
Devourer of All : Chronicles of the Chaotic Relic Bearer

In the world of cultivators, the Ashura God Clan is under siege by powerful clans and races, and their patriarch holds a mysterious and valuable artefact called the Bead of Primordial Nihility. Despite its potential to unlock supreme power, the bead has brought the clan to the brink of destruction. Zhenyuan, a young boy and the son of the patriarch, is chosen to be the bearer of the artefact and tasked with discovering its secrets. As Zhenyuan embarks on this journey, he discovers that he has a great destiny as the one who will wield the power of the Bead. However, he must navigate a treacherous path filled with enemies and obstacles, both external and internal. Zhenyuan must overcome his own doubts and fears as he struggles to master the Bead's power and protect his loved ones from his enemies. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Bead, Zhenyuan uncovers its secrets and the true nature of the artefact. With his fate intertwined with that of the Ashura God Clan, Zhenyuan must rise to the challenge and become a cultivator that stands above the rest.

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8 Chs

Yì Yixian Jingyi

Yì Yixian Jingyi, with her black hair cascading down her back and golden eyes fixed on the Dragon Den Pass, stood tall and commanding at the forefront of the Ashura Clan Alliance's Third Battalion. As the daughter of Yì Fei Yang, the revered patriarch of the harpy race, her position as second-in-command was a testament to her father's trust in her leadership abilities. And with the Ashura Alliance elders granting her father's request, it was clear that they too recognized her unwavering commitment to their cause. Her pristine white wings were spread wide, a symbol of both her race and her readiness to take flight into battle.

Yì Yixian Jingyi was a striking figure on the battlefield, with her long and lustrous black hair flowing behind her like a river of darkness. Her golden eyes shone with a fierce determination, and her lithe and graceful frame belied the immense strength she possessed.

As she stood there, her golden wings spread wide behind her, she seemed almost like a goddess descended from the heavens. Despite her height, she had a slim yet toned build, her body honed through years of training and battle.

Her armor was ornate yet functional, crafted from the finest materials and adorned with intricate designs that spoke of her status as a princess of the harpy race. At her side hung a sword that gleamed in the sunlight, its sharp edge a testament to her prowess as a warrior.

Yì Yixian Jingyi's striking physical appearance was just one facet of what set her apart from others. While her beautiful black hair, golden eyes, and slim yet tall figure drew the eye, it was her commanding presence and natural charisma that truly made her a leader among her people. Her unwavering commitment to self-improvement and surpassing her peers further cemented her place as an exceptional individual, capable of inspiring and leading others to greatness.She was demon level talent of the winged race.

As she surveyed the battlefield of Ashura Xianren and Long Xuan, the aftermath of the intense struggle that had taken place, she felt a sense of insignificance. Despite her strength, she realized that she was but a child compared to the likes of the Ashura Grand elder. The victory had been hard-won and the cost had been high. The ground was burned and barren, the air was thick with the stench of blood, and the earth trembled from the power of the cultivators. The tower of corpses rose high, a testament to the sheer scale of the battle that had taken place.

The split void was the most visible reminder of the incredible power that had been unleashed during the battle. It was a deep rift in the fabric of reality that seemed to go on forever. She knew that it would take years, if not centuries, for the void to heal and the damage to be undone.

As for the enemy army, the remnants of the Eternal Celestial Oath alliance had retreated to the core of Dragon Den pass, their ranks decimated by the insane slaughter wrought by Ashura Xianren. The few survivors were left to lick their wounds and ponder the consequences of their defeat.

The coalition of the dragon clan, celestial clan, and undying race known as the Eternal Celestial Oath Alliance had already suffered a significant blow with the loss of their dragon king, Long Xuan, at the hands of Ashura Xianren, the first leader of the 3rd Battalion. With Ashura Xianren running low on divine Qi, he passed the lead of the army to Yì Yixian Jingyi, who was now tasked with leading the charge to eliminate the remaining lesser dragon army of the Celestial Oath Alliance. However, this wasn't a simple army of dragons. The alliance also consisted of powerful cultivators who had pledged their allegiance to the Celestial Oath Alliance.

This battle wasn't fought by mortal soldiers, but rather by skilled cultivators whose powers surpassed the limits of ordinary humans. In this world, where strength was everything, numbers meant little in comparison. Despite Ashura Xianren's domination of the Dragon army, he alone could not end this war. The battlefield was littered with the remains of countless soldiers and dragons, and the air was thick with the scent of blood. The sky was darkened by the smoke and there was ash everywhere from the fierce fighting, and the ground was scorched from the powerful techniques used by the cultivators. The entire battlefield seemed to have been alive with the power and fury of the cultivators, with the very earth splitting apart from the sheer force of their attacks.

As Yì Yixian Jingyi led the Ashura Clan Alliance's 3rd Battalion towards the core of Dragon Den Pass, the anticipation in the air was palpable. In the distance, the silhouette of the Lesser Dragon Army of the Celestial Oath Alliance could be seen, preparing for the battle that was to come. They had even received reinforcements from the Heavenly Dragon Palace, making the task at hand even more challenging. As they drew closer, the dragons and their human allies became clearer. Yì Yixian Jingyi could sense the fear and uncertainty among their enemies, but she knew that they couldn't let that stop them.

The moment the two armies collided, the battle erupted with an intense ferocity. The ground trembled and shook as powerful energy surged through the air. The martial techniques of the cultivators sliced through the ranks of the enemy, leaving chaos and destruction in their wake. The air was filled with the sounds of clashing weapons and cries of pain as the two sides fought for dominance. The power of the cultivators was on full display as they unleashed their devastating moves, shattering everything in their path. The battlefield was quickly turning into a scene of carnage, with corpses littering the ground and blood staining the earth.

As Yì Yixian Jingyi took to the skies, her golden wings shimmered with an otherworldly radiance that illuminated the battlefield below. Despite not being as formidable as Ashura Xianren, Yì Yixian Jingyi commanded respect with her own formidable power. With a flick of her wrist, she sent out a powerful shock wave that instantly decimated several lesser dragons and cultivators who stood in her path.

Equipping herself with two swords, Yì Yixian Jingyi surveyed the battlefield with a keen eye, searching for any signs of weakness or opportunity to strike. She darted across the battlefield like a bird of prey, leaping to the aid of her fellow Ashura Alliance soldiers whenever they were pushed back by the enemy.

The Harpie clan was an ancient and powerful lineage, with a wealth of supreme cultivation and martial techniques at their disposal. Yì Yixian Jingyi herself was a master of the Heavenly Harpy Dual Blades technique, a graceful yet deadly art that allowed her to unleash a flurry of swift and precise attacks upon her enemies.

"Heavenly Harpy Twin Blades" is a technique that harnesses the power of the heavens and the earth to create a whirlwind of destruction. The user of this technique moves with a grace and elegance akin to that of the harpy, their swords shimmering with an otherworldly light as they dance across the battlefield. The technique consists of five stances or attacks, each imbued with the power of the elements:

1)"Wind Rider" - The user channels the power of the wind, their swords slashing through the air with incredible speed as they dart around the battlefield. Their movements are so swift and precise that they seem to blur, leaving behind a trail of afterimages in their wake.2)"Earth Shaker" - The user plants both swords into the ground, channeling the power of the earth to create a shock wave that rips through the earth itself. The ground quakes and trembles as the shock-wave expands, toppling buildings and throwing opponents off balance.

3)"Harpies' Fury" - The user channels the power of the harpy,creating miniature sword manifestations, these swords whirling around the user like a whirlwind of steel. They move with such speed and agility that their opponents can barely keep up, their attacks deflected and countered with ease by the whirling sword Armour.

4)"Sky Sunder" - The user raises both swords high, channeling the power of the heavens to split the sky itself. Lightning crackles and thunder booms as the swords come crashing down in a powerful overhead strike, cleaving through anything in their path.

5)"Celestial Blades" - The user raises both swords high, channeling the power of the heavens and the earth to create a blade of pure energy. The blade crackles with electricity and glows with an unearthly light as the user slashes through their opponent, leaving behind a trail of destruction in their wake

Overall, "Heavenly Harpy Twin Blades" is a technique of immense power and grandeur, utilizing the elements themselves to create a storm of destruction that leaves opponents reeling. The user moves with a grace and elegance befitting a celestial being, their swords cutting through the air like bolts of lightning as they dance across the battlefield.

Yì Yixian Jingyi was a master of the technique, utilizing her wind rider skill to move at lightning speed across the battlefield. As she moved, a whirling armor of swords surrounded her, created by the Harpies' Fury technique that helped her avoid any ambush attacks.

Her movements were akin to a bolt of lightning, leaving destruction and death in her wake as she cut through the enemy ranks effortlessly. Her soldiers could only look on in awe as she displayed her immense power and skill.

One of the Ashura alliance's cultivators couldn't help but speak up in admiration, "Princess, you're amazing! I've never seen someone so beautiful with so much power before!"

Yì Yixian Jingyi turned to the soldier, her smile radiant in the midst of battle. "Thank you," she said, her voice carrying a note of humility. "But we still have a battle to win. Let's show the Celestial Oath Alliance what we're made of!"

With those words, Yì Yixian Jingyi took to the air, her soldiers following suit. Despite the enemy army's fierce resistance, Yì Yixian Jingyi charged towards them with a mighty roar, her wings fully extended. She descended upon the battlefield with such force that the ground trembled beneath her. Her soldiers landed with equal ferocity, causing the cultivators of the Celestial Oath Alliance to stumble and fall.

Without hesitation, Yì Yixian Jingyi executed the third skill of the Heavenly Harpy Twin Blades technique, known as Earth Shaker. With a single thrust of her sword, she created shockwaves that sundered the ground, causing the terrain to shift in favor of the Ashura alliance.

Drawing her sword, Yì Yixian Jingyi shouted to her soldiers, "Ashura clan alliance soldiers, forward! Show no mercy to those who stand in our way!" The soldiers charged ahead, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight. Yì Yixian Jingyi led the charge, cutting down lesser dragons and cultivators with each swing of her sword. As she fought, she could feel her strength growing with each enemy she felled.

The battle raged on, with both sides fighting fiercely. Initially, the Eternal Celestial Oath Alliance held their ground against the Ashura alliance, but as time passed, more and more experts fell to the blades of the harpie. Yì Yixian Jingyi and her soldiers were unstoppable, fighting with a ferocity the Celestial Oath Alliance had never witnessed before.

As the battle continued, Yì Yixian Jingyi sensed the fear in the hearts of the enemy. She swooped down upon them, her sword flashing in the sunlight. "Your time has come," she declared, striking down the remaining cultivators and lesser dragons. Her soldiers followed suit, their weapons striking with deadly precision.

Finally, they broke through the enemy's defenses and gained control of Dragon Den Pass. The lesser dragon army of the Celestial Oath Alliance was defeated, and the Ashura clan alliance emerged victorious. One of the cultivators from the Ashura alliance spoke up, "Princess Yixian Jingyi, you are truly a force to be reckoned with. Your power and beauty are unmatched!"

Yì Yixian Jingyi turned to the cultivator with a smile. "Thank you for your kind words, but let us not forget the sacrifice of our fallen soldiers. Without their courage and strength, we would not have emerged victorious today. Let us honor them and celebrate this hard-earned victory together."

"Dragon Den Pass is ours," Yì Yixian Jingyi announced to her soldiers. "We have shown the Celestial Oath Alliance what we are capable of. Let this be a warning to anyone who stands in our way."

Yì Yixian Jingyi and her soldiers celebrated their victory, but Yì Yixian Jingyi knew that there was still much work to be done. She turned to her soldiers and said, "We may have won this battle, but the war is far from over. We must continue to fight until we have conquered all of our enemies."

Her soldiers nodded in agreement, ready to follow their fearless leader into battle once again. And with Yì Yixian Jingyi's power and leadership, they knew that they would emerge victorious.

As the soldiers began to gather their weapons and prepare to make a camp to rest, Yì Yixian Jingyi looked out over the battlefield. She could see the fallen bodies of the enemy soldiers, a reminder of the fierce battle that had taken place.

She turned to one of her soldiers, a young man who had fought bravely in the battle. "You fought well," she said. "What is your name?"

The soldier looked up at her, his eyes wide with surprise. "My name is Zhang Wei, your highness," he said.

Yì Yixian Jingyi smiled. "You have done the Ashura clan alliance proud, Zhang Wei. Your bravery will not be forgotten."The soldier bowed, a sense of pride filling him.

It took them a week to completely defeat and slaughter the enemy army.Yì Yixian Jingyi was thinking what her next move should be.Although they had won but they lost many comrades.Such victory is always bitter sweet.

The battlefield was scorched and blackened, the mountains reduced to ash. Patches of smoldering embers dotted the landscape, the remnants of fierce martial skills that had incinerated everything in their path. Towering columns of smoke rose into the sky, obscuring the sun and casting the battlefield into an eerie half-golden light.

In the midst of the devastation, the corpses of cultivators lay scattered about, their bodies twisted and broken from the brutal combat. Some lay in heaps, their blood pooling around them and staining the earth a deep crimson. Others were scattered across the landscape, their limbs torn asunder and their eyes staring blankly up at the sky.

The very fabric of reality seemed to have been rent apart by the intensity of the battle. The air shimmered with residual energy, and the ground itself was split open in places, revealing glimpses of the dark void beneath. It was as if the very earth had been wracked with pain and suffering, and would never again be the same.

Jingyi was surveying the battlefield, taking in the devastation left in the wake of the week-long battle. As she stood lost in thought, she was startled by the sound of a familiar voice. Turning around, she saw Grand Elder Ashura Xianren looking at her with a warm expression.

"You fought with great courage and skill, little one," Xianren said, his eyes shining with admiration. "You have the qualities of a true leader.".

Yì Yixian Jingyi felt a warm feeling spread through her chest at his words. She had always looked up to Ashura Xianren, and to hear him praise her was a great honor.Together, they stood at the top of the pass, looking out at the mountains and valleys below. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

Yì Yixian Jingyi turned to her soldiers. "We will rest here tonight," she announced. "We have earned it".The soldiers cheered again, and began to set up camp. Yì Yixian Jingyi watched them for a moment, then turned to the grand elder Ashura Xianren.

"What will you do now elder?" she asked.

"I will return to the main camp and regroup with leaders of the alliance" he replied. "I have other battles to fight.You should take care of thing here little one"

Yì Yixian Jingyi nodded. "I will stay here and oversee the cleanup," she said. "I want to make sure everything is in order before we move on."

Ashura Xianren nodded. "Very well," he said. "I will see you soon."

With a graceful leap, Ashura Xianren soared into the air and stepped into the void, disappearing from view. Yì Yixian Jingyi watched his departure with a sense of reverence. His words had filled her with a newfound sense of confidence and purpose. She was determined to live up to his praise and continue to lead her soldiers to victory.

As the soldiers celebrated their hard-fought triumph, Yì Yixian Jingyi's mind was already turning to the next challenge. Despite the fatigue and loss, she felt a sense of satisfaction at their success. The Celestial Oath Alliance had been shown the might of the Ashura clan alliance, and Yì Yixian Jingyi had proven herself to be a capable and fierce leader.

As they made their way back to camp, the warmth of the fire beckoned to her. She allowed herself a moment of rest, reflecting on the events of the past week. The battles, the losses, the victories. She knew that there would be more battles to come, but for now, she savored the quiet moments of respite.

The news of their triumph at Dragon Den Pass would soon be spread to the other two battalions of the Ashura clan alliance, a reminder of their strength and power. Yì Yixian Jingyi smiled to herself, feeling a sense of pride in her soldiers and their achievements.

Note:Yì Yixian Jingyi will be a important character in the story.Intelligent people can already guess what I am refering to hahah.

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