
Destiny Writen in the Stars

Some say that no one can defy destint,and that each and every life had a specified aim to complet a story that the stars tells.But what if tow souls wanted another chance to chang their agonic tale and tragic end? their cursed destiny? What if tow souls wanted to be united instead of a part in the sky? What if they only wopen to do so is love and magic?

Aya_D · Fantasi
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 7: Impelling Questions

Alexander P.O.V:

As long as I can remember...I was told I was special, my uncle Graham, the man who rised me instead of my parents would always say that.As a child of 5 years...I was too naive to understand that referance, and the as a child of 10 it made my innocent ego grow,however when I turned 15 things became more serious than a child compliment.And not long after my birthday I found out about the truth behind the death of my parents, the family ancient and long hidden history....and if that was not a big rock to drope over a 15 years old teenager head after a wierd occurrent he had in the night of his birthday celebration, then knowing you are the next leader of the family in both the normal and hidden world you just found out about....was a very big bill to swallow.

Yet there were no time to spend on confutation or shock....I had to step in to my role, drawing strength from my parents memory and the hope in making them proud of me, beside the induction and determinacy of my uncle in learning, training and incorporation an information and power base.Each day from then became one more step closer to regainment my family rightful place and justice to my parents death.

Yet this did have its tool on me, as an orphan only child,the only source of affection were my Nanny, my uncle thought a great man to teach and be a morale example of power , elegance and intelegence,he was not a man to give warmth and love.

I grow up understanding that there is always something missing, a warm hug of a mother with soft hands surrounding you with warm breaths wispering praise and love words.

A firm but gentle bat on the back or a ruffele of a hair when sucsseding in this or that, uncle Graham ending words after a trainning or studding seasone were always the same ' Good job Alex', they were not cold or empty, but they were not loving and proudful either.This made loneliness take over my life and heart, my thought were always of me, my work, my day, my study, my future.... the addition of someone else were foreign at first and absent in the end.Tow years had passed...and I prefected this cold, emotionless but powerfull persona, it made everyone I meet respect but be cearful of me, my cold mask enchanted them..yet keeped them at an arm lenghth.

It did not bother me, but I wonder from time to time...at the end of another routine filled day if tomorrow would be different, if someone would at least try to look beneath the mask and see me.

Time passed and I found a friend... a real, annoying, loud friend....Sebastian Snow, a dark eyed and haired guy I run in to 'literaly' in the race the school had in the Fall celebraition, his first words to him were:"Dude!!! chill out, you almost smack my pretty face in the sand....I would have lost my beauty and the world would have became an ugly place without it...specialy to the female population", then stood up a continued running a head.

As for the next day the idiot started to follow me around with loud remarkes and declaration of an amende on almost disfigureing his 'moon face'.I did invite him to one of the most grandiose restaurant thinking all the chaos would be over ofter that, and derading the image he will show up in such environment , only to have the secound greatest shock when he showed up in a well tailored cloth clearly as expensive as his own, and then telling him about his family that been loyalties to his, and then in the privacy of his manore, and after confirming what he claimed were true, sebastian swore his and his family allegiance and sources to me as it were before in our history.

And so he became a friend, kinda a brother to me....the one to teach me how to laugh sometime on his daft jokes, and teach me see things beyond studing , trainning and planning revenge.

When I entered Bright Bells hight school, there were many hairs and hairess of wealthy and influent families, and they straight away recognized my name and family statue and were surrounding me like a swarm of bees.

The male attention were fine... seeing they only wanted social ‎utility or hoped for a future collaboration, but the female attention were bad and dare I say...appalling?!.

For every girl would foolishly try to gain my attention in different ways, starting from the wirde eyeleashes batting...to the ludicrous giggles and clearly fake words of flattery.Of course I ignored it all, and was lightly upbraided for it by Sebastian because:"My dear dear cold friend...when are you going to loss up?, their is a herd of beautiful girls literaly throwing themselvs at your feet, go on!...have a good time with one!, no one is going to say someday I regread having so much fun man!", and he certainly follow his own advice, but I never thought of a chance of such an intimate interaction with someone before, and even when I ‎put it in consideration...I found that all the options were lacking in my eyes in one way or another, so I Passed a resolution of observing then ignoring the attempts in hope of it to cease. Things keept going normaly for me for sometime, until an unusuall event happened in the form of a new requist for a new member to join the Student council, the student were a new girl transformed from another well known and decent school, passed the accepyance exams with flying colors, have a good reputation and impression from both the student and teaching body, all in all.... she was a good addition to the council, but what surprised and uprised my curiosity were my assistant Carla Winston reaction to the application ‎adherence in the girls name' a Christa Grayson' , wich was the strongest he have ever seen since she blushed lightly when Sebastian complited her on he new hair style and added the famous wink of his.

The surprising reaction came in the form of a slightly tightend eyes and a cold(Colder than usuall):"I don't mind if you don't", wich were surprising, seeing I know now how to translates her speesh and know the hidden meaning behind the polite masked words ,"I don't like her, but I can't say no to her joining us", which was something indeed from my quit but firm assistant that never seemed to care to any matter over her school acheavments and the council duties, he saw her taking a likeing or disliking in anyone...until now...she clearly disliked this Christa.I had Sebastian inquireing on the supject the next day, and he came back with quite an intresting tale, and it maked everything make sence, the cold dislike of Carla...the sudden nominate of a new student...

Apparently this 'Christa' stood up for a student infront of three girls , the three were members from his coucil, for acting rudely and harshly to the girl causing a scence in the cafeteria(which I will have a talk with the said parties later on on that matter)and were nominated after that by the students and the teachers to join the SBC, I was slightly impressed...since she was the first to bravely face one of theirs in such situaction, Sebastian told him that such things happened usually unfortunately but because no one ever made a move or talked against it I was not able to know of it sooner, but even after knowing their station she keept acting accordingly, polite when needed, and masked cold politece covering the Insults when needed, never steping low and having her speesh always crutched with facts and proofs.

I was impressed to say the least, what would she act when put between them?, what would be the reactions of those arrogant and silly girls when they became informed of her joining and with My blessing, so I agreed upon the application.I looked forword to the next meeting, which were odd enough...I never expected to experience such eagerness to something I considered normal if not slightly irksome matter in other days.

The next day came...and so is the time of the meeting,with calm steps I got closer and closer to the huge doors of the grand library where the council holds its meetings, the secound I opened it...I was able to feel a presence, it was foreign but soft and had a slight electrical feeling accompaning it, my eyes then zoomed on the new girl already sitting in her selected place around the table.She had the darkest black hair that I noticed would reflect a faint blue shimmer when the soft light hit it right, then my attention were taken by her bale white skin that almost every girl in this school lacks for living in this sunny city, but when our eyes meet...everything else, every thought in my head come to a sudden halt.I never thought there where such a color for someone eyes, they were vived amethystine color that reveals the most precious gem stons my mother or anyone for that matter had.I always thought that I would never see an eye color stranger than mine...but here is this girl...throwing that to the wind by her unique coloring.I sat on the head of the table, with Carla and Sebastian on each side of me, being close to her,... in her presence...it was borh capitivating and worrying, I couldn't find the right word to describe it , but the more I looked at her the more my wariness and the want to stay this close to her grow.It confised me to no end....and I hate being confused.Why do I feel like this?, who is this girl?, and what could possiably be the cause of this feeling I'm getting when I'm close to her.Soon enough the meeting was over, and I found myself walking closer to her over powered with the need to inhale scent her sent.

I close my face to hers...taking advanege of her frozen movement from shock,this close to her I can see every detail from her long eyeleashes to the soft pink color on her cheeks, then I senced the shudder that went thru :her body in reaction to my close and warm breaths, it made something inside of me...something hidden deep deep down withen...something I never know exicted befor purr in satisfation and joy,now amused by the soft gasp she let out, I added a smirk that would make Sebastian proud to the mix then let out the next words unconsciously :"It's been realy intersting meeting you today miss Grayson...I realy hope to see more of you soon".