

Intro: all my life I felt like an outcast because of the way I look, the ideology I possessed, and the things I been through. I feel like everyday is a fight in a never ending war, whether it’s to survive or get the will to want to survive. For everyone fighting, understand you will never be fighting alone. I left a lot out for personal reasons that I might add but my goal was to shed some light on mental health, I also always wanted to be an anime character cause growing up and watching them go through so much and still have the strength to fight inspired and motivated me to do the same but a lot of them didn’t show the emotional trauma that comes from all of those fights that you win or lose and so this is about how I’ve been fighting mental health. I also want to point out that I didn’t overcome these battles alone, I had help but I didn’t mention it a lot because I felt alone, and to put it into perspective of those who are actually alone, and sorry I’m bad at story telling, I’m still figuring everything out just like avante is.

BlackRikudo · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Avante vs ptsd: first encounter

When I was 3, on my dad's birthday; I got shot in my foot while in a race with my little sister, I didn't even know I had been shot at first and it's one of the first memories I can remember. At the time I had know idea why the H from the hospital had a devil tail that would seemingly appear in front of me at times, but it cemented my subconscious fear of hospitals, and scared me from walking on my leg again. This wasn't a battle I won alone though, it's because of my aunt that I won, I was more scared of her when she yelled than anything else cause she sounded like a grown ass man with the bass in her voice on a thousand.

Ptsd: you'll never walk the same again, your life is finished before it even started, and Good luck stopping the Etch (the H with the devil tail), you'll forever hop around that empty spot you irrationalize in your head.

Avante: you're right, I'm weak and I should've died from getting shot, I guess I'll use crutches for the rest of my life.

My aunt: why don't put your foot down, it's fine you can walk on it.

Avante: no I'm scared, it's gonna hurt again.

My aunt: no it won't just trust me and put your foot down and walk.

Avante: nope not happening

Me thinking to myself: well I'd love to see y'all get shot in the foot and me tell y'all to walk on it


Avante and ptsd: well damn she's pretty scary

Ptsd: I'd probably put my foot down too if I were you but since I'm not just remember the time you couldn't walk because it hurt too much.

Avante: *lowers his foot to walk* I took one step, and it didn't actually hurt so I took a few more and before long I was running around the house again.

My aunt: see I told you it would work, you want to be hardheaded and not listen to me

Ptsd: you may have won now but I know you, trust me I'll be back, I'll never disappear to you, Besides you got more battles to fight in result of me.