
Clear Addictions, Nice Session

I parked my car and sighed. Chloe looked out the window to see where we were. We were at an aquarium and Chloe got all excited. She quickly got out of the car and I got out as well. I hurried over to her and grabbed her arm.

"Shiro! We are at the Aquarium!" Chloe said excitedly.

Chloe didn't realize the attention she brought to us just by being all loud and excited.

"Quiet down! There's literally ZERO reasons to yell..!" I said.

"Oh...! Sorry. I just got all excited when I saw where we were...ehehe..~" Chloe smiled and giggled.

[Chloe's Unique Traits Registered!]

Hypersensitivity: Chloe can easily be hurt and if she becomes upset, her Affection Meter will drop by 30%. If she's hurt while Affection Meter is 30% or less, the date will automatically be a failure. Caused by the drugs.

Short Term Memory: Will activate randomly. (Excluding intimate activities.) She will random forget things that just happened, this can be positive if you choose your words correctly or impact negativity if you act wrong. If negatively impacted, Affection Meter will decrease by 30%. Caused by the drugs.

Age Regression: Activates Randomly. Loves to act childlike and do childlike activities. This trait activates often, but does not last long. May have signs of PTSD.

"Signs of PTSD..?" I asked myself then looked at Chloe.

"Handsome?~ Why are we just standing here?~ Shouldn't we be enjoying the different fishies?~" Chloe smiled and looked at me.

"Ahh- Yeah! Sorry, must've spaced out a little." I smiled then looked surprised when she held my arm. "H-Hey, the heck are you doing?"

"We're on a date right?~ This is what people on dates do correct?~" Chloe asked.

"I mean...I guess.." I said and scratched the back of my head then smiled.

Chloe giggled then we walked towards the aquarium together. She pointed at the different fish and asked me to tell her about them. I told her about each fish and she happily listened to the facts.

The whole Aquarium date felt more like showing around a tourist than it did feel like a date, but I knew one thing for certain...it was REALLY easy to increase her Bond Percentage and Affection Meter. She had to be the second easiest woman to please out of the ten women I've already taken out.

As we kept wandering around and I kept telling Chloe about the different fish, I really began to notice how pure Chloe seemed despite her seemingly drug addiction. She was rather cute and it made my heart go all Doki Doki.

After we finished around the aquarium, we left to go find something to eat since we both were getting pretty hungry. We went to my car and got in then I drove off.

[Chloe's Affection Meter: 67%]

[Chloe's Bond Percentage: 29%]

I handed Chloe the aux cord to see what she listens to. She happily took it and took out her phone and plugged in the aux to her phone. She began to play a song.

"DaBaby?" I asked and smiled. I liked his music so I was quite surprised when she played a song of his.

"Mhm! I really love hip-hop, RnB, and rap! Mrs. Delsarte plays a lot of it at the strip club!~ Especially the twerk songs she plays and have all the strippers twerking~" Chloe giggled.

"Ahh, so who are your favorite artists?" I asked.

"Well I really like VI Seconds, Chris Patrick, Jhene Aiko, Summer Walker, Dababy, Eminem, Chris Brown, T-Pain, Ne-Yo, Jack Harlow, Joyner Lucas, there are so many artists that I love!" Chloe smiled.

"Hmmm, Drake?" I asked.

"Meh...he only has a few actual good songs. I don't care too much for Drake at all." Chloe said.

"Ella Mai?" I asked.

"Oh I love her!" Chloe smiled.

"Ciara?" I asked.

"What about Ciara?" Chloe looked at me and tilted her head slightly.

[Chloe's Short Term Memory...]

"Ahh we were talking about music." I said.

[Chloe's Affection rose to 78%]

[Chloe's Bond Percentage rose to: 39%]

"Oh...ehehe...I forgot...sorry." Chloe chuckled nervously.

I smiled. "It's alright. Don't worry about it."

Chloe nodded and looked out of the window. We continued to talk about our favorite artists and music. She was really invested in the conversation and really enjoyed my company.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Destiny Paradise

Time: Afternoon

I parked the car outside of the restaurant and we got out of the car then made our way to the restaurant then walked inside. We got our table and the waitress handed us our menus and we started off by ordering our drinks. She wrote down what we wanted then nodded and walked off.

"So, Chloe. Where are you from?" I asked.

"Me? Uhhh...I'm from...the...USA! Uhhh...United States...of uhm...America!" Chloe giggled. "I'm from Texas! My grandgrands took care of me ever since I was a young girl."

Her southern american accent was strong wherever she spoke so I knew she had to be from the southern parts of America.

"Your parents weren't around much?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I can't exactly remember why, but I remember sirens and a knife...and remembering my mom and dad asleep on the floor in the kitchen. I was wondering what happened but I can't remember anything else."


"Uh..." Lustie said and looked at me. "Her parents..."

I looked at Chloe and sensed she had repressed memories of her parents using my Clairempathy, but I could tell she wasn't exactly lying about not remembering much of anything. I decided to change the topic to avoid a trigger.

"What made you move out here? Were you in school before becoming a stripper?" I asked.

"I think I was in school before coming here...a place called...Oceanview..? I don't know if I finished, but I vividly remember Mrs. Delsarte coming up to me and asking me to work for her when she saw a video of me dancing!~ It was an amazing feeling that day!" Chloe said excitedly.

[Chloe and Blanche seem very close. She seems very excited when she speaks about Blanche.]

"How long have you been a stripper?" I asked.

"Four years." She answered.

"I think I've heard of you before. Your stage name is Strawberry correct?" I asked.

"Mhm, I go by Strawberry at the strip club~ That's what all my friends call me~" Chloe said.

"Why the name Strawberry?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Because that's my favorite fruit, favorite type of milk, and my favorite type of ice cream!" Chloe giggled.

The waitress came back with our drinks and set them on the table and took out her note pad to take down our orders. We told her what we wanted then she nodded and wrote it down then walked off.

"What about you, handsome?~ What do you do?" Chloe asked.

"Well I am a college student." I answered.

"And what do you do for work?~ Your car is super cool!~ I have a toy car just like that one!" Chloe said, excited to hear my answer.

"You can go ahead and tell her the truth. I doubt she'd understand." Lustie said.

"I...get paid for dating women." I answered.

Chloe gasped. "You get paid for datin' too? Lots of guys pay me to date~ I usually give them blowjobs and they are happy with that~ Speaking of blowjobs, I can give you one in the bathroom if you'd like~ For $25 bucks~"

I nearly choked on my soda then put the cup down and coughed. "What..?! Chloe...the fuck..?!"

"Well these panties are absolutely soaked.." Lustie said.

"What?~ I'm serious~" Chloe said.

Chloe seemed very pure and innocent, a bit childlike because of age regression, but she was very open when it came to sexual topics. It's almost like she had two different personalities. When she isn't forgetful, she seems to be very intelligent. When she isn't childlike, she's very sexual. She has me wondering...what was she like at her job.

The waitress came back with our food and set it down in front of us. I thanked her and she nodded then walked off. Chloe and I began to eat and make more small talk with one another. Chloe was a pretty solid woman and the more we talked the more I noticed, she has more intelligence than she leads on. I mean she was smart enough to graduate highschool with a degree and smart enough to make it into a college. Her heavy drug usage is what causes her to have hypersensitivity and a short term memory.

"Ahh~ That was a yummy meal!~ Ehehe!~ I really really liked the yummy food~ My tummy is happy~" Chloe smiled and giggled.

"I'm glad. The food was very good." I smiled and took out my card then gave it to the waitress and she walked got the front so she could scan it and receive the payment.

After she scanned my card, she walked back to me and handed it back to me. After getting my card back, we got up and left the restaurant. We headed to my car and got in.

"Handsome can you take me somewhere..?~" Chloe asked.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I'll tell you which way to go handsome~" Chloe said and giggled.

I nodded then started my car then drove off. Chloe was telling me the directions to take and after a few minutes, I noticed we were at a building that seemed vacant and abandoned. I stopped my car and turned it off.

"This the place?" I asked.

"Mhm! Come on!~" Chloe said then got out of the car.

I got out of the car then followed Chloe into the building. The house seemed to be well taken care of despite it being abandoned. Lust-E began beeping, tracking another woman inside of the house. I walked inside of the house and heard Joyner Lucas playing on a speaker. Chloe giggled and danced as she walked in.

"Mariana!~ Dante!~ I didn't know you two were gonna be here~" Chloe said.

I walked inside and looked around the house and noticed a woman with slightly tan skin with dark brown hair with blonde highlights, blue eyes, and a beauty mark on the left side of her eye. She was wearing a white bra with black dots and short blue jeans. She had on blue converse shoes. She was sitting at the table and filing her nails with a cigarette in her mouth. She had to be Mariana as she was the only woman that Chloe called out.

Dante was a guy with a light tanned skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He had a tattoo on his left arm and wore black gloves. His attire consisted of a white t-shirt, black Syndicate Jacket, and black pants with black boots. He had his gun on the table and was busy rolling a blunt.

"Yo, Chloe! You got the stuff?" Mariana asked. Her spanish accent was very clear, so it was clear she was Hispanic.

"Mhm!" Chloe giggled and hurried over to the table and took her cocaine and marijuana out of her purse then set it on the table.

"Good shit. Where's Clarence by the way? Don't tell me his stupid ass got arrested again." Dante said.

"I dunno where he is. After getting the cocaine and marijuana, I left with this cutie~" Chloe said then turned around towards me.

Dante looked up then noticed me and looked surprised then grabbed his gun and aimed at me. I looked at Dante then glared a bit at him. "You brought HIM of all fucking people?"

Mariana looked at me then smiled. "Cool off. He's cool. Chelsey and Caroline told me about him. He ain't no problem."

"What? He's the guy that killed Axel and Sebastian..! I'm not leaving this fucker alive. This is for the Syndicates!" Dante yelled the fired a bullet.

I tilted my head and the bullet zipped by me. Dante looked surprised then lowered his gun. I walked ahead and looked at Mariana. "How do you know Chelsey and Caroline?"

"Heh...they are my cousins, tanto." Mariana smiled and blew the smoke out of her mouth. "By the way. My name is Mariana Ros."

[Mariana's Information Acquired]

Name: Mariana Ros

Age: 26

Birthday: May 12th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Mexican

Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 122 lbs

Bond Percentage: 0%

Status: Stranger

Education: Highschool [Graduated]

Occupation: Drug Dealer

Most Desirable Trait(s): Romance, Lust, Passion

Least Desirable Trait(s): Flirtation

Libido: High

Favorite Food: Desserts, Fruits

Favorite Drink: Tea

Favorite Gifts: Shoes, Jewelry, Children's Toys (For Adrianna)

I sat down at the table and watched Dante sit down.

"Why'd you kill them?" Dante asked.

"Why else..? To save Naomi. I'd have no other reason to come fight those kinds of battles. I'm surprised you fuckers still exist." I said.

"Well Lane still exists and he has a bounty on your fucking head. I should kill you right now." Dante said.

"Try me." I said then leaned forward on the table.

"Alright. You two idiotas stop bickering. We are supposed to be getting lit right now. Shit after escaping the cops we deserve this shit. Chloe come smoke and snort this shit with us, you went through all of this to get it." Mariana smiled.

"Yay!" Chloe giggled and sat next to me at the table then she opened the bags then poured it on the table like a kid.

"You gonna hit?" Mariana asked.

"Nah, I don't do cocaine. I only smoke weed." I said then Mariana shrugged and smiled.

"You can hit this blunt we're gonna make." Mariana said.

I shrugged. "Fine by me."

[Mariana's Bond Percentage rose to 5%]

[Chloe's Affection rose to 88%]

[Chloe's Bond Percentage rose to 47%]

Mariana grabbed the marijuana and began to make the blunt while Chloe began to line up the cocaine then snorted the cocaine. She sat back in her chair and sighed and sniffled. I noticed how the cocaine barely affected her and she bought a lot of it, meaning she was gonna be here up until she had to go to work. Dante lined up the cocaine as well and snorted it as well.

Mariana finished rolling the blunt and lit it up then took a hit out of the blunt. She blew the smoke out of her mouth and coughed a bit. "Damn yo...this marijuana kinda strong. What the fuck is Clarence growing?"

"It can't be that bad." Dante said then took the blunt out of Mariana's hand then took a hit. He blew the smoke out of his mouth and coughed as well. "Damn..!"

"See?" Mariana said. She looked at me after taking the blunt out of Dante's hand. "Wanna try?"

"Sure why not." I said then took the blunt out of her hand.

[Mariana's Bond Percentage rose to 10%]

I took a hit out of the blunt then blew the smoke out of my mouth. It wasn't anything to me since my body was already Peak Human so I took it like it was nothing.

"Damn bro, you're pretty fuckin' hardcore." Mariana said in awe.

"You got experience huh?" Dante asked.

"I have a friend who's a heavy smoker and I smoked with her until we dropped like flies." I said and took another hit out of the blunt then passed it back to Mariana.

[Mariana's Bond Percentage rose to 15%]

Chloe sniffed and rubbed her nose. "Wooo!~ That's some good fuckin cocaine!~ Handsome, you've gotta hit once~ For me?~"

I looked at Chloe and noticed she was giving me the classic puppy eyes. I sighed and smiled. "I'm only gonna do this once. I refused to do this kind of drug because of my past.."

[Chloe's Affection rose to 96%]

[Chloe's Bond Percentage rose to 57%]

"Yay!~" Chloe said happily then handed me the card she used to line up the cocaine.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but I was happy for my Peak Human Condition otherwise, I'd be on the floor like a dead man. I lined up the cocaine then exhaled before snorting the cocaine. I rose my head and sniffed hard then cleared my throat.

"Oh I hate that.." I said softly and rubbed my nose.

Lustie extracted the drug from my body and put it in hers to analyze it. "This white powdery shit is what people get a kick out of? Seems as weak as the Blue Onyx Powder some people in my homeworld use."

I shook my head and decided to stick with the blunts that Mariana made as it was more tolerable than the cocaine.

We smoked for an hour before Dante and Mariana were out, leaving me and Chloe alone in the house. Chloe giggled softly and leaned against me. I looked at Chloe and knew she had to be one of the easiest women to nearly 100%. Chloe was as high as could be while I was barely feeling the buzz. Chloe was going pretty hard on the cocaine and taken on how heavy she was going, I could tell how addicted she was to it.

"I don't think I can make it to work tonight..~ I know I'll be on early this friday sooo...~" Chloe giggled softly.

I smiled. "Friday huh? Alright, I'll see you on Friday but first I'm taking you home." I chuckled softly.

"Okie..~" Chloe smiled and sat up straight.

I stood up and helped Chloe up then helped her to my car. I got her inside then walked to the other side and got in myself then started my car and drove off.

Day: Wednesday

Location: Chloe's House

Time: Nighttime

I parked my car in front of Chloe's house then got out and walked over to Chloe's side of the car then helped her out and helped her to her house. She handed me her keys and I unlocked the door then walked inside. I helped her to her bedroom and laid her down in her bed. I tucked her in and she pulled me down then kissed my lips. I was caught by surprise then ended up kissing back before pulling away and watching her pass out. I smiled at her and rubbed her head.

[Date Successful.]

[Credi Earned: 4570]

I turned off the lights then walked out of her room then left her house and went back to my car. I got in, started it then drove off.

"Just for the record, Mariana Ros is a Season 2 woman. You might've been able to raise her Bond Percentage, but think of it as a headstart." Lustie giggled.

"I kinda figured. I wonder why Lust-E didn't register Monika." I said.

[She left before I got the chance to register her. If she stayed just a bit longer, I would've gotten the information.]

"I guess. So I assume I've met all the women I could date for now? I see no more question marks on Destiny Island." I said.

"Yeah. You've met every woman you can date in Destiny Island plus me if you even clear the task." Lustie answered. "Now all you've gotta do is get each woman to 100% plus me to reach the next stage~"

"Well that's gonna be fun especially taken every woman's Unique Traits are different and does add a little spice to the dates. I'm ready to conquer each woman~" I smiled.

"Seems you no longer need me~ So because of that I'll be at your house if you ever need anything~" Lustie smiled.

"Gotcha." I nodded.