
Chapter 1 - Where It All Began


I opened my eyes; all my vision can see is darkness. I don't know if my eyes are closed or not, as I can't feel any part of my body. It feels like my body is experiencing a free-fall.

With no control of my body and having neither any vision, sounds, or any sense operating parts of my body, I close my eyes. (If I had any, think of it as my imaginary eyes.) Remembering my life, I can't say I was proud of my life, but neither was I sad about how my life turned out to be.

I was born in a normal family. A bit rich if considered the house assets and properties, but not a high standard family, just around the above average. I grew up with my parents for 5 years which should be my best years of my life, before a curse fell upon me and my family.

A criminal who had some problem with my father in his past business deal, broke in our house around the time we were having our dinner at night. We the family of 3 my Father, Mother and Me didn't know what to say or do.

After arriving he shot my father in the head after talking with him for a few minutes. He then killed my mother also shooting her in the head. He looked at me for a few seconds as I was still in shock processing what I was seeing, and then after thinking something and speaking some words I couldn't understand left thorough the front door.

I who was still 5 years at that time was in the state of shock. I don't know what I was seeing; I knew what happened but my brain though it was a joke or prank, so as a normal 5 year old I did what I was expected I cried.

The police came to my house in the morning after a cleaner who was employed by my family arrived in the morning to check on the house. I don't remember much about than night, watching my father and mother body going cold was last memory of that night. When I was out of shock I was already in a hospital bed, with a nurse to take care of me.

I was send to my uncle who became my legal guardian being the only blood relative alive.

My uncle didn't like me and only didn't give me to the orphanage was because he wanted the properties which I will inherited from my family after a certain time.

When I turned 7, 2 years after their death the killer of my parents was captured, maybe the world he spoke was the reason I saw the world as I did.

He looked at the judge who was waiting to give him sentence straight in the eyes and said "Those bastards I killed were not innocent; the boys father was an arms dealer and had many connections in the underworld. His wife didn't support him but was neither was she against it. So I killed them, call it revenge or whatever I did what I believed to be true."

Judge then asked him "and why did you kill them in front of the child? And why wasn't he harmed?"

The guy looked at me and said "A child should not bear the sins of their parents, they deserved what they got, this child though feeds on the illegal money, he was still innocent. I may be a Monster but even I have morals."

The guy who I later found out was given death sentence had been convicted of 54 counts of murder and 100+ count of Assault was a Vigilante who kill people who he thought deserved to die.

Now after losing my parent it was really hard life for me, my uncle didn't love me neither did his family. But he also didn't do anything that would make me hate him. Me already seeing the darkness of the world, found really hard to see the light side of the world.

At the age of 10 I already started to go down the path of darkness/shadow. I became a hacker and hacked into many small industries for money or used information and data I hacked/stole to gain money. At the age of 13, I joined an Underworld Gang Training Camp. Here they taught the people fighting, killing, stealing, hiding tracks, and other activities that a Criminal or a person who is running from Cops need. All they was needed was money and with my 3 years of loot, I gained from Hacking it was more than enough.

After 2 years of training, I accepted my first assassin mission or Hit Contract you may call. It was about killing a guy who was around the age of 26. He was put on the hit by his fellow employee who wanted him out. I had few problems as due to inexperienced but the knowledge I learned I last 2 years didn't let me down, though he was my first kill.

The Training Camp was of 2 year course but now after I finished my first mission; it was time to leave it. I joined a Professional Organization, who give contract, equipment and training but also put a lease on us.

Until the age of 17 I had more that 50 hit, with the success rate of 80% which was pretty good. I became one of the top Hit man the organization and Gaining the title "Silent Bullet" which was mostly due to my kill, being unable to locate my position when I killed them and bullet than came without sound.

Around this time my uncle was trying to take over my inheritance which resulted in me killing him and his family, which happened in vice versa as I gained their family properties. Around this time I really question either I was human or not?

My life was good around this time for a few more years, my ranking in the underworld reached higher and higher. My connection and contract increased more as my Hit Rate increased, reaching higher and earning me more money and bigger connection with every successful kill. With the 140 successful hit with the success rate of 88% my reputation in the underworld was in its near peak giving me a new title "Ghost Bullet".

My life took a solid turn when I who was 20, at that time when I was in my break, I met with the person that changed me and showed me the light side of the world that I had missed for the past 15 years.

"Tesp" the girl with black hair that reached her shoulders, height of 5.2 Feet with golden brown eyes, light brown skin color, and a normal figure you would find of any girl. She was 18 years old when we met, and the most unforgettable part about her was her smile that literally lit the whole world.

He many times suspected her to be a spy as how can a person be so perfect and she had every behavior that I dreamed of my wife to have, leading to check everything about her, her background her medical reports, her friends, and everything that he got was a normal girl. The more he found about her the more he was attracted to her.

This friendship with her continued for 3 more years, His underworld activity has nearly stopped at the 3rd year of their friendship at this point, with him accepting only 2 contracts in the last six months. He found he gained something he had lost when he was child when he was with her.

Now thinking about it the saying "Love the most harmful poison/drug in this world" was the most correct thing he heard. He knew he was giving up his life and dreams he took more than 10 years of his hard work to achieve, but the interesting thing was he didn't care.

He married her at the age of 25, 5 years after meeting her when she was 23, they were happy. He left the Dark side of the world, though this caused a bit of problem he was after all a disposable pawn to the upper Leader even if he was one of their top men. With a bit of promise and some dangerous contract he was given his freedom. The leader knew his story and maybe predicted his nature, but they didn't think I could leave this side for long and will return back.

He and Tesp were happy and he lived them like a beautiful dream. After 1 year he felt and sometime missed the other side. His skills were decreasing and he didn't like it. He loved Tesp but now he felt like he was missing something. Though he was afraid he though to gain something you have to lose something and forget his pain and tried to forget about the other side.

He knew this was what the Upper Management knew about him; he can take a break but can't leave the other side. He suppressed his feeling and still spends his life with her.

But everything had an expiration date, 2 year after his marriage in a normal day; she died in a car crash. He who was a person in the underworld knew that they could be after his family checked for any tampering and anyone responsible for her death. But no she really died of a accident a truck driver who was drunken driving ran a red light killing his wife and 2 other innocent people. He even tortured the driver for 14 days to calm his anger and know about the accident but he truly was at fault and no outside interference was seen.

2 years after this no contact with underworld at the age of 26 he returned back to the darkness of the world. Many times he wonder if it was really just this, his 5 years of happiness destroyed just because a guy was too drunk to look in the road properly for few minutes.

His life continued with him honing his skill, and killing people. But a thing had changed when he returned; he had suffered from Multiple Personality disorder (MPD), due to his loss and emotional trauma he suffered due to her death. Really he felt like a Drug Addict that wasn't able to get his drugs again, the pain and despair he felt was ungodly and the results are him dividing into 3 people.

His 1st personality was his normal self. Tesp's Husband, Hacker, and Decision maker or you may call him Leader Personality. This was the personality that refused to forget Tesp and suffered.

His 2nd personality was a Psycho who killed for fun. This was a stress relief his brain had developed for his mind to not self destruct. This personality hated Tesp, why because he did the job of repairing the problem she caused.

His 3rd personality was a Cold Blooded Hit man which was created by him, because of his lack of concentration in mission which can cause his death, leading to his birth.

His life in underworld continued for 6 more years and at the age of 32. He was captured by the FBI and the other criminal authority. His popularity at that time had already surpassed many Hit-man and he was already considered a legend. Given the title of "Death Reaper" with the hit record of 300 with success rate of 93% he was the most dangerous Hit man in the underground in the whole world. His title "Death Reaper" was given to him because his silent kill and the most of the targets will only hear the bullet sound which is travelling towards them before dying or a swift slash of knife before he disappeared. Only a few had seen him in his Assassination task.

He was send to jail where he was put on death row, for 12 years. At the age of 44 he was killed by electric chair. His final worlds were "If my wife wasn't dead, the person before you would have already died 18 years ago. Curse the fate, I tried to change, the world didn't want me to, since the world didn't want me to be good, I died doing what I knew the best. You cops believe yourself to be justice, I spit on you, I had more that 15 offers in the last year alone to get me out of this jail if I went with them, and guess what's the funny part is 'I gave up to you guys since I have no will to live. Goodbye and fuck this twisted world."

Looking back at his past life he could help but smile, he may have died but still he died believing in what he believed what Justice, he who killed more than 1000 people had save more that 10,000 people all over the world with the same money he gained by killing them.

As he was remembering his life waiting to either go in heaven or hell if there are any, a bright flash of light appeared in front of him.

Hello! This is my new novel.

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