
Chapter forty.

The days that followed were a flurry of different activities. They gave a press conference and went to court as the case progressed. Jasmin looked like a deranged person and kept casting evil glances at her throughout the trial. She didn't look like she was sorry at all for the crime she had committed. Well, she was going to end up in jail or an asylum so April didn't bother much.

Kyle looked terrible, physically. He was wearing casts on his hands and legs. April remembered how hard he had hit her and decided that he deserved every hit Enrique dealt him. She wanted to add a few of her own if a chance presented itself.

Brian couldn't look at her in court and Mr. Adams apologized profusely on his behalf. She couldn't blame their father tho. Sometimes no matter how much parents tried to raise their children right, they most certainly always chose the wrong path.

He would be getting a light sentence compared to Jasmin and Kyle tho.