
devouring uchiha shisui at the beginning

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). When he woke up, Sato found himself transported to the world of Naruto, a world filled with powerful ninja and bloodline abilities. However, to his dismay, Sato discovered that he had become an ordinary civilian without any bloodline inheritance. It felt like a nightmare. But soon, Sato stumbled upon an extraordinary ability he possessed—the power of devouring. This ability allowed him to consume both the living and the deceased. By devouring the dead, he could absorb their blood and memories, gaining valuable insights and knowledge. And when he devoured a living individual, he could acquire everything they possessed—their skills, powers, and more. This is the incredible tale of Sato's transformative journey, starting with his fateful devouring of Uchiha Shisui's body. Orginal: https://wap.faloo.com/1288210.html

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105 Chs

Chapter 64: Ceremony

The next morning, Teams 8 and 10 gathered early. However, instead of Sato, Karin arrived to join them.

Noticing Sato's absence, Ino asked curiously, "Karin, where is Sato?"

"I don't know either," Karin replied, shaking her head. Then, as if remembering something, she hurriedly added, "Wait, I remembered. When we returned to Konoha with Master Jiraiya and the others, Sister Tsunade told Sato that he should be the successor. She wanted to speak with him on the day of the ceremony."

Shikamaru became interested and rubbed his chin, saying, "Oh? So, what does the Hokage need from a Genin? Could it be related to Sato's mysterious Kekkei Genkai?"

"That's right," Karin replied apologetically. In a low voice, Ino leaned closer and asked, "Do you know what Sato's Kekkei Genkai is?"

Karin wore an apologetic expression as he responded, "Well... Sato reminded me a few days ago not to tell you. He wants to surprise you."

From Karin's expression, Shikamaru deduced that the Fifth Hokage's request to Sato must be connected to his Kekkei Genkai. It was undoubtedly an extremely rare ability, perhaps even the most powerful Kekkei Genkai in Konoha.

Realizing this, Shikamaru grew even more curious and eager to witness Sato's "surprise." Chōji, Shino, Ino, and Hinata shared the same sentiment.

The group of six made their way to the square. Yes, the same square where the Chūnin exams and the Third Hokage's demise took place.

Usually, the Hokage's succession ceremonies occurred on the rooftop of the Hokage building. However, with the changes to Konoha's landscape after the Konoha Crush plan and the subsequent rebuilding, the ceremony's location had shifted.

Although some had doubts about the choice of location, most people had already gathered in the square. As Team 8 and 10 entered, they found the auditorium full of villagers, not a single ninja or retired shinobi among them.

All the ninja, including clan leaders and representatives, stood in the wide square. Even the tops of the towering walls were crowded with figures. These figures were Anbu wearing black cloaks with various animal faces, emanating a palpable aura of danger.

Witnessing the presence of the influential ninjas and the Anbu, the previously chattering villagers instinctively fell silent. Despite the crowd, the atmosphere in the square was quiet.

All eyes, from villagers to ninjas, focused on the VIP seat—the highest seat in the square. It was located in the ruined house where the Third Hokage had met his demise. The choice of this place for the ceremony perplexed the attendees.

Could it be that she wanted to pay homage to her fallen teacher?

Time ticked away, and soon, the two elders of Konoha, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, arrived. The only high-ranking Konoha figure missing was Shimura Danzō, Hokage's assistant.

However, Danzō's absence was expected. It was highly likely that he was sulking in the underground base at the root.

If Jiraiya had been the chosen successor, Danzō would have already objected. But with Tsunade being selected as the Fifth Hokage, Danzō had no choice but to sulk.

Being the granddaughter of the First Hokage gave Tsunade unanimous support from the daimyō and major ninja clans.

If it weren't for the Second Hokage's broad-mindedness, passing the Hokage position to Sarutobi Hiruzen before his death, Konoha would have remained under the exclusive control of the Senju family.

Now, Tsunade was determined to reclaim Konoha.

As the time for the succession ceremony approached, Tsunade didn't keep the attendees waiting for long.

Suddenly, the sound of a horse braying disrupted the quiet atmosphere of the square, drawing everyone's attention. Two horses pulling a carriage came into view, parked at the square's entrance. The carriage bore an engraved symbol—a logo that many villagers and young ninjas were unfamiliar with. Only the heads of major ninja clans recognized it as the crest of the Senju clan, the true wealthiest family in Konoha.

The carriage's door opened, revealing a young man named Sato with short silver hair and red eyes. Many viewers recognized him as one of the recent Chūnin exam candidates. They also noticed the Senju family crest on his white shirt. Sato's presence surprised many, including the ninja clan elders who recognized him as their children's teammate.

Ignoring the onlookers' gazes, Sato reached out his hand as he exited the carriage. Soon, a small hand with youthful, white skin placed itself in his palm. Tsunade, still wearing her green but now donning a white imperial robe with five characters written on it, emerged from the carriage and entered the square alongside Sato.

As they walked, the ninjas respectfully made way for Tsunade, casting admiring glances her way. Female ninjas, in particular, looked at her with awe. Sato suddenly walked ahead of Tsunade, leading the way by several meters. This action diverted the attention back to him.

Amidst the villagers, ninjas, and Anbu's watchful gazes, Sato swiftly formed hand seals, squatted down, and called out a Kekkei Genkai's name that shocked the audience: "Wood Release!" The ground trembled, cracks spread, and thick branches burst forth like hidden pythons. The entangled branches quickly formed steps connecting the ground to the VIP seats.

Undeterred by the astonished gazes, Sato continued walking half a meter in front of Tsunade, guiding her toward the highest point of the square. Upon reaching two-thirds of the distance, Sato suddenly appeared on the highest point, his hands forming seals once more. He squatted down and struck the ground, exclaiming, "Wood Release: Four-Pillar House Technique" The earth shook, and more branches burst through the ground, clearing away the ruins and constructing a building resembling the original one.

As the impressive structure took shape, Tsunade reached the top. With her back to everyone, she winked at Sato, acknowledging his excellent performance. Then, she turned around, a serious expression on her face. After scanning the villagers and ninjas below, Tsunade revealed the Hokage hat hidden behind her and covered by the white royal robe. She shouted, "From now on, I am Konoha's Fifth Hokage!"