

What would happen if you were brought into a world that hated you from your first breath, your parents abandoning you at birth. How would you feel? Sora is a 12 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents at birth, he was hated by everything around him and the government stopped at nothing to put him back in order. All that Sora wanted was to become the number one magic user in the world. He wanted to be someone that everyone could rely on and someone that protects the ones he cares about the most. How will he be able to overcome the obstacles he faces? How will he be able to save everyone that he holds dear and become the number one magic user? DETHRONED.

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98 Chs

Finding Answers

Leo's bewildered expression mirrored the confusion that gnawed at my soul. My body ached, exhausted from the relentless fighting, and the same violet aura that once overpowered me now surrounded my future self.

"Sora, you should rest," Reagan's voice tried to offer comfort, but fear trembled in every word. For the first time in ages, I felt genuine terror, fearing for my very life.

With clenched fists and gritted teeth, frustration bubbled within me. "First, we dealt with Brown and his gang, and now a future version of me? Will this ever end?" I wondered aloud, feeling the weight of it all press upon my shoulders.

Silence fell upon us, and in that moment, I could only hear the wind's soft whispers mingling with my labored breath. Confronting someone with the power of time itself seemed hopeless—how could we stand a chance?

But then Rayne's voice broke the silence, resolute and fierce. "We can't let him escape. We need to find a way to stop him."

Enzo's worried eyes mirrored my own concerns. "But how? He's seen all our moves. We're at a disadvantage."

Remi's gaze held both fear and determination. "We need a plan, a way to outsmart him."

Reagan's unwavering stare never left mine. "Sora, you must rest and recover. We'll gather information and devise a strategy to protect everyone."

He was right, I needed to heal—physically and mentally. As I sat down, my friends surrounded me, their care offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

In the days that followed, Reagan, Remi, Leo, Rayne, Enzo, and Myra delved into old texts and sought counsel from wise mages, searching desperately for a way to counter this enigmatic future self. Time was slipping through our fingers.

Meanwhile, I focused on my own recuperation, channeling my energy into the mending of my battered body. Reagan's healing abilities proved invaluable, slowly restoring my strength.

Finally, the glimmer of hope returned to their eyes. "We might have found a way to stop him," Reagan said, excitement lacing his voice.

I shook my head, battling my own despair. "It won't work. Whatever we do, he'll have foreseen it. He predicted every outcome."

Rayne's frustration erupted, her voice filled with anger. "So you want to give up? We've worked tirelessly to find a solution, and you're dismissing our efforts without even giving them a chance?"

"Fine, tell me your plan," I conceded, swallowing my pride.

Their strategy involved a forbidden time-magic relic—the Chronos Orb. It had the power to create temporal disturbances, disrupting my future self's precise predictions. The challenge was obtaining the relic, but together, we believed it was possible.

"But what if he already predicted this plan too?" I questioned, my heart sinking.

Enzo shook his head. "He couldn't have known. Only we were aware of it."

"But now that I know, he knows," I sighed, feeling the weight of our dilemma.

As if on cue, the atmosphere shifted, and there he stood at the doorway—Sora Katayama, my future self.

He laughed, tauntingly, mentioning the philosophical concept of determinism. Every action, he claimed, was predetermined, rendering our efforts futile.

Determined not to succumb to despair, I stood up, facing him. "I refuse to let this be the end. I won't become like you," I declared, my resolve burning within me.

He sneered, claiming that my fate was sealed, and that everything I cared for would be lost.

Speechless, I watched as he walked closer, and Reagan bravely stepped in front of him. But his act of protection was met with a merciless attack, leaving him injured and broken.

"REAGANNNNNNN!" I screamed, rushing to his side as tears streamed down my face. He nodded, reassuring me that he'd be okay.

Fury and desperation intertwined as I turned back to my future self. "Shall we finish this outside?" he challenged, his cold eyes locked onto mine.

We moved outside, the night air filled with tension and unease. As we faced each other, I could see the twisted reflection of myself, the darkness that had consumed him.

Future Sora smirked, the violet aura flickering around him. "I always knew you were weak," he taunted, goading me into anger.

I took a deep breath, trying to remain focused despite my fear. "You're not me. I won't become like you," I retorted, my voice steady.

He chuckled darkly. "Oh, but you will. You can't escape your destiny."

We lunged at each other, clashing with a force that shook the ground. My friends watched in horror, knowing that the outcome of this battle would determine our fate.

Future Sora was relentless, using every move he knew I would make. It was like fighting against a distorted mirror of myself. But I refused to be defeated. I dug deep into my soul, tapping into the resolve that had led me on my journey to become a hero.

The battle raged on, our powers colliding with explosive force. I tried to outmaneuver him, to find a weakness, but he seemed one step ahead, just as I had feared.

As the fight reached its peak, my strength waned, and my vision blurred. The pain from my previous injuries intensified, and I struggled to stay on my feet. But I couldn't back down, not when my friends' lives were on the line.

"You're finished, Sora," Future Sora sneered, his eyes cold and devoid of compassion.

"I won't give up," I gritted my teeth, pushing my body to its limits.

He struck me with a devastating blow, and I felt a searing pain. Blood trickled from my mouth, and I staggered back. But I refused to fall. With every ounce of strength left, I unleashed a surge of energy, catching Future Sora off guard.

For a moment, he seemed stunned, and in that moment, I saw an opportunity. With all the strength I could muster, I launched my final attack. It collided with him, and for a moment, I thought I had won.

But then, a sinister smile spread across his face. "Impressive, but you forget, I know your moves. I saw this future," he said, his voice mocking.

Before I could react, he countered my attack with a devastating force. I felt a searing pain in my chest, and I knew I had been defeated.

As darkness crept at the edges of my vision, my friends rushed to my side. I tried to speak, to reassure them, but the words wouldn't come out.

"Stay with us, Sora," Reagan pleaded, his voice filled with concern.

"I'm... sorry," I managed to whisper, my strength fading.

"No, Sora, don't give up," Rayne said, tears streaming down her face.

Before slipping into unconsciousness, my future self unleashed a devastating blast that sent everyone flying, knocking them out in one fell swoop. Tears welled in my eyes as I desperately searched for any flicker of strength within my battered body. But there was nothing left; it felt like the end of everything.

"This is it, Sora," his cold voice taunted, as if relishing the moment. "Both of us can undo the chaotic future we created if you simply die."

Struggling to keep my vision clear, all I could make out was a sinister smirk on his face. Inwardly, I questioned, "Aren't you supposed to die too?" But I lacked the strength to voice my thoughts.

"Die," he commanded, raising his hand to strike me down. But before the final blow could land, his arm was suddenly severed, and a mysterious figure appeared—a being that emanated an aura of divine power. Though I couldn't see his face clearly, his presence exuded an otherworldly energy.

In an instant, my future self's head rolled away, severed by this enigmatic savior. The figure seemed to possess unimaginable power, and with effortless grace, he disappeared without a trace, as if he were never there at all.


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