
Destroying NTR Stories as Jugram

I was an average person in my life. My grades, my friends and family, everything was average. I read manga and watched anime, but there was one genre in manga and anime that I didn't like, NTR. For as long as I can remember, I have hated NTR with all my heart. One day I died a cliché death to Truck-kun while crossing the road. When I opened my eyes, something beyond my expectations happened. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Don't expect regular updates. English is my second language so be ready for some grammar mistakes. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own any characters I used in this fanfic except my OC. All the source materials I will use in this belong to their respective owner.

5thPleiades · Komik
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39 Chs

Hajimete no Hitozuma (2)

When I got to the bathroom, I calmly opened the door.

What I saw in front of me was a bathtub whose other side could not be seen through a curtain. I don't think I even need to tell you the moans I heard.

"Argh~ Wait I'm not on the pill right now! So don't cum inside me!?"

"Is that so? But your body says something else, Kana-chan~"

"AHHH~~ ❤️"

'Urgh... Disgusting creatures.' I thought to myself and quietly approached the bathtub. 'I can't punish them here. Too much noise and Tomoya might wake up. Luckily, I saw an abandoned factory on the way.'

I stood in front of the bathtub and pulled the curtain aside with one movement.

When I pulled back the curtain, the scene that awaited me was indeed as bad as the last thing one wants to see. A fat old man fucking a young woman in a doggy style.

They must have come to their senses because of what I had done because they both stopped moving and looked at me. Confusion and panic were written all over their faces.

"For now, you come with me in exchange for your life. It's non-negotiable." I spoke with an obviously threatening tone in my voice.

"Who are you!?" The fat old man pulled his cock out of Kanako and pointed his finger at me and raised his voice.

On the other hand, Kanako was trying to cover her private parts as much as possible with her hands.

"You have no right to ask or know that, you pig." I spoke calmly and moved closer to them.

"Don't come any closer! Or I'll hurt you!"

When he said that, a cold grin appeared on my face. Wasting no time, I grabbed them by the neck, not too tightly, faster than they could see. Then I took them to the abandoned factory I had previously thought of with Hirenkyaku.

It must have been a surprise for them and you can see it in their facial expressions. In a blink of an eye and suddenly they are somewhere else.

I stopped grabbing them by the neck and threw them to the ground, constantly pressuring them with my Reiatsu so that they would not escape.

"Cough Cough! I don't know what you want from us, but if you don't let us go, I'll make sure bad things happen to you. My close friend has high authority at the police station, just so you know!" As he said this, the fat old man tried to stand up, but thanks to my Reiatsu, he failed. Kanako, on the other hand, was trembling on the floor.

"All you need to know is that I will bring you two the punishment you deserve."

"What punishment are you talking abo-"

The old man suddenly collapsed hard on the floor and began to spasm incessantly.

"What you have done is a great misfortune to your son. If things had gone on without my involvement, your son would have known about it. But this is not the only thing that will happen to your son. Because of this treacherous act you have done to him, he will never succeed in his work and social circle. That's a pretty big misfortune, don't you think?"

I explained calmly as I walked around the old man spasming on the floor.

"Sure, these are things that would have happened if I hadn't been here. Now that I am here, I am passing on to you all the misfortunes that have happened/are happening/will happen to your son."

(A/N: I'm not sure if Jugram's schrift has such a power, but if I'm wrong, please know that he has such an ability in this fanfic.)

"Well, old man, you can welcome your new life. It will be better for you to discover what will be happening to you." I said this very coldly and crouched down a little in front of the old man's head. He must have been still conscious because he turned his eyes to me, although he could not lift his head.

If you are wondering what will happen to him, let me tell you. From this day on he will not be able to speak, hear or smell and every food will taste like poison to him. Every month he will get a different deadly disease. Gradually all his organs will start to fail. After about a year, all this will accumulate and kill him. But of course, this one year will be like 100 years of pain for him.

I stood up and started walking slowly towards Kanako, who was still shaking on the ground.

"Wait! It's not my fault, this all happened because he forced himself on me." She was telling me these things very desperately. Tears started flowing from her eyes.

I kept walking toward her, ignoring what she said.

"Please don't hurt me! You have to believe me, he made me do it. I couldn't resist because he was stronger than me." At this level, she was now on the ground begging for her life. But everything she said made me hate her even more.

"Are you saying you couldn't do anything because he was stronger than you? Sigh... It's really not worth talking to you." I was already in front of her. I knelt in front of her and lifted my hand to her forehead. "You love big, thick cocks, don't you? Lucky for you, I have a great idea for you."

"No, wait, plea-"

"Too late~" I gently touched her forehead with my index finger. Kanako's eyes closed and she collapsed to the ground.


(Pov change to Kanako)

'Huh, where am I?' That was the first thing that came to my mind when I opened my eyes. I still hadn't forgotten what had just happened. I looked around and saw that I was in a completely different place from where I had just been.

"Is this even possible?" I said that because I was surrounded by water with no end in sight. And I was standing on the water with no problem as well.

"You are in your inner world right now." A strange voice spoke. It matched the voice of the man who had appeared.

"Where am I? What have you done to me!" I stood up and looked around, but I couldn't see anyone.

"What can I say, I brought you to the world of your dreams. You should thank me. I'm leaving now, I don't want to interrupt your fun. Have a good time, Kanako."

"Wait, what fun are you talking about?!" I waited for a while but there was no answer to my question. Just when I didn't know what to do, I heard some voices behind me.

What I saw when I turned around told me that this was not the world of my dreams, but the hell I would live in before I died.

"No, no, no, no, this can't be real! Don't come near me! No-"


(Pov change to Mc)

'Now that Kanako's punishment is over, my work in this world is almost done. On second thought, her punishment fits her perfectly. Getting fucked to death by those hollows, that's perfect for her. When she dies from being fucked in her inner world, she'll lose her mind in the real world and she won't be able to do anything by herself. I think her family will take care of her now. I've already called an ambulance to where they are, so there's no need to worry about them rotting away there.'

With Hirenkyaku, I came back to the house where Tomoya was and went into the living room. The only thing left to do is to erase all memories of them from Tomoya's mind.


(Time Skip to the night of the same day)

It was evening. I was sitting in a cafe, which I thought was peaceful, drinking coffee. I'd already taken care of Tomoya's memory, so after this coffee, I'd be ready to go to the next world. But my peaceful moment was disturbed by a change I felt in my eyes.

'What's happening to my eyes?' I went to the bathroom in the café. When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked by the change in my eyes.

'The Almighty! Why is this thing in me? I only wanted Jugram's powers, or did ROB think that when I wanted Jugram's powers I wanted this too? Then no wonder it only shows up at night. The Almighty... With this, I can peek into the future of someone whose distant future I want to see. Even though I can't use it as well as Yhwach.' Just thinking about the things I can do with it brings a big smile to my face.

'Then why don't we see what Tomoya does in the future?' I used The Almighty and looked at what he will be doing and I was happy with what I saw. A good career, a loving and affectionate wife and a reliable circle of friends. 'I think the reason so many good things happened to him is that The Balance turned his previous misfortune into fortune.

Now, with my mood improved, I was ready for the next world. I immediately used hirenkyaku to go to a deserted alleyway and waited for ROB to send me.

Next chapter 2nd world

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