
Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

## DESTINY THE GAME, FANFIC## A dedicated Destiny player finishes the new Witch Queen dlc as a warlock. Ultimately he decides to make a new character, but play as a hunter this time.. Little does he know, he's pulled through the screen as he does. Now an NPC in the destiny world, he must survive the years until the game starts and the players come rushing in. How will he begin his journey, and what will become of him? # MC will be an npc within the destiny world, transmigrated a few years before the start of the year 1 game. (Before the game officially releases with new changes).# #Inspired by The Legendary Mechanic, Novel's Extra and Author's Pov.# Disclaimer: I do not own the front cover image, nor do I own any fraction of Destiny's characters or story lines, they all belong to Bungie.

Writers_Ablood · Derivasi dari game
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101 Chs

Wishing for War (2)

Shuffling around the cave, Void stood alert. His eyes darting around, searching for signs of the enemy. Yet it seemed as if it had obscured itself from the world.

He frowned, 'Did it run away'

Void wasn't sure he could give chase, and if it had truly run away how would he even find it again.

Suddenly, panting breaths broke the silence. The Ahamkara's figure reappeared, as a mist condensed around it.

Immediately, he aimed towards the fog, his finger curling on the trigger. Then the mist dissipated, revealing an eldritch horror, heaving as it clawed the ground.

Cold sweat dripped down his back, Void clicked his tongue, "Am I fighting Freiza?? Stop transforming you bastard."

The two sides stared each other down with bated breaths, Void's piercing gaze looked for weaknesses, yet it's new form was elusive. Tough skin that could resist bullets, sharp fangs that would rip him to shreds.

Yet most concerning, was its size.

'It's barely half it's original size' Void clenched his jaw, although the size reducing was great in his favor, the Ahamkara's agility was bound to increase.

For Void who was already at his strongest, this was an unforeseen circumstance.

Their eyes met, the beast's gaze seemed eerily hollow, as if it had given in to its primal rage.

Starting it off with a bang, Void instantly fired his rifle, emptying his magazine. Hundreds of bullet shells scattered over his feet.

The Ahamkara seemed in a feral frenzy as it dashed around erratically, it's figure barely visible under the bright muzzle flash.

As the barrel accrued a crimson hue, smoke flushed the cavern as a burnt odor spread, choking any within.

A figure flickered as it dashed through the smoke, Void jumped out, his eyes darting around unable to find the enemy.

His hair stood on end, the Ahamkara dug through the cavern floor and leapt from below. Void had already sensed it, yet there was no time, his body hung in mid air, as the beast beneath him bellowed.

'There's no other way', Void leaned himself back as his leg stuck out, in the blink of an eye, Ahamkara's jaws ripped through his flesh, chomping his entire leg till just above his knee.

The immediate imbalance allowed the momentum of Void's jump to fling himself backward.

A horrid rustic stench caught in his throat, as Void landed, limping away. The Ahamkara's bloodied jaws unclenched once more, as it drooled.

He felt himself shivering, blood spilled out and a numbing pain lingered. Void didn't waver as his light rose.

Within a fraction of a second, he found himself aiming his bow, a decaying light condensed at the arrows tip. The Ahamkara snapped out of its stupor, as it grew cautious to the power it could feel.

Void drew in a breath and let go, the arrow of light pierced through the air, the beast tried to leap away.

However, a strange sense of fatigue took over as it found itself drawn towards the arrow. Tethers of light anchored it as the arrow struck, piercing through it's back and leaving a gaping hole, erupting as it corroded its body.

Feeling its organs singe and rot, the beast winced with pain, growling, it ferociously struggled to pounce on Void, but the Shadowshot anchored it to the ground.

Void felt an exhaustion wash over him but hastily took out his rocket and aimed, 'It's probably not enough to kill it.'

Just as he meant to pull the trigger. A rumble echoed as the caverns shook once more, a loud thump resounded repeatedly, like drums being smashed.

Each passing second, it got louder as the cavern quaked. Void and the Ahamkara felt an immense tyrannical presence, a blood curdling growl.

The roof cracked and shuddered, a titanic dragon slammed and thrown, smashing downwards, Kabr furiously threw it downwards as he wrapped around the dragons nape.

Using his inhuman strength, he grappled it's neck and suplexed the gargantuan dragon, ramming it's head into the cavern floor, cracking the bedrock as a sinkhole formed, the nearby surfaces crumbled.

All swiftly tumbled down to the bottom of the caves, Void clutched onto the rocky granite and held on for dear life as fierce gusts of wind flushed past him, a dust cloud erupted within and scattered away.

Within it, was the boisterous titan, the legion-less, Kabr wrapped around the dragons head as its massive body went limp from the blunt impact.

Kabr didn't stop, as he clenched it's jaws with both arms, and yanked.

He roared, and snapped his arms to the side, shattering the dragon's skull with his bare hands, leaving it lifeless.

Void felt his grip loosen as he fell down on his back, hugging the rocket launcher, barely sitting straight.

"Looks like I made it just in time, you ok kid?" Kabr vigorously dusted his hands and blue blood splattered around.

Void heaved a sigh of relief seeing the titan, then noticing his bloodied armor. 'Did he beat the dragon using only fists? Damn, crazy crayon eating bastard.'

"About ok." He replied, but Void frowned as he felt his tethers had been ripped off. He couldn't feel the beast's presence.

"Careful, there's still one runni-", Void blurted out, as a silver flash zipped past him and Kabr, slashing forwards.

The sword split the air, a sharp slash echoed, instantly, a yelp resounded, the beasts imposing figure limped on the ground.

It's hind legs completely sliced off. A click resounded, as the sword was sheathed, and Pahanin walked out from the shadows.

"Just in time." He exclaimed, a proud look in his eyes.

Void exhaled a sigh as he wiped his brow, and laid back on the rock. Obsidian was quick to appear as his leg began healing.

"Oi, you bastard, did you just copy my entry line?" Kabr gave Pahanin a side eyed glare, but the hunter simply ignored it, shifting towards Void.

Kabr clicked his tongue, "If you were following me you should've just come out. Either way, let's be quick to note that I said it first." he clarified.

Pahanin seemed to twitch, staring back with a questioning glance, as it to say, 'Why would I copy you?'

"Huh? Don't give me that look, you think you looked better than me?" Kabr raised a brow, scoffing.

Pahanin sighed in a whisper, intentionally dusting off his pristine silver armor, equipped with neon traces, throwing side glances at Kabr while he did.

"Tsk, cheap bastard." Kabr immediately gave up. Pahanin's armor was far too exquisite to even hope for a comparison.

Void shook his head in dismay as he finally healed up, stumbling to his feet.

"You can argue about your entries later. We need to figure out the next move." Void rolled his shoulders as his joints cracked.

Pahanin nodded, as a horrified yelp resounded again, the Ahamkara, desperately trying to move, as it crawled on its arms.

Kabr wanted to deliver the finishing blow, but just as he inched closer.

"Wait, let's think about it." Void interrupted.

"?" Kabr flashed a puzzled glance.

"That one's the last one here isn't it? If it dies, we need to go searching again." He explained.

"So?" Kabr questionned.

"So, why don't we use a faster way, a way to find them all at once." Void urged.

"A wish?" Pahanin chimed.

The air grew solemn as the trio shared glances.

"I know it sounds bad, but give it a chance." Void said.

The trio leaned towards the dying Ahamkara.

"Whether it's a wish to know where they all are, or a wish for us to find them all faster. If it can help us, I don't see the problem." Void contemplated.

The reality, was that the guardians had previously used this exact method to find and eliminate all the Ahamkara. Otherwise, how could a race of wish granting immortals be wiped out? It was their own power that led to their demise.

Void knew that, hence, he suggested in hopes of nudging the fireteam towards the obvious answer.

Yet, Void didn't know the exact wish that had been made, hence, he too was apprehensive.

Pahanin and Void wore worried faces as they tried to come up with a shrewd plan. Kabr observed the dying Ahamkara, as he tapped his fingers, his eyes seemed to glisten as a realization dawned.

"There is, one wish." Kabr replied.


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed, LEAVE A LIKE, LEAVE A REVIEW!!!

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