
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · Komik
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154 Chs

Chapter 106: Fateful Encounter

"You lost, friend?" Zenkichi said, a soft smile on his face despite his rough appearance and that he was looming over a girl and her... Sphinxes.

Bedivere opened and closed his mouth, but he couldn't say anything. He didn't know what to say to some... strangers like them.

'Moreover, this man's presence... it's overwhelming! He feels more powerful than the king before he became what he is now, no. He's most likely as powerful as the king!' Cold sweat dripped down his temples. 'That means, this man... is a Divine Spirit!'

He inwardly panicked for a moment, grabbing his prosthetic arm to use it but he quickly calmed down. He had no issues with the God, in fact, with how he had likely fought with his former comrades they were likely to be allies.

Zenkichi observed Bedivere's initial reaction with a raised eyebrow, his smile unwavering. He could sense the tension radiating from the knight, though he made no move to exacerbate it.

He had initial suspicions about the man, he is wearing a knight's armour, but he held back from attacking the man. He remembered most of the important parts of the singularity, but he couldn't remember someone like him in the story yet he feels oddly familiar. Strange.

Through Reading Minds, he could sensed his initial caution and panic of his power, not surprising. But that wasn't all that he sensed.

Zenkechi rarely looks at a person's soul, it wasn't that much interesting to him; it just shows it as a blue ball of flames in varying sizes. But this man's soul, it was exhausted. Ravaged by the passing of time and his burdens. He should already be dead, heck, he shouldn't be able to move! The soul is the core of one's being, the essence that defines who they are.

This man... was going to die, soon.

Meh, like that's any of his business.

"No need to be alarmed," Zenkichi remarked, his voice calm and reassuring. "We're just having a little... dispute here is all. As long as you don't interfere," he shrugged his shoulders, a small smile crept on his lips. "we're cool."

Nitocris, kneeling on the glass ground, couldn't help but glanced at Bedivere out of curiosity and hope but she quickly lost any interest when she saw his attire, thinking that he was an ordinary knight from the Holy City.

'Uuh, how am I going to get out of this mess?' She inwardly sniffed.

Bedivere took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. Despite his initial shock, he realized that this man, despite his overwhelming presence, did not seem hostile. Tentatively, he spoke, his voice slightly shaky but determined.

"I... I apologize for my reaction. It's just... unusual to encounter strangers such as yourselves," Bedivere explained, his eyes flickering between Zenkichi, the girl with long bunny ears and the sphinxes. "But, I am a little lost."

"Oh? Well, where are you heading off to?" Asked Zenkichi.

"The Holy City."

Both Zenkichi and Nitocris blankly stared at him.

Bedivere blinked, noticing their gaze on him. "I-Is there a problem?"

"Aren't you a knight from the Holy City?" Nitocris couldn't help but ask.

"..." Bedivere opened his mouth to say that he wasn't, but remembered that his armor was something only a knight would wore and the only knights in this wasteland were those from the Holy City. Plus, technically speaking, he was formerly a knight of the Roundtable and they're...

'Merlin, you forgot to disguise my armor!' He inwardly cried, Merlin had casted some sort of spell to hide his identity from the other Knights of the Roundtable and yet, he forgot to disguise his armor. What's the point of that spell then?!

Zenkichi chuckled. "Well, you're asking the wrong person. I don't know where it is either."

Both of them then turned towards Nitocris, silently asking her.

Nitocris pursed her lips and looked thoughtful for a moment. "The Holy City...I haven't been there before, but I think it's that way." She said, pointing at a certain direction that she certainly did not randomly pointed at.

Nope, that place is certainly where the Holy City is.

Bedivere nodded his head, "My thanks, fair lady. Well then, I shall be going then."

Bedivere turned to leave, his footsteps heavy and determined. As he walked away, Zenkichi watched him with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name there, lost knight." Zenkichi spoke up.

Bedivere paused in his steps for a moment and replied, "Lucius, you can call me Lucius."

"Well then, Lucius. I feel like this is fateful meeting. Let me give you a little advice," Zenkichi said, his tone serious yet a playful smirk on his lips. "That's hell you're walking into."

"..." Bedivere frowned, clutching his cloak tightly. "Is that a threat?"

"No, no. It's an advice! But you can interpret it as you wish," Zenkichi replied. "After all, with that heavy baggage on you and going to the so-called Holy City filled with dangerous knights, well, you get the point."

Bedivere's expression darkened, his grip on his cloak tightening even further. "I understand. I've faced many dangers before, I will be cautious."

With a nod, Zenkichi turned away, the playful smirk still lingering on his face. "Good luck, Lucius. May our paths cross again, under better circumstances."

And with that, Zenkichi and Nitocris watched as Bedivere disappeared into the dusty clouds of the barren desert.

"Well, that was an interesting encounter." Zenkichi muttered before turning towards Nitocris with a sweet smile and dark expression. "Now then, talk."

"Eep!" Nitocris hurriedly bowed her head, cold sweat dripping down her temples. "W-What questions might you have for me, oh great divine being?"

Zenkichi raised an eyebrow from her shift of attitude but understood the change, since he had showed off his Divine Authority of the Sun in front of her and that she's a Pharoah in her previous life if he recalled well. After all, didn't the Egyptians have a God of the Sun? Is she mistaking him as that God? Or is it more likely that she just reveres Gods in general?

Oh well, it works well for him.

"I have many questions, Nitocris." Zenkichi said, with a commanding tone of voice.

'Oh Ra, he knows my name!!' Nitocris paled, all thoughts of resistance faded from her mind. The deep voice of Zenkichi deeply reminded her of Ozymandias! His power, arrogance, confident gait, handsome face and that... gorgeous abs of his. He was a being beyond mortal comprehension, and Nitocris couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and fear in his presence.

"Firstly," Zenkichi continued, taking a seat cross-legged before her, "tell me about this world's current situation. And who currently holds the Holy Grail."

Zenkichi always wondered if the Holy Grail in FGO could really grant wishes due to the massive magical energy it holds. Could it even help the problem of his divine and demonic energies?

'Ugh... I feel so sick...' Zenkichi's eyes twitched, if Nitocris wasn't kneeling before him right he might've shown an unpleasant expression.

Speaking of his problems, it seems like using his Divine Authority had caused an imbalance within his body and caused his demonic energy to start fighting. Normally when two opposing energies starts fighting in their host, the host would start to experience excruciating pain or possibly even inflate like a balloon and die, depending on the intensity.

In Zenkichi's case however, it was giving him an upset stomach. Extremely so since several minutes, it took every fiber of his will to not crumble when he talked to Bedivere.

'I wanna take a crap, but not right now!' Zenkichi's face hardened and steeled his stomach, a look of complete concentration on his face.

He was a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will.

Unfortunately for him however, there wasn't a toilet around this barren wasteland and considering that this is in the past without modern plumbing...

'This place suuuuucks!' He inwardly cried.

Nitocris, who saw his facial expression, went pale white as she observed Zenkichi's discomfort, thinking that she had displeased him for her slow response. She quickly mustered her courage and spoke in a rushed manner, hoping to appease him.

"O-Oh great divine being! The current situation of this world is... erm... quite chaotic, to say the least," Nitocris stammered, her voice trembling slightly. "There are various factions vying for control over the land and peace; one is the Holy City ruled by the Lion King and mostly consists of the Knights of the Roundtable, second are the Saracens; natives of this land that has taken refuge somewhere in the mountains, and lastly is the kingdom of the sun and the faction that I am part of. As for the Holy Grail... it is currently held by the king of the kingdom of the sun, King Ozymandias."

Zenkichi nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "I see... Thank you for your information, Nitocris."

He paused for a moment, his brows furrowing in discomfort as his stomach churned once more. With a deep breath, he steadied himself and focused on the task at hand.

"Now, tell me more about the factions and the... accommodations that they have. Like, do the kingdom that you belonged to offer excellent meals, a great bath, plumbing, living quarters, etc." Zenkichi calmly asked, his voice firm despite his internal turmoil.

Nitocris nodded quickly, pausing for a moment to process the question before shaking her head. The reason behind his questions wasn't important, what was important is to bring him to their side.

As Nitocris continued her explanation, she made sure to highlight the luxurious accommodations and amenities offered by the kingdom of the sun, emphasizing their hospitality and opulence. She spoke of sumptuous feasts served in grand halls, baths filled with fragrant oils and perfumes, and palatial living quarters adorned with exquisite tapestries and decorations.

'Zenkichi.' Brunhilde's voice resounded in his mind.

'Hm? Brunhilde, did you find Last Master? Where are they right now?' A while ago, Zenkichi asked Brunhilde to fly ahead to find his master as he's busy interrogating Nitocris but also because he was suffering by his 'backlash'.

'No. I found... a couple of strange people first instead. A risque monk and a green haired samurai to be precise.'


AN: If you noticed a Jaune here, my bad. I was reading a RWBY fanfic(from the great Coeur) when writing this.😅🤣

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon:

•terrence L mccall





•Shaheer Khan

❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis


•Adrian Durand

Wanna read unreleased, advanced chapters along with other stories I keep stockpiled? Then head on over to my patreon!


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