
Chapter Thirteen.

Amor struggled to open her eyes. She succeeded after the third attempt. Everything was blurry and the voices she heard seemed to come from a distance.

She shut her eyes and reopened them, taking a deep breath as everything started to clear. The deafening sound and thumping in her head started to fade.

The voices were more familiar too. It was her father and her brother shouting for the doctor.

The doctor showed up after a while, cross-examining her. He did his very best to convince her Dad that she was out of the woods and that she would feel better in a few days.

Amor felt like hell. She grimaced in pain when she tried to move and wondered if the damn guy had broken her ribs.

She craved a mirror. She pleaded to God she didn't look like a zombie.

Her dad was talking to her but she found out that she had spaced out for a while.

" Baby. Talk to me. Who did this to you? Who hurt you this way" he asked looking older than he was, his hand shaking as he reached to touch her cheek. His eyes were cloudy with tears.

"I_I..." she began to say but her throat was parched dry. Brian quickly came with a bottle of water. She felt better after she had some sips. Her throat lost its sandy texture.

"Someone paid to attack me, father. They threatened me to stay away from Enrique or they'll come back for for_f_f_for me" she rushed out going into panic as she recalled the event of the night before.

"Shhhh-shhhh, no one will hurt you ever again. They'll pay for this. It's alright love" he coed as he hugged her rocking her back and forth. She winced in pain. He let go of her gently feeling sorry.

Brian sighed turning to walk out when he noticed someone taking pictures and recording them.

"What the fuck" he yelled angrily, advancing toward the paparazzi... Couldn't they just leave them alone for even a little while? They annoyed him so much he felt like throwing punches.




April's Apartment.

April woke up as she felt someone shaking her. She managed to get her eyes open feeling irritable, tired, and angry that the person was disturbing her sleep. Couldn't they wait for two more hours? Ugh.

Her vision got clearer. The offender was Enrique Alvaro.

She groaned inwardly trying to suppress the urge to roll her eyes.

He shouldn't look so good in the morning for God's sake.

He seemed agitated which made her a little curious. He came into her room, so she felt it might be a serious issue.

"What's wrong" she muttered sitting up, hoping her breathe was ok. why do I care, she thought.

He was radiating so much tension it was scaring her. She became more alert to her surrounding as she stopped feeling drowsy.

"Amor got attacked last night. She was beaten up pretty badly and warned to stay away from me. It's just like what happened to you at the party" he explained worry etched deep into his features.

April was trying to process the information but he continued talking.

"You're not safe here April. I think there's a stalker out there. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you ever get hurt" he let out staring into her eyes, soaking up her reaction.

April couldn't believe this was happening. She was appalled that anyone would go to this extent just for love.

This was why she always loathed people who used love as an excuse to hurt other people.

"So you're saying whoever it is might come after me?" She asked, then blanched her heart in her mouth as she thought back to her slashed tires. The repairer had told her it was slashed by someone. She had been so tired during the period to worry about such a piece of information.

"What's wrong," he asked as he noticed her expression.

"Yesterday. My tires were all slashed. All of them. The repairer told me that someone had slashed them deliberately " she answered as frightening thoughts ran through her mind on all the possible ways she could get hurt.

"Damn it" he swore as he stood up running his hands through his hair. His eyes flashed in anger. He looked suddenly decided.

"Park up. You'll come to stay with me. That's the only way I can keep you safe" he ordered staring straight at her like he was daring her to object.

"What are you talking about," she asked almost too stunned as she wondered at the man's audacity.

Whatever happened the night before was forgotten.

"This all happening because of me. I don't want you to be in danger. This is the only solution I can think of right now and I believe it's the best remedy for now".

She heard herself laugh. She couldn't believe he was really speaking to her or was there someone else in the room.

Enrique watched her perplexed. He wished she wasn't so damn stubborn. Didn't she realize the danger she was in? How crazy he went when bad things happened to her?

She got up from her bed gazing up at him.

"You are not my boyfriend, my husband, or even a friend of mine. Why would I stay with you when all this mess is because of you anyway?" She asked, making up her mind to have him out of her house.

" This is your safety we're talking about here April. Don't you care about that?" He asked getting angry about how she responded to the situation

Lots of women would swoon if he asked them to come over to his house yet the one he truly cared about and wanted to keep safe acted like it was the most disgusting place on planet earth.

"I have security in place, Mr. Alvaro. I have the camera installed. Your concern is not necessary" she got out rubbing at her temple warily. " Am tired so I think you should leave".

She said meeting his gaze. She didn't get who he thought he was to come to order her around in her own house.

"I'll be safer if you're not here" she added, her voice hard as steel. She crossed her arms staring at him.

"April..." He called as his voice relented taking a pleading tone. She was referring to him as Mr. Alvaro again. He could see how cold she had suddenly become.

"....don't patronize me. I had taken care of myself before you showed up in my life. I believe I can still do that for the rest of my life. I need you to leave" she gritted out.

" Fine then" he concedes, his shoulders slumping as he sighed and took a deep breath.

"I'll be adding additional security to the ones already in place. You'll be safer with them". He said with a hard voice that was meant to leave no room for complaint.

"I won't be needing them, Mr. Alvaro"

"It's Enrique. Goodbye," he corrected before striding out of her room.

Only his steps managed to look menacing.

She flopped back onto her bed taking a huge breath. It was better that he was gone. She wanted him too much to have him around.

Why was there a strange feeling in her chest tho?.





Enrique paced his office feeling anxious and angry. Even the serene view outside the huge glass window wasn't calming his nerve. It made him want to smash it all to hell.

April was so damn stubborn. All he wanted was just to keep her safe. The thought of anyone touching her, hurting her was like a knife twisting his very soul. He agonized just thinking about it.

Jasmin stepped into his office after knocking and getting no response. She took a deep breath as she saw him standing beside the window. His hands in his pants pocket. He wore a casual shirt that looked smug on him.

She wet her lip as they suddenly went dry. He turned to face her and felt like the degree in the room went up another ten notches. Beads of sweat coated her forehead.

"You called for me sir" she almost choked on her words as he strode towards her.

He had left his hair running wild. Wavy curl fell backward, while some strands fell over his eyes mesmerizing her. She swallowed.

"Great you're here. Did you send Amor the flowers I told you to?".

" Yes. I got her favorite. I heard the news of what happened. Such a scary world we live in, ".she said shuddering.

" Well, you should be careful Jasmin. I don't want you getting in trouble. Psychos are pretty unstable people." He muttered bitterly and Jasmin wrapped her arms around herself staring at the vase on the desk.

"I wouldn't use such a strong word, sir Enrique. This person might just really love you and doesn't know how to get you to notice her " she said her voice small.

" Well attacking other people because you love someone is a very selfish thing to do. I have somewhere to be. Cancel my appointment" he walked towards his desk, grabbing his suit off the rack.

"Where are you going," she asked, clutching her sketch pad tighter, her heart burning. She couldn't take it if he said April, Amor, or any other woman.

He turned to face her, raising an eyebrow"Why do you ask? Do you want to go anywhere or close early" he asked.

"No I was just curious" she quickly answered scratching her hair, not daring to meet his eyes.

" I don't pay you to be curious Jasmin. Just do your job. I need you effective in times like this ok" he scolded and she quickly nodded

" Yes, sir Enrique".

He picked up his phone and walked out of the office.

Jasmin stood there for the longest time savoring the scent he left behind, heart constricting that she didn't know where he was going.

She walked out of the office closing the door behind her. She rested against it before she noticed Jena at her desk.

"You look stressed out. Did you get fired or what" she asked trying to sound normal and not excited.

"I didn't get fired, Jena. Enrique loves me. He won't ever let me go." She said and Jena tried hard to conceal her disappointment, also not to roll her eyes. Jasmin was so deluded it hurt her deep in her guts.

"Am just worried about Amor. Her dad is the business partner of Enrique and this happens to his daughter because of him." She sighed, her shoulder sagging like she carried the weight of the world on them.

"Hey, don't worry. This won't affect this company. Enrique wasn't the one who attacked her. It was a crazy wench who probably doesn't have a life so don't beat yourself up over it" she said and noticed that Jasmin was glaring at her.

" Now what are you mad about. Come on. Let's go for the lunch break. You're so dramatic" she said rolling her eyes.

Jasmin sighed, walking towards the elevator. Jena followed wondering what was up with her.




April opened her car door when she saw Katherine bounding towards her with a gleam in her eyes. She finally reached her.

"So spill. Did you guys do it" she asked excitedly then her smile faded as she saw the look on April's face. "Gosh. You didn't. There's nothing else to explain why you're still so cranky" she muttered sullenly.

April couldn't believe her.

" I am not cranky and if you hadn't stood by me through all my hard times, we won't be friends anymore after what you did. How could you do that to me? You don't even know him that much, yet you decided it was so safe for him to come into my house" she said feeling like Katherine did betray her. Katherine's head dropped low and she had the grace to sincerely look remorseful. She was quiet as she twirled a strand of her hair.

"Am sorry" she whispered.

"Did you even know what happened last night?" She exclaimed making Katherine's head snap up.

" Yes. No. Maybe. Ok no. I don't know what happened, but what's that gotta do with this conversation" she asked her eyes raised.

" Amor was attacked last night and warned to stay away from Enrique just like I was. That should pretty much clear your head, In case you have forgotten about how I nearly died because of Enrique. I am never meeting him again forever so don't you dare pull that kind of stunt again" she warned, shutting her car door. She drove off without waiting for her reply.

Katherine stood wide-eyed and confused.

"Wow. What the hell was all that about" she asked. April was very mad at her.





April walked into Amor's room holding a bouquet of daisies . Zerah had told her that they were Amor's favorite.

She noticed Brian sitting beside Amor, holding her pale hand. He looked up and saw her. He got to his feet, striding towards her and pulling her into his arm in a warm hug.

"Am so glad you came April" he said then let go. "I missed you" he whispered with a cool smile. She smiled back surprised at how Brian acted like they were in a relationship or something.

She shuffled towards Amor, placing the flowers on the table when she noticed the same flowers already there.

"Enrique got it for me," Amor announced and April's head snapped towards her." what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to visit you. I heard what happened. Am so sorry. I got you your favorite flower" she said with a smile even at the hostile way Amor glared at and treated her.

"I don't want anything from you. Who knows, you might even be behind this" she accused staring straight at her.

April stared back, before smirking.

"I don't do ludicrous things over a guy Amor. You of all people should know that by now. I was also a victim myself. I don't like to be accused" she warned throwing her the same glare she shot at her.

"Why are you not scared then. You might be the next target".

"I know how to keep safe and am not with Enrique."

" But you love him... Deny it all you want but I know you love him" she muttered sourly. April straightened looking at her.

" Are you going to ignore me? What I've just said?" She asked, watching her warily.

" Am a busy woman Amor. I don't have all day. I hope you get better" she said and walked out of her room. Brian followed after her

" I'll walk you out" he offered and she turned to face him. The only person she preferred in the whole Adam kings family was their father. His children made her feel pushed against the wall.

"No, I can manage. Amor needs you here" she nicely said. His arms were around her again, taking her by surprise.

"Thank you for coming over. I know how busy your schedule must have been. You're such a sweet soul. We'll have to reschedule that dinner for another time." He murmured into her hair. She felt him inhaling her hair so

She gave him a quick pat on the back.

"No problem Brian" she forced a smile to her lips and slowly broke out of the hug. He smiled at her. She nodded at him, turning to go when she saw Enrique standing there, watching them. His fist clenched.

"April. Brian." He called in greeting. His mouth set in a thin line, his jaw tensed.

"I was just leaving. Amor is inside" she murmured avoiding his eyes. She walked past him, her shoulder slightly brushing his shirt.

He glanced at his shoulder and watched her turn the corridor.

He faced Brian who had a smirk on his face.

"She was right in my arms Enrique. It won't be too long now and I'll have her in my bed" he smiled as Enrique stared at him before drawing his fist back.



Another chapter is done. Vote, Comment and recommend.