"So, are you ready to obey my orders?" His deep ocean voice fanned against her slightly twitched earlobe. "Y-yes, master." "Break a rule, you will be facing the same punishment as that douche." He smirked pointing at the cell which was completely dark and covered with magical dusts. Kristen choked out hearing the painful cries from the cell. That man had been suffering the same pain since the past two hundred years. He will suffer until some one replaces her master, the Devil himself.
"Wh-what deal?"
Mr. Hwang asked as he stopped by the door with his wife and turned to look at the man with hopeful eyes. Being a businessman, deals are the one word that can keep him hooked up. Lucifer smirked as he realized his plan was working, he was just desperate to have at least one person on Earth to like him or to see him without any prejudice. He was ready to go to any extent to make it happen. Mrs. Hwang on the other hand was completely shocked as she knows what comes along with the deal.
"D-deal with the Devil calls for death." She warned her husband who already walked back to the couch.
"Deals can always be good, isn't it? You must know it better than anyone else."
"Honey, we lost our house because you fell for a trick like this. Are you really considering this?"
"I know that it was solely my mistake so this time, please let me fix it. I do not want to take you to the street at this age." He said with sad eyes, that showed just how desperate he was for this deal.
"I am not forcing you. You both can discuss it and let me know." The man leaned back on the couch, crossing his legs over each other.
The aura emitting from him was making it almost impossible for Mr. Hwang to stop accepting whatever was coming his way. He nodded his head to his wife as if she had to trust him and changed his focus back to the confident young man.
"I want to listen to what the deal is first." he spoke, just the way he used to do in business.
"That is like a real businessman. So it is very simple, basically can say give and take policy."
"I h-have nothing to offer you other than my life." He hesitantly said.
"Honey, what are you saying? Dev-devil seals his deal by demanding a person's soul and are you already sugges-ting it to him?" She ran to her husband and held his hand in disbelief.
"Well, you have a point but at least let me speak. You are such a headache, aren't you?" He chuckled playfully before tucking his hair behind his ears and flashing his well-defined jawline.
"Please continue."
"Sure, it is simple. I will give you a place to live and enough wealth to buy a fortune."
"W-WHAT? Really?'
"No no no, this is a trick. H-honey, don't believe him. He is tricking you into something worse."
"What can I possibly get from you in return when you have nothing to offer?" Lucifer was terribly losing his patience that he would not be able to hold back any time soon.
"Our soul, our life." She bluntly answered.
"What are you saying? What would he do with our life?" Mr. Hwang asked his wife in confusion.
"You can toy us and ma-make us do evil things and make us turn against God."
"Looks like you got a good class at the church but sorry to break it out to you because I do not expect to take your soul. I just need one thing in return." He spoke, his voice now softening.
"What is it?"
"What about you consider me as your son? Not the one who left you but someone whom you can depend on?" He asked with hopeful eyes.
"W-what? O-our son?"
"Yes, your son. I promise to never let you down. You can clearly see that I have no one by my side and the same for you. It would be a good deal to be with each other." He asked again.
"T-this is a trick?" Mr. Hwang asked his wife who had her eyes widened.
"Lucifer does not lie." She spoke finally but was still confused about the most senseless deal he just made with them.
"Looks like we both know about each other a lot so where is the issue? Can we just sign the deal here and start with it?" He asked enthusiastically.
"But why us?"
"We both lack just one thing and that is love. It might seem very weird coming from me but this is the truth. I am lacking one thing and that is something to stay with me and guide me throughout so why not ask for help?"
"We are worthy of it?" Mr. Hwang asked as he still couldn't process that all of their issues were getting solved just like that and in return, they only had to give love.
"It might seem like a silly deal to you because for humans everything is about money and love but for us or to specifically say, someone like me.... love is beyond my reach." he confessed, the same sadness he had a while ago, resurfacing.
"I w-was told that Devil does not have emotions." She corrected immediately getting a small slap on her hands from her husband.
"Oh! That is something new. How can angels and God himself have emotion while I cannot have it? I am an angel, after all, well to be precise Fallen Angel."
"W-we can trust him, can't we?" He asked with hopeful eyes because getting a house is even worth being the man's slave.
"We c-can but we are betraying God." She was still faithful and changing beliefs in a few minutes is nearly impossible.
"Did he hear your prayers till now? No, right? Just give me a chance, I am not a bad person."
"What if this is God's test on us? What if we are really disappointing him?" She asked still unconvinced.
'Then you are free to leave and I wouldn't stop. Nothing here is forced so choose wisely. I will let you both have a discussion but just remember that the only thing I want is some love." He said one more time before leaving the room.
"We should agree."
"What are your reasons for this deal? He is a stranger." Mrs. Hwang asked as replacing her son was hard no matter what he did to them.
"I miss our son and I believe having Lucifer would help me feel better.