
Devils Chess Board

Years Ago a war between satan and a group known as the sins sent by God to keep balance in the underworld broke out, unfortunately the sins lost with five meeting their demise and two fleeing, the souls of the five sins were reincarnated into five humans who have to fulfil their purpose and defeat Satan.

Okechukwu_Michael_4665 · Fantasi
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42 Chs


As Michael came down from the stage, he walked straight towards Amy and whispered, ''I know what you are playing at, and if it continues, I will have no choice but to end you.'' Amy smiled, ''What am I playing at?? I'm just an innocent girl who wants to be saved by the almighty Michael, haha'' Michael walked out of class.

The old man murmured ''Interesting'' ''class dismissed'' Michael looked at his schedule to see his next class until he was interrupted by a familiar voice; it was Masked boy ''Hey hey Michael, damn, you walk fast, what the hell is your ability and that transformation that you did'' [HOST DONT TELL HIM I SENSE AN ENERGY] ''I prefer not to say, ill see you later i have something to attend to.'' Michael sped off down the hallway looking for his next class, which was Mr.Ife. ''WAIT, MR, IFE'' he shouted, which made everyone look at him. Still, of course, he didn't care until one voice made him shiver, ''Hello, Michael. Hope you are ready for training.'' Of course, it was no other than Mr Ife, who was smiling like a pedophile who had found his prey.

Michael stared at him while wondering why Mr. Ozordikwe would put Mr. Ife as his next class until Mr. Ife finally spoke''Ozordikwe only put two types: beast class and combat class. This is because all the other courses will not help your growth same goes for Amy by now I'm pretty sure you know you and Amy have something in common and will still need to become a team and watch each other's back.'' this last statement made Michael disgusted but deep down he knew it was true so he replied ''Well that's true sir, but if that's the case I'm gonna need to get stronger because i don't want to have to use all my strength to fight a girl who just discovered her powers a week ago'' Mr'Ife laughed as ''you do know they are other ways to get things than throwing blows, now follow me lets get to training'' Michael followed behind Mr.Ife as they went down the hallway then opened a door that said no entry.

Behind the door was a room made of a very dark material. ''Michael, this room is a training room for officials; the day you can make a crack in this room is the day you ready to leave towlex'' Quickly, Michael tried to punch the floor and heard a cracking noise, but this noise wasn't from the bottom it was all the bones in his fist turning to biscuits, ''Michael do you your on the official level now, let me tell you the lowest ranking official would kill within twenty seconds even if you use identifix, now let's get to work'' ''first thing first Michael remove all the stuff in your clothes, secondly wear this bracelet.

Michael obeyed him to avoid trouble ''Now, Michael, from today, you will only rely on yourself and your inner energy; you rely too much on your powers, which will reduce your potential. Sit down and close your eyes, and try to find your internal energy. If you don't see it, you can't leave this room.


Mr.Esho, what do you mean I will have to team up with that demon Michael one day [Told you] ''Well, Amy, since that fight, you and Michael run down a path beyond body but soul, which will be explained to you both when it is time, but for now you will have to train if you know your ever going to get revenge on Michael for me, so follow me'' Amy and Mr. Esho walked down the hallway. At the same time, her fanboys stared at her like hyenas watching a zebra; they looked then stared so much that it made Amy disgusted but made her murmur, ''Why doesn't he look at me like that, tho?'' Esho and Amy reached an empty field that looked like it was abandoned.

''Amy, until you can defeat one year of my power, you will not be considered ready, ONE YEAR!'' Mr, Esho radiated purple energy and rushed towards her without warning ''your enemies won't wait for you to attack'' BOOM Amy was sent flying across the field [Haha, look at my weak host who can't even beat a simple Man with aging issues I'm pretty sure Michael would have killed a twenty-year version of him] Amy got pissed by her statement ''SHUT UP YOU B*TCH'' Amy's body started to heat up to the point that smoke became visible as if her sweat was vaporizing, Mr, Esho smiled as he went for another punch but this time Amy launched forward too and sent a hole straight to Mr, Esho which created a wave of dust, through that wave of dust was Amy who was bleeding from the hand she used [WEAK WEAK WEAK WEAK HOST YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHIG PRETTY SURE MICHAEL WILL HAVE TO SAVE YOU ONE DAY HAHA] ''I SAID SHUT UP!!'' Amy's veins started to glow red as anger pumped through them as she ran towards Mr. Esho and threw another punch. However, Mr Esho dodged while still smiling. ''Look at you. What's the difference between you and Michael now?'' ''What did you say, you short life-spanned bastard?'' Amy's eyes were glowing red with her veins as she sent punch after punch-as she screamed ''BULL BARRAGE'' sending punch after punch so Mr Esho replied with the same amount of points as he whispered ''Get ready, Michael, because she is coming'' Now the whole field was a dust storm.

Amy's bones continued to crack, but she didn't care as she could only see red. In fact, at this point, Amy was using both her legs and hands while Mr, Esho just used his hands, still smiling; Amy got pissed even more by this as she jumped on Mr, Esho's shoulder tying her legs around his neck cover Mr, Esho's eye's with the under of her skirt then proceeded to bend her elbows as he smashed them on his head over and over again.

Mr Esho didn't know what to do because this position was wild. He quickly jumped into the sky about a kilometre while Amy was still on his shoulder. He did a 180-degree turn, making his head face the ground straight, and he sped up to the point that his body became a blur, smashing both his head and Amy's body into the ground, which made her go unconscious instantly. 

Mr.Esho got up like nothing had happened (even I, the author, wondered if this guy was human). He stared at her body that had been broken in different areas as only the red energy vanished, so he decided to carry her away until he noticed a red aura making the shape of a head, a female head to be precise,'' You there, ESHO better be careful with my host and train her well unless ill come out of this body and kill for you for I am the sin of Anger, Wrath mass destruction!'' and like that, she vanished back into Amy's body.

Mr.Esho sighed. ''Ozordikwe, what's all this?'' he picked up her body and took her to the hospital for treatment; the doctors questioned what she was doing. Mr.Esho told them they gave her bandages and covered her up so she could rest.


Deep down in the depths, a tall man with a chiseled face looking like a white model with black wings protruding from his back and two horns from his, with eyes that were as hollow as an empty tree while wearing a gold robe, walked to a throne in the middle of a castle and sat down.

He stared straight as he spoke with a voice filled with power ''My pieces as we know, two sins have now awakened, and the more who awaken, the harder the future war, I will need them to be exterminated, but the last one I sent decided to disgrace the demons'' his eyes started to glow ''now I call on Lilith, my wife, I want you to bring havoc to the sins quietly, don't let them know of your existence unless even I won't be able to save you'' a lady with her whole body exposed only having two bushes with no leave cover her front and back side stood up and walked to satan while whispering '' luci luci luci my love'' she climbed on top of him while screaming '' as long as I can have more babies with you then why not my lovely luci'' (luci = lucifer). 

He replied,'' Well then, go on n, my love, for I shall fill you with babies if you fulfill my request,'' and just like that, she vanished into thin air.


It had been 19 hours since Michael had been in the chamber while Mr.Ife sat on the floor meditating; Michael was sweating as his eyes were closed, and all he could see was darkness as he searched for the so-called energy in him until suddenly, he saw a red ball glowing, he quickly ran towards it and grabbed it which sent a powerful shock around body forcing his eyes open [HOST HAS FORCEFULLY UNLOCKED TRYE HEART] when Michael heard this, he wondered why they system didn't tell him about but before he asked he got a reply [HOST ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO UNLOCK IT FOR YOU, ITS SOMETHING YOU MUST DO , THE REASON I SAID FORCEFULLY WAS BECAUSE I AM NOT THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU TO OPEN IT AND YOU WILL LEARN WHY SOON ENOUGH]

Mr.Ife stood up while smiling ''. It took you long enough. Now you have a chance in the upcoming tournament'' Michael's whole body was covered in sweat and a red-looking energy aura, ''Now, Michael, you need to learn how to increase your energy and control it because it shouldn't be out all the time unless your enemy can determine your strength very easily, now to do this feel your energy make feel like the air you use to breathe then push it in and out but have in mind energy fluctuates depending on various factors like emotions''.

Michael closed his eyes while trying to feel the energy around his whole body, then tried to push it in but instead coughed out blood, ''be careful; remember you're not dealing with natural energy'' Michael wondered why he hadn't said this earlier ''system explain'' [Well host you the energy your using is my energy refined in a more powerful state which means it isn't naturally your energy] ''I see so I'm so useless that I had to borrow energy well what a life.

Michael whispered '' well, system, you lucky to have such energy, but now that I envy you, it's either I eat it or die trying'' Michael closed his eyes while trying his best to take in the power while coughing out liters of blood. At this point, his body had turned white due to lack of blood but he still shouted ''give me give me i said give me'' Michael called with all his might as the energy broke through the invisible barrier and filled his body once again as he fell to the ground.

Mr.Ife looked at the exhausted Michael, who had been working for 22 hours on the floor, and said,'' You have two hours to sleep before we move to the next stage.''