

Be it that you are the ensemble of sinister darkness or the embodiment of a cruel bottomless abyss , my heart still remains with you till eternal end __________________________________________ Was he a miracle in guise of a ferocious monster or destruction in definition of erring man ??? ; Annie knew not but all she knew was that this sinister, dark , mysterious and audacious man she had just met days ago was the solution to her problem and a way to bring it to life was to strike a deal _ A deal that involved a deep connection with her associating being . An immensly pleasurable deal that was going to plunge her life into a destructive path of difficulties and hell. All she had to do was to convince the stone hearted and adamant Hadean to have a dating contract with her and she was good to go.. Follow the intriguing story of the timid, shy and innocent Annabelle and the devilish and mysterious Hadean as they journey their way through a dangerous yet beautiful love story.. Will Annabelle turn out to be the light that Hadean desperately needed or will Hadean engulf her in his own world of darkness __________________________________________ Sneak peek Excerpts voices " Then take me to the doomed inferno , I have got nothing to fear as long as you support me!!!" " I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend , I want you to be with me and I would be yours " " Whether a lover boy, bad boy or tough boy I am available , but you know when I am available the most ?. When I get to be your fuck buddy ravaging your insides until your voice turns hoarse due to your uncontrollable moans " " As long as you are with me you have no right to nobody else, you will be mine completely . Your body, soul, mind and your breath isn't left out too "

Aesthetic_Lvr · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Daughter's boyfriend

Annie stared as he walked past her like she was invincible,the stench of blood overcoming the distant smell of liquor and cigarettes.

" Is he dead ?" Annie asked even though she could still see Marco's chest slightly rising and falling. Guess she loved asking stupid questions didn't she ?

Annie only got a cool gust of wind as a reply and she bit her lips hard ; hard enough for blood to come gushing out

Suddenly she took to her heels attempting to stop the retreating figure of the stranger whose name she had yet to figure out . And desperately she clung onto his suit with her little hands tugging at it so he could come to a halt and finally which he did!!

She held her breath and felt her stomach flutter when she saw his breathtaking face staring at her intently. His inky hair that she so much wish to tangle was right in front of her and her slender fingers itched with absolute urge. Oh gosh! she was having those stupid thoughts again. These were thoughts that she never considered to be true in life and here she was daydreaming about something that would never happen.

She bit her inner lip when she saw him quirk his appealing eyebrows as if asking her to speak lest wasting his time .

" I still stand by my decision to be your fake girlfriend " Annie said nearly stammering hoping to receive a harsh remark or comment but nothing except those cold mettalic eyes that was piercing a hole in her head and his blank as paper expression that carried no weight.

His eyes remained fixed on her chest and she furrowed her brows wondering what he was thinking about .

" Your necklace"

Annie stared at him like he was stupid. She couldn't possibly give him the only memory left of her mother. Couldn't he ask for anything else like money or whatever_ but who was she kidding he probably had enough money to buy her entire worth.

" Ccannt I--givve you anything eelse" Annie stammered

She shivered when she saw the deadly stare that he gave to her.

" Give it "

It took every cell in Annie for her not to burst into tears. With shaking hands she gave him her bracelet .

" Can I get it back once the deal is over" Annie asked with teary eyes

" Annabelle you worry too much " Hadean said lazily dangling the dainty necklace across his calloused hand. Annie felt her spine tingle when she saw the smoldering dangerous glint that stood plastered to his face his lips slowly curling up into a cashire smirk.

" I never told you my name " Annabelle asked surprised

" And let me guess you want to know mine"

Annie nodded like an eager lizard ready for a meagre dinner.

" You will find out when we are together" He said and Annie dropped her shoulders in disappointment scrunching up her nose as the scent of blood polluted the atmosphere.

" Fawn__"

" Hell isn't pleasurable "

Annie's heart skipped a beat and her inside churned with absolute doubt. This mysterious man was helping her by warning her and yet she was adamant on her decision.

Turning her back she stared at the unconscious man who in the past few days had made life unbearable for her and she immediately ran past him like he was a pandemic that presented itself openly


" Where were you? " Kathy asked standing her hands akimbo like a nanny who was about to scold her grandchildren

" And is that blood I smell " Kathy sniffed the air around her a wrinkle forming on her forehead

" I want to go home " Was all Annie could say as the incident that befell her was still haunting her.

" You have some explanation to do " Kathy said sternly before dragging her silly friend into the car.


"Yesss I understand" Anthony said bitterly as he hung up the phone staring at his daughter who stood fiddling with her cloth

" He is calling of the engagement, which means you are free__ " Anthony paused

" For now " He said again shattering Annie's hope into tiny pieces before walking off into the room.

Annie now realized that she was really stupid for not collecting the man's number and how was she going to contact him now?

All her hope was lost and never to be found again __ she thought staring at the retreating sun that was leaving behind brushes of pink and orange here and there as if indicating that dawn was fast approaching and little drops of tears made her cloth wet..

Annie sat on the sofa that was now soaked in her sweat. Her father has really out done himself this time. She stared at the middle aged man that her father intended to marry her off to with utter disdain and disgust

"I never knew she was this beautiful" The man said with amusement and admiration and Annie felt the urge to puke..

" Uhhmm how about the deal" Anthony asked staring with curious intent at the man's face

" It's a deal " The man said gesturing for Annie to come sit beside him which obviously she stylishly ignored with a fake smile that almost resembled a grimace.

Suddenly the door swung open gently and they all stopped to stare at the majestic creature that stood by the doorway.

As usual than Annie had noticed he always presented himself in a mysterious yet elegant manner , a demeanor far better and acknowledging than that of a supposed king

His magnificent eyes wandered lazily before it finally settled on the meek creature that sat frozen on her seat and a knowing smile crept up to his lips; A smile that never seemed to reach his beautiful eyes

Blinking ever so innocently his feminine thick lashes, he walked towards them with solemn grace and Annie nearly drooled as his muscles ripped and stood with success on the body that looked like it was carved from steel.

But as he got closer, the hair on her neck stood up with absolute effect surrending to the grievous and nerve wracking aura that oozed dominance and superiority. And in just three strides that took his perfectly long legs not less than two minutes he was among them sitting on a lone sofa with a glass of juice that he obviously grabbed from the table..

Annie watched as the wrinkles on her father's face deepened with the frown that accommodate it. There was really nothing that fazed this man at all_ She thought

" It seems you walked in to the wrong house"

Anthony said trying to refrain himself from not lashing at the breathtaking stranger that sat before him..

Silence was all he got as a reply and he clenched his fists with annoyance ,what alacrity does this man possess that makes him act like a President's son.

" You didn't tell me you were having a visitor " The middle aged man said with much curiosity

" Who are you ? " Anthony let loose all hell

" A man is what I am or do I resemble something else " Hadean replied lazily clearly unbothered by Anthony's recent out burst.

Annie stared at the scene that was unfolding before her with wide eyes and she sincerely prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her right there!!

" You must be stupid" Anthony said with much later regret as the ambience that welcomed them was enough to render a person useless . His skin rattled with goosebumps at the lazy yet ferocious gaze the stranger directed at them. If not for the fact that the situation at hand warranted for him to be strong like a man he would have excused himself a long time ago..

" Shouldn't you be in a deathbed or something" Annie's heard his gorgeously deep voice and her mouth dropped in shock at how effortlessly he pulled off his bold demeanor..

The men stared at each other stupified before turning their solid necks to stare at the man who possessed such unheard audaciousness

"I think I should take my leave" The middle aged man said uncomfortably

" Once you step outside that door forget that you ever knew this people lest you itch to be with your coffin" Hadean said so seriously and sternly though he had intended not to make it look like a threat but just a mere suggestion.

Anthony watched in anger as everything he had worked for crumbled to ashes . The man who through much difficulty he had managed to win over would be outside that door in a matter of seconds and he couldn't contain the rage that filled him to the brim

" Why stand like a lost dog when you could actually welcome your daughter's boyfriend properly"...