For some unknown reason, there were several clashes outside the pack, and in trying to solve them, Victor's mother met an untimely end.
It was said that it was Demons that decapitated her. After her, for some reason unknown to all, many of those strong and powerful that sided with Victor fell one after the other like over ripe pawpaw from a tree.
Curtin took several steps forward. "Tsk tsk tsk, that wound looks quite bad. Moses, I suggest you put medicine on that." Curtin shook his head in obviously pretentious pity.
At this point in the race to becoming Alpha, everyone, including the Elders, was already aware that Curtin most likely had a hand in the cut down of Victor's strength.
However, no one complained about it.
After all, in every generation of likely candidates to ascend to the Position of Alpha, it was so.
Even though it might eat away at the strength of the pack a bit, it was very much allowed.