
Devils: The Prologue Part 1

Buddy's POV:

It was midnight in the tundra I was from. I was a husky, and just like any other dog, I was napping among the cool snow, with the gentle breeze of the wind against my fur in the night. But then, a sweet, delicious, irresistible aroma bombarded my nose. I shot up from my nap, ears perked up, and eyes wide awake. Sniff, Sniff, hmmm, what's that smell, I thought. I went to go see what that delicious smell was. It came from deep in the dark, snowy, cold forest. I tracked the smell to a remote area away from any open fields. At this point, you couldn't see any mountains or lights. All you could see are trees; nothing but cold, hard trees. As I tracked further into the forest, it seemed as though the smell was getting farther away from me, like it was running. But then it stopped. The source of the smell was a small piece of meat. It looked and smelled like nothing I had eaten before; but the biggest question I had was why was a piece of meat…..moving? My instincts told me to eat it anyway, in spite of how weird the situation was. I took a bite. Crunch, crunch, crunch. So good, I kept thinking to myself as I took more bites. The taste was indescribably good-like something out of a dream. All of a sudden, BAM; I was bombarded by a huge light. I barked at the light, but it was futile. I wanted to run away, but before I could, I was lifted off the ground. I kept barking when suddenly I felt tired. My barking got softer, and my vision started to fade as I got more tired. Softer, darker, softer, darker, until everything went black. That was the last thing I remembered before I woke up. I awoke with a sharp stab to the head. I saw a needle hanging above my head. Everything felt weird; my body felt different. I took a good look down at myself, and saw an entirely new me! I had arms, and hands for paws! I was strapped to some kind of table, unable to move at all!

Buddy: UWAA!

What was that noise, I thought. Was that, a voice?! I-I could talk? The table straps cut me loose, letting me go to the floor. Things only got more bizarre and terrifying from there. As I fell, I got up and discovered I could stand on my hind legs! I was now hyperventilating. I saw what looked to be a ball in the corner of the room I was in. I picked it up with my paws-my new, morphed, and twisted paws-as something else happened. As I held the ball in my paws, ice began to form around it.

Buddy: AHH!

I screamed again as I threw the ball against the wall. I wanted to see if I hadn't gone insane-though I might has well have-so I touched the wall next to me. Ice formed again around my paw and the wall. I was overwhelmed with so much fear that I fell back in terror. Questions had been filling my head, overflooding it. What's happening to me? Why could I create ice? Why could I talk? Why could I stand? Where was I? Was I even the same dog anymore? Had I gone Mad? Who did this to me? Why was I here? WHAT EVEN AM I NOW?!?! Before I fainted out of fear and hysteria, I looked up and saw a glimpse of a window with someone watching. I didn't get a good look of who it was. I was out like a light by then. I awoke in… what? The next few hours? A day? Heck if I know. I took a good, long look at myself--my new self--as I am reminded of what happened. I was wearing a blueish-black jumpsuit that covered only my torso, private areas, and thighs. Only my arms, head, tail, and the rest of my legs were exposed. One thing I also noticed; there was a black collar on my neck that was strapped on really tight. It had a yellow light flickering on and off, and it felt firm and cold. I couldn't take it off no matter how hard I tried. I was laying on a bed chained to the wall with a green blanket, white pillow and white mattress in one corner of the room, while there was another one just like it in the adjacent corner of this one. They were both just the right size for dogs like me. How did I get this outfit and collar on? And why are there two beds? Was I not the only one here? I got up from the bed to get a good look around the room I was in. The floor was hard, metal, and cold. The ceiling was very dimly lit by one measly little light, which looked like an earing that could just barely fit in your hand. The walls were grey, and seemed old. It was like the room was trying to shroud me in darkness. There was also a weird door that looks like two slabs closed as a mouth. The edge around it glowed white, and there was a bar that headed up into the ceiling, which was also glowing white. It probably provided just as much light as the one on the ceiling, maybe more. I turned my attention to the wall, walked over to it and touched it to see the ice again. Ice spread all over the wall, just like last time. It was still a bit scary but at this point I was just curious. I had so many questions that craved answering. Why did I have powers? Could I always do this? Just then, my attention turned to the door ears up as the white light surrounding the door turned green, and the door opens with the two slabs going opposite of each other and vanishing. I jerked back against the wall in response as someone stepped in. This man was about as tall as a regular human being, wore a black coat, dark blue shirt, dark grey pants, and grey shoes. The thing that stood out about him most was his face, which intimidated me and made my eyes widen the most since I've never seen anything like him before. His skin was a very pale gray, there was very little hair on his head, almost like a fade. His eyes seemed dead, indicating no positive emotion at all, behind small rectangular glasses, staring into my soul. And then he spoke.

?: Subject 2? Are you able to communicate?

Subject 2? What did he mean by that? Did that mean someone else was here? Who was he? His voice was a bit toneless and rough to listen to.

Buddy: Yes? Wait, who are you?! Why am I here? And why-----?

?: One thing at a time, please! My name is Dr. Craw. I'm the one who gave you you're abilities and your new body.

That last part hit me square in the chest. I felt I mix of anger, shock, confusion, and fear all at once. He was the one who did this to me?!

Buddy: WHAT?! Why?! How!?

Craw: First, off, don't raise your voice at me! Second, allow me to explain. Your body was operated on whilst you were unconscious. As for your new abilities, they were given to you by one of five VERY powerful gems: The cosmic gems. The one that gave you your abilities is the cosmic citrine. It was found somewhere on this planet, probably miles away from here. A few events surrounded it, and before you know it, it ended up here, in this place. When you pass a TREMENDOUS amount of energy through it, it explodes and passes energy into the nearest organism. In other words, YOU.

None of this made any sense to me. This planet? Cosmic gems? All of this was just insane, but considering I suddenly had ice coming out of me, was standing on my high heels, had thumbs and fingers, AND was talking, I felt like he wasn't lying and that I had to believe him.

You were experimented on to fight in a war.


Buddy: B-but why me?! I don't want to hurt anyone!

Craw: You don't have a choice.



I screamed in pain as the collar around my neck shocked me with immense pain as it lit red and vibrated. I've never felt such a sharp sting in my life. It still hurts thinking about it. I looked up and Craw was already standing above me. He had a remote with only two buttons in his hand. What was the other button for? He bent down on one knee.

Craw: Listen, to me, it doesn't matter how you feel about any of this. You are going to follow my rules, speak only when spoken to, and nothing else, or I will have no choice but to put you DOWN. Are we clear?

He said this in such a flat and husky (no pun intended) voice that it sent chills frantically running up and down my spine. This guy was serious, and insane.

Buddy: Y-Yes.

Craw: Good. Now that we understand each other, get up. I'm going to introduce you to someone. Subject 1! Get in here, and don't try anything stupid!

Someone else entered the room. To my absolute surprise it was another dog! This one looked vastly different from me, though. He was a Rottweiler; he had floppy ears, brown and black fur, a firm body, mean and stern facial expression, and green eyes. He had a collar like mine, yellow light, and probably just as cold and tight as mine as well. He had a suit like mine but it was greenish-black instead of blue. But the thing was he didn't have any real arms or legs! Instead there were these mech arms and legs that didn't even match with the rest of his body. They were very bulky, black, and had white armor with green markings. And there were also markings on his face and body the same color as the markings on his limbs. Who was he? Is he like me? How long was he here? What did he smell like? His face went wide with surprise and confusion when he and I locked eyes.

?: Who's that?

His voice sounded raucous, but still sounded like a teenage voice, nonetheless. He sounded like he was angry. Although who wouldn't be pissed off in this position?

Craw: This--you little mutt--is Subject 2. He will be your cellmate.

Cellmate? He was going to stay here with me?

?: (mumbles) I don't want a cellmate...

Craw: Excuse me?

Craw held up the remote and the dog quickly changed his tone. He seemed about as frightened as I was. Should I comfort him?

?: Umm… yes sir?

Craw: Good boy. Now sit over there please.

He pointed to the right bed in the corner of the room. He walked over on hind legs, to the bed and sat on it. I heard mechanical sounds from him as he made his way to the bed.

Craw: Now subject 2, go sit on the other bed, please?

I walked to the bed and sat on it while "Subject 1" stares at me blankly.

Craw: Good, good. Now you two sit here for the night and don't get any ideas. The lights will be out in a few minutes, so I suggest you two go to sleep in a bit.

He walks out of the room, pushes a button and just like that, the door closes.

?: Aagh!

The other dog made an angry sound and his hand stretched out and punched the floor! It made a crack on the floor with a bang. Thankfully, Craw didn't hear that, or else I think heck would've broken loose. All of this was super freaky and bizarre, but despite everything, I actually tried to talk to him.

Buddy: Umm… hey.

?: What do you want?

Buddy: Do you have a name?

He gave me a few seconds of awkward silence.

?: It's Quake.

Buddy: What made you choose a name like that?

Quake: (Getting frustrated) What? Is there a problem?

Buddy: What? No! I-I was just curious?

He was standing up with an angry expression on his face. When I spoke with a nervous tone, he changed his tone. I guess he was feeling a small amount of sympathy for me. After all, we were in the same situation back then.

Quake: Uhh.. sorry. I decided to call myself that name because I can do this.

He turned, and held his right arm forwards toward the floor, and it begins to vibrate rapidly. His eyes begin to glow green as well as some of the parts of his arm. His arm begins to make a weird whirr sound. When the sound was at it's peak, a shockwave came from his hand and further dented the floor he punched! Now things are really getting interesting. I wasn't scared anymore at this point. Now it was astonishing! My face was in pure awe at his powers. Wait, did my powers work in similar ways?

Quake: Yea, pretty crazy huh?

Buddy: Not THAT crazy to be honest.

I held out my right hand in the direction of the crater in the floor, and shot ice at it. I seemed to be getting the hang of my powers very quickly. Quake's expression was the same as mine when I saw his powers.

Quake: Whoa! Sick! Hey, don't you have a name as well?

Buddy: My name is Buddy.

Quake: Buddy? Huh, that's a funny name? (chuckles)

Buddy: Hey, you wanna be friends? I feel like in a place like this, we'd need friends.

Quake: Ok yea sure! It's nice to meet you!

Buddy: Ha, same here!

That was the first time I ever had a real nice, and comforting conversation in that place. Then the lights went out and the only thing lighting up the room was the white light around the door, and the green on Quake.

Quake: Guess we gotta sleep, huh?

Buddy: Guess so, Night.

Quake: Night.

And with that, we went on the bed, although it was weird, rested our heads on the pillows, and slowly drifted off to sleep in dog positions. It was nice to know that I had a friend in that dark, cruel place. At least SOMETHING nice happened today.