
Detest to love

He'd destroy me, a promise etched in our first encounter. He's everything I've never wanted near me. He's a wicked monster, charming, sick and savage. Even worse. Brandon Foster, is now my fiance and he's out to ruin me in a way nobody has ever done. Yet I couldn't bring myself to hate him.. My sole purpose has always been to make her existence unbearable. To shatter her until she forgets how to carry on. Yet, she's erasing the barriers between us. Seeping into my being so profoundly that I'm losing my grip on reality. Ada Elord, she defies every expectation I held, embodying everything I wished she wouldn't.

amiotokami · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


Jordan's weekly parties had become a predictable cycle of monotony: the clinking of glasses filled with alcohol, the fleeting encounters in dimly lit corners, and the repetitive games that lost their thrill long ago. It was a routine that had lost its luster, leaving little room for surprise or excitement. However, amidst this routine, one particular guest stood out-an unassuming figure, But to say a five foot four could make a difference?

She settled on my lap, her presence a warm weight against me. Thirty minutes, her stillness a silent testament. I couldn't help but notice, though I didn't keep track. Or maybe I did, just a little. 

The way her shoulder alarmed every time my hand brushes her bare shoulder.

Even now, she stirred slightly as my hand brushed against her face. Her lips parted before she blinked open her eyes.

With a sudden flush of realization spreading across her face, she jolted, her eyes widening as she stared at me. 

"Looks like you slept well." 

As if possible her eyes widened further, almost to the point where I could see my own reflection in them.

And must I say the way her eyes traced the contours of my exposed chest, a subtle blush creeping onto her cheeks, hinting that she didn't entirely dislike the view.

"Where am I?" Her voice trembled slightly, a rasp of confusion lacing her words.

"My room," I replied, my tone calm but tinged with amusement.

"Your room?" Her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings, a subtle swallow betraying her unease. She glanced down at herself, as if reassuring herself that everything was as it should be. A slow exhale escaped her lips as relief washed over her. 

I leaned closer as she raised her gaze, our faces almost touching."I'm not Somnophilia. But if You're into that kink I'm all for it." I whispered softly.

I'm not really into that stuff, but I couldn't help noticing how her breath caught for a moment.

"I'm not," she gasped, her breath already labored. "Please, move."

Her hand rested on my chest, leaving behind a lingering warmth long after I pulled away and she excused herself to the restroom. 

The aftermath of the party lingered, with bodies scattered around the main house, each person unconscious in various places. Meanwhile, the staff diligently worked to clean up the remnants of the festivities.

"Good Lord," Ada exclaimed as she stepped out of the room.

I shifted my gaze from her pink-painted toes to the familiar dress and the pearl earring in her ear, her wet hair left unstyled without a bow today.

"Is it always like this?" Ada's eyes scanned the scene, taking in the sight of people sprawled on the floor and couch.

"Worse," I replied, my tone tinged with resignation.

As we headed towards the exit, she shook her head subtly, a silent gesture of disapproval or perhaps reluctance. 

After I settled into the car, she began walking towards the gate. 

"Get in," I called out, pulling the car over to where she stood, the words carrying a hint of urgency.

"No thanks, I'm fine," she said with a tight smile.

I narrowed my eyes, studying her. "Are you planning to walk all the way back home?"

Her smile faltered slightly, and she glanced down at my car. "It's not too far. I could use the walk."

Around 40 minutes drive. 

No doubt she's crazy just like her psycho mother. My hand froze on the staring wheel. Why the fuck I'm thinking about her now? Dammit. 

The car inched forward at the pace Ada walked, the protagonist urging, " Hurry and get in."

Ada's sigh carried the weight of reluctance as she responded heavily, "I don't want to. You can go ahead without me."

"I'll give you five seconds. If you're not in the car by then, I'll throw you inside the car myself," I said with a honk.

"You wouldn't dare," she retorted.

"Try me," I challenged.

She quickened her pace.

"Five," I counted aloud.

"Four," the tension rose as onlookers glanced our way.

"Three," her steps became hesitant.


Suddenly, I hit the brakes and swung open my door just as she turned. "Fine! Just don't move." she snapped angrily before swiftly sliding into the car. Her movement faltered for a moment, hesitating before settling in. 

The entire drive was filled with an eerie silence, unsettlingly quiet. Only as I turned into the parking lot did she stir, breaking free from her thoughts.

"This isn't my house," she murmured.

"No," I replied, a confirmation more than an answer. "Let's grab some food."

"I'm not hungry." A smirk inches on my face when her stomach growled in disapproval at her words. 

Though her expression was hardened with anger, she followed me inside without protest. The restaurant buzzed with its usual liveliness. I headed straight for the quieter second floor.

Ada hesitated, glancing between me and the vacant seat before settling across from me, gnawing on her lower lip. While I placed the order. 

She cast a quick glance around the restaurant as the waiter placed the dishes on the table. "What? Does this place not align with your refined taste?" I teased, taking a sip of my cola.

She frowned slightly. "It's not about the place, it just doesn't go well with your personality," she replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what exactly defines my 'personality'?"

"It's hard to describe," she said thoughtfully. "At times, you come across as overly brusque, and then there are moments when you're oddly serene, like now, there's still something going on in your head. Be honest you're not planning to feed me then drag me to some haunted place to kill me.... are you?"

My lip press together. Her brow forms a concerning arch, "Busted." 

Her gaze remained unmoving but her breathing betrayed her clear attempt to stay calm. I rose from my seat. 

I bend and the smell my own body wash mixed with her scent. My fingers grazed her collarbone and the swell of her cleavage. "W-what are you doing?" 

"Thinking whether or not I should execute the plan." I Deep my head, " But don't worry I won't kill you." No before I concur your body and soul.

Till I've destroyed you. 

I leaned back, noting her attentive gaze despite our limited history. Her gaze remained unmoving despite betrayal of her shaky breath. "There's definitely something wrong with you." 

I chuckled. And her gaze narrowed further. "Eat." 

Her keen observation didn't surprise me. while I had been focused on deciphering her nuances, she had been equally attentive. I found solace in the fact that I wasn't committing to someone dull. Boring as fuck. 

"This was my mom's favourite dining spot." I mentioned casually, only noticing her pause mid-motion as she was about to take a bite of her meal.

"Do you frequent this place?" she inquired.

"It's been about eight years since my last visit," 

She refrained from further inquiry, and I remained silent as well. It seemed pointless at that moment. There was no good that could come of it anyway.

She was an Elord, a name synonymous with destruction in my life.

With no prior consideration, I brought her to this place. The notion of bringing her here hadn't even crossed my mind until my car stopped in front of the restaurant. 

There was enough chaos in my head to deal with. I didn't need a certain brown head to crawl in my brain as well. 


The upcoming days were filled with intense focus on the game and rigorous practice sessions. With just a few weeks left, anticipation for the approaching party grew. In the midst of classroom activities, glimpses of her presence were sporadic yet notable, sometimes accompanied by Elie on casual strolls. During lunch breaks, her usual whereabouts led to the north wing, adding an air of mystery to her routine. 

As we entered the living room, Jordan mentioned something about the match, while Kavin remained engrossed in his phone.

Bella sprang up from her seat with excitement. "Brother!" she exclaimed, rushing over to me. I bent down to her level as she planted a quick peck on my cheek. "You're late," she chided playfully before darting off to Jordan for a celebratory high five. 

She's the daughter of my stepmother, At first I was determined to pay no mind to this mother daughter duo but she managed her way into bothering me any chance she got. 

To harbor hatred toward her would be a sorrowful folly; after all, a tender nine-year-old bears no blame in the tangled threads of our family's turmoil. 

I caught Sara smiling when I straightened my height. 

As I ascended to my room, Jordan flopped down beside Bella, ready to make a mess in her sketch book-he was worse than a toddler when it comes to drawing-Meanwhile, Kavin remained fixated on his phone, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. 

"There's a surprise for you!" Bella exclaimed.

I paused, intrigued. "What surprise?"

A burst of giggles escaped her as she shook her head. "Someone's here to meet you."


"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, would it? Right, Kavin?" She glanced at him. Beamingly hoping for an answer. 

"Absolutely right, Angel." Kavin replied, surprisingly engaged all of a sudden. 

I sighed as I continued towards my room, noticing that the door was half-open, so was the bathroom door. The sound of running water greeted me as I entered.

Ada's back was turned towards me, vigorously rubbing a cloth on the hem of her uniform. 

It seemed she had come here directly after school. I had been wondering where she had disappeared to.

She glanced up in the mirror and flinched, placing a hand over her heart. "Gosh. You scared me," she exclaimed softly.

"Did I?" I pushed off the wall and stalked deeper into the bathroom. in front of her.

She threw a glare. "What are you doing here?"

"Maybe I should be the one to ask you that since you sneaked into my bathroom."

Her face turned away, a veil of downcast eyes shielding her expression from mine. It was as though she was deliberately avoiding my gaze, purposefully not looking at me.

"I accidentally spilled the drink on my dress, Bella told me to use this room." Yeah right. That little devil loves to play silly games. 

As I moved closer, she remained still, her back meeting the cold surface of the counter. My hand instinctively rose, causing her to flinch so intensely that I could feel it resonate within me.

"What happened to your face?" I inquired, tilting her head to meet my gaze. 

Despite her skillful makeup, the swelling on her cheek was still visible. she hesitated in responding, my frustration simmered, adding heat to my already boiling blood.

Her emerald eyes flicked between mine. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

I lightly pressed against the swollen area. "What." she winced. "is this?" My voice fall dangerously low. 

"I fell." she whispered. 

"Though how factual it sounds I need the truth." My jaw tensed as I studied her face. Her throat worked. 

Again she re

mained quiet, her gaze dropping. And I held back the uger to punch the mirror behind her. 

My eyes shut for a brief second before I tried again, "I asked Who. The. Fuck. Touched. You."