
To Chase A Girl

At a certain dorm room

Yueying was lying in bed while gripping her chest.

'Am I really in a relationship now? He said it was just for the battle though. Whatever happens, happens.'

She thought to herself when her attention was caught by the room door, opening.

"I'm back!"

Huiyin exclaimed as she rushed to Yueying's bedside and sat.

"Hey, you said you have a partner. Who is he and how did it happen so fast?"

"Liang Feng." she replied.

Huiyin's eyes widened in surprise as she slapped Yueying's stomach.

"Hey! How did you convince him to take you as his girlfriend? He's new and you already have your hands on him. You're shameless!"

Yueying rolled her eyes and slapped Huiyin's waist.

"What do you mean I convinced him? He clearly stopped me from walking out and blurted the words out."

"Plus I was desperate to find a partner so why not?"

She added.


At the same time in another room


An angry tone from the other end of a call can be heard.

"Transfer here tomorrow. The room's good and the facilities are high-end."

Liang Feng responded in a cold and calm expression.

"You! Aiyo, fine. I can't win against you. Why did you transfer anyways?"

There was silence for a few seconds but was suddenly broken.

"To chase a girl."

Hao Tian's eyes widened when he heard this but suddenly came up with a response with sparks in his eyes.

"YES! I'll definitely transfer tomorrow. I have to see which girl has made you like this. She must be pretty and impressive. Wait, what about you? People know I'm Sunshine but they don't know you're Moonlight. Won't that just be destroying your cover?"

"Don't worry, I have a plan in case people ask."

He hung up and quickly navigated to create a message.


Yueying was bored just lying down so she quickly stood up and move towards her desk. She sat down and opened her laptop and moved the [1]cursor to the Helium client, launching it.

Her character was a '[2]Caster' which possessed the name "Heavenly Bloom" and held a two-handed staff as a weapon. She was not a professional gamer but was not an average player either. Out of 300 million players, she ranked 15333th worldwide and had decent APM.

She was just letting her character walk and look for something interesting when her phone vibrated.

She grabbed it and opened the message. It was an unknown number but she knew who the sender was because of the contents.

[Hey, I just finished unpacking my things. Save my number, Ying. It's your boyfriend's number. I have to know your [3]in game name as well. We can meet in the future in the game and treat it as a date.]

Her heart skipped a beat when she read the message. She quickly typed her response.

[Boyfriend, my ass! You better train hard. I don't want to be carrying a very heavy burden! And right, it's Heavenly Bloom.]

She waited for a reply but nothing came so she put down her phone and shifted her focus on the game.

Then suddenly, a notification in the game popped up, together with a narrator's voice.

'System Announcement: Rank 1 in Leaderboards, Moonlight has logged in.'

When Yueying saw this, she immediately shouted to inform Huiyin.

"Huiyin, log in ASAP! Our master is online!"

But when she turned to look, Huiyin was fast asleep so she shook her head and went back to gaming.

She quickly moved her character to [4]Royal City because she knew that it was her master's favorite place to hang out.

When she arrived, she stopped to look around and saw many players gathering. Only one person could make such a ruckus, Moonlight.

She immediately rushed towards the crowd and saw him surrounded by 28 [5]PKers.

"Aren't you all shameless? Ganging up on me. What are you trying to prove? No matter, I love destroying shameless players."

Moonlight chatted.

Moonlight is a [6]Slayer, so he was not afraid of characters ganging up on him.

"Hah, you'll die by our hands today!"

One of the goons retorted.

When Yueying saw the situation unfolding, she couldn't help but jump in front of Moonlight as her master was being bullied by them.

"Ya! You bunch of sissy maggots! Why gang up on a player? You can't beat him in a [7]duel so you resorted to PKing just to prove yourselves. Aren't you shameless?!"

She was fuming with anger when typed those words.

"Heavenly Bloom, if you won't step out of the way, then I'm afraid you'll die with him!"

The PKers suddenly readied their weapons, preparing for an attack.


1 - cursor - a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input.

2 - Caster - A type of class in Helium that can wield staffs and wands and specializes in magical attacks.

3 - in game name - The name used by players inside the game.

4 - Royal City - The biggest city in Helium where most players hang out.

5 - PKers (Player killers) - Players who kill other players often.

6 - Slayer - A type of class in Helium that can only be used by the Rank 1 Player. It can wield any type of weapon and specializes in physical attacks and wiping out an army of players. This class' potential is dependent on the user's APM.

7 - duel - a fight between two characters in game.