
Training With Talenta [2]

"You have successfully learned Enhanced Defense, Flash Step, Power Level Manipulation, and Magic Empowerment. You should be prepared for anything, but it takes more than knowing the skills to be an efficient fighter! You must learn from actual combat!" Talenta said and looked at me.

"Can we take a break..? My brain hurts..." I sighed and sat on the floor.

"Alright...alright.." Talenta smiled and sat in front of me.

Lustie watched and smiled then floated to me. "Alright, since we are taking a break, Shiro I got a good question for you! If you could take one girl with you from this place, who would you take?"

"Technically I'm taking you. You've been with me since the beginning of this clownery." I chuckled.

"How about a human girl? Who would you take with you?" Lustie asked.

I looked at the ceiling and gave it some thought. I liked all the girls, but who would be my number one choice. I closed my eyes. "I would take...Gloria."

"Good choice! See you in a few shakes!" Lustie flew off.

"Wait what?!" I opened my eyes and saw she was already gone.

Day: Tuesday

Location: Matsugaya College Campus

Time: Evening

"Gloria!~" Lustie floated down and hovered in front of Gloria.

"A-Ahh..Lustie. What's up? I thought you were gone with Shiro.." Gloria looked at Lustie.

"Well that was the plan, but we kinda got unfinished business plus I asked Shiro who he would take with him to the new world I'm planning on taking him to." Lustie smiled. "He chose you!"

Gloria blushed and pointed at herself. "M-Me..? I don't know...I would only be holding him back.."

"Come on, it'll be fun! You'll experience so many new things and maybe you'll actually be in a real harem!" Lustie smiled.

"Wait what? I wasn't a part of the harem the first time?" Gloria asked.

"Honestly...you all were test runs for him, but this time we are serious! It's Harem time!" Lustie laughed.

Day: Tuesday

Location: Talenta's Hideout

Time: Evening

Gloria and I stared at each other and looked at Lustie. She looked at us and tilted her head. She tapped her chin then hatched an idea.

"Whatever you're thinking of, stop it." I said.

"Just try it..." Lustie said sternly.

I sighed and scratched the back of my head. Gloria blushed and looked away shyly. This was very awkward to the both of us, I have no idea what Lustie planned but I just went along with it.

"Before I do this, you're free to get up and walk away.." I said.

"No...I chose to come here. I know what I'm getting myself into." Gloria looked at me and nodded.

I looked at her then sighed softly and looked at her in the eyes and my golden eye shined brightly. She looked at me and her eyes shined. My Lust Inducement had a different effect on Gloria.

"Shiro..~ Shiro~ ShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiroShiro!" She began to crawl to me.

I scooted back and looked at her. She all of a sudden became extremely possessive of me. Talenta and Lustie watched.

"Way to go sis...You caused Shiro to make a crazy bitch.." Talenta said.

"Okay listen, I didn't think Gloria was like THAT!" Lustie responded.

"G-Gloria! Calm down! Stop there!" I said.

"What's wrong Shiro..?~ You don't want me anymore?~" Gloria tilted her head.

'Okay...so Yandere girls? I can't lie this is kinda hot- No! I induced her to the point of becoming a borderline Yandere. If I drain her lust, will she go back? Let's test and see..' I thought to myself.

I leaned forward and kissed Gloria's lips. She looked surprised and I began to drain her lust and energy. She melted into the kiss and began to kiss deeper. She began to withstand my ability to feed off her lust. The more I took, the more she gained from her love for me. I pulled back and opened my eyes.

"She has self-sustenance now." Talenta explained. "Plus, you didn't drain any of her lust for you. Her obsession for you...negated your ability to drain her lust. That's good and bad. The good is that you have a constant source of power, the bad is she's a fucking Yandere.."

"Hey, remember the other chapter when you said you wanted a Yandere girl? You're welcome!" Lustie giggled.

Gloria looked at me and smiled. I looked at Gloria then pushed her face away.

'Damnit, not like this man. I mean Gloria is still hot, but...' I thought to myself.

"Hey Talenta, I'm ready to start training now! Don't I need to battle you or something?" I asked.

"Ahh, nearly forgot about that. Yes, let's get started." Talenta said and teleported us to her training area. "I like to train in open areas where there are no people, oh yeah and Lust-E should be able to detect power levels. There are four Power Levels that you can be ranked from. Peak Human, Enhanced, Supernatural, and Absolute."

"Yeah none of that fuck ass City Level or Solar System level crap! We are simple out here. A Peak Human can beat an Enhanced Person with prep time while Absolute can on be defeated by other absolutes. Enhanced can defeat Superhuman with prep time, but Peak Human can't come close to Superhuman." Lustie said.

[Talenta's Power Level Detected...]

[Talenta's Power Level: Supernatural]

"Come at me however you'd like, Shiro." Talenta said.

Gloria and Lustie watched. Lustie reached inside a portal and pulled out popcorn then handed Gloria a bag. Gloria took the bag and began eating the popcorn as she watched.

"This is going to be good." Lustie began to munch on her popcorn like Michael Jackson when he was watching the movie in Thriller.

I ran to Talenta and went for a kick, but she vanished and appeared behind me. I stopped myself and went for a back hit at her, but she dodged and struck my side with incredible speed. I grunted and slid back. I looked at her and my gold eye shined and I tried to induce her, but she avoided it by closing her eyes. I ran to her and went for a barrage of attacks. She dodged each one with her eyes closed. She jumped over my sweep kick. I bellowed and threw 10 simultaneous attacks swiftly. Talenta blocked them all and pushed my hand away then palmed my chest and sent be flying backwards.

I groaned then landed on my feet and panted. I coughed and looked at her. I stood up straight and tapped the toe of my foot on the ground and began to move in bursts of speed around Talenta. She opened her eyes and saw the many afterimages I produced. The real me went to touch her, but she dodged and floated backwards.

"He has yet to land a hit on her." Lustie said and kept munching on her popcorn.

'I need to induce her with lust...or maybe I could do this..' I thought to myself.

I looked at Lustie and induced her with lust. Her eyes shined and she made a noise, blushing madly. I began to feed off her lust then became empowered by it. My left eye emitted gold aura and I looked at Talenta.

I dashed to her and vanished then went for a kick. She dodged and I looked surprised as my body was visible again. 'I was moving at Invisible Speeds...how did she know when to dodge..?'

"You're good in offense and speed..but let's see how you are when I actually attack." Talenta grabbed my leg and threw me.

She appeared above me and palmed my face, causing me to crash to the ground. I groaned and she landed on the ground. I coughed and slowly stood up then saw her dashing to me. I got prepared to block and her afterimage vanished. She ran so fast around me it looked as if she was teleporting. My eyes couldn't keep up.

I had a gut feeling and dodged, avoiding her kick. I stumbled back and got palmed in my back, making me fly forward. She appeared in front of me and kicked me backwards. She appeared in front of me and grabbed my face and threw me in the air then appeared above me and kicked me to the ground. I yelled as I was sent crashing to the ground.

"Shiro! Open your eyes!" Gloria yelled.

I opened my eyes and vanished and reappeared on one knee on the ground, dodging a spike attack.

"You're more durable that you're using Lustie's energy. Luckily for you she can endure almost anything. Come on, lover boy. She me more of what you know!" Talenta smirked.

'She knows the ins and outs of all my abilities...I don't even know how to counter my own abilities and yet she can counter me. I have to catch her off guard!' I thought to myself.

I began to using my lust to generate magic aura. I closed my eyes then an afterimage appeared in front of her. She smirked and then dashed to me and went for kick at me, only to hit an afterimage. She looked surprised and looked behind her.

I looked up and my golden eye shined brightly. Golden aura spiralled around me. Lustie and Gloria looked at me and saw an image of a demon flash before their very eyes. I snapped my fingers and there was silence. All three girls moaned loudly and fell to the ground, completely drained of their lust and energy.

Talenta panted and looked at me, laying on the ground. "What the fuck was that..? I was induced..?"

"Okay that was cool." I said and looked at my hand. "I just completely drained their bodies of their lust and energy. "Yep I know what to call this...Lascivious Burst."

"Ugh...my head hurts.." Gloria whined then slowly stood up.

"Why does it affect all of us..?" Lustie sat up and panted.

"This is a newly constructed power. I don't even know how he did it, but it worked..." Talenta stood up and held her head. "This concludes the training...because anymore than this, I will actually lose my fucking mind."

I chuckled and rubbed under my nose. Lustie and Gloria looked at me then smiled. Talenta teleported us back to her hideout then went to sit down.

"I think you'll do just fine in new world I'm taking you to." Lustie smiled.

[Training Completed!]

[New Power Gained: Luscivious Burst!]

[Luscivious Burst is a move that uses Lust Magic to preform. It is an attack that releases a short bursts of magic energy, causing the target(s) to have a quick orgasmic burst and completely drains the target or targets of all their lust and energy and destroys that energy.]

"Very nice. Very nice. I'm definitely going to be using this power more." I smirked and snapped my fingers then yawned.

[Drawback: it takes a lot of energy to use, making you extremely sleepy.]

I fell to my knees and passed out. Lustie looked surprised and floated to me quickly. Gloria hurried to me as well. I was fast asleep and they smiled at me then sighed in relief. Lustie brought me to the couch and laid me gently on the couch so I could rest more comfortably...