
Devouring Mage (Multi X-over)

Leon was an asthmatic kid growing up, he loved to read manga, fanfiction, manhwa, manhua, and watch anime, and other tv shows. He was having a nice life until he got covid, after dying and stagnating in the void he lost most of his memories, with the aid of his fractured memories, he will traverse through this world and devour all elements! Note: Multiple x-overs

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This is my first ever fic so please be lenient with my mistakes, I will try my best to progress because I want to create my own story, so creating fanfictions will be my training to become a proper writer. I will be changing a lot of things that may not be canonically accurate to the story so please have an open mind when reading this.

In a hospital, Allen lay weakly on the bed as his morbid thoughts crept into his mind, he thought about what happens after death, will we be judged in heaven or will it be an endless purgatory, it was one of the things he was always curious about, as he was quite depressed due to having asthma as he grew up.

He inherited this asthma from his mother, he started showing symptoms of having asthma when he was a kid, and due to this, he was often carried by his mother since he gets tired easily.

A child's curiosity can sometimes get them in trouble, though in Allen's case, his curiosity is aimed at physically intensive sports like basketball or soccer, seeing her child's curiosity, Allen's mother decided to set up a tutor for chess so she can distract his curiosities as he is growing up.

Allen loved it, it became his hobby for when he became bored, often, he would bring his chess set to school so that he can play with his classmates during break or lunch times, he was quite decent at chess, sometimes he lost, sometimes he won, but he enjoyed every second of it.

And when he was 7 years old, he often went to the hospital to visit his mother, naturally, he was quite confused about the whole ordeal but it came clear when he met his baby brother in his mother's arms.

From then on, life was pretty decent, his mother carried the responsibility for both of the siblings, and gave us everything she could afford so that we siblings can have a nice childhood.

Allen's father on the other hand, from what he can remember, was an alcoholic, abusive bitch. If he deemed a movie that was too girly for his liking, he wouldn't allow Allen to watch it, though it was an entirely different matter if he was drunk, he would straight up destroy the DVD player.

So Allen's mother was tired of all his bullshit and decided that they are better of without him, so they left him, moved to another city, and luckily, he didn't follow us, though browsing through social media, his new family probably have something to do with it.

He was finally getting better physically in his Senior high years, as his asthma wasn't acting up as much, he can even play with dogs now! He was your average student, with average looks and average grades, he has a small group of friends that he interact with daily.

Life was all going well, but that all changed when the pandemic attacked, only the vaccine, the master of all medicines could stop it, but when the world needed it the most, it wasn't created yet.

'Having asthma was rough, having both asthma and COVID is torture' Allen thought, as he coughed, the headaches were really a bitch to deal with. The constant suffocating feeling was unbearable, even with the ventilator.

With the hospital protocols, visiting wasn't allowed, though Allen really wished that he can see his mother and little brother.

As Allen reminisced about the times before the pandemic, his weak shallow breaths slowly come to a halt, his last wish in this life was for his mother and little brother's happiness, and his biggest regret is not being part of it.

Darkness, the first thing I encountered after my supposed death, was complete darkness, and based on what I can feel? Nothing exists here beside me.

'Did I survive?' My thoughts filled up the silence of this place.

I tried to move but it feels weird?

'I can't feel anything, nor can I see.... and hear or smell'

I suddenly realize that 'In fact, I don't even breathe' as my thoughts suddenly come to a halt.

I tried to struggle as much but nothing changed

'Am I lucid dreaming? Is this just a dream? Or am I in a coma?' As I tried to think about whatever that is happening to me.

He tried to comprehend what happened to him but seeing as his environment wasn't changing, he decided to wait if he was going to wake up.

With no sense of time Allen didn't know how long he spent in the darkness, his mind... no his thoughts were becoming cloudy, he can't think straight, and his memories are slowly deteriorating.

The coldness of this place slowly seeps into his very being, he already accepted that he was dead a long time ago, but his denial of death was crushed as he slowly went insane, and his only thought was his family. His family where he slowly forgot their faces throughout his time in darkness, the only thing he still remembers is their names.

This seemingly endless silence and darkness were interrupted when another being was suddenly in his vicinity.

"#e%l@y Ro&c$rte? @o# i@su!f#$a<le us*#es^ as#@ol$ of # %*vin# &e%n-" The being stopped as he noticed the soul was affected quite deeply due to his use of divine language.

"I apologize for that mortal" the being regrets shouting the divine language beside you seeing as how affected you are.

The soul just stares at the enormous being feeling confused and happy that he finally has something to interact with.

"Human... Ok, well.... Shit" as the enormous being sees the all damage to the human's soul.

The being tried to gather the fragments of the soul in the void to restore what was left of the human's soul, but as he saw that he was not progressing, his thoughts were changed due to a horrible realization.

"His soul is becoming one with the void?" the being muttered nervously as he pondered about the implications of this event.

"Shit, this isn't my domain, but, if I allow you to ascend to a divine state with your blank soul, you'll just become a chaotic being."

The being was having a hard time thinking about what matters he can explain to the soul.

"Your connection with the void became unseverable, because of this, you will inevitably become a divine being" the being explained frowning at the state of the soul.

"I tried to bless your soul so that you can remember bits of your past, only time will tell if you can recover all of your memories."

As the being finally decided, "Ok, mortal, I'm a diving being of opportunity" as he introduced himself confidently, "And I'll grant you the opportunity to grow, in another life as seeing if I let you become a divine entity now, I risk the whole divine realm, as you might ascend as a chaotic being due to your blank slate, we don't care if you're going to ascend as good or evil being, but if you grew up as a chaotic being, you would only desire the destruction of everything"

With this, the divine being of opportunity sent the soul to a world that is heavily influenced by Gods.

"Fucking Rodcorte, useless piece of shit, you can't even manage your system right?" the divine being of opportunity muttered

"Is it not enough that you created the future divine being of death, then you also created a future divine being of the void."

After the divine being of opportunity let out all of his frustrations, he suddenly vanished from the void.

AN: Note that this takes place when COVID-19 didn't have any vaccines and the infection rates were spiking.