
Devil’s bright Rose

malaika_Quinn · Lainnya
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

wait what?! am I dreaming?! My mother left me here alone? She can't Betray me but she did, I cried my heart out until it ached, I went in the bathroom to wash my face and i saw rose petals candles perfume bath bombs hair care and skin care, my mother was obsessed with hair care and skin care those things sitting on a table reminded me of her, my eyes teared up but than I made my mind if she doesn't want me in her life Fine I can live without her after said I filled up the massive tub added rose petals with candles in the sides I dipped one leg and there was a shiver on my spine I dipped my other leg and again another shiver crossed my spine and finally I dipped my body finally my body felt peace in the perfect warm water with the scent of rose and berries wait why is my vision getting blurry and suddenly I saw dark " crash* Mili! Don't Get Out Of Your Room! MAMA!? *Screams* mama? Suddenly a loud banging at the door* MAMA HELP ME PLEASE MAMAAAAA!!!? I CAN'T BREATHE I CAN'T SPEAK I AM CHOKING!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! A hand pulled me and I could breathe again I opened my eyes there was a tall man looking at me with his gorgeous chocolate eyes, I've never seen someone more handsome in my life was he my dream? *excuse me* I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was staring at him like an idiot * y-yes?* sigh's * you were dying in my room my bathroom laying on my tub, go die on your tub* what the fuck what a terrible human being got out off his grip and stood up only to fall on my knees instantly " I'm sorry I might got in the wrong place thinking mine" without answering he took me in his arm's he was so warm i loved the sensation weirdly I felt safe in there, " what's your room number?" " 109" he instantly drove me in my room and dropped me aggressively on the bed before he could leave " Stop" he turned to me " thanks for saving my life" he rolled his eyes and got out, well being the most handsome he is also the most mean person in the world jerk. I took a quick shower and came out, the curtains on my massive balcony were on i took little steps forward the balcony leaving little puddles of water behind me with an instant second I removed the curtains and saw the most magical view of LA at night, it was dark with sparkling yellow purple lights cars people couples good restaurants I wanted to explore LA but I had nothing to wear Uhhhh that jerk didn't bring back my luggage, I calmed myself down and opened the wardrobe facing me to my shock it was filled with gorgeous and comfy clothes and shoes I ran to the dressing table and opened the drawers it was also filled with makeup perfumes and jewels I was happy that at least my mother took care of my needs, I chose a dress with a thigh slit, black boots, a diamond necklace, light makeup, a coat on my shoulder and a cap. Walking on the streets while the breeze blowed my hair in the air I felt someone running behind me from a far, turning back I saw the ultimate jerk all hurt and behind him there were criminals with weapons, i will save him doesn't matter how big of an asshole he can be, he saved my life and maybe this is how I repay him, I entered an shortcut the moment he was about to pass I pulled him in pinned to the wall, covered him with my black coat and hat, and kissed him, I was sure no one will disturb lovers neither criminals and I was right they walked pass, but why did his lips on mine felt like heaven? Why is my heart going crazy over an unknown asshole? And why isn't he pushing me away? I backed off looking at those chocolate dreamy eyes " they are gone" he took a step towards me " you saved my life" I sighed " mmhm, not even a thanks mister unknown?"

He smiled coldly " I'm Noah, Noah Rehman" Noah Rehman, the name sounded familiar to me but i never saw him maybe I am just imagining " I'm Malaika Quinn" he was looking at me the way he looked made me nervous in a good way but what am I thinking oh god " thanks for saving my life Rose" I looked at him " Rose? Who is that" he giggled " Rose is your nickname given by me and you gotta keep it without complaining " before I could answer he walked away.

Noah's pov:

After all the meetings in The Rehman's group company I headed back in my apartment, it was the most luxurious apartment in whole LA I had to stay there because I was surrounded by criminals it's not that I can't fight them if I want I can kill them in an instant but people shouldn't know who I really am, when I entered my room I saw my bathroom door opened and the smell of roses and berries all over my bedroom, walking in the bathroom saw lidded candles in the corners of the tub petals and oil drops but no one was in the tub I never take baths so it's surely not me taking a closer look I saw a girl sinked in the massive tub trying to breathe , in an instant I pulled her out and took her in my arms she calmed down, honestly she was really pretty her perfect defined body with curves that made her prettier, the bronze skin glowed under the light of chandelier, her rosy cheeks just like the rose and her lips as delicate as a rose petal if I wanted I could have claimed her right in the spot but she was too pretty to be my slut she was meant to be someone's honest love but the deep scars on that perfect body told otherwise I would love to have her as mine, unfortunately I can't everything I touch breaks gets destroyed even if I don't want to and this girl deserved better than a monster like me, she was gaining consciousness and suddenly she got drowned in my eyes *excuse me* she snapped and said with a soft broken tone "y-yes" it gave me shivers it wanted me to ask her about the scars it was the most angelic voice i ever heard if not the sluts I fucked sounded like dying whales, but why am I thinking how would this angel sound moaning my name? Ugh I can't get her involved in my life " you were dying in my room my bathroom laying on my tub" I said the girl instantly got out of my grip and stood only to fall the very next second *i am sorry I might got in the wrong place thinking mine* she was too scared to walk I scooped her in my arms and asked her room number " 109" thinking how small and comfy she looked in my arms I took her in her room and dropped her like she wasn't a human it was better if she thought I am a monster I was leaving the second her voice stopped me " Stop!" O was looking at her thinking she would give a lecture on how to put down a girl gently " thanks for saving my life" wow this gorgeous really was an angel of there was another woman replacing her she would probably throw the vase at me how can human be so nice or some human? Because they are angels without wings I glanced at her rolled my eyes and left. It was already dark outside having no work piled up I thought of taking a walk in the dark streets it was chilly outside o wore a silk white shirt black pants with belt, Rolex wristwatch silver chains and black leather shoes, walking on the sides of the streets I heard bushes make noise I knew it wasn't the soft breeze but " KILL HIM BOYS!!" I ran as fast as I can I couldn't fight them here not yet they had powerful weapons but I wasn't scared my parents lived in LA my father sister and brother died cause he was an powerful mafia with lots of underground information now my mother is always anxious about being involved with one of them and if she finds out her own son is the biggest secret The Rehman's company's mafia king she wouldn't be able to stand only for mother's sake I'm not killing these guys, suddenly a hand pulled me in a shortcut street covered me with her coat and hat and kissed me so the criminals think I ran off, by touching her body it hit me who she was, she was the girl with those delicate lips like an rose petal kissing me, interesting thing is she is kissing an unknown devil being an angel, I wanted to kiss her back, before I could do it she backed off " they are gone" she said with a nervous tone, * you saved my life* I said thinking of she saved me when she was so fragile that one touch will be enough to leave marks on her skin, she was the rarest rose bloomed in late spring night the rarest thing about this rose is that she doesn't have any spikes I mean zero attitude, perfect woman " mmhm, not even a thanks mister unknown" she said with a sarcastic smile faded on her face * I'm Noah, Noah Rehman* hearing my full name she got lost in her thoughts, eventually she snapped out of it "I'm Malaika Quinn" malaika, hmmm the name really suited her but I ain't calling her that I had a more suitable name for her more a nickname "thanks for saving my life Rose" she glanced at me weirdly * Rose? Who is that?* she asked curiously, I laughed silently at her innocence she was naive maybe she thought Rose was someone else's name but no it was meant for her " Rose is your nickname given by me and now you gotta keep it without complaining" she was about to say something but I walked away if she knew who I was she would never dare herself even mistakenly to answer me back.