
Devil in DXD

I was a Normal Guy living a normal life. One day that changed when I woke to a New Body, in a Different Room and a Different World. Author Note: Its just a try so dont expect much. It will be a harem but no 18+ Chapters. I will Update minimum of 1 Chapters and Max of 2 chapters a week. Somewhat of Gary Stu and somewhat realistic. I honestly dont have much expectation for this story. I'm open to trying new Ideas but will see how it goes. It wont have perfect Grammer and such but at least wont be mixing he/her. Constructive Criticism is welcome, other I'll Ignore.

your_Daddy · Komik
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5 Chs

Plans and Thoughts for Future.


It's been a month from my unexpected reincarnation. I've had a lot of time to get my thoughts straight and noticed things that should be crazy in my old world.

Like a week ago I noticed I seem too strong for an infant, I can move around pretty well. I can't crawl or walk but it's easy to somewhat control my limbs which like I said would be completely Insane in my Old world.

Anyways, enough about that, now the main thing that excited me the most. I can feel power coursing throughout my whole body and man is it amazing. I cant control it but am getting there, it wont be anything to write home about but enough to get started and that's all I need with the abilities I got with this reincarnation.

Now the CYOA I wrote, its not that complex or brilliant really. Its Overpowered for one because I always believed in having power that I don't need then needing power that I don't have.

Now the Powers I choose:

First Ability I have is Ultimate Regenerative Healing. Simple power that makes me Immortal and the very few beings that can kill me probably wont care about a small fry like me.

Second is Superhuman Senses and Reflexes, Simple Ability that gives me senses and reflexes far beyond my race is naturally capable of, Like I said Simple and Effective.

Third is Omnilingualism, the Ability to Speak, Write, Understand and Decipher Any and All Languages. I don't think this ability needs any further explanation.

Fourth is Contract of Bond, Something I took Inspiration from one Anime with Big titty Red Head. Basically allows me to create a contract with someone, it can be a Master-Servant, Subordinate, etc. Now both parties benefits from it, from things like increase in power to being able to use Traits and Abilities Unique to each other as Long as their Feelings for each other are high enough.

It doesn't have to be just love, lust, loyalty, Obedience and some other will do as well but main thing is you don't betray the Main Contractor, which by the way is me in this contract otherwise you pay for it, which depends on Contractors will. Anywhere from Constant arousal that can't be satisfied to straight up end of existence.

Fifth is Essence of Merchant, It will be let do pretty much everything the usual Merchant essence will however I can only buy Knowledge from other worlds but no restriction on the world I am currently in.

Sixth is Essence of Blank, It provides me with all its Ability and Additional Ability to Remove Limit of Anything and Make Myself Blank, Essentially giving me a Sort of Concealment that very few can see through.

My powers are super OP but at the same time, I still need to put in effort to be what I want to.


Its been over 6 months now since my reincarnation. It was fun. I was honestly expecting it to be tough not being able to control my body but after second month I was able to crawl around and by fourth I could somewhat walk. Its crazy but understandable since I am a devil and our Family is pretty near or equal to Lucifer Clan in Bloodline rank, considering our Origin but that's talk for another time.

Its pretty funny not having to do anything and have people feed you, wash you, move you and over all do your bidding, I love it and love that I was smart enough to choose a stronger family.

My training has borne fruits and I can control the energy within my body easily, If I were to grade my control, it would be Intermediate tier, which is not bad for my age and since its not my No 1 focus at the movement.

Another thing I did was use my Essence for the first time to buy some knowledge from another world. It wasn't anything big, just Sun Breathing Technique from Demon Slayer, cost me 3 Years of my Lifespan, which for me is nothing.

Pretty neat Technique that I was able to Master pretty easily and reach the State of Total Concentration Breathing. The state of Total Concentration: Constant is not far way either. Once I do master the Constant State, I will start practicing other styles, I already have the knowledge for them, it cost me around 16 Year of lifespan, with some techniques worth 2 years but most were 1.

Once all these are mastered, I will create a Technique best suited for me.

My goal for these Technique is to be able to breathe in Energy, Like Natural Energy for Senjutsu or Use it Along with Touki for Close Combat and to overall Perform Better in Battles or daily life.

Another added benefit of this technique is my Lung Capacity and my earth Shattering sound that I used extensively.

For example when I was 4 months old my parents were doing their nighty activity and while I enjoyed the Show, it was annoying since they were loud and no one mess with my sleep. So I waited and when I saw them about to come, I cried on top of my Lungs and trust me it was loud, cracks on the vase and small things in the room can assert to that.

It was super funny and me giggling afterward didn't help. So, that's how they moved me to another room, I'll miss the show but its alright I guess.


I am 1 Year old now and look like a 3 year old Human, I grew fast I'd say.

My control over what I now Know is Demonic Energy is High Tier which is an Amazing feat based on the Smiles on my Parents face when I told them that I can control that weird thing within me now.

About my Family, I was wrong. They have a really good relationship, well as good of a relationship Devils can have anyways. Dad is an Amazing man, loving and silly. Mom is the voice of the House, she usually doesn't talk much but when she does, it's the final decision. She loves to just sit with me on her lap.

All in all, I love them and I think I can trust them but I will wait for some more time.

Man I Wana grow up fast, so I can try many of the Ideas, mess with people and generally fuck around. Another thing I noticed about myself is that even though I never went outside, I never felt suffocated or what not that I read in many Fanfics that characters would feel. I mean we go to the Gardens and stuff but never really outside our mansion.

Something about our family that I am really curious about is that we have all kind of races working as Servants etc. in our house and when I say all Kind I mean it literally not other races turned devils. Like my Personal Maids for example, which I have 10 by the way and they are hot.

Other than 6 Devil Maids, other 4 are, a Fallen Angel, 2 Oni Sisters and 1 is Cat girl that I love Petting. I will Investigate it once I am a Bit older but now I am enjoying my life.


Hey Ettrian here, I am 3 Now and look like a 7 year Old Human kid. Nothing big happened over the last 2 years.

Although I found out my Parents are Devils of Lust after I found Mom with one of her Maid in the bed One early Morning when I wanted to sleep with her since they Sleep in separate rooms now other then 3 days a week when they fuck each other like rabbits or during the day, depending on the mood. Anyways it turns out Mom is a Bi and while she wont sleep with any Man other than Dad, she does sleep with other Women since Dad has a Harem of his own.

About his Harem, I found out about this when on one fine Afternoon, I went to find Dad who I was told is in Gardens, Having a Threesome with 2 Women I usually Saw with him In his Office. I think they are his Bishops.

I am not mad or anything about it. I mean both are okay with it and Understand each other so me being Angry about it doesn't make sense. Its absolutely not because I get to sleep with Mom and her Naked super hot Maids. Man They are Soft and mussy. Once again I love my Life.

Hey I cant get aroused but doesn't mean I cant enjoy.

So, yeah incest isn't a problem in our house and as Long as your Partner is Okay with it, you can fuck whoever you want. I'd say we are very Open, but that's just downplaying it.

All in all, very enjoyable life.

Which will be getting even better since in a Month, My Studies will start. I Will be learning our Clan Powers and Magic with Grandma's, Noble Etiquette, some other subjects like Math, Science, Seduction, Etc. with Mom and her Queen.

Sword and Hand to Hand Combat with Dad. Body Conditioning from my Dads Rook, who is a Chinese Body Cultivator.

Today though, Its my 3rd Birthday, which we are just done celebrating and are Now heading to meet Dantilion Family Ancestor, Abyss Dantilion who will help awaken my Bloodline Power.

Remember I said we are special? so It turns out we are result of Lucifer's Contract with Ruler of Realm of Abyss and Deep. One of the Strongest being in the world that doesn't really interact with world and ruler of Place where all Supernatural Souls go. Ancestor is Named after it because in a sense She is its first Child Born between it and Lilith, which makes Ancestor a Half-Sibling of that Insane Lucifer as well.

While I was doing me Internal Monologue, Mom and Grandmother brought me in front of a Grand Mansion, that is Dantilion Family Mansion which is actually in a Realm of its own, called Shadow realm. They didnt Introduce anything to me and just guided to the Basement of the Mansion. After walking for 10 Mins and passing many Barriers and Shadow Servants. We reached the Gate behind which our Ancestor was sleeping Until Today.

Just standing here I can feel a Powerful Presence and Huge Pressure behind those Doors.

Mom and Grandma Didn't speak, and Mom put a reassuring Hand on my head. I took a deep breath and Nodded to my Grandma who Knocked on the Door and then we waited...

I will be increasing the pace of story since I want to Finish it within 100 or less Chapters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

your_Daddycreators' thoughts