
Vol 1.2: You’ve Cheated!

As the next card game is dealt, Jay suddenly wins the game. For the next couple of rounds he kept on winning. Maybe it's his luck or he was just hiding his skills? "Nah, he probably cheated, I exclaimed!" Caught some attention from other peeps. They looked over to see that Jay had won multiple times with his cards on the table. I could not help but think this guy is really hiding his skills or he really cheated.

Because he was not good at all with his losing streak. But the guy got some winning hands. Turns out he did throw some of his cards mixed in the already played cards on the table. We just didn't noticed since the lighting was a bit darker. I called on his bluff and shoved some mint chocolate hard candy to him as punishment for cheating and losing. He refused to lose and said, " I didn't lose, you all just couldn't play."

I'm not sure what to say to this guy who thinks he didn't cheat. But he got his conversation with me. I felt a bit hot and wanted to get some fresh air so I went outside. The nice night breeze blew against my face and felt so refreshing. As I'm enjoying my little cool air, I see Jay walked out and stood next to me. Trying to start a conversation again. I tried to ignored him and closed my eyes to enjoy the little breeze.

"Hey cutie!"

I opened my eyes to the calling and saw his face right next to mine. A weird sensation crept up on me as I thought to myself, "Why is he standing so closed to me?" "I hope he doesn't try to kiss me." Soon the atmosphere was silent between the two. Only the noises of the cars passing by could be heard.

"This guy, what is he trying to do, standing so close to me?" I questioned in my mind. I told him to move back a few steps since I'm not comfortable with him being so closed to me and that we've just met. Jay walked two steps to the side and ask, "Can I get your name?" Of course I refused to give my name. As time passed on, it felt like eternity but was only about 10 mins had gone by. It got chilly so I decided to go inside.

Again he tried to follow me back inside but I gave him the look and he tried to back off. I wanted to go home. But my friends and sister had a different agenda for us. They gathered everyone up and mentioned that we were stopping by a billiards pool hall. I just wanted to go home, of course I couldn't since I was the only driver and I was the only one with a car and drivers license. So there's no way I'm going home early in their book.

This is what happens when you get a car and a drivers license. You become the driver and the chaperone. Jay saw us leave and decided to follow us since he heard my friends asking about going to shoot some pool at the Billiards place.

I did not think he would follow us, but I was wrong. I saw him parking his car right by me. And I did not want to get out of the car. My sister, seeing the situation, felt the guy trying to talk to me. As Jay stood outside my sister's passenger car window, she decides to roll down her window and ask, "Can I help you with something?" Jay, of course gave her the biggest smile ever! My sister could guess that he wanted my name and number since she remembers him back at the kereoke hut.

Hello readers! I hope you’re enjoying this novel so far. Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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