
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · Fantasi
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100 Chs

chapter 70: Helis

The ship sailed through the tumultuous waters of the Nir Su Sea, guided by the experienced hands of Edward and Gabrielle, who bore a slight resemblance to their son, Timothy. The vessel, enveloped in a protective barrier, braved the harsh winds and raging waves.

On the deck, Edward stood with his short gray hair, a stark contrast to Timothy's soft curls. From the cabin emerged Gabrielle, her enchanting green eyes and velvety brown skin accentuated by a beautiful blue gown. As the couple sailed, Gabrielle noticed Edward's unease and approached him with a gentle touch on his shoulder, inquiring, "What is it that is plaguing your mind, my love?"

Edward's voice carried the weight of regret as he poured out his feelings to Gabrielle. "I long for the boy, plus I'm nervous. It has been a decade and a half since we left home, and now we are returning. I can't help but wonder what our people will think of us—abandoning them when we clearly knew there was a war coming. I failed in my duties and also failed my family. Forgive me, love, for not keeping my promise of giving you a peaceful life far away from the throes of our people and the cold war between the tribes," he confessed, his spirits seemingly low and his expression reflecting dejection. Gabrielle listened to him attentively , and before she even knew it she was embracing him tightly whilst reassuring him with compassionate words stemming from the bottom of my heart.

"The past 15 years have been the best part of my life, that I will cherish for the rest of eternity. You were everything you promised me you would be when you were still courting me. I respect you deeply for that. It's just that the circumstances demand that we move, or our true home will perish along with the rest of the world, including our beautiful child. So worry not, my love. As long as we have each other, there is nothing that can stand in our way and live to tell the tale, and I mean it literally," she spoke, her voice laced with determination.

Edward, uplifted by Gabrielle's words, smiled and embraced her more tightly. The couple sailed through the forbidden sea, behaving as if its feared reputation did not apply to them. The elements bore witness to their journey, a clandestine odyssey that only they, guided by love and purpose, dared to undertake...


Deep within Zebha's sanctuary, a young man named Helis, with neatly combed green hair and wearing an identical set of clothing to the sacred preacher, sat by the fire. Despite the surrounding chatter, he seemed uninterested, his mind occupied by weighty thoughts. The previous night, he received an astral visitor in his dreams—his former master, Zenoki, draped in white mage robes and a gold-laced demonic mask.

In the ethereal realm of dreams, Zenoki's voice echoed, accusing Helis of betrayal but expressing an unexpected satisfaction. Claiming that Helis had infiltrated the church, Zenoki proposed an alliance to take Zebha from its perceived evil clutches. The tone was compassionate, as if addressing a beloved disciple.

However, Helis, in his astral form, responded with a head shake and a low chuckle. He denounced any trust in Zenoki, citing years of deception. Helis acknowledged his lingering hatred for Zebha but asserted his intention to pursue his own path. He politely asked Zenoki to excuse himself from the dreamscape.

Beneath the demonic mask, Zenoki smiled, confirming that Helis still harbored resentment against Zebha. Yet, before departing, Zenoki dropped a bombshell: Faro was being corrupted, and soon he would succumb to it, becoming a pawn in Zenoki's plans. With a lingering gaze, Zenoki bid farewell, leaving Helis alone in the confines of his dreamscape.

The weight of this revelation burdened Helis, and though he and Faro were not close, he couldn't shake the disheartening feeling. Faro had been a shelter in his youth, alongside Finn, his childhood friend. Overwhelmed by conflicting emotions, Helis shed a silent tear for his uncle. Despite the turmoil within, he recognized his current lack of strength to intervene in this battle. As his thoughts swirled, his head ached, prompting him to leave the dreamscape and seek solace in rest.