
Destinied To Die

What is the meaning of life? Is life fun? Is it worth living? These questions are all highly dependent on a person's state of mind, experiences, and environment. However, even individuals who respond negatively to said questions have trouble escaping the life that doesn't seem worth living to them. Most are kept alive by irrational emotions. Fear of the unknown, of pain, or causing pain keeps them struggling day after day, unable to find permanent solutions nor the courage to escape the clutches of life. This story is about one such individual struggling in a new world with infinite possibilities. Will he be drowned by life once more or rise and find meaning in a new, unforgiving world? On Hiatus. I'm sorry.

WordsToEscape · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Looking around the mansion I saw what you would expect from a wealthy noble. Nearly unlimited space and expensive-looking furniture. As soon as one looked closer, however, the image of a perfect mansion started crumbling. There weren't nearly enough servants, and harder-to-reach spots hadn't been cleaned in a while.

Anyhow, this would be my home for a while. I wanted to see what Yasuko saw in Fuyumi. And having a place to call home is something every human longs for after being on the run for long enough. It wasn't all bad. They were naïve and not in the best spot, but at least they weren't evil.

"What are you standing around for, Ken? Follow me. I will guide you to your room. Make sure to not waste any time and go to sleep right away. Tomorrow will be tough, and you will need all the rest you can get."

I followed Yasuko closely through some corridors until she stopped in front of a door. "It's pretty spacious for a servant's sleep quarters, but I'm sure you'll get used to it." After I entered the room, Yasuko bid me farewell, and I started examining the room.

It had everything one needed and more. Highlights were a bath with a barrel tub and, most importantly, a comfortable bed. The room definitively fit into a noble's villa, but it wasn't extravagant and felt more cozy than noble-like. After changing into the provided nightwear, I threw myself onto the comfy bed and enjoyed the softness for a bit before quickly falling asleep.

"Where are our drinks? Stop lazing around, or do you want to be dragged behind school like last time?" The timid boy who was being yelled at nervously looked up and down, unsure where to keep his eyes. "I'm very sorry, but there aren't any more of the drinks you wanted in the vending machine." He quickly got shouted at again by the much larger boy. "You think I care how you are going to get my drinks? Just get to the nearest convenience store instead."

"The nearest convenience store is 20 minutes away. Can you please settle on a different drink for the day? Class will start soon, and it's a subject I struggle with a lot. I can't afford to miss any more of this class. I don't want to make my mom worry." The other boy crept closer.

"You think I give a damn about that cripple? She is going to die soon anyway, and if you don't want the same to happen to you, you better go grab drinks now." A student that was lying with his head on the desk got up and walked over to the boy, who was quite a bit bigger than him. "What do you want? Go back to sleep deadfisheyes."

"Drop it." A moment of silence not being interrupted by a single breath. "Mind your own business, or you'll be next." A punch aimed at the neck connected, followed by a low kick, left the big boy gasping for air on the ground. "I said drop it." Instantly, two of the bullies' friends came to aid him. The first was struck by a chair, but the second managed to get a hit in. Before he could follow up, he got countered by an elbow, leaving both unable to continue.

Later that day, in a similar situation. "You should have minded your own goddamn business deadfisheyes." Held against a wall, shortly after, the relentless barrage of fists started once more. "Boss, do you really want to use a bat? What if we get into trouble?" The boss simply smirked. "Don't worry about it. I have connections. Just do as I tell you to, and you will have a bright future." He nervously got into position, ready to swing the bat.

"Please wake up, Goshujin-sama. My lady is expecting you in the dining hall." A beautiful black-haired maid was standing in front of my bed. So there was some joy left to be found in life. "Do you need me to help you get dressed, Goshujin-sama?" She leaned in closer, making my heart skip a beat. "No need. Please wait outside the room. Also, why are you calling me Goshujin-sama? Ken is sufficient."

"But Yasuko-sama told me that—" I interrupted here. "Forget whatever Yasuko said and go wait outside. We don't want to make the lady wait after all." Looking discouraged with her head hanging low, she quickly left the room. What a shitty dream, but all in all, it's still a good morning.

I quickly got dressed and followed the maid. My clothes had been swapped with high-quality garments unfit of a servant's attire. What were they thinking, and where did they get clothes my size? Soon afterwards, we had arrived. The dining hall had a long table in its center with neatly placed tableware and a beautiful chandelier hanging over the middle. Fuyumi was sitting on the far end of said table, with Yasuko sitting on her right.

The maid offered me a seat roughly in the middle on Fuyumi's left side, and I silently sat down. "Not only did you bear your fangs at your owner, but you also slept in. You really are an ungrateful beast." She still hadn't quit refereeing to me as a beast. I sighed. "I am very sorry for what happened last night. It won't happen again."

"Even though you have many shortcomings, I have promoted you to the level of a servant. Rejoice. Yasuko said you exceeded expectations, and you will have the opportunity to be promoted even higher. If you can acquire the necessary qualifications, you will get to be my attendant in the following school year at the Tower of Magic academy." What a quick change in attitude.

"Thank you for granting me this opportunity, but why me? There should be plenty of people better suited for this task, like Yasuko." I responded. "Unfortunately, attendants can't be adults, so Yasuko can't be my attendant. You look like you are around 12, so you fit perfectly." She smiled at me, sending a shiver down my spine. "I think there is still more you haven't told me. If the only requirements were being young, there should be plenty more suitable options."

"Indeed, there is one more important qualification: strength. Usually, a family takes in a young child with promising stats and trains them to be an attendant, or they hire an already trained attendant from an organization. Prestigious families like the Miyakami's obviously always trained their own attendant."

"What happened to your attendant?" Fuyumi remained silent. Did I ask something I shouldn't have? "He betrayed us for money," Yasuko said coldly.

"He joined Komichi Umeno, an arrogant noblewoman. Both families have been on good terms for many generations, but things changed when his Majesty Hideki claimed the throne. Under his reign, corruption made its way through the kingdom. Crime rates soared through the roof, and slums started growing. Many have died, and many more will follow as long as this kingdom is ruled by greed."

Yasuko paused for a second, observing Fuyumi before continuing. "The Miyakami family tried uniting other nobles to fight the king but were betrayed. The lady of this household was assassinated, and the lord is bedridden and unlikely to recover anytime soon."

How foolish of them, trying to be a hero when they haven't got the strength to back it up. A sense of justice without power is useless and only get's in the way. However, I still can't help but feel respect for those fools. "Alright, I got the gist of it. If I pass the test, I'll become Fuyumi's attendant."

"Don't get things confused. You can't choose to become an attendant of mine. You will be chosen." Fuyumi said after having regained her composure. "Alright, my lady, I will do my best to meet your expectations." She smirked. "Feel free to enjoy your meal now." I had a bad feeling but started eating anyways. After all, poisoned food was illogical in this scenario.

"You still have a long way to go." Confused, I looked up and realized what I had missed. Nobles abided by strict etiquette laws. "You never mentioned that I would have to learn etiquette." She still smiled. "Isn't it natural that the attendant of a noble needs to know proper manners? Did you really think strength alone is enough? An attendant is a status symbol for nobles."

"Well, why do you look so elated, then? Isn't it pretty bad that I don't know proper manners?" She still looked at me with the same unchanging expression. "It is terrible indeed that you're this terrible at the simple act of eating. A beast is a beast, after all. But don't worry, I will train this beast to become a worthy attendant."

When I thought she finally dropped it, she started using this stupid analogy again. And what's with that sadistic smile? Learning etiquette shouldn't be painful… I think. "You must be hungry, so dine in your beastly ways without worrying about a thing. You'll need all the energy you can get."