
Homeland Chapter 8: The First Invasion Army War

"Although the Thunderstar invasion was a great disaster for the Windstar people, it objectively promoted the development of Windstar civilization. Before the Thunderstar invasion, the development of Windstar civilization was on the eve of an explosion and possessed great potential. The Thunderstar invasion changed all this, and for the first time, the Windstar people encountered fierce creatures, and neither the Windstar people's compromise nor concession could satisfy the Thunderstar people's demands, and the Windstar people paid a heavy price for their weakness: since the Windstar civilization entered the superpower stage, due to the absence of war, human beings' own strength was sufficient to fight against Natural disasters and diseases, the population kept growing at a high rate and reached 12 billion, divided into 16 large tribes living on the 9 continents of Windstar, but, after the invasion of the Thunder Star people, 20 large colonies were established and 4 tribes were exterminated, causing the population of Windstar to plummet to 7 billion

"The harsh reality changed the Windstar people and made them learn for the first time a great word of resistance. About 2,100 years ago, after 200 years of Thunderstar colonization, the prophet of the Windstar people - Tozai - led 400 warriors to fire the first shot against Thunderstar colonization, and thus began the 500-year Windstar War of Independence, which later generations also called the First War of the Invading Army." The old voice suddenly turned to high pitch, and all the listeners suddenly felt the blood surging, as if they were experiencing the War of Independence themselves

"At the beginning of the war, the Windstar rebellion was unable to fight the Thunderstar colonial army head-on, so the Prophet Tozai took the struggle underground, launching guerrilla attacks, raids and assassinations, and at the same time, sending out communicators to find partners and encourage people to fight. While they began to learn to use simple tools, they slowly mastered the art of manufacturing and began to imitate the weapons of the Thunder Star.

"The civilization of the Thunder Star was also progressing, but the development of the Wind Star colony took too much energy, and at the same time, due to their innate sense of superiority, they turned their noses up at the Ideas civilization, and the two different philosophies of survival led to the first reversal of the development of the two civilizations, and the gap between the civilizations was decreasing rapidly.

"In the 40th year of the War of Independence, the aged Prophet Tozai was sacrificed, and the son of Cloud River Elder Chimoro inherited the name of Prophet Tozai and continued to command the Windstar people in battle, they fought against the colonial legions and stole advanced weapons for use in battle, and the Windstar people responded positively, giving great support to the insurgent army in all aspects.

"Another 50 years passed, and the 4th Prophet Tozai took the stage of history, by which time the Windstar Rebellion had grown to 50,000 people, scattered around the globe, with weapons and equipment almost equal to the colonial legions, except for heavy mechanized weapons and air force, and the elder Sindan developed the first intentional attack skill - destruction wave, which sends a numinous wave with a destructive molecular structure Directly sent to the opponent's field of thought, this destruction wave between the two fields of thought jump, there is no intermediate conduction process, as long as the sense of the opponent's field of thought can directly attack each other, can not be intercepted, the speed is very fast, often is sent by the mind, the attacker's body on the ground, of course, the only drawback is the consumption of too much thought, this ability also has to be above the intermediate level of thought can only master proficiently, so, can not be The only drawback is that it consumes too much power.

"Prophet Tozai launched a counter-attack frenzy, the insurgent warriors gathered from all directions, attacking the city, the Thunder Star Colonial Corps lost more than 50 games in a row, assembled 30,000 troops and all 6 mechanized divisions, 3 air fleets to start a battle with the insurgents on the Tiantai continent

"In theory, the insurgent army had no experience in large-scale group battles, no heavy mechanized weapons, and no air force, but the elders' corps, composed entirely of high-ranking ideologues, became the insurgent army's trump card, and the wave of destruction was so powerful that it kept killing senior officers of the colonial army, making the command of the Thunder Star people unable to take shape, and after the heavy mechanized troops suffered the wave of destruction, they Immediately after the heavy mechanized troops suffered from the wave of destruction, they turned into a pile of coffins, and the air fleet was even worse, with pilots suddenly dying violently in flight and battleships failing to cope with accidents.

"The battle lasted for thirty days, the first ten of which were spent with the Colonial Corps victorious and the insurgents retreating, while the Elders continued to snipe the opposing commanders, pilots and pilots. In the middle ten days, the Elders Corps ran out of intentional power and interrupted the sniping war, and the insurgent fighters fought against the mechanized forces and suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, the Prophet Tozai led assault troops, bypassing the mechanized forces and striking the colonial corps infantry, forcing the enemy to slow down their attacks, finally holding out until the last ten days. The Elders recovered their strength and wiped out the remaining mechanized forces and the air fleet in one fell swoop, and 40,000 insurgents surrounded the remnants of the colonial legion on the west coast.

"However, the Wind Star people underestimated the strength of the Thunder Star people. The Colonial Legion stationed at the Wind Star was the weakest unit in the Thunder Star army, and the Ace Legion was caught in a civil war between the major families. Wind Star people celebrate the liberation has not yet begun, the legions of the Thunder Star Pentium family 20,000 warships swept the base of the rebellion, only the naval bombardment will be more than half of the rebellion killed, at this time the Thunder Star civilization has entered the stellar system stage, the Wind Star people have not yet broken through, did not find a way to use the power of the mind, only equivalent to the mechanical civilization cold mechanization stage.

"The cost of underestimating the opponent was heavy, only 10% of the insurgent warriors survived, while all of the Elders were killed in battle, the Prophet Tozai infiltrated the flagship of the Pentium Legion and died with the Seiya commander Ben Arthur, the remaining insurgent warriors fled the battlefield

"The Thunder Star people have once again ruled the land of Windstar."