, one of which died. Normally they'd react and counter attack but....they could see the form of red eyes begin to form. It then grew into the shape of a nine tailed fox but it didn't stop there! It kept growing and growing ;till it was the size of the real kuruma. When it was fully formed, its amount of killing intent; even made mine and demiurges; pale in comparison!

This was truley an amalgamation of hatred rotten to the core! The one thing that kuruma hated most "Today you will be my Meal Ningen! You should feel honored to die by my hands! The great Kyubi no Kitsune! Die Meatbags! Zahaha!" Kuruma laughed maniacally and even the angel was shaking in fear. This was a being unlike any ever seen before! It was truley an incarnation of hatred! It even made Albedo pale, as she knew that used up most of my mana. She stood by my side ,as I was gulping down mana potions; while using some xp holding items too.

"W-what did you make Ainz-sama?! I've never seen a creature or being such as this!" Albedo could help but feel intimidated by the fox. As its hatred even made her knees buckle.

"Hahaha good it worked! I made a new floor guardian, Kuruma is the name. She is a kitsune made of pure natural energy and my full power! The incarnation of hatred itself! She will be a great addition to the forest of nazerick. My most favorite creation! Other then my doppleganger Pandoras Actor, who guards the vault." I said greatly shocking her ,but her eyes lite up in delight ;at seeing a supreme one create a being!

"Although she is weaker then all of the guardians now....over time she will get stronger from the worlds natural energy. If we had a tree of life it be even faster!" I continued further shocking her as she couldn't believe it. It was weaker? Then how can its killing intent effect her so....truley it is an incarnation of hatred!

I seen kuruma making a bijudama targeting the angels but using magic....so I quickly used [Mind transfer] on the troops just in case. Boom!

"I-Impossible how is she weaker this attack.....it could probably kill me in one hit!" Albedo exclaimed looking at kuruma in fear. As we are now floating over the giant crater....they were all dead as I guessed.

"Hah your funny, you could dodge it and for it to kill you, it need to hit you directly. Although kuruma is weaker ,doesn't mean she isn't fearsome. I just mean overall, as you can see she is a pure attacker. But using mostly magic in her attacks....if it hit me I would be barley effected. Maybe only losing 10% health." I said and she nodded at this. She was essentially a mage berserker that could Ko nearly anything ,but if you have magical protection.....its weak. So if it went even the weakest of Ygdrassil level 100 dragons, it would perish.

"I see, but still this is a marvelous accomplishment. If only it didnt cost that much mana and experience." She said ,while thinking of more tailed beasts.

We then looked at kuruma ,who was happily eating their corpses. I was observing the mana and found it was turning them into mana. Essentially trying to regain its lost amount.....she also lost some size from doing the attack.

'Hmm if I'd have to guess shes more like level 95 now.'

"Kuruma are you able to condense yourself into a smaller form. I'm afraid you won't be able to return to nazerick otherwise. We have a nice mana dense forest there." I said adding icing to the cake.

"Yes Father, I can do so but you do know that I dislike my smaller form. If its just for this ,then it's no problem." Kuruma said noting its displeasure in that form.

I held my hand to albedo's mouth and said "I created her this way, I feel it gives her more individuality. She is still as loyal as you and nazerick other forces." I said and kuruma then added to what I said "It is as father said, I will even die for him if I must. He is my creator, I owe my existence to him." Kuruma said without a shred of lie being detectable. Being a succubus and a creation of a supreme one, Albedo knew it spoke the truth.

"I see.....its just I feel that your disrespecting Ainz-sama, by possibly implying you wouldnt do so; If commanded." She elaborated and kuruma giggled.

"Its not like that at all, the very thought is ridiculous, I will do as you the floor guardian commands and my father commands. For the betterment of nazerick as a whole." Kuruma replied then transformed.

Albedo had to admit, it's small form was incredibly cute! Considering it referred to me as father, she knew the fox won't try and take me as a husband. At least that's what she thought...but it's understandable as it was a mana construct. It didnt have a physical body, so it all fully immune to all physical attacks. Also more importantly, couldnt mate with her Ainz-sama!

"[Gate] Albedo could you escourt kuruma to the twins forest.....while I greet the twins." I made a gate to nazerick then commanded. I then looked to the twins who were watching from a far, but as they felt my mana bring unleashed ; then decided to take a closer look. Least to say seeing me create a new being ,made them shocked and excited! As they knew it was a beast!

"Ainz-sama! What was that beast you created!" Aura said while Mare excitedly hummed in agreement.

"A new floor guardian that will be on your floor. The reason that I have that rank ,is its power is deserving. She is named kuruma and is a very lazy fellow....but thats how I made her. Don't mistake this for being disloyal, as she will help nazerick if commanded to do so. Do try and not disrupt her sleep but if you must then do so. Expecially since she can sleep years at a time." I explained and they're very excited. Although a little disappointed at my choice for its personality, it still does its job. But one thing unnerved them.

"S-she was very scary!" Mare couldnt help but comment, while actually getting a nod from aura.

"I know I designed her to be an amalgamation of hatred, but worry not I made sure she had a caring and respectful attitude ;towards nazerick denizens." I reassured them and they nodded.

"Mare could you fix up this.....I'm a bit tired from creating kuruma." I said with my face still a bit pale from the mental work it took ,to do a custom creation spell of that level!

"Y-yes Ainz-sama!" Mare said and immediately started fixing the landscape. Just in time too ,as Gazef and his men were too curious ;by the explosion as he feared for the worst. I could see them rushing from the village, but they didn't arrive in time to see the damage....well besides the blood on the floor. Seeing I had more work to do ,I put an illusion on the area ;then used lower of mana in the next spell.

"[Creation of all things: Model Creation Magic: Create Low Teir Being: Corpses]" I recreated the corpses of ningun and his men , that kuruma ate. It was easy to do and low cost on mana, as I already inspected them with my job class. Also dead humans were simple to create...for some reason.

"Act your part this is all for show." I said pointing in the humans direction. Aura and Mare nodded.

"They are not foes but temporary allies." I said to them so they understood.

"I-I see, they are quite slow...may we have some more eggnog ,while we wait." Mare said with pleading kitten eyes. His sister quickly caught on and did the same! ooF! It was a KO by childish innocence!

I then nodded dumbly the took out a table and chairs, while ignoring the dead bodies near us. Afterwards I took out the fancy glass cups and poured us eggnog. We drank it then when we were done I put it away and took out my tea kit. Then started making tea, by the time Gazef and his merry band of misfits arrived...they heard me as Aura "Do you want a lemon drop with your tea?" She nodded and I placed it in, Mare who was shy just mumbled "Mmh" in agreement. I then did the same and the misfits and Gazef, were standing agape as they couldn't beleive; we were doing this on a battlefield. I mean the dead bodies where at our feet!!

It was like we are used to scene like this, Gazefs eyes widdened at this. That means his hunch, about me being a fearsome martial artist or a war veteran was true!

"It looks like they have arrive, tea time is over so pick up your cups ;while I put away the table and chairs." I said and they did so. I then put the table and stuff, back in my inventory.

"Cough! We came as soon as we felt a terrible aura comming from here and a giant explosion.....but it seems everything is fine." He said indirectly asking his question.

"Yes I tidied up the place, the enemy summoned a 7th teir angel so things got a bit messy. So I tried to make a spell, using a crafted magic circle to mitigate the mana cost.....but well it blew up. If it wasn't for my high magical resistance and armour plus magic sheild, I'd be dead. It seemed to kill the angel though, but it came at great cost as you can see." I said while they noticed my pale face.

"I see. Well Judging by their uniforms they are indeed from the Slane Theocracy. A special division too the Sunlight Scripture." Gazef notted while bowing deeply to me.

"Thank you for saving me and my men from certain death. I'll be sure to tell the king of your accomplishment. You said the magic circle helped you defeat it and it was a teir 7 angel. Are you sure of this??" Gazef said trying to confirm this.

"Yes it was, the magic circle was very special and if one only me and my kingdom; can use it. At least that I'm positive of, in about two weeks time I will arrive in the capital." I nodded at his reiteration of what I said. Then gave him an approximate timeframe, he nodded at this.

"I will be sure to make sure they don't try and disrespect you." Gazef said to try and please me on the difficult matter.

"I'm sure you will do your best and that's the most I can ask of you. Thank you if you don't mind us, we have a village to give news too." I said and he nodded. "Then let's head back if-" he was inturrupted by us teleporting away shocking him and his men.

"Did he just....." a solider said.

"That he did....truley he's not to be messed with, hes a foe our country can't afford to make." Gazef said solemnly and his men paled at the thought.


[A/N] Lemon is in individual short chapter, skip next chapter if you dont want to see lemon.

This Is a fanfiction and therefore is unofficial. It contains Kuruma that derives from Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. I do not own these characters or concepts that are from Naruto. They are owned by their writer and illustrator Masashi Kishimoto and Published by Shueisha. This is not an accurate depiction of how their characters or concepts work, but an alteration based on an immersion into a diffrent world. He owns the rights to all characters.

P.S. Enjoy the Chapter next release ETA 7 days.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts